Displaying 11941 - 12000 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1984 | Croxall et al. |
Croxall, J. P. et al., 1984. The seabirds of the Antarctic Peninsula, islands of the Scotia Sea, and Antarctic continent between 80oW and 20oW: their status and conservation. Pages 637-666 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's sea |
1984 | Korpimaki |
Korpimaki, E. 1984. Population dynamics of birds of prey in relation to fluctuations in small mammal populations in western Finland. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 21:287-293. |
1984 | Nisbet and Welton |
Nisbet, I. C. T., and M. J. Welton. 1984. Seasonal variations in breeding success of common terns: consequencesof predation. Condor 86:53-60. |
1984 | Herman et al. |
Herman, S. G., J. W. Scoville, and S. G. Waltcher. 1984. The upland sandpiper in Bear Valley and Logan Valley, Grant County, Oregon. Special Report submitted to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 23 pp. |
1984 | Barcena et al. |
Barcena, F., A. M. Teixeira, and Andres Bermejo. 1984. Breeding seabird populations in the Atlantic sector of the Iberian Peninsula. Pages 335-345 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Collins et al. |
Collins, A. R., J. P. Workman, and D. W. Uresk. 1984. An ecomonic analysis of black-tailed prairie dog (CYNOMYS LUDOVICIANUS) control. Journal of Range Management 37:358-61. |
1984 | Lindroth and Batzli |
Lindroth, R.L., and G.O. Batzli. 1984. Food habits of the meadow vole in bluegrass and prairie habitats. Journal of Mammalogy 65:600-606. |
1984 | Ryan et al. |
Ryan, M.R., R.B. Renken, and J.J. Dinsmore. 1984. Marbled godwit habitat selection in the northern prairie region. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:1206-1218. |
1984 | Nero |
Nero, R. W. 1984. Redwings. Smithsonian Institution Press, Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 160 pp. |
1984 | Soreng, R.J |
Soreng, R.J. 1984. Noteworthy collections. Madrono. 31(?):63, 126, 193. |
1984 | Juen, J. |
Juen, J. 1984. Endangered plant- field survey report forms for Proboscidea sabulosa. BLM Carlsbad Resource Area. 12 report forms. |
1984 | Chapman and Forbes |
Chapman, B. A., and L. S. Forbes. 1984. Observations on detrimental effects of great blue herons on breeding black terns. J. Field Ornithol. 55:251-252. |
1984 | Gallagher et al. |
Gallagher, M. D., et al. 1984. The distribution and conservation of seabirds breeding on the coasts and islands of Iran and Arabia. Pages 421-456 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Kantrud and Stewart |
Kantrud, H.A., and R.E. Stewart. 1984. Ecological distribution and crude density of breeding birds on prairie wetlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:426-437. |
1984 | Ruby and Dunham |
Ruby, D. E., and A. E. Dunham. 1984. A population analysisof the ovoviviparous lizard Sceloporus jarrovi in the Pinaleno Mountains of southeastern Arizona. Herpetologica 41:425-436. |
1984 | Juen, J. 1984. Bureau of Land Management endangered plant field survey report for Ibervillea tenuisecta. 2 sheets. |
U84JUE03NMUS | |
1984 | Mumford and Keller |
Mumford, R. E., and C. E. Keller, 1984. The birds of Indiana. Indiana University Press. |
1984 | Sams, S. |
Sams, Stephen T. 1984. Alluim gooddingii not found in recent search. |
1984 | Fletcher, R. |
Fletcher, Reggie. 1984. Map of Allium gooddingii in Mt. Quadrangle. |
1984 | Baumann and Jacobi |
Baumann, R.W. and G.Z. Jacobi. 1984. two new species of stoneflies (Plecoptera) from New Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 86(1): 147-154. |
1984 | Goldsmith |
Goldsmith, S. K. 1984. Aspects of the natural history of the rough green snake, Opheodrys aestivus (Colubridae). Southwest. Nat. 29:445-452. |
1984 | Martin et al. |
Martin, S. J., M. H. Schroeder, and H. Tietjen. 1984. Burrow plugging by prairie dogs in response to Siberian polecats. Great Basin Naturalist 44:447-9. |
1984 | Rice, E. K |
Rice, E. K. 1984. Banded rock rattlesnake. New Mexico Wildlife. 29(5):5. |
1984 | Zegers |
Zegers, D. A. 1984. SPERMOPHILUS ELEGANS. Mammalian Species, 214:1-7. |
1984 | Dalquest and Strangl |
Dalquest, W. W., and F. B. Stangl, Jr. 1984. The taxonomic status of MYOTIS MAGNAMOLARIS Choate and Hall. J. Mamm. 65:485-486. |
1984 | Hall |
Hall, G.A. 1984. Population decline of neotropical migrants in an Appalachian forest. American Birds 18(1):14-18. |
1984 | Platz and Frost |
Platz, J. E., and J. S. Frost. 1984. Rana yavapaiensis, a new species of leopard frog (Rana pipiens complex). Copeia 1984:940-948. |
1984 | Boyce and Miller |
Boyce, M. S., and R. S. Miller. 1984. Ten-year periodicity in whooping crane census. Auk 102:658-660. |
1984 | Bechard and Houston |
Bechard, M. J., and C. S. Houston. 1984. Probable identityof purported rough-legged hawk nests in the western U.S. andCanada. Condor 86:348-352. |
1984 | Cooper et al. |
Cooper, J., A. J. Williams, and P. L. Britton. 1984. Distribution, population sizes and conservation of breeding seabirds in the Afrotropical region. Pages 403-419 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No |
1984 | Mannan and Meslow |
Mannan, R. W. and E. C. Meslow. 1984. Bird populations and vegetation characteristics in managed and old-growth forests, northeastern Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:1219-1238. |
