Displaying 11461 - 11520 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1985 | Gratto et al. |
Gratto, C. L., R. I. G. Morrison, and F. Cooke. 1985. Philopatry, site tenacity, and mate fidelity in the semipalmated sandpiper. Auk 102:16-24. |
1985 | Marti and Wagner |
Marti, C. D., and P. W. Wagner. 1985. Winter mortality in common barn-owls and its effect on population density and reproduction. Condor 87:111-115. |
1985 | Sattler |
Sattler, P. W. 1985. Introgressive hybridization between the spadefoot toads Scaphiopus bombifrons and S. multiplicatus (Salientia: Pelobatidae). Copeia 1985:324-332. |
1985 | Pagels |
Pagels, J. F. 1985. The shrews of Virginia. Final Report submitted to Virginia Dept. Game and Inl. Fisheries. 50 pp. |
1985 | Bond |
Bond, J. 1985. Birds of the West Indies. South China Printing Co., Hong Kong. |
1985 | Knight, P |
Knight, P. 1985. Status Report on Astragulus knightii. Department of Natural Resources, December 17, 1985. . 7 p. |
1985 | Herron et al. |
Herron, G. B., C. A. Mortimore, and M. S. Rawlings. 1985. Nevada raptors: their biology and management. Nevada Dept. of Wildlife. Biological Bulletin No. 8. |
1985 | Genoways and Brenner |
Genoways, H. H., and F. J. Brenner, editors. 1985. Species of special concern in Pennsylvania. Spec. Publ. Carnegie Mus. of Nat. Hist. No. 11. |
1985 | Anderson and Ohmart |
Anderson, B. W., and R. D. Ohmart. 1985. Habitat use by clapper rails in the lower Colorado River valley. Condor 87:116-126. |
1985 | Howard and Larson |
Howard, R. J., and J. S. Larson. 1985. A stream habitat classification system for beaver. Journal of Wildlife Management 49:19-25. |
1985 | Rayner |
Rayner, L. S. 1985. Dynamics of a plague outbreak in Gunnison's prairie dog. J. Mamm. 66:194-196. |
1985 | Rodriguez-Duran and Lewis |
Rodriguez-Duran, A., and A. R. Lewis. 1985. Seasonal predation on sooty mustached bats in western Puerto Rico. Biotropica 17:71-74. |
1985 | Montgomery, J.M. |
Montgomery, J.M. 1985. Wildlife and fishery studies, Upper Gila Water Supply Project Part 2: Fisheries. Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder City, Nevada.. 127 p. |
1985 | Worthington and Reid |
Worthington, R.D., and W.H. Reid. 1985. Vegetation of the gypsum dune habitat, Hudspeth County, Texas. Report prepared for the Texas Nature Conservancy, San Antonio, Texas. |
1985 | Tomaszek, M |
Tomaszek, M. 1985. Collection of field notes and other materials relating to surveys of Cyprinodon tularosa on WSMR. . 60 p. |
1985 | Kennedy, P.L. 1985. Breeding Bird Record for the Northern Goshawk. Report to NMDGF. 1p. |
U85KEN01NMUS | |
1985 | Duffy |
Duffy, K. E. 1985. Fall migration of barn owls at Cape May Point, New Jersey. Pages 193-205 in Hawk Migration Conference IV Proceedings. Hawk Migration Assoc. N. Amer., Kempton, Pennsylvania. |
1985 | Krohmer and Aldridge |
Krohmer, R. W., and R. D. Aldridge. 1985b. Female reproductive cycle of the lined snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum). Herpetologica 41:39-44. |
1985 | Sullivan, R.M |
Sullivan, R.M. 1985. Phyletic, biogeographic, and ecologic relationships among montane populations of least chipmunks ( Eutamias minimus) in the southwest. Systematic Zoology. 34:419-448. |
1985 | Green and Delisle |
Green, D. M., and D. M. Delisle. 1985. Allotriploidy in natural hybrid frogs, Rana chiricahuensis x R. pipiens, from Arizona: chromosomes and electrophoretic evidence. Journal of Herpetology 19:385-390. |
1985 | Page et al. |
