Displaying 4921 - 4980 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1996 | Herp Diversity Review Board |
Herp Diversity Review Board. 1996. Herp Diversity Review Species List Final Rankings. Unpublished report to the Arizona Natural Heritage Program, Arizona Game and Fish Department. |
1996 | San Andres NWR |
San Andres NWR. 1996. Memo to Regional Nongame Coordinator, region 2, subject: banding project. 2 May 96. |
1996 | Howells et al. |
Howells, R.G., R.W. Neck, and H.D. Murray. 1996. Freshwater Mussels of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Press: Austin, Texas. 218 pp. |
1996 | Avian Power Line Interaction Committee |
Avian Power Line Interaction Committee. 1996. Suggested practices for raptor protection on power lines: the state of the art in 1996. Edison Electric Institute/Raptor Research Foundation. Washington, D.C. |
1996 | New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System,NM General Services Department/ISD,the University |
New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System, NM General Services Department/ISD, and the University of New Mexico. 1996. RGIS Clearinghouse Resource Data. Vol. I-III. |
1996 | Geo-Marine, Inc |
Geo-Marine, Inc. 1996. Pre-final environmental assessment for Maverick live fire exercises, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, U.S. Air Force, Feb 27, 1996. |
1996 | Weisenberger, M.E. 1996. Set of photocopied topo maps with locations of gray vireo sightings on the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 19 April 1996. |
M96WEI01NMUS | |
1996 | Cordeiro et al. |
Cordeiro, P. H. C., J. M. Flores, and J. L. X. Nascimento. 1996. Análise das recuperações de Sterna hirundo no Brasil entre 1980 e 1994. Ararajuba 4 (1). |
A96COR0100LA |
1996 | Hagar et al. |
Hagar, J. C., W. C. McComb, and W. H. Emmingham. 1996. Bird communities in commercially thinned and unthinned Douglas-fir stands of western Oregon. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:353-366. |
1996 | Ports and Bradley |
Ports, M. A., and P. V. Bradley. 1996. Habitat affinities of bats from northeastern Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 56:48-53. |
1996 | R.M. Sullivan |
Sullivan, R.M. 1996. Genetics, ecology, and conservation of montane populations of Colorado chipmunks (Tamias quadrivittatus). Journal of Mammalogy. 77:951-975. |
1996 | DeBruin |
DeBruin, E. 1996. Biological assessment of expanded Camel Tracks Training Site. Year 2. Report to New Mexico Army National Guard, December. |
1996 | Mehlman, D.W |
Mehlman, D.W. 1996. The protection status of birds, mammals and plants considered rare, threatened or endangered in New Mexico, USA. Natural Areas Journal. 16:208-215. |
1996 | Stasz |
Stasz, J.L. 1996. Worm-eating Warbler (HELMITHEROS VERMIVORUS). Pages 352-353 in C.S. Robbins and E.A.T. Blom, editors. Atlas of the breeding birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh. |
1996 | Backman, O |
Backman, O. Serface, R. 1996. Red Lake Cave Trip Report. USFS |
1996 | Gibbens, R.P.,R.A. Hicks,W.A. Dugas |
Gibbens, R.P., R.A. Hicks, and W.A. Dugas. 1996. Structure and function of C3 and C4 Chihuahuan Desert plant communities. Standing crop and leaf area index. Journal of Arid Environments. 34:47-62. |
1996 | Lee et al. |
Lee, T. E., Jr., B. R. Riddle, and P. L. Lee. 1996. Speciation in the desert pocket mouse (CHAETODIPUS PENICILLATUS Woodhouse). Journal of Mammalogy 77:58-68. |
1996 | McIntosh, L |
McIntosh, L. 1996. Unpublished letter to Ellen DeBruin from Laird McIntosh. |
1996 | Navajo Natural Heritage Program. 1996. EOR printout of Northern Goshawk sighting. |
U96NAV01NMUS | |
1996 | Weedman |
