Displaying 11281 - 11340 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1986 | Humphrey and Bell |
Humphrey, S. R., and B. Bell. 1986. The key deer population is declining. Wildlife Society Bull. 14:261-265. |
1986 | Powders |
Powders, V. N. 1986. Pileated woodpecker in Woodward county, Oklahoma. Bull. Okla. Ornithol. Soc. 19:27-8. |
1986 | Van Dyke et al. |
Van Dyke, F. G., et al. 1986. Reactions of mountain lions to logging and human activity. J. Wildl. Manage. 50:95-102. |
1986 | Beauchamp |
Beauchamp, R.M. 1986. A flora of San Diego County, California. Sweetwater River Press, California. 241 pp. |
1986 | Teaford |
Teaford, J. W. 1986a. Squirrel nest boxes. Section 5.1.1, US Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual. Tech. Rep. EL-86-11. Waterways Expt. Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 15 pp. |
1986 | Echelle, A.A., and A.F. Echelle. 1986. Geographic variation in morphology of a spring-dwelling desert fish, gambusia nobilis (Poediliidae). Southw. Natur. 31: 459-468. |
A86ECH01NMUS | |
1986 | Obst |
Obst, F. J. 1986. Turtles, tortoises and terrapins. McMillan Company of Australia. Melbourne, Australia. 231 pp. |
1986 | Klein and Rosenberg |
Klein, N. K., and K. V. Rosenberg. 1986. Feeding of Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) fledglings by more than one "host" species. The Auk 103:213-4. |
1986 | Wood |
Wood, D. S. 1986. On iris color in BOTATUS bitterns. Colonial Waterbirds 9:108-9. |
1986 | Rosenburg |
Rosenburg, C. P. 1986. Barn owl habitat and prey use in agricultural eastern Virginia. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. M.S. thesis. 114 pp. |
1986 | Hilty and Brown |
Hilty, S.L. and W. L. Brown. 1986. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA. 836 pp. |
1986 | Diller and Wallace |
Diller, L. V., and R. L. Wallace. 1986. Aspects of the life history and ecology of the desert night snake, Hypsiglena torquata deserticola: Colubridae, in southwestern Idaho. Southwest. Nat. 31:55-64. |
1986 | Holt and Norton |
Holt, D. W., and W. D. Norton. 1986. Observations on nesting Northern Pygmy-Owls. Journal of Raptor Research 20:39-41. |
1986 | Goodwin, M.E. |
Goodwin, M.E.. 1986. Argemone pleiacantha monitoring and seeding project, Spring 1986. . 2+ p. |
1986 | Parker |
Parker, J. W. 1986. Urban-nesting Mississippi kites: history, problems, management, and benefits. In Proc. Natl. Symp. on Urban Wild. L. W. Adams and D. L. Leedy (editors). Natl. Inst. for Urban Wildl., Columbia, Maryland. |
1986 | D'Abrera |
D'Abrera, B. 1986. Shingidae Mundi: Hawk Moths of the World. E. W. Classey Limited, Farington, Oxon, U. K. |
1986 | Turner et al. |
Turner, F. B., P. Hayden, B. L. Burge, and J. B. Roberson. 1986. Egg production by the desert tortoise (GOPHERUS AGASSIZII) in California. Herpetologica 42:93-104. |
1986 | Fletcher, R. 1985 and 1986. Data sheets with map for Pediocactus papyracantha sites on the Rio del Oso, May 13 1985 and May 7 1986. |
U86FLE05NMUS | |
1986 | Howe |
Howe, W. H. 1986. Status of the yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) in New Mexico. Final report, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Santa Fe, NM. 16pp. + appendices. |
1986 | Author unknown. 1986. Data collection field form: sensitive plant species inventory. Unpub form on Lepidospartum burgessii from BLM. 2 p + Maps. |
U86XXX01NMUS | |
1986 | Dobson and Davis |
Dobson, F. S., and D. E. Davis. 1986. Hibernation and sociality in the California ground squirrel. J. Mamm. 67: 416-421. |
