Displaying 11821 - 11880 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1984 | Corn and Fogleman |
Corn, P. S., and J. C. Fogleman. 1984. Extinction of montane populations of the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in Colorado. J. Herpetol. 18:147-152. |
1984 | Gavin |
Gavin, T. A. 1984. Broodedness in bobolinks. Auk 101:179-181. |
1984 | Lang and Wieder |
Lang, G. E., and R. K. Wieder. 1984. The role of beaver in vegetation patterning and development in Sphagnum-dominated wetlands in West Virginia. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 65:243. |
1984 | Schlatter |
Schlatter, R. P. 1984. The status and conservation of seabirds in Chile. Pages 261-269 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Publ. No. 2. |
1984 | S84PROGFNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located. |
1984 | McCracken |
McCracken, J.D. 1984. Status report on the Prothonotary Warbler PROTONOTARIA CITREA. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 27 pp. |
1984 | Thonpson, F. G |
Thonpson, F. G. 1984. Freshwater snails of Florida: A manual for identification. . 94 p. |
1984 | Sivinski, B. 1984. Bureau of Land Management observation of T & E plants form filled out by Paul Knight on Pediocactus papyracanthus. |
U84SIV01NMUS | |
1984 | Fletcher, R. |
Fletcher, R. 1984. Survey Report for Allium Gooddingii. |
1984 | Berry and Turner |
Berry, K. H., and F. B. Turner. 1984. Notes on the behavior and habitat preferences of the juvenile desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in California. Pages 111-130 in Trotter, M. (ed.). Proceedings of the 1984 symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council; |
1984 | Hailman |
Hailman, J. P. 1984. Bimodal nocturnal activity of the western toad (Bufo boreas) in relation to ambient temperature. Copeia 1984:283-290. |
1984 | METCALF |
Metcalf, A.L. 1984. Distribution of land snails of the San Andreas and Organ Mts, southern NM. The SW Naturalist, 29(1):35-44. |
1984 | Schmutz et al. |
Schmutz, J. K., D. A. Moore, and A. R. Smith. 1984. Artificial nests for ferruginous and Swainson's hawks. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1009-1013. |
1984 | de Korte |
de Korte, J. 1984. Status and conservation of seabird colonies in Indonesia. Pages 527-545 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Havlik and Marking |
Havlik, M.E. and L.L. Marking. 1984. Effects of contaminants on naiad mollusks (Unionidae): a review. Abstract in Bulletin of the American Malacogical Union 3(1):106-107 |
1984 | Raphael and White |
Raphael, M. G. and M. White. 1984. Use of snags by cavity-nesting birds in the Sierra Nevada. Wildlife Monographs 86:1-66. |
1984 | Belwood and Fullard |
Belwood, J. J., and J. H. Fullard. 1984. Echolocation and foraging behaviour in the Hawaiian hoary bat, LASIURUS CINEREUS SEMOTUS. Canadian J. Zoology 62:2113-2120. |
1984 | Davidson |
Davidson, N.C. 1984. Identification of Refueling sites by studies of weight changes and fat deposition. Pages 68-78 in P. R. Evans, H. Hafner, and P. L'Hermite, (eds.) Shorebirds and Large Waterbirds. Commission of the European Communities. Durham, United |
1984 | McNutt |
McNutt, J. W. 1984. A peregrine falcon polymorph: observations of the reproductive behavior of FALCO KREYENBORGI. Condor 86:378-382. |
1984 | Uresk |
Uresk, D. W. 1984. Black-tailed prairie dog food habits and forage relationships in western South Dakota. Journal of Range Management 37:325-9. |
1984 | Smith and Doughty |
Smith, L. L., and R. W. Doughty. 1984. The amazing armadillo. Geography of a folk critter. Univ. Texas Press, Austin. xi + 134 pp. |
1984 | Gilmer and Stewart |
Gilmer, D. S., and R. E. Stewart. 1984. Swainson's hawk nesting ecology in North Dakota. Condor 86:12-18. |
1984 | Leary et al. |
Leary, R.F., F.W. Allendorf, S.R. Phelps, and K.L. Knudsen. 1984. Introgression between west slope cutthroat and rainbow trout in the Clark Fork River drainage, Montana. Proceedings of the Montana Academy of Sciences 43:1-18. |
1984 | Shields |
Shields, W. M. 1984. Factors affecting nest and site fidelity in Adirondack barn swallows (HIRUNDO RUSTICA). Auk 101:780-789. |
1984 | Morgan |
Morgan, K. H. 1984. Breeding bird communities of a post-clearcutting secondary succession in a Nova Scotian hardwood forest. Master's thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. |
1984 | Prindiville and Ryan |
Prindiville, E., and M. Ryan. 1984. Preliminary results of a study on the productivity and habitat requirements of piping plovers in central North Dakota. Unpublished report submitted to The Nature Conservancy. |
1984 | White, D.H. |
White, D.H.. 1984. Impacts of organochlorine pesticides on wildlife of the Rio Grande and Pecos River drainages of New Mexico and Texas. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. 23 p. |
1984 | Heil, K. D. and S. Brack. 1984. Technical review draft: the rare and sensitive cacti of White Sands National Monument. 13 pp. |
U84HEI01NMUS | |
1984 | Blake and Karr |
Blake, J.G., and J.R. Karr. 1984. Species composition of bird communities and the conservation benefit of large versus small forests. Biological Conservation 30:173-187. |
A84BLA0100LA |
