Displaying 11701 - 11760 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1984 | Hecht |
Hecht, B. 1984. Sequential changes in bed habitat condidtions in the upper Carmel River following the Marble-Cone fire of August, 1977. Pp. 134-141 in R. E. Warner and K. M. Hendrix (eds.). California riparian systems. University of California Press, Berk |
1984 | Reichenbacher, F.W. 1984. Ecology and evolution of southwestern riparian plant communities. Desert Plants 6:15-22. |
A84REI01NMUS | |
1984 | Porter, J. M. (84-042) 1984. #2250 SJC |
1984 | Birkenholz |
Birkenholz, D. 1984. Restored tall grass prairie. American Birds 38:96. |
1984 | Dolan and Wright |
Dolan, P. M. and P. L. Wright. 1984. Damaged western flycatcher eggs in nests containing brown-headed cowbird chicks. Condor (86):483-485. |
1984 | Michelmore |
Michelmore, P. 1984. The amazing beavers of Currant Creek. Reader's Digest 124(744):109-113. |
1984 | Vermeer and Sealy |
Vermeer, K., and S. G. Sealy. 1984. Status of the nesting seabirds of British Columbia. Pages 29-40 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Wootton |
Wootton, R. J. 1984. A functional biology of sticklebacks. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 265 pp. |
1984 | Dinsmore et al. |
Dinsmore, J.J., T.H. Kent, D. Koenig, P.C. Peterson, and D.M. Roosa. 1984. Iowa birds. The Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. 356 pp. |
1984 | Overbay, J. |
Overbay, James C. 1984. Survey Report for Allium gooddingii. |
1984 | Gray and Greaves |
Gray, M.V. and J.M. Greaves. 1984. Riparian forests as habitat for the Least Bell's Vireo, pp. 605-611 IN California riparian systems: ecology, conservation and productive management. R. Warner and K. Hendrix, Eds. Univ. of California Press, Davis. |
1984 | Levenson and Hoffmann |
Levenson, H. and R. S. Hoffmann. 1984. Systematic relationships among taxa in the Townsend chipmunk group. Southwestern Nat., 29:157-168. |
1984 | Singer et al. |
Singer, F. J., W. T. Swank, and E. E. C. Clebsch. 1984. Effects of wild pig rooting in a deciduous forest. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:464-473. |
1984 | Vos |
Vos, D. K. 1984. Response of breeding great blue herons tohuman disturbance in northcentral Colorado. M.S. thesis, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. |
1984 | Marcot |
Marcot, B. G. 1984. Habitat relationships of birds and young-growth Douglas-fir in northwestern California. Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
1984 | Bock and Webb |
Bock, C.E., and B. Webb. 1984. Birds as grazing indicator species in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:1045-1049. |
1984 | Harrison et al. |
Harrison, C. S., M. B. Naughton, and S. I. Fefer. 1984. The status and conservation of seabirds in the Hawaiian Archipelago and Johnston Atoll. Pages 513-526 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Modi and Lee |
Modi, W. S. and M. R. Lee. 1984. Systematic implications of chromosomal banding analyses of populations of PEROMYSCUSTRUEI (Rodentia: Muridae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 97:716-723. |
1984 | Schulenberg and Ptacek |
Schulenberg, J., and M. Ptacek. 1984. Status of the interior least tern in Kansas. Am. Birds 38:975-981. |
1984 | Bednarz, J.C. and J. Cook 1984. Distribution and numbers of the white-sided jackrabbit (Lepus callotis gailardi) in New Mexico. Southwest. Nat. 29:358-360. |
A84BED01NMUS | |
1984 | Diller and Wallace |
Diller, L. V., and R. L. Wallace. 1984. Reproductive biology of the northern Pacific rattlesnake (CROTALUS VIRIDIS OREGANUS) in northern Idaho. Herpetologica 41:182- 193. |
1984 | Hendrickson and Minckley |
Hendrickson, D. A. and W. L. Minckley. 1984. Cienegas--Vanishing climax communities of the American Southwest. Desert Plants 6(3):141-175. |
1984 | DuBois |
DuBois, K. 1984. Rocky Mountain front raptor survey. Final report. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Helena, MT. |
1984 | Senner and Howe |
Senner, S.E., and M.A. Howe. 1984. Conservation of nearctic shorebirds. Pages 379-421 in J. Burger and B. Olla, editors. Behavior of marine animals. Volume 5. Shorebirds: breeding behavior and populations. Plenum Press, New York. |
1984 | Bock et al. |
Bock, C.E., J.H. Bock, W.R. Kenney, and V.M. Hawthorne. 1984. Responses of birds, rodents, and vegetation to livestock exclosure in a semidesert grassland site. Journal of Range Management 37:239-242. |
1984 | Evans |
Evans, P. G. H. 1984a. The seabirds of Greenland: their status and conservation. Pages 49-84 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Mitchell |
Mitchell, J. C. 1984. Observations on the ecology and reproduction of the leopard lizard, Gambelia wislizenii (Iguanidae) in southeastern Arizona. Southwest. Nat. 29: 509-511. |
1984 | Vermeer et al. |
Vermeer, K., et al. 1984. Predation and potential environmental perturbances on ancient murrelets nesting in British Columbia. Pages 757-770 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Bury and Whelan |
Bury, R. B., and J. A. Whelan. 1984. Ecology and management of the bullfrog. USFWS Resource Pub. 155:1-23. |
1984 | Harris |
Harris, L. D. 1984. The fragmented forest: island biogeography theory and the preservation of biotic diversity. University of Chicago Press. xviii + 212 pp. |
