Displaying 5221 - 5280 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1995 | Cortez III Service Corporation. 1995. A report on a biological survey of 4 camera towers for the T-6 Area associated with the Line Of Sight Anti Tank Program (LOSAT). 25 January 1995. |
U95COR01NMUS | |
1995 | Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center |
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 1995. North Dakota's federally listed endangered, threatened, and candidate species: plains minnow (Hybognathus placitus). Available online: http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/others/nddanger/spe cies/hybop |
1995 | D.L. Houde-Nethers,Sullivan, R.M |
Sullivan, R.M and D.L. Houde-Nethers. 1995. Threatened and endangered species survey of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's White Sands Test Facility (WSTF), New Mexico. Unpubl. report submitted by NMSU Physical Science Laboratory, Las Cr |
1995 | Connelly and Sands |
Connelly, J. W., and Alan R. Sands. 1995. A review of Columbian sharp-tailed grouse habitat in western Montana. Sept. 1995. 12 pp. |
1995 | DeBruin, E |
DeBruin, E. 1995. Gilia formosa monitoring project. Final Report. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for BLM, Farmington Resource Area. 11 p. + app. |
1995 | Ladyman, J.A.R |
Ladyman, J.A.R. 1995. Status assessment of Trifolium longipes ssp. neurophyllum. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for the National Biological Survey. 53 p. + app. |
1995 | Stuart, James N. 1995. Printout of information regarding collections of Rana chiricahuensis on the Ladder Ranch |
U95STU01NMUS | |
1995 | Douglas, N. 1995. Field form of occurrence record of Toumeya papyracantha on Fort Bliss Military Reservation. |
F95DOU01NMUS | |
1995 | Holloman AFB. 1995. Phone directory map with buildings labelled by numbers. |
M95HOL01NMUS | |
1995 | Darveau et al. |
Darveau, M., P. Beauchesene, L. Belanger, J. Huot, and P. Larue. 1995. Riparian forest strips as habitat for breeding birds in boreal forest. Journal of Wildlife Management 59 (1):67-78. |
1995 | Seamans and Gutierrez |
Seamans, M. E., and R. J. Gutierrez. 1995. Breeding habitat of the Mexican spotted owl in the Tularosa Mountains, New Mexico. Condor 97:944-952. |
1995 | Bookhout |
Bookhout, T.A. 1995. Yellow Rail (COTURNICOPS NOVEBORACENSIS). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 139. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 16 pp. |
1995 | Texas Ornithological Society |
Texas Ornithological Society. 1995. Checklist of the birds of Texas. Third edition. Texas Ornithological Society; printed by Capital Printing, Inc., Austin, Texas. |
1995 | Meyer and Collopy |
Meyer, K. D., and M. W. Collopy. 1995. Status, distribution, and habitat requirements of the American swallow-tailed kite (ELANOIDES FORFICATUS) in Florida. Project Report, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee. |
1995 | Falvey, B. 1995. GPS files and map showing plot locations of Mesa-Verde Cactus monitoring plots. |
U95FAL01NMUS | |
1995 | Mehlman, D. 1995. 1995 Survey for and habitat characteristics of the Southwestern Willow flycatcher, (Empidonax traillii extimus) in the Isleta-Belen reach of the Rio Grande, New Mexico. Submitted to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. |
U95MEH04NMUS | |
1995 | Gresswell |
Gresswell, R. E. 1995. Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Pages 36-54 in M. K. Young, technical editor. Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-256. iv + 61 pp. |
1995 | Mech et al. |
Mech, L. D., S. H. Fritts, and D. Wagner. 1995. Minnesota wolf dispersal to Wisconsin and Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 133:368-370. |
1995 | Weisenberger, M.E |
Weisenberger, M.E. 1995. Letter to Daisan Taylor relating "minimum estimate of the desert mountain sheep population in the San Andres Mountains." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 4 January 1995. 2 pp. |
