Displaying 11341 - 11400 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1986 | Soreng, R.J. 1986. Vegetation analysis and addendum to the Puccinellia parishii Preserve. Unpubl. report for the Nature Conservancy. Sept. 1986. |
U86SOR01NMUS | |
1986 | Kosciuk |
Kosciuk, J. R. 1986. Elevated quail roosts. Section 5.1.5, US Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual. Tech. Rep. EL-86-18. Waterways Expt. Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 15 pp. |
1986 | Redmond and Jenni |
Redmond, R. L., and D. A. Jenni. 1986. Population ecology of the long-billed curlew (NUMENIUS AMERICANUS) in western Idaho. Auk 103:755-767. |
1986 | Parker |
Parker, M.A. 1986. The foraging behavior and habitat use of breeding Red-shouldered Hawks (BUTEO LINEATUS) in southeastern Missouri. Master's thesis. University of Missouri, Columbia. |
1985 | Graber et al. |
Graber, J. W., R. R. Graber, and E. L. Kirk. 1985. Illinois birds: vireos. Illinois Natural History Survey Biological Notes No. 124, Champaign. |
1985 | Cook |
Cook, R. P. 1985. Barn-owls coming back to Gateway. Park Sci. 5:20-1. |
1985 | Kenagy and Bartholomew |
Kenagy, G. J., and G. A. Bartholomew. 1985. Seasonal reproductive patterns in five coexisting California desert rodent species. Ecolog. Monogr. 55:371-397. |
1985 | Sigler et al. |
Sigler, W. F., S. Vigg, and M. Bres. 1985. Life history of the cui-ui, Chasmistes cujus Cope, in Pyramid Lake, Nevada: a review. Great Basin Naturalist 45(4):571-603. |
1985 | Zappalorti and Burger |
Zappalorti, R. T., and J. Burger. 1985. On the importance of disturbed sites to habitat selection by pine snakes in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Environmental Conservation 12(4):358-361. |
1985 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1985. Proposal to determine Hymenoxys texana to be an endangered species. Federal Register 50(44): 9095-9097. |
1985 | Fuller et al. |
Fuller, T. K., W. E. Berg, and D. W. Kuehn. 1985. Bobcat home range size and daytime cover-type use in northcentral Minnesota. J. Mamm. 66:568-571. |
1985 | Morrison et al. |
Morrison, M. L., I. C. Timossi, K. A. With, and P. M. Manley. 1985. Use of tree species by forest birds during winter and summer. Journal of Wildlife Management 49(4):1098-1102. |
1985 | Sullivan |
Sullivan, R. M. 1985. Phyletic, biogeographic, and ecologic relationships among montane populations of least chipmunks (EUTAMIAS MINIMUS). Syst. Zool. 34:419-448. |
1985 | American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) |
American Ornithologists' Union (AOU). 1985. Thirty-fifth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 102:680-686. |
1985 | Lieb |
Lieb, C. S. 1985. Systematics and distribution of the skinks allied to Eumeces tetragrammus (Sauria: Scincidae). Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., Contr. Sci. 357:1-19. |
1985 | Galati and Galati |
Galati, B., and C. B. Galati. 1985. Breeding of the golden-crowned kinglet in northern Minnesota. J. Field Ornithol. 56:28-40. |
1985 | Krohmer and Aldridge |
Krohmer, R. W., and R. D. Aldridge. 1985a. Male reproductive cycle of the lined snake (Tropidoclonion lineatum). Herpetologica 41:33-38. |
1985 | Rayor |
Rayor, L. S. 1985. Effects of habitat quality on growth, age of first reproduction, and dispersal in Gunnison's prairie dogs (CYNOMYS GUNNISONI). Can. J. Zool. 60:2835-2840. |
1985 | U.S. Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District |
U.S. Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District. 1985. Index of photography of White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Prep. by Williams-Stackhouse Inc., San Antonio, Texas. May - September 1985. |
