Displaying 11641 - 11700 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1985 | Buth, D.G. and C. B. Crabtree. 1985. A comparison of genetic characteristics of the Zuni sucker (Catostomus discobolus yarrowi), the bullhead sucker (Catostomus discobolus), and the Rio Grande sucker (Catostomus plebeius) [expanded to include the desert s |
U85BUT01NMUS | |
1985 | Zickefoose |
Zickefoose, J. 1985. Least tern/piping plover recovery program. Final report to The Nature Conservancy, Connecticut Chapter. 22 pp. |
1985 | Carlson and Carroll |
Carlson, D.B., J.D. Carroll, Jr. 1985. Developing and implementing impoundment management methods benefiting mosquito control, fish and wildlife: A two year progress report about the Technical Subcommittee on Mosquito Impoundments. J. Fla. Anti-Mosq. Cont |
1985 | Gould |
Gould, W. 1985. Aspects of the biology of the flathead chub (Hybopsis gracilis) in Montana. Great Basin Naturalist 45: 332-336. |
1985 | Schulz and Yasuda |
Schulz, T. A., and D. Yasuda. 1985. Ecology and management of the common barn owl in the California Central Valley. In Proceedings of the 1985 Raptor Research foundation meeting. Raptor Research Foundation. (abstract). |
1985 | Fala et al. |
Fala et al. 1985. Raptor Res. 19:1-7. |
1985 | Levenson et al. |
Levenson, H., et al. 1985. Systematics of the Holarctic chipmunks (TAMIAS). J. Mammalogy 66:219-242. |
1985 | Robbins and Boone |
Robbins, C. S., and D. D. Boone. 1985. Threatened breeding birds of Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 41:87-108. |
1985 | Fitch |
Fitch, H. S. 1985. Observations on rattle size and demography of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) in Kansas. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Occas. Pap. 118:1-11. |
1985 | Dietrich et al. |
Dietrich, W., P.H. Raven, and W.L. Wagner. 1985. Revision of Oenothera sect. Oenothera subsect. Emersonia (Onagraceae). Systematic Botany 10(1): 29-48. |
1985 | Johnson and Johnson |
Johnson, N. K., and C. B. Johnson. 1985. Speciation in sapsuckers (SPHYRAPICUS): II. Sympatry, hybridization, and mate preference in S. RUBER DAGGETTI and S. NUCHALIS. Auk 102:1-15. |
1985 | Williams and Sada |
Williams, J. E. and D. W. Sada. 1985a. America's desert fishes: increasing their protection under the Endangered Species Act. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin 10:8-14. |
1985 | Willis |
Willis, J.C. 1985. A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA. 1245 p. |
1985 | Abbott, J. |
Abbott, James. Letter to Mr. John Peterson. November 27, 1985. USDA Forest Service, NM. |
1985 | Turner, J. 1985. Breeding Bird Record for the Northern Goshawk. Report to NMDGF. 1p. |
U85TUR02NMUS | |
1985 | Evans and Cash |
Evans, R. M., and K. J. Cash. 1985. Early spring flights of American white pelicans: timing and functional role in attracting others to the breeding colony. Condor 87:252-255. |
1985 | McLaughlin and Montgomerie |
McLaughlin, R. L., and R. D. Montgomerie. 1985. Brood division by Lapland longspurs. Auk 102:687-695. |
1985 | Wetmore et al. |
Wetmore, S. P., R. A. Keller, and G. E. Smith. 1985. Effects of logging on bird populations in British Columbia as determined by a modified point-count method. Canadian Field-Naturalist 99:224-233. |
1985 | Cully, A. |
Cully, A. House, D. Knight, P. 1985. Status Report on Atriplex pleiantha. USFS |
1985 | Heil et al. |
Heil, K.D., S. Brack and J.M. Porter. 1985. The rare and sensitive cacti of Big Bend National Park. Report prepared for Big Bend National Park, Texas. 41 pp. |
1985 | Converse |
Converse, K. A. 1985. A study of resident nuisance geese in Connecticut and New York. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Massachusetts. |
1985 | Ceballos-G. and Wilson |
Ceballos-G., G. y D. Wilson. 1985. Cynomys mexicanus. Mamm. Species, 248: 1-3. |
A85CEB0100LA |
1985 | Hector |
Hector, D. P. 1985. The diet of the aplomado falcon (FALCOFEMORALIS) in eastern Mexico. Condor 87:336-342. |
1985 | Scott and Kepler |
Scott, J. M., and C. B. Kepler. 1985. Distribution and abundance of Hawaiian native birds: a status report. Pages 43-70 in Temple, S. A. (editor). Bird Conservation 2. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin. 181 pp. |
1985 | Williams and Sada |
Williams, J. E. and D. W. Sada. 1985b. Status of two endangered fishes, Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes and Rhinichthyes osculus nevadensis, from two springs in Ash Meadows, Nevada. Southwestern Naturalist 30:475-84. |
1985 | Hall |
Hall, G. A. 1985. West Virginia birds: distribution and ecology. Special Publication of Carnegie Museum of Nautral History, No. 7. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. |
1985 | Fowler and Taber |
Fowler, J. F., and C. A. Taber. 1985. Food habits and feeding periodicity in two sympatric stonerollers (Cyprinidae). American Midland Naturalist 113:217-224. |
1985 | Mclaughlin, S.P. 1985. A new species of Amsonia (Apocyanaceae) from central New Mexico. The Southwestern Nat. 30(4):563-565. |
A85MCL01NMUS | |
1985 | Shackleton |
Shackleton, D. M. 1985. Ovis canadensis. Mammalian Species 230:1-9. |
1985 | Henneger |
Henneger, F. 1985. Fisheries Biologist. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Telephone communication with N. E. Drilling, The Nature Conservancy, Midwest Regional Office, April 15, 1985. |
1985 | Hubricht |
