Displaying 5281 - 5340 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1995 | Paul, L.W. |
Paul, L.W. (1995) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1995 | Nielsen |
Nielsen, J. L., editor. 1995. Evolution and the aquatic ecosystem: defining unique units in population conservation. American Fisheries Society Symposium 17, Bethesda, Maryland. xii + 435 pp. |
1995 | American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) |
American Ornithologists' Union (AOU). 1995. Fortieth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 112:819-30. |
1995 | Rappole et al. |
Rappole, J. H., E. S. Morton, T. E. Lovejoy III, and J. L. Rous. 1995. Nearctic avian migrants in the Neotropics: Maps, Appendices, and Bibliography (Second edition). Conservation and Research Center, National Zoological Park, Front Royal, Virginia. 324 p |
1995 | Gibbens, R.P.,J.M. Lenz |
Gibbens, R.P. and J.M. Lenz. 1995. Soils and sediments associated with remarkable, deeply-penetrating roots of crucifixion thorn (Koeberlinia spinosa Zucc.). Journal of Arid Environments. 31:137-151. |
1995 | Jacobson et al. |
Jacobson, E. R., et. al. 1995. Mycoplasmosis and the desert tortoise (GOPERUS AGASSIZII) in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(4):279-284. |
1995 | Robinson et al. |
Robinson, S.K., S.I. Rothstein, M.C. Brittingham, L.J. Petit, and J.A. Grzybowski. 1995. Ecology and behavior of cowbirds and their impact on host populations. Pages 428-460 in T.E. Martin and D.M. Finch, editors. Ecology and management of neotropical mig |
1995 | Wunderle |
Wunderle, J. M., Jr. 1995. Population characteristics of black-throated blue warblers wintering in three sites on Puerto Rico. Auk 112:931-946. |
1995 | Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Tularosa Peak quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB. |
M95RUN02NMUS | |
1995 | Eisler |
Eisler, R. October, 1995. Contaminant Hazard Reviews, Report 34. Draft. USFWS. |
1995 | L. Barker,McDonald, C. |
McDonald, C. and L. Barker. 1995. New Mexico rare plant occurrence record data sheet, Cirsium wrightii. |
1995 | Stumpff, B. |
Stumpff, B. 1995. Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Surveys, Canjillon Creek, Canjillon Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. |
1995 | Carey |
Carey, A. B. 1995. Sciurids in Pacific Northwest managed and old-growth forests. Ecological Applications 5:648-661. |
1995 | Gammonley and Fredrickson |
Gammonley, J. H., and L. H. Fredrickson. 1995. Life history and management of the blue-winged teal. USDI National Biological Service, Waterfowl Management Handbook 13.1.8. 7 pp. |
1995 | Harrington and Perry |
Harrington, B. and E. Perry. 1995. Important shorebird staging sites meeting Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network criteria in the United States. United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service. |
1995 | Rinkevich |
Rinkevich, S. E. 1995. Mexican spotted owl draft recovery plan. Endangered Species Bulletin 20(4):12-13. |
1995 | USDA |
United States Department of Agriculture. Strategies for Bird Conservation: The Partners in Flight Planning Process. 1995. 10/1-10/5. |
1995 | Mehlhop, P |
Mehlhop, P. 1995. New Mexico rivers assessment database. Unpubl. report by the New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for NM Dept. Game and Fish and the Nat'l Park Service. 116p. |
1995 | R. A. Smartt,Sullivan, R. M. |
Sullivan, R. M. and R. A. Smartt. 1995. Genetics, ecology, and conservation of woodland snails (Genus: Ashmuella) on White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. 92 p. |
1995 | Smokey Bear Ranger District |
Smokey Bear Ranger District. 1995. Goshawk monitoring brodacast search forms and maps. 9 p. |
1995 | Wilson and Atkinson |
Wilson, U. W., and J. B. Atkinson. 1995. Black brant winter and spring-staging use at two Washington coastal areas in relation to eelgrass abundance. Condor 97:91-98. |