1985 | Gaines |
Gaines, R.C. 1985. Nest site selection, habitat utilization, and breeding biology of the Ferruginous Hawk in central North Dakota. M.S. thesis. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. 32 pp. |
1985 | United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Albuquerque District Office, Rio Puerco Resource Area. 1985. Rio Puerco Resource Management Plan--Draft. BLM-NM-PT-85-005-4410. March 1985. |
B85BUR01NMUS | |
1985 | Hayden et al. |
Hayden, T., J. Faaborg, and R. L. Clawson. 1985. Estimates of minimum area requirements for Missouri forest birds. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science 19:11-22. |
1985 | Morton and Pereyra |
Morton, M. L. and M. E. Pereyra. 1985. The regulation of egg temperatures and attentiveness patterns in the Dusky Flycatcher (Empidonax oberholseri). Auk 102:25-37. |
1985 | Bestgen |
Bestgen, K. R. 1985. Results of identification of collections of larval fish made in the upper Salt and Gila Rivers, AZ. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, September 10, 1985. |
1985 | Wiley |
Wiley, J. W. 1985c. Bird conservation in the United States Caribbean. Pages 107-159 in Temple, S. A., editor. Bird conservation 2. Univ. Wisconsin Press, Madison. 181 pp. |
1985 | Fitzgerald, L.A. |
Fitzgerald, L.A.. 1985. Progress report: A preliminary status survey of Thamnophis rufipunctatus and Thamnophis eques in New Mexico. Unpubl. Report to NM Dept of Game and Fish. 22 p. |
1985 | Fitch |
Fitch, H. S. 1985. Variation in clutch and litter size in New World reptiles. Univ. Kansas Museum Natural History, Miscellaneous Publication No. 76:1-76. |
1985 | Flecher, R. |
Flecher, Reggie. 1985 Trip Report Excerpt for Allium gooddingii on Sierra Blanca Ski Area. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p.6. |
1985 | Rich |
Rich, T. 1985. Sage grouse population fluctuations: evidence for a 10-year cycle. USDI Bureau of Land Management Idaho State Office Technical Bulletin 85-1, Boise, ID. |
1985 | DeGraaf et al. |
DeGraaf, R. M., N. G. Tilghman, and S. H. Anderson. 1985. Foraging guilds of North American birds. Environmental Management 9:493-536. |
1985 | Knowles |
Knowles, C. J. 1985. Observations on prairie dog dispersal in Montana. Prairie Nat. 17:33-40. |
1985 | Southern et al. |
Southern, W. E., S. R. Patton, L. K. Southern, and L. A. Hanners. 1985. Effects of nine years of fox predation on two species of breeding gulls. Auk 102:827-833. |
1985 | Schroeder |
Schroeder, R. L. 1985. Habitat suitability index models: Pine Warbler. Biol. Rep. 82(10.28). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 8 pp. |
1985 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1985. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposal to determine the spikedace to be a threatened species and to determine its critical habitat. Federal Register 50(117):25390-25398. |
1985 | Oldenburg et al. |
Oldenburg, P. W., P. J. Ettestad, W. E. Grant, and E. Davis.1985. Structure of collared peccary herds in south Texas: spatial and temporal dispersion of herd members. J. Mamm. 66:764-770. |
1985 | Szaro and Jakle |
Szaro, R.C., and M.D. Jakle. 1985. Avian use of a desert riparian island and its adjacent scrub habitat. Condor 87:511-519. |
1985 | Lorentzen |
Lorentzen, E.M. 1985. Paiute cutthroat trout recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 74 pp. |
1985 | Giroux |
Giroux, J.-F. 1985. Nest sites and superclutches of American avocets on artificial islands. Can. J. Zool. 63: 1302-1305. |
1985 | Lair |
Lair, H. 1985. Length of gestation in the red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. J. Mamm. 66:809-810. |
1985 | Redmond and Jenni |
