Displaying 9901 - 9960 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1988 | Clarkson and Minckley |
Clarkson, R. W., and W. L. Minckley. 1988. Morphology and foods of Arizona catostomid fishes: Catostomus insignis, Pantosteus clarki, and their putative hybrids. Copeia 1988:422-433. |
1988 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servcie (USFWS). 1988. Determination of endangered status for two long-nosed bats. Federal Register 53(190):38456-38460. |
1988 | Huntly and Inouye |
Huntly, N., and R. Inouye. 1988. Pocket gophers in ecosystems: patterns and mechanisms. BioScience 38:786-793. |
1988 | Meffe and Vrijenhoek |
Meffe, G. K., and R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1988. Conservation genetics in the management of desert fishes. Conservation Biology 2:157-169. |
1988 | Risenhoover et al. |
Risenhoover, K. L., J. A. Bailey, and L. A. Wakelyn. 1988. Assessing the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep management problem. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 16:346-352. |
1988 | States et al. |
States, J.S., W.S. Gaud, W.S. Allred and W.J. Austin. 1988. Foraging patterns of tassel-eared squirrels in selected ponderosa pine stands. Pages 425-431 in R.C. Szaro, et al., technical coordinators. 1988. Management of amphibians, reptiles, and small mam |
1988 | Crocker-Bedford and Chaney |
Crocker-Bedford, D. C., and B. Chaney. 1988. Characteristics of goshawk nesting stands. Pages 210-7 in Glinski et al., editors. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Gibbens, R.P.,R.F. Beck |
Gibbens, R.P. and R.F. Beck. 1988. Changes in grass basal area and forb densities over a 64-year period on grassland types of the Jornada Experimental Range. Journal of Range Management. 41(3):186-192. |
1988 | Johnson and Marten |
Johnson, N. K., and J. A. Marten. 1988. Evolutionary genetics of flycatchers. II. Differentiation in the EMPIDONAX DIFFICILIS complex. Auk 105:177-191. |
1988 | Marshall |
Marshall, J. T. 1988. Birds lost from a giant sequoia forest during fifty years. Condor 90(2):359-372. |
1988 | New Mexico Ornithological Society |
New Mexico Ornithological Society. 1988. NMOS Field Notes, 8/1-11/30/88. NMOS Field Notes. 27(4):45. |
1988 | Schaeff and Picman |
Schaeff, C., and J. Picman. 1988. Destruction of eggs by Western Meadowlarks. Condor 90:935-937. |
1988 | Vitt and Dickson |
Vitt, L. J., and N. A. Dickson. 1988. Urosaurus graciosus. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 448:1-3. |
1988 | Cade et al. |
Cade, T.J., J.H. Enderson, C.G. Thelander, and C.M. White. 1988. Peregrine Falcon Populations. Their Management and Recovery. The Peregrine Fund: Boise, Idaho. 949 pp., 67 pls. |
1988 | Schwartz and Henderson |
Schwartz, A., and R. W. Henderson. 1988. West Indian amphibians and reptiles: a check-list. Milwaukee Pub. Mus., Contrib. Biological Geology No. 74:1-264. |
1988 | Mitchell |
Mitchell, W. A. 1988. Songbird nest boxes. Section 5.1.8, US Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual. Tech. Rep. EL-88-19. Waterways Expt. Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 48 pp. |
1988 | Ankney and Afteon |
Ankney, C. D., and A. D. Afteon. 1988. Bioenergetics of breeding northern shovelers: diet, nutrient reserves, clutch size, and incubation. Condor 90:459-472. |
1988 | Blakesley and Reese |
Blakesley, J.A., and K.P. Reese. 1988. Avian use of campground and noncampground sites in riparian zones. Journal of Wildlife Management 52:399-402. |
1988 | Gatz et al. |
Gatz, T. A., et al. 1988. Black-shouldered kite. Pages 48-53 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest Raptor Manage. Symp. and Workshop. National Wildlife Federation Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Lefranc and Glinski |
Lefranc, M. N., Jr., and R. L. Glinski. 1988. Southwest raptor management issues and recommendations. Pages 375-392 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation Science and Tech. Ser. No. 1 |
1988 | Pashley |
Pashley, D. N. 1988a. Warblers of the West Indies. I. The Virgin Islands. Caribbean J. Sci. 24:11-22. |
1988 | Skaggs et al. |
Skaggs, R. W., et al. 1988. Peregrine falcon. Pages 127-136 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Natural Wildlife Fed. Science and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Johnson, T.H |
Johnson, T.H. 1988. Draft site specific (R-36) management plan information for Falco peregrinus. 8 p. |