1984 | Stefferud, S.E. 1984. Recovery plan for Gila and Yaqui topminnow (Poeciliopsis occidentalis Baird and Girard). U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 2, Albuquerque, NM, Contract PO 20181-0286. |
U84STE01NMUS | |
1984 | Olver and Martin |
Olver, C. H., and N. V. Martin. 1984. A selective bibliography of the lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), 1784-1982. Ontario Fisheries Technical Report Series No. 12. 109 pp. |
1984 | Cosens and Falls |
Cosens, S. E., and J. B. Falls. 1984. A comparison of sound propagation and song frequency in temperate marsh and grassland habitats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 15:161-70. |
1984 | Green |
Green, D. M. 1984. Sympatric hybridization and allozyme variation in the toads Bufo americanus and B. fowleri in southern Ontario. Copeia 1984:18-26. |
1984 | Lumsden |
Lumsden, H. G. 1984. The pre-settlement breeding distribution of trumpeter, CYGNUS BUCCINATOR, and tundra swans, C. COLUMBIANUS, in eastern Canada. Can. Field-Nat. 98:415-424. |
1984 | Smits |
Smits, A. W. 1984. Activity patterns and thermal biology of the toad Bufo boreas halophilus. Copeia 1984:689-696. |
1984 | Zeedyk, W.D. |
Zeedyk, W.D. (1984) Unpublished Letter to Forest Supervisors, New Mexico Forests and Coronado NF. Subject: Black Footed Ferret Status-New Mexico. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 56 p. |
1984 | Tiner |
Tiner, R. W., Jr. 1984. Wetlands of the United States: current status and recent trends. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory, Washington, D.C. 59 pp. |
1984 | Aney |
Aney, W. C. 1984. The effects of patch size on bird communities of remnant old-growth pine stands in western Montana. Master's thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. |
1984 | Ohmart, R.D., and V. Hink. 1984. Middle Rio Grande biological survey. Submitted to Army Corp of Engineers (Contract # DACW47-81-C-0015. 193p + appendices. |
U84OHM01NMUS | |
1984 | Carleton and Musser |
Carleton, M. D., and G. G. Musser. 1984. Muroid rodents. Pages 289-379 in Anderson, S., and J. K. Jones, Jr., eds. Orders and families of Recent mammals of the world. John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. xii + 686 pp. |
1984 | Morrison |
Morrison, R.I.G. 1984. Migration systems of some new world shorebirds. Pages 125-202 in J. Burger, B.L. Olla, (eds.) Shorebirds: migration and foraging behavior. Plenum Press, New York, N. Y. |
1984 | Scowcroft and Sakai |
Scowcroft, P. G., and H. F. Sakai. 1984. Stripping of ACACIA KOA bark by rats on Hawaii and Maui. Pacific Science38:80-86. |
1984 | Braun et al. |
Braun, D., G. B. Kitto, and M. J. Braun. 1984. Molecular population genetics of tufted and black-crested forms of PARUS BICOLOR. Auk 101:170-173. |
1984 | Duffy et al. |
Duffy, D. C., C. Hays, and M. A. Plenge. 1984. The conservation status of Peruvian seabirds. Pages 245-259 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Henny et al. |
Henny, C. J., L. J. Blus, and T. E. Kaiser. 1984. Heptachlor seed treatment contaminates hawks, owls, and eagles of Columbia Basin, Oregon. Raptor Res. 18:41-8. |
1984 | Krekorian |
Krekorian, C. O'Neil. 1984. Life history of the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Herpetologica 41:415-424. |
1984 | Maser et al. |
Maser, C., J.W. Thomas, and R.G. Anderson. 1984. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands -- The Great Basin of southeastern Oregon. The relationship of terrestrial vertebrates to plant communities. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, |
1984 | Shy |
Shy, E. 1984b. Sympatry and allopatry of song in North American tanagers. Behav Ecol Sociobiol. 15:189-95. |
1984 | Bohall and Collopy |
Bohall, P. G., and M. W. Collopy. 1984. Seasonal abundance, habitat use and perch sites of four raptor species in northcentral Florida. J. Field Ornithol. 55:181-189. |
1984 | Font et al. |
Font, W. F., R. M. Overstreet, and R. W. Heard. 1984. Taxonomy and biology of PHAGICOLA NANA Digenea Heterophyidae. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 103:408-422. |
1984 | New Mexico Ornithological Society |
New Mexico Ornithological Society. 1984. 6/1/84 - 7/31/84. NMOS Field Notes. 23( 3). |
1984 | Bagley |
Bagley, F. M. 1984. Recovery plan for the Ozark big-eared bat and the Virginia big-eared bat. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 119 pp. |
1984 | Verner |
Verner, J. 1984. The guild concept applied to management of bird populations. Envir. Manage. 8(1):1-14. |
1984 | Wilbur et al. |
Wilbur, S. R., et al. 1984. California condor recovery plan (revision). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 161 pp. |
1984 | Lehmann |
Lehmann, V. W. 1984. Bobwhites in the Rio Grande plain of Texas. Texas A & M Univ. Press. xv + 371 pp. |
1984 | Taylor, D.E |
Taylor, D.E. 1984. National Wildlife Federation, Raptor Information Center, 1984 Bald Eagle Midwinter Survey field form. WS-ES Office. January 1984. |
1984 | Anderson and Wallmo |
Anderson, A. E., and O. C. Wallmo. 1984. Odocoileus hemionus. Mammalian Species 219:1-9. |
1984 | Otte |
Otte, D. 1984. The North American Grasshoppers Volume II. Acrididae (Oedipodinae). Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 366 pp. |
1984 | Craig |
Craig, R.L. 1984. Comparative foraging ecology of Louisiana and Northern Waterthrushes. Wilson Bulletin 96: 173-183. |