1995 | Arizona Game and Fish Department |
Arizona Game and Fish Department. 1995. Catostomus insignis. Unpublished abstract, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 4 pp. |
1995 | Banks |
Banks, R. C. 1995. Taxonomic Validation for Bird Species on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Category 2 Species List. In Biological Survey Project, Patuxent Environmental Research Center, National Biological Service (compilers). Taxonomic Review of Cate |
1995 | Holycross, A.T. |
Holycross, A.T. 1995. Status of the Animas Mountains Population of Crotalus willardi obscurus. Unpublished Report of Activities Conducted Under professional Service Contract No. 95-516-28 for the New Mexico Game and Fish Department (NMDGF). Arizona State |
1995 | Scoville, J. |
Scoville, J. 1995. The Occurrence of Common Black Hawks (Buteogallus anthracinus) and Zone-tailed Hawks (Buteo albonotatus) within the Clifton Ranger District. Report prepared by Round River Conservation Studies for Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. |
1995 | Weisenberger, M.E. 1995. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for August 1995. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 3 pp. |
U95WEI06NMUS | |
1995 | Collins |
Collins, M. K. 1995. Placing a bet on the desert tortoise. Endangered Species Bulletin 29(6):12-13. |
1995 | Krementz et al. |
Krementz, D. G., J. T. Seginak, and G. W. Pendleton. 1995. Habitat use at night by wintering American woodcocks in coastal Georgia and Virginia. Wilson Bulletin 107:686-697. |
1995 | Ruiter |
Ruiter, D.E. 1995. The genus Limnephilus Leach (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) of the New World. Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin, new series, 11: 1-200. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Withdrawal of proposed rule to list the plant Salix arizonica (Arizona willow) as endangered with critical habitat. Federal Register 60(82): 20951-20952. |
1995 | Muldavin |
Muldavin, E. and Swetnam, T.W. 1995. Age Structure and Demography of Ponderosa Pine in Monument Canyon Research Natural Area: Progress Report and Plan for Additional Research. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program, 375 p. |
1995 | Brooks, James. 1995. Water needs for native fishes at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Exhibit C of U.S. Statement of Claims for Reserved Surface Water and Groundwater Rights for Bitter Lake N.W.R. |
U95BRO02NMUS | |
1995 | Lincoln National Forest |
Lincoln National Forest. 1995. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms. |
1995 | Czaplak |
Czaplak, D. 1995. Identifying common and hoary redpolls in winter. Birding 27(6):446-457. |
1995 | Madison et al. |
Madison, L. A., T. G. Barnes, and J. D. Sole. 1995. Improving Northern Bobwhite brood rearing habitat in tall fescue dominated fields. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies 49:525-536. |
1995 | Unknown |
Unknown (1995) Bundled Goshawk Documents Regarding Ox Canyon. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1995 | Rodenhouse et al. |
Rodenhouse, N.L., L.B. Best, R.J. O'Connor, and E.K. Bollinger. 1995. Effects of agricultural practices and farmland structures on Neotropical migratory birds. Pages 269-293 in T.E. Martin, and D.M. Finch, editors. Ecology and management of Neotropical mi |
1995 | Young |
Young, M. K. 1995. Colorado River cutthroat trout. Pages 16-23 in M. K. Young, technical editor. Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Re. RM-GTR-256. iv + 61 pp. |
1995 | Patrick et al. |
Patrick, T.S., J.R. Allison, and G.A. Krakow. 1995. Protected plants of Georgia: an information manual on plants designated by the State of Georgia as endangered, threatened, rare, or unusual. Georgia Dept. Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division, |