1984 | Hand |
Hand, D. 1984. The beaver's tale: out of the woods and into hot water. Smithsonian 15(8):162-170. |
1984 | Minckley, W.L. and T.O. Clark. 1984. Formation and destruction of a Gila river mesquite bosque community. Desert Plants 6:23-30. |
A84MIN01NMUS | |
1984 | Schmutz |
Schmutz, J. K. 1984. Ferruginous and Swainson's hawk abundance and distribution in relation to land use in southeastern Alberta. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1180-1187. |
1984 | Bednarz |
Bednarz, J. C. 1984. Effect of mining and blasting on breeding Prairie Falcon (FALCO MEXICANUS) occupancy in the Caballo Mountains, New Mexico. Raptor Res. 18:16-19. |
1984 | Devereux and Mosher |
Devereux, J. G., and J. A. Mosher. 1984. Breeding ecology of barred owls in the central Appalachians. Raptor Research 18:49-58. |
1984 | Hecht |
Hecht, B. 1984. Sequential changes in bed habitat condidtions in the upper Carmel River following the Marble-Cone fire of August, 1977. Pp. 134-141 in R. E. Warner and K. M. Hendrix (eds.). California riparian systems. University of California Press, Berk |
1984 | Reichenbacher, F.W. 1984. Ecology and evolution of southwestern riparian plant communities. Desert Plants 6:15-22. |
A84REI01NMUS | |
1984 | Porter, J. M. (84-042) 1984. #2250 SJC |
1984 | Bintz |
Bintz, G. L. 1984. Water balance, water stress, and the evolution of seasonal torpor in ground-dwelling sciurids. Pp. 142-65 in J. O. Murie and G. R. Michener (eds.). The Biology of Ground-dwelling Sciurids. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE. |
1984 | Diersing |
Diersing, V. E. 1984. Lagomorphs. Pages 241-254 in Anderson, S., and J. K. Jones, Jr., eds. Orders and families of Recent mammals of the world. John Wiley & Sons,N.Y. xii + 686 pp. |
1984 | Meunier and Bedard |
Meunier, M., and J. Bedard. 1984. Nestling foods of the Savannah Sparrow. Canadian Journal of Zoology 62:23-27. |
1984 | van Halewyn and Norton |
van Halewyn, R., and R. L. Norton. 1984. The status and conservation of seabirds in the Caribbean. Pages 169-222 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2 |
1984 | Tennant |
Tennant, A. 1984. The Snakes of Texas. Texas Monthly Press, Austin, Texas. 561 pp. |
1984 | Linkhart |
Linkhart, B. D. 1984. Range, activity, and habitat use by nesting flammulated owls in a Colorado ponderosa pine forest. Masters thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. |
1984 | Gotie and Jenks |
Gotie, R. F., and D. L. Jenks. 1984. Assessment of the use of wetlands inventory maps for determining potential beaver habitat. New York Fish and Game Journal 31:55-62. |
1984 | Lerg |
Lerg, J. M. 1984. Status of the barn owl in Michigan. Jack-Pine Warbler 62:39-48. |
1984 | Simons |
Simons, R. E. 1984. Do northern harriers lay replacement clutches? Raptor Res. 18:103-6. |
1984 | Snyder, W.R. |
Snyder, W.R.. 1984. Summary of Spring 1984 sensitive plant survey. |
1984 | Marcot |
Marcot, B. G. 1984. Habitat relationships of birds and young-growth Douglas-fir in northwestern California. Ph.D. dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR |
1984 | Bock and Webb |
Bock, C.E., and B. Webb. 1984. Birds as grazing indicator species in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:1045-1049. |
1984 | Harrison et al. |
Harrison, C. S., M. B. Naughton, and S. I. Fefer. 1984. The status and conservation of seabirds in the Hawaiian Archipelago and Johnston Atoll. Pages 513-526 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1984 | Modi and Lee |
Modi, W. S. and M. R. Lee. 1984. Systematic implications of chromosomal banding analyses of populations of PEROMYSCUSTRUEI (Rodentia: Muridae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 97:716-723. |
1984 | Schulenberg and Ptacek |
Schulenberg, J., and M. Ptacek. 1984. Status of the interior least tern in Kansas. Am. Birds 38:975-981. |
1984 | Bednarz, J.C. and J. Cook 1984. Distribution and numbers of the white-sided jackrabbit (Lepus callotis gailardi) in New Mexico. Southwest. Nat. 29:358-360. |
A84BED01NMUS | |
1984 | Diller and Wallace |
Diller, L. V., and R. L. Wallace. 1984. Reproductive biology of the northern Pacific rattlesnake (CROTALUS VIRIDIS OREGANUS) in northern Idaho. Herpetologica 41:182- 193. |
1984 | Hendrickson and Minckley |
Hendrickson, D. A. and W. L. Minckley. 1984. Cienegas--Vanishing climax communities of the American Southwest. Desert Plants 6(3):141-175. |
1984 | DuBois |
DuBois, K. 1984. Rocky Mountain front raptor survey. Final report. Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Helena, MT. |
1984 | Senner and Howe |
Senner, S.E., and M.A. Howe. 1984. Conservation of nearctic shorebirds. Pages 379-421 in J. Burger and B. Olla, editors. Behavior of marine animals. Volume 5. Shorebirds: breeding behavior and populations. Plenum Press, New York. |
1984 | Birkenholz |
Birkenholz, D. 1984. Restored tall grass prairie. American Birds 38:96. |
1984 | Dolan and Wright |
Dolan, P. M. and P. L. Wright. 1984. Damaged western flycatcher eggs in nests containing brown-headed cowbird chicks. Condor (86):483-485. |
1984 | Michelmore |
Michelmore, P. 1984. The amazing beavers of Currant Creek. Reader's Digest 124(744):109-113. |