Displaying 5401 - 5460 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1995 | Bechard and Schmutz |
Bechard, M.J., and J.K. Schmutz. 1995. Ferruginous Hawk (BUTEO REGALIS). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 172. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 20 pp. |
1995 | Petit et al. |
Petit, D.R., J.F. Lynch, R.L. Hutto, J.G. Blake, and R.B. Waide. 1995. Habitat use and conservation in the Neotropics. Pages 145-197 in T.E. Martin and D.M. Finch, editors. Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds. Oxford University Press, Ne |
1995 | B.G. Peterjohn,J.E. Hines,S. Schwartz,Sauer, J.R. |
Sauer, J.R., B.G. Peterjohn, S. Schwartz, and J.E. Hines. 1995. Ferrugionous Hawk Species Account. The Grassland Bird Home Page. Version 95.0 U.S.G.S. Biological Resource Division, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD. Online. Available: http://w |
1995 | Tracy and Tracy |
Tracy, C. R., and C. R. Tracy. 1995. Estimating age of desert tortoises (GOPHERUS AGASSIZII) from scute rings. Copeia 1995:964-966. |
1995 | Cadwallader, M |
Cadwallader, M. 1995. Argemone monitoring report for Alamo Canyon. . 7 p. |
1995 | Huning, T. |
Huning, T. (1995) 1992 National Forests Northern Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1995 | Sonora Conservation Data Center |
Sonora Conservation Data Center. 1995. Plant data contained in Element Tracking file received at TNC-HQ in May, 1995, with no standard reference in use for the scientific name. Centro Ecologico de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. |
1995 | Williams, O |
Williams, O. 1995. New Mexico rare plant occurrence records for ^Allium gooddingii. |
1995 | Fitzgerald, L. |
Fitzgerald, L., D. Sias, H. Snell and C. Painter. 1995. Progress report distribution survey of the dunes sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus arenicolus in New Mexico. |
1995 | Burger et al. |
Burger, L. W., Jr., T. V. Dailey, E. W. Kurzejeski, and M. R. Ryan. 1995a. Survival and cause-specific mortality of Northern Bobwhite in Missouri. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:401-410. |
1995 | Houston and Schmutz |
Houston, C. S., and J. K. Schmutz. 1995. Swainson's Hawk banding in North America to 1992. North American Bird Bander 20:120-127. |
1995 | Prescott and Murphy |
Prescott, D.R.C., and A.J. Murphy. 1995. Bird populations and vegetation structure of tame dense nesting cover (DNC) in Alberta's aspen parkland. Alberta NAWMP Centre. NAWMP-014. Edmonton, Alberta. 19 pp. |
1995 | NMFS |
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 1995. Proposed threatened status for three contiguous ESUs of coho salmon ranging from Oregon through central California. Federal Register 60(142):38011-38030. |
1995 | Valone et al. |
Valone, T. J., J. H. Brown, and C. L. Jacobi. 1995. Catastrophic decline of a desert rodent, DIPODOMYS SPECTABILIS: insights from a long-term study. Journal of Mammalogy 76:428-436. |
1995 | Burkett, Doug |
Burkett, Doug. 1995. Incidental report to NMDGF (Sandy Williams) re: Peregrine falcon sighting in Texas Canyon, WSMR. 29 August 1995. |
1995 | Long, G |
Long, G. 1995. Memo to Roger L. Mongold describing two locations for Salix arizonica populations. |
1995 | DeBenedictus |
DeBenedictus, P. A. 1995. Red crossbills, one through eight. Birding 27(6):494-501. |
1995 | M.P. McClaran,McClaran, M.P.,T.R. Van Devender |
McClaran, M.P., M.P. McClaran, and T.R. Van Devender. 1995. The desert grassland. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. |
1995 | Unknown |
Unknown (1995) Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Report, Smokey Bear Ranger District, 1995. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln Naitonal Forest, USFS. 1 p. |
1995 | Secor |
Secor, S. M. 1995. Ecological aspects of foraging mode for the snakes Crotalus cerastes and Masticophis flagellum. Herpetological Monographs 9:169-186. |
1995 | Price et al. |