1995 | Snowbank and Krajewski |
Snowbank, S.A., and C. Krajewski. 1995. Lack of restriction-site variation in mitochondrial-DNA control region of Whooping Cranes (Grus americana). The Auk 112(4):1045-1049. |
1995 | Wielgorskaya |
Wielgorskaya, T. 1995. Dictionary of Generic Names of Seed Plants. Columbia University Press, New York. 570 pp. |
1995 | Black, C. 1995. D:\ACCSDATA\BIRDS.MDB, Forms: visit water, visit grass, Snowy plover reproduction. |
D95BLA01NMUS | |
1995 | Tri-Service,U.S. Army |
Tri-Service and U.S. Army. 1995. GIS Spatial Data Standards, Tri-Service CADD GIS Technology Center. |
1995 | Sivinski |
Sivinski, R., and K. Lightfoot. 1995. Inventory of the rare and endangered plants of New Mexico. 3rd edition. New Mexico Forestry and Resources Conservation Division, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Dept., Santa Fe, NM. 47p. |
1995 | DeBruin, E. 1995. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Gilia formosa plots 1-30 in April, 1995. |
F95DEB01NMUS | |
1995 | Debruin, E |
Debruin, E. 1995. Two database tables of Pediocactus papyracantha, Mammillaria wrightii, and Neolloydia intertexta observations with associated UTMs and community info. Access database Scottwsmr/Hafb.mdb. Unpubl. |
1995 | Badyaev |
Badyaev, A. V. 1995. Nesting habitat and nesting success of eastern wild turkeys in the Arkansas Ozark highlands. Condor 97:221-232. |
1995 | Hess and Sivinski |
Hess, W.J., and R.C. Sivinski. 1995. A new species of Zigadenus (Liliaceae) from New Mexico, with additional comments on the section Anticlea. Sida 16: 389-400. |
1995 | Jones et al. |
Jones, T. R., E. J. Routman, D. J. Begun, and J. P. Collins. 1995. Ancestry of an isolated subspecies of salamander, AMBYSTOMA TIGRINUM STEBBINSI Lowe: the evolutionary significance of hybridization. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 4:194-202. |
1995 | Ross and Jalkotzy |
Ross, I. P., and M. G. Jalkotzy. 1995. Fates of translocated cougars, FELIS CONCOLOR, in Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 109:475-476. |
1995 | DesGeorges, S. 1995. Personal communication to S. Radjy during visit to Taos R.A. BLM office concerning Falco perigrinus anatum |
P95DES02NMUS | |
1995 | Yosef and Lohrer |
Yosef, R., and F. E. Lohrer. 1995. Loggerhead shrikes, red fire ants, and red herrings. Condor 97:1053-1056. |
1995 | Allred, Kelly. 1995. Letter with rare plant observations. New Mexico State University. 23 October 1995. 1 page. |
U95ALL01NMUS | |
1995 | Gannon, W.L |
Gannon, W.L. 1995. 1994 bat survey, a report to the Lincoln National Forest (includes Smokey Bear, Cloudcroft, and Guadalupe districts), Alamogordo, NM. (draft). |
1995 | Platania, S. P |
Platania, S. P. 1995. Ichthyofaunal Survey of the Rio Grande, Santo Domingo and San Felipe Pueblos, New Mexico, July 1994: Report to U.S. Army Corps Of Eng. . 55 p. |
1995 | Turner. |
Turner, R. Paul, L. Barker, L. (1995) Lincoln National Forest, Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Suvey, Field Notes. Project Name: National Kuenzleri Survey. Guadalpe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1995 | Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Lost River quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB. |
M95RUN01NMUS | |
1995 | Conway et al. |
Conway, C. J., S. H. Anderson, D. E. Runde and D. Abbate. 1995. Effects of experimental nestling harvest on Prairie Falcons. J. Wildl. Manage. 59:311-316. |
1995 | Hafner and Sullivan |
Hafner, D. J., and R. M. Sullivan. 1995. Historical and ecological biogeography of Nearctic pikas (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae). Journal of Mammalogy 76:302-321. |
1995 | Linder and Bollinger |
Linder, E. T. and E. K. Bollinger. 1995. Depredation of artificial Ovenbird nests in a forest patch. Wilson Bulletin 107:169-174. |