Weedman, D. A., A. L. Girmendonk, and K. L. Young. 1996. Status review of Gila chub, Gila intermedia, in the United States and Mexico. Technical Report 91, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. 120 pp. |
1996 | Weber and Wittmann |
Weber, W.A., and R.C. Wittmann. 1996a. Colorado flora: Eastern slope. Revised edition. Univ. Press of Colorado, Niwot, Colorado. 524 pp. |
1996 | N. B. Ford,R. A. Seigel,Rossman, D. A. |
Rossman, D. A., N. B. Ford, and R. A. Seigel. 1996. The Garter Snakes: Evolution and Ecology. University of Oklahoma Press.. xx+332 p. |
1996 | Fragnier |
Fragnier, P. 1996. Least Bittern. Pages 240-241 in Gauthier, J., and Y. Abry, editors. The breeding birds of Quebec: atlas of the breeding birds of southern Quebec. Association quebecoise des groupes d'ornithologues; Province of Quebec Society for the Pro |
1996 | Marschall and Crowder |
Marschall, E. A., and L. B. Crowder. 1996. Assessing population responses to multiple anthropogenic effects: a case study with brook trout. Ecological Applications 6:152-167. |
1996 | Young |
Young, B. E. 1996. An experimental analysis of small clutch sizes in tropical House Wrens. Ecology 77: 472-488. |
A96YOU0100LA |
1996 | Thornhill |
Thornhill, A.D. 1996. Ph.D. Dissertation: Population and species level patterns of genetic diversity in a widespread temperate orchid species, Epipactis gigantea Dougl. ex. Hook (Orchidaceae): Evolutionary and conservation implications. Rice University, H |
1996 | Akroyd, B. |
Akroyd, B. (1996) Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Survey, Rio Los Pinos. Carson Supervisor's Office, Carson National Forest, USFS. 8 p. |
1996 | Magee, G |
Magee, G. 1996. New Mexico rare occurrence record data sheet for Peniocereus greggii. |
1996 | U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station |
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. 1996. Ecological importance of "Waters of the U.S." and associated wetlands to wildlife. |
1996 | Corkran and Thoms |
Corkran, C. C., and C. Thoms. 1996. Amphibians of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta. 175 pp. |
1996 | Neville, T |
Neville, T. 1996. San Andres Mtns. scanned aerial photos- not georeferenced. |
1996 | Holdermann, D.A |
Holdermann, D.A. 1996. Memo: the Western Snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) breeding at Malpais Cienega, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. WSMR Environmental Services Division. 8 July 1996. . 2 p. |
1996 | Schwarz, H |
Schwarz, H. 1996. Emails to R. Suminski with regard to 1996 Cibola peregrine summary excerpt on "L-19". 2 p. |
1996 | Jackson et al. |
Jackson, L. S., C. A. Thompson, and J. J. Dinsmore. 1996. The Iowa Breeding Bird Atlas. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City. |
1996 | Dobler et al. |
Dobler, F.C., J. Elby, C. Perry, S. Richardson, and M. Vander Haegen. 1996. Status of Washington's shrub-steppe ecosystem: extent, ownership, and wildlife/vegetation relationships. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Management Program, O |
1996 | Helbing, Gary L. 1996. Notes on Northern Goshawk territories in the Douglas R.D., Coronado N.F. 1p. |
U96HEL01NMUS | |
1996 | Schwarz, H |
Schwarz, H. 1996. Cibola National Forest Northern Goshawks: summary survey reports. 1 p. |
1996 | FWS |
Stahlecker, D. 1996. Willow flycatcher and raptor survey data sheets for work on the BLM Rio Puerco Resource Area. For U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
1996 | Crossman et al. |
Crossman, E. J., J. Houston, and R. R. Campbell. 1996. The status of the warmouth, Chaenobryttus gulosus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 110:495-500. |
1996 | Hanski et al. |
Hanski, I. K., T. J. Fenske, and G. J. Niemi. 1996. Lack of edge effect in nesting success of breeding birds in managed forest landscapes. Auk 113:578-585. |