1986 | Propst et al. |
Propst, D. L., K. R. Bestgen, and C. W. Painter. 1986. Distribution, status, and biology of the spikedace (Meda fulgida) in New Mexico. Endangered Species Report, No. 15, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 93 pp. |
1986 | Bryant |
Bryant, A.A. 1986. Influence of selective logging on red-shouldered hawks, BUTEO LINEATUS, in Waterloo region, Ontario, 1953-1978. Canadian Field-Naturalist 100:520-525. |
1986 | Dobkin et al. |
Dobkin, D. S., J. A. Holmes, and B. A. Wilcox. 1986. Traditional nest-site use by White-throated Swifts. Condor 88:252-253. |
1986 | James and Oliphant |
James, P. C., and L. W. Oliphant. 1986. Extra birds and helpers at the nests of Richardson's merlin. Condor 88:533-534. |
1986 | Prescott |
Prescott, D. R. C. 1986. Polygyny in the willow flycatcher. Condor(88):385-386. |
1986 | Whitman et al. |
Whitman, J. S., W. B. Ballard, and C. L. Gardner. 1986. Home range and habitat use by wolverines in southcentral Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 50:460-463. |
1986 | Bentzien |
Bentzien, Michael M. 1986. Recovery Plan for the U.S. Breeding population of the wood stork. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 33 pp. |
1986 | Evens and Page |
Evens, J., and G. W. Page. 1986. Predation on black rails during high tides in salt marshes. Condor 88:107-109. |
1986 | Robins and Ray |
Robins, C. R., and G. C. Ray. 1986. A Field Guide to Atlantic Coast Fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Massachusetts. 354 pp. |
1986 | Knick and Bailey |
Knick, S. T., and T. N. Bailey. 1986. Long-distance movements by two bobcats from southeastern Idaho. American Midland Naturalist 116:222-223. |
1986 | New Mexico Ornithological Society |
New Mexico Ornithological Society. 1986. NMOS Field Notes, 12/1/85 - 2/28/1986. NMOS Field Notes. 25(1):7. |
1986 | Worthington |
Worthington, R.D. 1986. Observations on the flowering of cacti from the vicinity of El Paso, Texas. Cactus and Succulent J. 58: 213-217. |
1986 | Wade and Webb |
Wade, D. C., and D. H. Webb. 1986. Cumberlandian mollusk conservation program. Activity 7. Analysis of plant and plankton factors. Tennessee Valley Authority. 117 pp. |
1986 | Barnhart |
Barnhart, R. A. 1986. Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest)--steelhead. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 82(11.60). |
1986 | Hoffmeister, D. F. 1986. Mammals of Arizona. Univ. Arizona Press and Arizona Game and Fish Dept. 602 pp. |
B86HOF01NMUS | |
1986 | Dunn and Braun |
Dunn, P. O., and C. E. Braun. 1986. Summer habitat use by adult female and juvenile sage grouse. J. Wildl. Manage. 50:228-235. |
1986 | Hutto et al. |
Hutto, R. L., S. M. Pletschet, and P. Hendricks. 1986. A fixed-radius point count method for nonbreeding and breeding season use. Auk 103:593-602. |
1986 | Hutchison et al. |
Hutchison, M. D., S. Olson, K. Lewis, and T. Vogt. 1986. Beaver at LaRue Swamp, Union County, Illinois: an assessment of their influences upon the area. Unpublished report. Natural Land Institute, Illinois 62908. 48 pp. |
1986 | Great Plains Flora Association |
Great Plains Flora Association (R.L. McGregor, coordinator; T.M. Barkley, ed., R.E. Brooks and E.K. Schofield, associate eds.). 1986. Flora of the Great Plains. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 1392 pp. |
1986 | Uresk and Sharps |