1995 | Cowley, D.E. |
Cowley, D.E. (1995) Appendix I: Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Breeding Strategy, 1995 Field Spawning Report. Carson Supervisor's Office, Carson National Forest, USFS. 20 p. |
1995 | Oftedal et al. |
Oftedal, O. T., et. al. 1995. Dietary potassium affects food choice, nitrogen retention and growth of desert tortoises. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. 1995 March 31 - April 2. Las Vegas, NV. |
1995 | Truet, J.C |
Truet, J.C. 1995. Letter to Daisan Taylor of WSMR re: existence of Arizona black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus arizonensis?) town near WSMR boundary. 19 January 1995. . 2 p. |
1995 | E. Reese,Hebert, E,L. Mark |
Hebert, E, E. Reese, and L. Mark. 1995. Avian collision and electrocution: An annotated bibliography. California Energy Commission, Publication Number: P700-95-001.. 1 p. |
1995 | Delaney, D.K. |
Delaney, D.K. Grubb, T.G. Peter, L.L. Reiser, M.H. Beier, P. (1995) Effects of Helicopter Noise on Nesting Mexican Spotted Owls, Study Plan RM-4251-P3-E1-1, Progress Report No. 1, 1995 Field Season Summary. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Fore |
1995 | Lerich, Scott. 1995. ^&Micrathene whitneyi sightings on White Sands Missile Range. Cortez III Service Corporation. December 1995. |
U95LER02NMUS | |
1995 | Stumpff, B. |
Stumpff, B. 1995. Multiple Pass Depltion Trout Surveys, El Rito Creek, El Rito Ranger Disctrict, Carson National Forest, USFS. |
1995 | Ellsworth et al. |
Ellsworth, D. L., R. L. Honeycut, and N. J. Silvy. 1995. Phylogenetic relationships among North American grouse inferred from restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial DNA. Condor 97:492-502. |
1995 | Silver |
Silver, M. 1995. Conservation of cliff swallows in Massachusetts. Bird Observer 23(6):327-332. |
1995 | Davis |
Davis, J.N. 1995. Hutton's Vireo (VIREO HUTTONI). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 189. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 20pp. |
1995 | Warner and Ver Steeg |
Warner, R. E., and B. Ver Steeg. 1995. Illinois badger studies. Division of Wildlife Resources, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Springfield, IL. |
1995 | Gaines, K. H., and S. Boczkiewicz. 1995. Specimen tag information from the University of New Mexico Herbarium collection, Albuquerque. |
U95GAI03NMUS | |
1995 | Backlund |
Backlund, D. C. 1995. New records for the Dwarf Shrew, Pygmy Shrew, and Least Shrew in South Dakota. Prairie Naturalist 27:63-64. |
1995 | Hansen et al. |
Hansen, A.J., W.C. McComb, R. Vega, M.G. Raphael, and M. Hunter. 1995. Bird habitat relationships in natural and managed forests in the west Cascades of Oregon. Ecological Applications 5:555-569. |
1995 | Mesilla Valley Audubon Society |
Mesilla Valley Audubon Society. 1995. Bird Notes May-June 95. Roadrunner Ramblings. 17:5. |
1995 | Weisenberger, M.E. 1995. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for May 1995. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 21 June 1995. 4 pp. |
U95WEI03NMUS | |
1995 | Sodhi and Paszkowski |
Sodhi, N. S., and C.A. Paszkowski. 1995. Habitat use and foraging behavior of 4 parulid warblers in a 2nd-growth forest. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:277-288. |
1995 | Olson and Lewis |
Olson, R., and A. M. Lewis. 1995. Managing damage by house mice. Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Range Management, University of Wyoming, Laramie. 32 pp. |
1995 | Texas Ornithological Society (TOS) |
Texas Ornithological Society (TOS). 1995. Checklist of the birds of Texas, 3rd. ed. Capital Printing, Austin, Texas. 166 pp. |
1995 | DeBruin, E. 1995. Field survey forms for NBS project, "Status Evaluations of Four Rare Plants in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico". |