Redmond, R. L., and D. A. Jenni. 1985. Note on the diet of long-billed curlew chicks in western Idaho. Great Basin Nat. 45:85-86. |
1985 | Irving |
Irving, Dr. Robert S. 1985. Todsen's Pennyroyal (Hedeoma todsenii R.S. Irving) Recovery Plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. March 1985. 30 pp. |
1985 | Friedmann and Kiff |
Friedmann, H., and L.F. Kiff. 1985. The parasitic cowbirds and their hosts. Proc. Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 2(4). 78 pp. |
1985 | Heaney and Timm |
Heaney, L. R., and R. M. Timm. 1985. Morphology, genetics,and ecology of pocket gophers (genus GEOMYS) in a narrow hybrid zone. Biol. J. Linnaean Soc. 25:301-317. |
1985 | Muth et al. |
Muth, R. T., C. M. Haynes and C. A. Carlson, 1985. Culture of roundtail chubs, Gila robusta robusta (Cyprindidae), through the larval period. Southwestern Naturalist 30:152-154. |
1985 | Repenning and Labisky |
Repenning, R. W., and R. F. Labisky. 1985. Effects of even-age timber management on bird communites of the longleaf pine forest in northern Florida. Journal of Wildlife Management 49:1088-98. |
1985 | Zimmerman |
Zimmerman, A.D. 1985. Systematics of the genus Coryphantha (Cactaceae). Austin, TX: University of Texas. Dissertation. |
1985 | Jennings |
Jennings, R. D. 1985. Biochemical variation of the desert tortoise, GOPHERUS AGASSIZII. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Thesis. |
1985 | Kraus |
Kraus, F. 1985a. A new unisexual salamander from Ohio. Univ. Michigan Mus. Zool., Occas. Pap. 709:1-24. |
1985 | Oedekoven |
Oedekoven, O.O. 1985. Columbian sharp-tailed grouse population distribution and habitat use in south central Wyoming. M.S. thesis, University of Wyoming, Laramie. 58 pp. |
1985 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1985. Management guidelines for the western snowy plover. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. 17 pp. |
1985 | DeGraaf |
DeGraaf, R. M. 1985. Breeding bird assemblages in New England northern hardwoods. Pages 5-22 in R. J. Regan and D. E. Capen (editors). Conference Proceedings: The impact of timber management practices on nongame birds in Vermont. Montpellier, Vermont. |
1985 | Korpimaki |
Korpimaki, E. 1985. Rapid tracking of microtine population by their avian predators: possible evidence for stabilizing predation. Oikos 45:281-284. |
1985 | Stern et al. |
Stern, M. A., R. L. Jarvis, and R. Del Caro. 1985. Mate fidelity, site tenacity, and sex dimorphic traits in black terns. Colonial Waterbird Group Newsletter 9:52. |
1985 | Gates |
Gates, R. J. 1985. Observations of the formation of a sage grouse lek. Wilson Bulletin 97:219-221. |
1985 | Otto and Strohmeyer |
Otto, J. E., and D. L. Strohmeyer. 1985. Wing molt by a nesting pied-billed grebe. Wilson Bulletin 97:239-40. |
1985 | Thaeler |
Thaeler, C. S., Jr. 1985. Chromosomal variation in the THOMOMYS TALPOIDES complex. Acta Zoologica Fennica 170:15-18. |
1985 | Simmons and Smith |
Simmons, R. E., and P. C. Smith. 1985. Do northern harriers (Circus cyaneus) choose nest sites adaptively? Canadian Journal of Zoology 63:494-8. |
1985 | Marshall and Layton |
Marshall, K.E., and M. Layton. 1985. A bibliography of the lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum), 1977 through 1984. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1346. 15 pp. |
1985 | Gleason and Johnson |
Gleason, R.S., and D.R. Johnson. 1985. Factors influencing success of burrowing owls in southeastern Idaho. Great Basin Naturalist 45:81-84. |
1985 | Lynch et al. |
Lynch, J. F., E. S. Morton, and M. E. Van der Voort. 1985. Habitat segregation between the sexes of wintering hooded warblers (WILSONIA CITRINA). Auk 102:714-721. |