Displaying 5161 - 5220 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1995 | Bethke and Nudds |
Bethke, R. W., and T. D. Nudds. 1995. Effects of climate change and land use on duck abundance in Canadian prairie-parklands. Ecological Applications 5:588-600. |
1995 | Hejl et al. |
Hejl, S.J., R.L. Hutto, C.R. Preston, and D.M. Finch. 1995. Effects of silvicultural treatments in the Rocky Mountains. Pages 220-244 in T.E. Martin and D.M. Finch, editors. Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds. Oxford University Press, N |
1995 | Martin |
Martin, T.E. 1995. Avian life history evolution in relation to nest sites, nest preparation, and food. Ecological Monographs 65:101-127. |
1995 | Arizona Game and Fish Department |
Arizona Game and Fish Department. 1995. POECILIOPSIS OCCIDENTALIS OCCIDENTALIS. Unpublished abstract, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 4 pp. |
1995 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Lesser Long-nosed Bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 49 p. |
1995 | Carlson, B |
Carlson, B. 1995. Memo to J. Fowler-Propst (US Fish and Wildlife) from B. Carlson (Holloman AFB), subject: exotic fish removal from tule Ponds. Hand-stamped 15 May 1995. . 2 p. |
1995 | Ladyman, J |
Ladyman, J. 1995. Botanical survey for Gilia formosa along seismic line #3, in San Juan County. September 3-5, 1995. . 6 p. |
1995 | Snyderman, D |
Snyderman, D. 1995. Element Conservation Plan for Rana yavapaiensis. 39 p. |
1995 | Worthington |
Worthington, R.D. 1995. Pediomelum pentaphyllum specimen collected from Hidalgo County. NMBCC accessed 10/7/2013. |
1995 | AML |
Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division. 1995. Socorrow West Mine Reclamation Project Environmental Assessment. Project Number 35093. Socorro County, New Mexico: Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Divisi |
1995 | K. Lightfoot |
K. Lightfoot. 1995.Status report for Astragalus ripleyi Barneby. U.S. Fish and Wildlife. 67p. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Piping plover (Charadrius melodus), Atlantic coast population, revised recovery plan. Techinical/agency draft. Hadley, Massachusetts. 238 pp. |
1995 | Sivinski and Lightfoot |
Sivinski, R. and K. Lightfoot 1995. Inventory of rare and endangered plants of New Mexico. Misc. Publication No. 4. New Mexico Forestry and Resources Conservation Division, Energy, Mineral and Natural Resources Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. |
1995 | Arkoyd, B. |
Arkoyd, B. 1995. Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Surveys, Columbine Creek, Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest. USFS. |
1995 | Gila National Forest. 1995. Goshawk inventory results, Luna Ranger District. |
U95GNF03NMUS | |
1995 | Schiffer, L.J. 1995. Statement of claims for reserved surface water and groundwater rights for Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. |
U95SCH01NMUS | |
1995 | Unknown |
Unknown, 1995. Table 1. Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Stream Surveys. USFS |
1995 | Arizona Game and Fish Department |
Arizona Game and Fish Department. 1995. Catostomus clarki. Unpublished abstract, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 4 pp. |
1995 | Esslinger and Egan |
Esslinger, T.L. and R.S. Egan. 1995. A sixth checklist of the lichen-forming, lichenicolous, and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada. The Bryologist 98(4): 467-549. |
1995 | Merola |
Merola, M. 1995. Observations on the nesting and breeding behavior of the rock wren. Condor 97:585-587. |
1995 | Ralls and White |
Ralls, K., and P. J. White. 1995. Predation on San Joaquin kits foxes by larger canids. Journal of Mammalogy 76:723-729. |
1995 | Thomas |
Thomas, B.T. 1995. Black-billed cuckoo parasitizes the nest of a yellow-breasted chat. The Raven 66(1):3-5. |
1995 | New Mexico Department of Game and Fish |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 1995. Recommended Changes: List of Endangered Species in New Mexico. pp. 1-12. |
1995 | Bertram and Nagorsen |
Bertram, D. F., and D. W. Nagorsen. 1995. Introduced rats, RATTUS spp., on the Queen Charlotte Islands: implications for seabird conservation. Canadian Field-Naturalist 109:6-10. |
1995 | King and Savidge |
King, J.W., and J.A. Savidge. 1995. Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program on wildlife in southeast Nebraska. Wildlife Society Bulletin 23:377-385. |
1995 | Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) |
Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD). February, 1995. Status Designations Notebook. Heritage Data Management System (HDMS). Phoenix, Arizona. |
1995 | Peterjohn et al. |
Peterjohn, B.G., J.R. Sauer, and C.S. Robbins. 1995. Population trends from the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Pages 3-39 in T.L. Martin and D.M. Finch, editors. Ecology and Management of Neotropical Migratory Birds. Oxford University Press, New Yor |
1995 | Page et al. |
Page, G.W., J.S. Warriner, J.C. Warriner, and P.W.C. Paton. 1995b. Snowy Plover (CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUS). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 154. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, |
1995 | Stow et al. |
Stow, C. A., S. R. Carpenter, L. A. Eby, J. F. Amrhein, and R. J. Hesselberg. 1995. Evidence that PCBc are approaching stable concentrations in Lake Michigan fishes. Ecological Applications 5:248-260. |
1995 | BLM |
Bureau of Land Management. 1995. Harris Hawk nest identification sheets. BLM Carlsbad |
1995 | Breeding, N |