Price, J., S. Droege, and A. Price. 1995. The summer atlas of North American birds. Academic Press, New York. x + 364 pp. |
1995 | Cross and Collins |
Cross, F. B., and J. T. Collins. 1995. Fishes in Kansas. Second Edition, revised. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History. xvii + 315 pp. |
1995 | Texas Organization for Endangered Species |
Texas Organization for Endangered Species. 1995. Endangered, threatened, and watch list of vertebrates of Texas. TOES Publication 10. Austin, Texas. |
1995 | Fleury and Sherry |
Fleury, B. E., and T. W. Sherry. 1995. Long-term population trends of colonial wading birds in the southern United States: the impact of crayfish aquaculture on Louisiana populations. Auk 112:613-632. |
1995 | Orthmeyer et al. |
Orthmeyer, D. L., J. Y. Takekawa, C. R. Ely, M. L. Wege, and W. E. Newton. 1995. Morphological differences in Pacific coast populations of greater white-fronted geese. Condor 97:123-132. |
1995 | Regosin and Pruett-Jones |
Regosin, J. V., and S. Pruett-Jones. 1995. Aspects of breeding biology and social organization in the scissor-tailed flycatcher. Condor 97:154-164. |
1995 | Ward et al. |
Ward, J. P., Jr., A. B. Franklin, S. E. Rinkevich, and F. Clemete. 1995. Distribution and abundance of Mexican spotted owls. Pages 1-14 in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Mexican spotted owl recovery plan. Volume II. Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Category and Listing Priority Form. |
1995 | Montoya, A.B.,P.J. Zwank |
Montoya, A.B. and P.J. Zwank. 1995. Habitat characteristics, prey selection, and home ranges of the Aplomado falcon in Chihuahua, Mexico. Unpubl. report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Corpus Christi Ecological Services Field Office, TX. 54 p |
1995 | Bock et al. |
Bock, C.E., J.H. Bock, and B.C. Bennett. 1995. The avifauna of remnant tallgrass prairie near Boulder, Colorado. Prairie Naturalist 27:147-157. |
1995 | Cibola National Forest |
Cibola National Forest. 1995. Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwest Willow Flycatcher annual report. 10 p. |
1995 | Lesica |
Lesica P. 1995a. Demography of Astragalus scaphoides and the effects of herbivory on population growth. Great Basin Naturalist 55(2): 142-150. |
1995 | D.L. Houde-Nethers,Sullivan, R.M |
Sullivan, R.M and D.L. Houde-Nethers. 1995. Biological survey of the proposed aerial cable lighting project. |
1995 | Prather and Cruz |
Prather, J. W., and A. Cruz. 1995. Breeding biology of Florida prairie and Cuban yellow warblers. The Wilson Bulletin 107:474-84. |
1995 | Schullery |
Schullery, P. 1995. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Pages 312-314 in E.T. LaRoe, G.S. Farris, C.E. Puckett, P.D. Doran, and M.J. Mac, editors. Our living lesources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, anima |
1995 | Walker et al. |
Walker, J. M., H. L. Taylor, and J. E. Cordes. 1995. Parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus tesselatus complex at Higbee, Colorado: resolution of 30 years of controversy. Copeia 1995:650-658. |
1995 | Chauvin, Yvonne. 1995. Plant/Animal Occurrence Record (cooperators form) for Pyrgulopsis sp. May 5-6, 1995. |
U95CHA01NMUS | |
1995 | C. Werner,Klein, M. |
Klein, M. and C. Werner. 1995. Verification and update of the NPS NPFlora and NPFauna bioinventory systems for the Southwest region of the National Park Service. |
1995 | Storch, D. |
Storch, D. Cortez. Romo. (1995) Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Survey of Upper San Antonio. Carson Supervisor's Office, Carson National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1995 | Williams, O.F |
Williams, O.F. 1995. New Mexico Rare Plant occurrence records for Gila National Forest and Chino Mine localities. 10 p. |
1995 | Anderson, D.L |
Anderson, D.L. 1995. Set of topographic maps indicating rare element locations on WSMR. December 1995. |
1995 | Jennings |