Page, G. W., L. E. Stenzel, and C. A. Ribic. 1985. Nest site selection and clutch predation in the snowy plover. Auk 102:347-353. |
1985 | Winter and Best |
Winter, B.M., and L.B. Best. 1985. Effect of prescribed burning on placement of sage sparrow nests. Condor 87:294. |
1985 | Byrd et al. |
Byrd, G. V., et al. 1985. Notes on the breeding biology ofthe Hawaiian race of the American coot. 'Elepaio 45:57-63. |
1985 | Ryser |
Ryser, F.A. 1985. Birds of the Great Basin a natural history. University of Nevada Press, Reno, NV. |
1985 | Gyllensten et al. |
Gyllensten, U., N. Ryman and T. Saether. 1985. Genetic divergence between willow grouse and rock ptarmigan, and the genetic structure of Scandinavian grouse populations. Hereditas, 102(1985)47-55. |
1985 | McGarigal and Fraser |
McGarigal, K., and J. D. Fraser. 1985. Barred owl responses to recorded vocalizations. Condor 87:552-553. |
1985 | Savard |
Savard, J.-P. L. 1985. Evidence of long-term pair bonds in Barrow's Goldeneye (BUCEPHALA ISLANDICA). Auk 102:389-391. |
1985 | White and Melvin |
White, R.P., and S.M. Melvin. 1985. Rare grassland birds and management recommendations at Camp Edwards/Otis Air National Guard Base. Special Report submitted to Massachusetts National Guard. 34 pp. |
1985 | Cramp |
Cramp, S., editor. 1985. Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The birds of the western Palearctic. Vol. 4, terns to woodpeckers. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. |
1985 | Lambert and Smith |
Lambert, A.B., and R.B.H. Smith. 1985. Status report on the Prairie Warbler (DENDROICA DISCOLOR). Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 312 pp. |
1985 | New Mexico State Game Commission |
New Mexico State Game Commission. 1985. Regulation Number 624, as amended 28 March 1985. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, NM. |
1985 | Herrero |
Herrero, S. 1985. Bear attacks: their causes and avoidance. Winchester Press. 287 pp. |
1985 | Bagley and Jacobs |
Bagley, R. and J. Jacobs. 1985. Census techniques for endangered big-eared bats proving successful. Endangered Species Tech. Bull. 10(3):5-7. |
1985 | Johnson and Zink |
Johnson, N. K., and R. M. Zink. 1985. Genetic evidence for relationships among red-eyed, yellow-green, and chivi vireos. Wilson Bull. 97:421-435. |
1985 | Reichman et al. |
Reichman, O. J., D. T. Wicklow, and C. Rebar. 1985. Ecological and mycological characteristics of caches in the mounds of Dipodomys spectabilis. J. Mamm. 66:643-651. |
1985 | Rosenfield et al. |
Rosenfield, R. N., et al. 1985. Taped calls as an aid in locating Cooper's Hawk nests. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 13:62-3. |
1985 | Tomaszek, M.H |
Tomaszek, M.H. 1985. Status/progress report for the White Sands pupfish, period covered: May 1984 - Dec 1984 and Jan 1985 - March 1985. Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State University. |
1985 | Willard, D |
Willard, D. 1985. Letter to Jennifer A. Johnson, dated Jan 14, 1985. |
1985 | National Audubon Society |
National Audubon Society. 1985. Eighty-fifth Christmas Bird Count. Audubon Field Notes 39:383-834. |
1985 | Mongomery, J. M. |
Montgomery, J. M. 1985. Wildlife and Fishery Studies, Upper Gila Water Supply Project Part 1: Terrestrial Wildlife. Prepared for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder City, Nevada. 256 p. |
1985 | Eichinger and Moriarty |
Eichinger, J., and D.J. Moriarty. 1985. Movement of Mojave Desert sparrow flocks. Wilson Bulletin 97:511-516. |
1985 | McAda and Wydoski |