Uresk, D. W., and J. C. Sharps. 1986. Denning habitat and diet of the swift fox in western South Dakota. Great Basin Naturalist 46:249-253. |
1986 | Hanowski and Niemi |
Hanowski, J. M., and G. J. Niemi. 1986. Habitat characteristics for bird species of special concern. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. Unpublished report. |
1986 | Jenkinson and Hever |
Jenkinson, J. J., and J. H. Hever. 1986. Cumberlandian mollusk conservation program. Activity 9. Selection of transplant sites and habitat characterization. Tennessee Valley Authority. 120 pp. |
1986 | Fagerstone and Biggins |
Fagerstone, K. A. and D. E. Biggins. 1986. Comparison of capture-recapture and visual count indices of prairie dog densities in black-footed ferret habitat. Great Basin Naturalist Mem. 8:94-8. |
1986 | Rabenold |
Rabenold, P. P. 1986. Family associations in communally roosting black vultures. Auk 103:32-41. |
1986 | Bump |
Bump, S. R. 1986. Yellow-headed blackbird nest defense: aggressive responses to marsh wrens. Condor 88:328-335. |
1986 | Dunne and Sutton |
Dunne, P., and C. Sutton. 1986. Population trends in coastal raptor migrants over ten years of Cape May Point autumn counts. Peregrine Observ. 10:3-7. |
1986 | Knight |
Knight, J. L. 1986. Variation in snout morphology in the North American snake Pituophis melanoleucus (Serpentes: Colubridae). J. Herpetol. 20:77-79. |
1986 | Price |
Price, A. H. 1986. Cnemidophorus tesselatus. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 398.1-398.2. |
1986 | Wilkins |
Wilkins, K. T. 1986. Reithrodontomys montanus. Mammalian Species 257:1-5. |
1986 | United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Roswell District Office, Carlsbad Resource area. 1986. Carlsbad Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement--Final. BLM-NM-PT-86-014-4410. September 1986. |
B86BUR02NMUS | |
1986 | Fannucchi et al. |
Fannucchi, W. A., G. T. Fannucchi, and L. E. Nauman. 1986. Effects of harvesting wild rice, ZIZANIA AQUATICA, on sora rails. Can. Field-Nat. 100:533-536. |
1986 | Sanders |
Sanders, O. 1986. The heritage of Bufo woodhousei Girard in Texas. Baylor Univ., Occas. Pap. Strecker Mus. No. 1. 28 pp. |
1986 | Konrad and Gilmer |
Konrad, P.M., and D.S. Gilmer. 1986. Post fledging behavior of Ferruginous Hawks in North Dakota. Raptor Research 20:35-39. |
1986 | Ortega and Barbault |
Ortega, A., and R. Barbault. 1986. Reproduction in the high elevation Mexican lizard Sceloporus scalaris. J. Herpetol. 20:111-114. |
1986 | Yahner |
Yahner, R. H. 1986. Structure, seasonal dynamics, and habitat relationships of avian communities in small even-aged forest stands. Wilson Bulletin 98:61-82. |
1986 | Bye |
Bye, R. 1986. Medicinal plants of the Sierra Madre: comparative study of Tarahumara and Mexican market plants. Economic Botany 40: 103-124. |
1986 | Jones et al. |
Jones, J. K., Jr., D. C. Carter, H. H. Genoways, R. S. Hoffman, D. W. Rice, and C. Jones. 1986. Revised checklistof North American mammals north of Mexico, 1986. Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 107:1-22. |
1986 | Echelle and Echelle |
Echelle, A. F., and A. A. Echelle. 1986. Geographic variation in morphology of a spring-dwelling desert fish, Gambusia nobilis (Poeciliidae). Southwestern Naturalist 31:459-468. |
1986 | Jungemann |
Jungemann, P. K. 1986. A pilot investigation: radiotelemetry monitoring of captive-produced and released common barn-owls in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin. Unpublished Report. 20 pp. |