Breeding, N. 1995. Management plan for the Rio Cebolla watershed Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico (Thesis for M.A. Geography, University of New Mexico). 19 p. |
1995 | Lightfoot, K |
Lightfoot, K. 1995. Status Report on Astragalus ripleyi (Ripley milkvetch). 33+ p. |
1995 | Childs et al. |
Childs, J. E., J. N. Mills, and G. E. Glass. 1995. Rodent-borne hemorrhagic fever viruses: a special risk for mammalogists? Journal of Mammalogy 76:664-680. |
1995 | Lanyon |
Lanyon, W.E. 1995. Eastern Meadowlark (STURNELLA MAGNA). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 160. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 24 pp. |
1995 | R.A. Smartt,Sullivan, R.M. |
Sullivan, R.M. and R.A. Smartt. 1995. Potential impact on wildlife of fire control measures taken at the ACTC Upper Anchor, South Oscura Peak, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. |
1995 | Reed |
Reed, J. M. 1995. Relative vulnerability to extirpation of montane breeding birds in the Great Basin. Great Basin Naturalist 55:342-351. |
1995 | J.A. Ludwig,Wondzell, S. |
Wondzell, S. and J.A. Ludwig. 1995. Community dynamics of desert grasslands: influences of climate, landforms, and soils. Journal of Vegetation Science. 6:377-390. |
1995 | Eberle |
Eberle, M. E. 1995. Status of the plains minnow (Hybognathus placitus Girard) in the Smoky Hill and Republican river basins of Kansas. Nongame Program Report, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Emporia and Pratt. 7pp. |
1995 | Hoogland |
Hoogland, J. L. 1995. The black-tailed prairie dog. Social life of a burrowing mammal. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. xiv + 557 pp. |
1995 | Bull and Jackson |
Bull, E. L., and J. A. Jackson. 1995. Pileated woodpecker DRYOCOPUS PILEATUS. In A. Poole and F. Gill (editors). Birds of North America, No. 148. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C |
1995 | Hoover et al. |
Hoover, J. P., M. C. Brittingham, and L. J. Goodrich. 1995. Effects of forest patch size on nesting success of wood thrushes. Auk 112:146-155. |
1995 | H. Goetz,Nemati, N. |
Nemati, N. and H. Goetz. 1995. Relationships of overstory to understory cover variables in a ponderosa pine gambel oak ecosystem. Vegetation. 119(1):15-21. |
1995 | Purdue University Department of Entomology |
Purdue University Department of Entomology (W.P. McCafferty ed.) 1995. Mayfly Central- The Mayflies of North America. Continual updates available at: https://www.entm.purdue.edu/mayfly/index.php |
1995 | Roundy et al. |
Roundy, B. A., E. D. McArthur, J. S. Haley, and D. K. Mann. 1995. Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium, Las Vegas, Oct 19-21, 1993. General Technical Report GTR INT-315. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Ogden |
1995 | Perry, T. |
Perry, T. Bogan, M.A. Davenport, S. (1995) Habitat Use Analysis and Needs Assessment for Bat Species on the Lincoln National Forest, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, 1995, Annual Report. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 23 p. |
1995 | Cowley, D.E |
Cowley, D.E. 1995. Summary of the 1995 Rio Grande cutthroat trout field-spawning. . 12 p. |
1995 | Lincoln National Forest. 1995. Northern Goshawk Field Forms & Maps. |
U95LNF01NMUS | |
1995 | Starnes |
Starnes, W. C. 1995. Taxonomic validation for fish species on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Category 2 species list. 28 pp. |
1995 | Barber, L. |
Barber, L.. 1995. Sensitive plant site report for Lilium philadephicum. . 3 p. |
1995 | E. DeBruin,Mehlhop, P. |
Mehlhop, P. and E. DeBruin. 1995. Threatened and endangered species survey of Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 95-GTR-81. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 40 p. |
1995 | Koch and Peterson |
Koch, E. D., and C. R. Peterson. 1995. Amphibians & reptiles of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. xviii + 188 pp. |
1995 | Skaggs, R.W |
Skaggs, R.W. 1995. Results of a 1995 raptor survey along the proposed aerial cable range power line on top the Southern Oscura Escarpment, White Sands Missile Range. . 21 p. |
1995 | AML |
Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division. 1995. Lordsburg II Mine Reclamation Project Environmental Assessment. Project Number 35104. Hidalgo County, New Mexico: Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Divisio |
1995 | Gori |
Gori, D. 1995. Monitoring plan for native fish at Paragonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve. 20 pp + 3 figures + 19 tables. |
1995 | Schwarz, Hart R. 1995. Goshawk Nest Form. For Tecolote PFA. |
U95SCH03NMUS | |
1995 | Unknown |
Unknown (1995) Annual Northern Goshawk Report, Smokey Bear Range District, 1995. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1995 | Evans, M.A |
Evans, M.A. 1995. Checklist of the Odonata of New Mexico with additions to the Colorado checklist. Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Natural History. 3(8):1-5. |
1995 | Muth and Snyder |
Muth, R. T., and D. E. Snyder. 1995. Diets of young Colorado squawfish and other small fish in backwaters of the Green River, Colorado and Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 55:95-104. |
1995 | Rausch and Rausch |
Rausch, R. L., and V. R. Rausch. 1995. The taxonomic status of the shrew of St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea (Mammalia: Soricidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 108:717-728. |
1995 | Trulio |
Trulio, L.A. 1995. Passive relocation: a method to preserve burrowing owls on disturbed sites. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:99-106. |