1995 | Bruggink and Kendall |
Bruggink, J. G., and W. L. Kendall. 1995. American Woodcock harvest and breeding population status, 1995. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Laurel, Maryland. 15pp. |
1995 | Avery et al. |
Avery, M.L., D.G. Decker, J.S. Humphrey, A.A. Hayes, and C.C. Laukert. 1995. Color, size, and location of artificial fruits affect sucrose avoidance by Cedar Waxwings and European Starlings. Auk 112(2):436-444. |
1995 | Roalson and Allred |
Roalson, E.H., and K.W. Allred (eds.). 1995a. A working index of New Mexico vascular plant names, 1st edition. Supplement 1:1. [Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 702, Supplement 1:1.] New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. 17 pp., unnumbered. |
1995 | Jensen |
Jensen, J. 1995. Recovery of the ferruginous hawk. Bird Trends (Canadian Wildlife Service) 4:23-24. |
1995 | Ross et al. |
Ross, D. A., T. C. Esque, R. A. Fridell, and P. Hovingh. 1995. Historical distribution, current status, and a range extension of Bufo boreas in Utah. Herpetological Review 26:187-189. |
1995 | Yahner and Ross |
Yahner, R. H., and B. D. Ross. 1995. Seasonal response of wood thrushes to taped-playback songs. Wilson Bulletin 107:738-741. |
1995 | Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Deadman Canyon quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB. |
M95RUN06NMUS | |
1995 | Frest and Johannes |
Frest, T.J. and E.J. Johannes. 1995a. Freshwater Mollusks of the Upper Klamath Drainage, Oregon. Final report to the Oregon Natural Heritage Program, 821 SE 14th, Portland, Oregon 97214. Contract #ORFO 092094. 68 pp. plus appendices. |
1995 | McIntosh, L. 1995. New sighting of Cereus greggii. BLM- Las Cruces. February 14, 1995. |
U95MCI01NMUS | |
1995 | Suminski, R.R |
Suminski, R.R. 1995. 1995 Mexican Spotted Owl final report: Mt. Taylor R.D. 10 p. |
1995 | Conway et al. |
Conway, C. J., G. V. N. Powell, and J. D. Nichols. 1995. Overwinter survival of neotropical migratory birds in early-successional and mature tropical forests. Conservation Biology 9:855-864. |
1995 | Ganey and Dick |
Ganey, J. L., and J. L. Dick, Jr. 1995. Habitat relationships of the Mexican spotted owl: current knowledge. Pages 1-42 in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Mexican spotted owl recovery plan. Volume II. Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
1995 | Kobriger |
Kobriger, J. 1995. Graph of lek counts 1956-95, Billings Co., North Dakota in Prairie Grouse Technical Council proceedings, 21st biennial meeting. Aug. 28-31, 1995. Medora, ND. |
1995 | Rooney |
Rooney, T. P. 1995. Restoring landscape diversity and old growth to Pennsylvania's northern hardwood forests. Natural Areas Journal 15:274-278. |
1995 | Brooks, J. 1995. Water needs for native fishes at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Report included as part of Statement of Claims for reserved surface water and groundwater rights for Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. |
U95BRO03NMUS | |
1995 | Mongold, R |
Mongold, R. 1995. Locations for Salix arizonica in Carson National Forest. |
1995 | Stumpff, B. |
Stumpff, B. 1995. Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Surveys of Powderhouse Creek, Questa Creek, Carson National Forest. |
1995 | Zink et al. |
Zink, R. M., S. Rohwer, A. V. Andreev, and D. L. Dittman. 1995. Trans-Beringia comparisons of mitochondrial DNA differentiation in birds. Condor 97:639-649. |
1995 | Barber, L. M. |
Barber, L. M.. 1995. Contributor's NM Rare Plant Occurrence Record. . 3 p. |
1995 | Huning, T. |
Huning, T. (1995) National Forests 1995 Northern Goshawk Monitoring Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1995 | Smokey Bear Ranger District |
Smokey Bear Ranger District. 1995. Annual Northern Goshawk Report. 10 p. |