1984 | Tomasi and Hoffman |
Tomasi, T. E. and R. S. Hoffman. 1984. Sorex preblei in Utah and Wyoming. J. Mamm. 65:708. |
1984 | Juen, J. 1984. BLM endangered plant field survey report for Astragalus gypsodes. Carlsbad Resource Area. May 30, 1984. |
U84JUE02NMUS | |
1984 | Clarke et al. |
Clarke, J. A., B. A. Harrington, T. Hruby, and W. E. Wasserman. 1984. The effect of ditching for mosquito control on saltmarsh use by birds in Rowley, Massachusetts. Journal of Field Ornithology 55:160-80. |
1984 | Garland and Bradley |
Garland, T., Jr. and W. G. Bradley. 1984. Effects of a highway on Mojave Desert rodent populations. American Midland Naturalist 111:47-56. |
1984 | Katibah |
Katibah, E. F. 1984. A brief history of riparian forests in Central Valley of California. Pages 23-29 in California riparian systems: ecology, conservation, and productive management (R. E. Warner and K. M. Hendrix, editors). University of California Pres |
1984 | Rucks |
Rucks, M. G. 1984. Composition and trend of riparian vegetation on five perennial streams in southeastern Arizona. Pp. 97-107 in R. E. Warner and K. M. Hendrix (eds.). California riparian systems. University of California Press, Berkeley. |
1984 | Lowe, P. |
Lowe, P.. 1984. Concentration of DDT and its homologs in fish and crayfish collected in the Rio Grande and Pecos River drainages. Columbia National Fishery Research Laboratory. 7 p. |
1984 | Opler and Krizek |
Opler, P.A. and G.O. Krizek. 1984. Butterflies East of the Great Plains, an illustrated natural history. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore. 294pp. |
1984 | Sivinski, B. 1984. Bureau of Land Management observation of T & E plants form filled out by Paul Knight on Pediocactus papyracanthus. |
U84SIV01NMUS | |
1984 | Fletcher, R. |
Fletcher, Reggie. 1984. Maps of Allium gooddingii in Mt. Quadrangel. |
1984 | Bedard and LaPointe |
Bedard, J., and G. LaPointe. 1984. Banding returns, arrival times and site fidelity in the Savannah Sparrow (PASSERCULUS SANDWICHENSIS). Wilson Bulletin 96:196-205. |
1984 | Golovkin |
Golovkin, A. N. 1984. Seabirds nesting in the USSR: the status and protection of populations. Pages 473-486 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | McCrary and Bloom |
McCrary, M. D., and P. H. Bloom. 1984. Lethal effects of introduced grasses on red-shouldered hawks. Journal of Wildlife Management. 48(3): 1005-1008. |
1984 | Robertson and Bell |
Robertson, C. J. R., and B. D. Bell. 1984. Seabird status and conservation in the New Zealand region. Pages 573-586 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Bart et al. |
Bart, J., R. A. Stehn, J. A. Herrick, N. A. Heaslip, T. A. Bookhout, and J. R. Stenzel. 1984. Survey methods for breeding yellow rails. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:1382-1386. |
1984 | Daniels |
Daniels, J. M. 1984. A post-release telemetry study of the barn owl. Wild. Rehab. 14:163-9. |
1984 | Harper et al. |
Harper, P. C., et al. 1984. The status and conservation of birds in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica. Pages 593-608 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Platz and Mecham |
Platz, J.E. and Mecham, J.S. 1984. Rana chiricahuensis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 347:1-2. |
1984 | Bednarz and Cook |
Bednarz, J. C., and J. A. Cook. 1984. Distribution and numbers of the white-sided jackrabbit (LEPUS CALLOTIS GAILLARDI) in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 29:358-360. |
1984 | Crivelli and Schreiber |
Crivelli, A. J., and R. W. Schreiber. 1984. Status of the Pelecanidae. Biological Conservation 30:147-156. |
1984 | Turner and Snelson |
Turner, J. S., and F. F. Snelson, Jr. 1984. Population structure, reproduction and laboratory behavior of the introduced Belonesox belizanus (Poeciliidae) in Florida. Environmental Biology of Fishes 10:89-100. |
1984 | New Mexico Native Plant Protection Advisory Committee |
New Mexico Native Plant Protection Advisory Committee. 1984. A handbook of rare and endemic plants of New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 291 pp. |
1984 | Larson, R. (for James C. Overbay) 1984. July volunteer survey for Allium gooddingii. Unpub. letter from R. Larson (for J. Overbay) of USDA-FS to Gila N.F. Forest Supervisor, Aug 23, 1984. 2 p + maps. |
U84LAR01NMUS | |
1984 | Corn and Fogleman |
Corn, P. S., and J. C. Fogleman. 1984. Extinction of montane populations of the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in Colorado. J. Herpetol. 18:147-152. |
1984 | Gavin |
Gavin, T. A. 1984. Broodedness in bobolinks. Auk 101:179-181. |
1984 | Lang and Wieder |
Lang, G. E., and R. K. Wieder. 1984. The role of beaver in vegetation patterning and development in Sphagnum-dominated wetlands in West Virginia. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 65:243. |
1984 | Schlatter |
Schlatter, R. P. 1984. The status and conservation of seabirds in Chile. Pages 261-269 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Publ. No. 2. |
1984 | S84PROGFNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located. |
1984 | McCracken |
McCracken, J.D. 1984. Status report on the Prothonotary Warbler PROTONOTARIA CITREA. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 27 pp. |