Jennings, R. D. 1995. Investigations of recently viable leopard frog populations in New Mexico: Rana chiricahuensis and Rana yavapaiensis. Report submitted to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Endangered Species Program, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 36 pp. |
1995 | Burger et al. |
Burger, L. W., Jr., E. W. Kurzejeski, T. V. Dailey, and M. R. Ryan. 1995b. Relative invertebrate abundance and biomass in conservation reserve program plantings in northern Missouri. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium III:102-108. |
1995 | Houston and Francis |
Houston, C. S., and C. M. Francis. 1995. Survival of great horned owls in relation to the snowshoe hare cycle. Auk 112:44-59. |
1995 | Schmutz |
Schmutz, J.K. 1995. Updated status report on the Ferruginous Hawk (BUTEO REGALIS) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), Ottawa, Ontario. 15 pp. |
1995 | Painter, C. W |
Painter, C. W. 1995. Gray-checkered whiptail lizard. New Mexico Wildlife. 40(4):26. |
1995 | M.P. McClaran,T.R. Van Devender,Van Devender, T.R. |
Van Devender, T.R., M.P. McClaran, and T.R. Van Devender. 1995. The desert grassland. University of Arizona Press, Arizona. |
1995 | Holycross, A.T. |
Holycross, A.T. 1995. Status of the Animas Mountains Population of Crotalus willardi obscurus. Unpubl. Preliminary Report of Activities Conducted Under Professional Service Contract No. 95-516-28 for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF). Ari |
1995 | Durkin, P.,E. Muldavin,M. Bradley,P. Mehlhop,S.E. Carr |
Durkin, P., M. Bradley, S.E. Carr, E. Muldavin, and P. Mehlhop. 1995. Riparian/wetland vegetation communities of the Rio Grande: A classification and site evaluation. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program to New Mexico Environment Dept. 11 |
1995 | Cibola National Forest |
Cibola National Forest. 1995. 1995 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Forms. |
1995 | McIntosh, L. 1995. Record of new sighting for Atriplex griffithsii. BLM- Las Cruces. February 14, 1995. |
U95MCI02NMUS | |
1995 | Diamond et al. |
Diamond, D. D., G. A. Rowell, and D. P. Keddy-Hector. 1995. Conservation of Ashe juniper (JUNIPERUS ASHEI Buchholz) woodlands of the Central Texas Hill Country. Natural Areas Journal 15:189-197. |
1995 | M.P. McClaran,McPherson, G.R.,T.R. Van Devender |
McPherson, G.R., M.P. McClaran, and T.R. Van Devender. 1995. The desert grassland. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. |
1995 | Van Dyke, Airman First Class, Edwin (Eddie) D., Jr. 30 June, 1995. Phone conversation with Dr. Hildy Reiser at 49th CES/CEV, Holloman AFB; regarding spotted bat sighting. |
U95VAN01NMUS | |
1995 | Seutin et al. |
Seutin, G., L. M. Ratcliffe, and P. T. Boag. 1995. Mitochondrial DNA homogeneity in the phenotypically diverse redpoll finch complex (Aves: Carduelinae: Carduelis flammea-hornemanni). Evolution 49:962-973. |
1995 | Roalson and Allred |
Roalson, E.H., and K.W. Allred (eds.). 1995c. A working index of New Mexico vascular plant names, 1st edition. Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 702. New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. 254 pp. |
1995 | DeGraaf and Rappole |
DeGraaf, R.M., and J.H. Rappole. 1995. Neotropical migratory birds: natural history, distribution, and population change. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, NY. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Brown Pelican. Endangered and threatened species of the southeastern United States (The Red Book), FWS Region 4. (http://endangered.fws.gov/i/b/sab2s.html) |
N95USF0100LA |
1995 | F.C. Bermudez,Frey, J.K,J.H. Fraga |
Frey, J.K, J.H. Fraga, and F.C. Bermudez. 1995. A new locality of the montane vole (Microtus montanus arizonensis) in New Mexico. 2 p. |
1995 | Pacheco and Bauer |
Pacheco, J. F. and C. Bauer. 1995. Predação de Morpho athena (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) por Falco femoralis (Falconiformes: Falconidae) no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Ararajuba 3. |
A95PAC0100LA |