McAda, C. W., and R. S. Wydoski. 1985. Growth and reproduction of the flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus latipinnis, in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1975-76. Great Basin Naturalist 45(2):281-286. |
1985 | Sumlin |
Sumlin, William D.III. 1985. A review of CICINDELA POLITULA LeConte (Coleoptera:Cicindelidae). J. of the Kansas Entomological Society. 58(2): pp. 220-227. |
1985 | Barclay and Cash |
Barclay, R. M. R., and K. J. Cash. 1985. A non-commensal maternity roost of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). J. Mamm. 66:783-783. |
1985 | Harrison and Gilbert |
Harrison, D. J., and J. R. Gilbert. 1985. Denning ecology and movements of coyotes in Maine during pup rearing. J. Mamm. 66:712-719. |
1985 | Perkins and Lawrence |
Perkins, G. A., and J. S. Lawrence. 1985. Bird use of wetlands created by surface mining. Trans. Ill. State Acad. Sci. 78:87-96. |
1985 | Strong and Bissonette |
Strong, P. I. V., and J. A. Bissonette. 1985. Management considerations for common loons in Maine. Maine Coop. Wildl. Res. Unit, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Orono, Maine. Unpublished report. |
1985 | Christiansen et al. |
Christiansen, J. L., et al. 1985. Aspects of the natural history of the yellow mud turtle Kinosternon flavescens (Kinosternidae) in Iowa: a proposed endangered species. Southwest. Nat. 30:413-425. |
1985 | Scott and Servheen |
Scott, M.D. and G. Servheen. 1985. Wildlife research: caribou ecology. Idaho Dept. Fish and Game. 137 pp. |
1985 | Hamerstrom et al. |
Hamerstrom, F., F. N. Hamerstrom, and C. J. Burke. 1985. Effect of voles on mating systems in a central Wisconsin population of harriers. Wilson Bulletin 97:332-46. |
1985 | McLaughlin |
McLaughlin, S. P. 1985. A new species of Amsonia (Apocynaceae) from central New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 30(4):563-565. |
1985 | Scott, N.J. and R.D. Jennings 1985. The tadpoles of five species of New Mexican leopard frogs. Occasional papers the Museum of Southwest Biology. No. 3, Dec. 9, 1985. 21Pp. |
A85SCO01NMUS | |
1985 | Frost |
Frost, D. R. 1985. Amphibian species of the world. A taxonomic and geographical reference. Allen Press, Inc., and The Association of Systematics Collections, Lawrence, Kansas. v + 732 pp. |
1985 | Mack |
Mack, C. M. 1985. River otter restoration in Grand County, Colorado. M.S. thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 133 pp. |
1985 | E. Rasmussen,Peterson, R.S. |
Peterson, R.S. and E. Rasmussen. 1985. Research Natural Areas in New Mexico. USDA, Forest Service General Technical Report RM-136, 58 p. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo. |
1985 | Lackey et al. |
Lackey, J. A., D. G. Huckaby, and B. G. Ormiston. 1985. PEROMYSCUS LEUCOPUS. Mammalian Species No. 247:1-10. |
1985 | Burns et al. |
Burns, J. C., J. R. Choate, and E. G. Zimmerman. 1985. Systematic relationships of pocket gophers (genus Geomys) on the Central Great Plains. J. Mamm. 66:102-118. |
1985 | Kibbe |
Kibbe, D. P. 1985. Loggerhead shrike. Pages 260-261 in S. B. Laughlin and D. P. Kibbe, editors. The atlas of breeding birds of Vermont. Univ. Press of New England, Hanover, New Hampshire. |
1985 | Snyder and Hamber |
Snyder, N. F. R., and J. A. Hamber. 1985. Replacement- clutching and annual nesting of California condors. Condor 87:374-378. |
1985 | Bestgen |
Bestgen, K. R. 1985. Distribution biology, and status of the roundtail chub, Gila robusta, in the Gila River Basin, New Mexico. Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO. M.S. Thesis. |