Hubricht, L. 1985. The distribution of the native land mollusks of the eastern United States. Fieldiana: Zoology 24:1-191. |
1985 | Friedman and Kiff |
Friedman, H., and L.F. Kiff. 1985. The parasitic cowbirds and their hosts. Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 2:226-302. |
1985 | Kahl et al. |
Kahl, R. B., T. S. Baskett, J. A. Ellis, and J. N. Burroughs. 1985. Charactersitics of summer habitats of selected nongame birds in Missouri. Univeristy of Missouri-Columbia College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Bulletin 1056:5 |
1985 | Wydeven and Dahlgren |
Wydeven, A. P. and R. B. Dahlgren. 1985. Ungulate habitat relationships in Wind Cave National Park. Journal of Wildlife Management 49:805-813. |
1985 | Woundfin Recovery Team |
Woundfin Recovery Team. 1985. Recovery plan for woundfin (Plagopterus argentissimus Cope) (revision). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 81 pp. |
1985 | Abbott, J. |
Abbott, James. R. 1985. Cirsium vinaceum record and fencing enclosure. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p.6. |
1985 | Fowler and Fowler |
Fowler, L. J., and D. K. Fowler. 1985. Breeding birds and vegetation along the Duck river in middle Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 60:48-51. |
1985 | Meffe |
Meffe, G. K. 1985. Predation and species replacement in American southwestern fishes: a case study. Southwestern Naturalist 30:173-187. |
1985 | White, C.M. and T.L. Thurow. 1985. Reproduction of Ferruginous hawks exposed to controlled disturbance. The Condor. 87:14-22. |
A85WHI01NMUS | |
1985 | Ecosphere Environmental Services. 1985. Endangered and threatened plant inventory of Sclerocactus mesae-verdae distribution and habitat. Survey conducted for BLM. |
U85ECO01NMUS | |
1985 | Apple |
Apple, L. L. 1985. Riparian habitat restoration and beaver. In: Riparian ecosystems and their management: reconciling conflicting uses. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-120. |
1985 | Irving, R. |
Irving, R. 1985. McKittrick Pennyroyal, Hedeoma apiculatum W.S. Stewart Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. iv + 46pp. |
1985 | Bureau of Land Management |
Bureau of Land Management. 1985-2000. Field forms for Lesser Prairie Chicken lek surveys conducted by BLM in the Carlsbad Resource Area. |
1984 | Harper |
Harper, W. L. 1984. Pregnancy rate and early lamb survival of California bighorn sheep (OVIS CANADENSIS CALIFORNIANA, Douglas 1871) in the Ashnola watershed, British Columbia. M.S. thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. |
1984 | Duffy and Hurtado |
Duffy, D. C., and M. Hurtado. 1984. The conservation and status of seabirds of the Ecuadorian mainland. Pages 231-236 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Koenig |
Koenig, D. 1984. A Wilson's Phalarope nest in Allamakee County. Iowa Bird Life 54:123. |
1984 | Niemi and Hanowski |
Niemi, G. J., and J. M. Hanowski. 1984. Effects of a transmission line on bird populations in the Red Lake peatland, northern Minnesota. Auk 101:487-498. |
1984 | van Tets and Fullagar |
van Tets, G. F., and P. J. Fullagar. 1984. Status of seabirds breeding in Australia. Pages 559-571 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Finch |
Finch, D. M. 1984. Parental expenditure of time and energyin the Abert's towhee (PIPILO ABERTI). Auk 101:473-486. |
1984 | Ingham and Detling |
Ingham, R. E. and J. K. Detling. 1984. Plant-herbivore interactions in a North American mixed-grass prairie. Part III, Soil nematode populations and root biomass dynamics on CYNOMYS LUDOVICIANUS colonies and adjacent uncolonized areas. Oecologia 73:307-13 |
1984 | Milsap and Vana |
Milsap, B. A., and S. L. Vana. 1984. Distribution of wintering golden eagles in the eastern United States. Wilson Bull. 96:692-701. |
1984 | Hasegawa |
Hasegawa, H. 1984. Status and conservation of seabirds in Japan, with special attention to the short-tailed albatross. Pages 487-500 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Perez and Atyeo |
Perez, T. M., and W. T. Atyeo. 1984. Feather mites, feather lice, and thanatochresis. J. Parasitol. 70:807-812. |
1984 | Hansen |
Hansen, S. 1984. The trumpeter swan: a white perfection. Northland. 75 pp. |
1984 | Wynne and Sherburne |
Wynne, K. M., and J. A. Sherburne. 1984. Summer home range use by adult marten in northwestern Maine. Can. J. Zool. 62:941-943. |
1984 | Greenberg |
Greenberg, R. 1984. The winter exploitation systems of bay-breasted and chestnut-sided warblers in Panama. Univ. California Pub. Zool. 116:x + 107 pp. |
1984 | McNamee |
McNamee, T. 1984. The grizzly bear. N.Y. 308 pp. |
1984 | Berry and Nicholson |
Berry, K. H. and L. L. Nicholson. 1984. A summary of human activities and their impacts on desert tortoise populations and habitat in California. In Berry, K. H. (ed.). The status of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the United States. Report fr |
1984 | Wetmore et al. |
Wetmore, A., R. F. Pasquier, and S. L. Olson. 1984. The birds of the Republic of Panama. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Coll. 150 (4). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. |
1984 | Engstrom et al. |
Engstrom, R. T., R. L. Crawford, and W. W. Baker. 1984. Breeding bird populations in relation to changing forest structure following fire exclusion: a 15-year study. Wilson Bull. 96:437-450. |