1996 | King et al. |
King, D. I., C. R. Griffin, and R. M. DeGraaf. 1996. Effects of clearcutting on habitat use and reproductive success of the Ovenbird in forested landscapes. Conservation Biology 10:1380-1386. |
1996 | Sullivan et al. |
Sullivan, B. K., R. W. Bowker, K. B. Malmos, and E. W. A. Gergus. 1996. Arizona distribution of three Sonoran Desert anurans: BUFO RETIFORMIS, GASTROPHRYNE OLIVACEA, and PTERNOHYLA FODIENS. Great Basin Naturalist 56:38-47. |
1996 | Miller |
Miller, E. H. 1996. Acoustic differentiation and speciation in shorebirds. Pages 241-257 IN Ecology and evolution of acoustic communication in birds (D. E. Kroodsma and E. H. Miller, editors). Comstock/Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York. |
1996 | Sterling and Paton |
Sterling, J. and P. W. C. Paton. 1996. Breeding distribution of Vaux's Swift in California. Western Birds 27:30-40. |
1996 | Black, C |
Black, C. 1996. Draft of bird data for final report of surveys for threatened and endangered species on Holloman Air Force Base. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 5 p. |
1996 | Goldstein et al. |
Goldstein, M. I., B. Woodbridge, M. A. Zaccagnini, S. B. Canavelli, and A. Lanusse. 1996. An assessment of mortality of Swainson's Hawks on wintering grounds in Argentina. Journal of Raptor Research 30:106-107. |
1996 | Lefebvre and Poulin |
Lefebvre, G., and B. Poulin. 1996. Seasonal abundance of migrant birds and food resources in Panamanian mangrove forests. Wilson Bulletin 108:748-759. |
1996 | Mehlhop, P. |
Mehlhop, P., E. Muldavin, T. Bennett, S. Wood, S. Yanoff, N. Douglas, and S. Radjy. 1996. Vegetation of Fort Bliss Texas and New Mexico. Final report volume II: vegetation map. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 96-GTR-99. 32 p. + app. |
1996 | North, B |
North, B. 1996. Memo to D. Taylor with regard to birds of special concern at WSMR. Weekly reports. 2 p. |
1996 | Weisenberger, M.E |
Weisenberger, M.E. 1996. New Mexico Ornithological Society Bird Records Committee report forms and attached memo. |
1996 | Whitefield et al. |
Whitefield, D. P., J. J. Brade, R. W. Burton, K. W. Hankinson, and S. Young. 1996. The abundance of breeding Knot CALIDRIS CANUTUS ISLANDICA. Bird Study 43: 290-299. |
1996 | Summers |
Summers, B. 1996. Missouri Orchids. Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri. Jefferson City, MO. |
1996 | Frey, J.K,T.L. Yates |
Frey, J.K and T.L. Yates. 1996. Mammalian diversity in New Mexico. New Mexico Journal of Science. Vol. 36:4-??. |
1996 | McCallum |
McCallum, D. A. 1996. Diurnal sight records of flammulated owls and possible vertebrate prey in winter: the case for caution. Journal of Raptor Research 30:49-51. |
1996 | Tweit |
Tweit, R.C. 1996. Curve-billed Thrasher (TOXOSTOMA CURVIROSTRE). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 235. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 20 pp. |
1996 | Akroyd, B. |
Akroyd, B. (1996) Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Surveys, Columbine Creek. Carson Supervisor's Office, Carson National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1996 | Marron and Associates, Inc |
Marron and Associates, Inc. 1996. An evaluation and habitat profile of thirty-two (32) previously known Lesquerella aurea population sites within portions of the Lincoln National Forest in the Sacramento Forest. |
1996 | del Hoyo et al. |
del Hoyo, J., A. Elliot, and J. Sargatal. 1996. Handbook of the birds of the world. Volume 3. Lynx Editions. Barcelona. 821 pp. |
1996 | Neville, T |
Neville, T. 1996. San Andres 1996 Aerial Mosaics. |
1996 | Bilbo |
Bilbo, M. Bat counts at BLM Roswell Resource Area 1994–96. Field data reported by Roswell Field Office, Bureau of Land Management. |