1988 | Mills and Piggins |
Mills, D., and D. Piggins, eds. 1988. Atlantic salmon: planning for the future. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 587 pp. |
1988 | Clayton, P. 1988. Sensitive, threatened and endangered plant data forms for ^&Opuntia arenaria. Mimbres Resource Area, Las Cruces District, BLM. |
U88CLA05NMUS | |
1988 | New Mexico Dept Game and Fish. 1988. Cyprinodon pecosensis, handbook of species endangered in New Mexico. C-175:1-2. |
U88NEW13NMUS | |
1988 | Colwell and Oring |
Colwell, M.A., and L.W. Oring. 1988b. Return rates of prairie shorebirds: sex and species differences. Wader Study Group Bulletin 55:21-24. |
1988 | Fujioka and Gon |
Fujioka, K. K., and S. M. Gon, III. 1988. Observations of the Hawaiian hoary bat (LASIURUS CINEREUS SEMOTUS) in the districts of Ka'u and South Kona, island of Hawai'i. J. Mammalogy 69:369-371. |
1988 | Hensley and Wilkins |
Hensley, A. P., and K. T. Wilkins. 1988. Leptonycteris nivalis. Mammalian Species 307:1-4. |
1988 | Metcalf and Smartt |
Metcalf, A.L. and R.A. Smartt. 1988. Annotated checklist of New Mexico land snails. NM Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, NM. |
1988 | Macartney and Gregory |
Macartney, J. M., and P. T. Gregory. 1988. Reproductive biology of female rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) in British Columbia. Copeia 1988:47-57. |
1988 | Goggans et al. |
Goggans, R., R. D. Dixon and L. C. Seminara. 1988. Habitat use by Three-toed and Black-backed woodpeckers, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife - Nongame Wildlife Program Report 87-3-02. 43pp. |
1988 | Safina et al. |
Safina, C., et al. 1988. Evidence for prey limitation of common and roseate tern reproduction. Condor 90:852-859. |
1988 | Akroyd, R. |
Akroyd, R. 1988. Memorandum, Department of Game and Fish, Subject: Surveys on Rio Costilla. |
1988 | New Mexico Dept. of Game & Fish. 1988. Pecos spring snail. Handbook of species endangered in New Mexico. NM Dept. G & F, Santa Fe, NM, 87503, B-299:1-2. |
U88NEW03NMUS | |
1988 | Bruggers |
Bruggers, D. J. 1988. The behavior and ecology of the Common Raven in northeastern Minnesota. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. |
1988 | Barrentine and Ewing |
Barrentine, C.D., and K. D. Ewing. 1988. A capture technique for burrowing owls. North American Bird Bander Oct.-Nov.:107. |
1988 | Connelly et al. |
Connelly, J. W., H. W. Browers, and R. J. Gates. 1988. Seasonal movements of sage grouse in southeastern Idaho. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:116-122. |
1988 | Garrett and Franklin |
Garrett, M. G., and W. L. Franklin. 1988. Behavioral ecology of dispersal in the black-tailed prairie dog. J. Mamm. 69:236-250. |
1988 | Jike et al. |
Jike, L., G. O. Batzli, L. L. Geta. 1988. Home ranges of prairie voles as determined by radiotracking and by powdertracking. Journal of Mammalogy 69:183-186. |
1988 | Millsap |
Millsap, B. A. 1988. Elf Owl. Pages 140-144 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Rosenfield et al. |
Rosenfield, R. N., J. Bielefeldt, and R. K. Anderson. 1988. Effectiveness of broadcast calls for detecting breeding Cooper's hawks. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 16:210-212. |
1988 | Stemmerman |
Stemmerman, L. A. 1988. Observations of woodpecker damage to electrical distribution line poles in Missouri. Proc. 13th Vertebrate Pest Conference 13:260-265. |
1988 | Cronin et al. |
Cronin, M. A., E. R. Vyse, and D. G. Cameron. 1988. Genetic relationships between mule deer and white-tailed deer in Montana. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:320-328. |
1988 | Grady and Cashner |
Grady, J. M., and R. C. Cashner. 1988. Evidence of extensive intergeneric hybridization among the cyprinid fauna of Clark Creek, Wilkinson Co., Mississippi. Southwestern Naturalist 33:137-146. |
1988 | Johnson et al. |
Johnson, N. K., R. M. Zink, and J. A. Marten. 1988. Genetic evidence for relationships in the avian family Vireonidae. Condor 90:428-445. |
1988 | McAuliffe and Hendricks |
McAuliffe, J. R., and P. Hendricks. 1988. Determinants of the vertical distributions of woodpecker nest cavities in the saguaro cactus. Condor. 90:791-801. |
1988 | Peden and Hughes |
Peden, A.E., and G.W. Hughes. 1988. Sympatry in four species of Rhinichthys (Pisces), including the first documented occurrences of Rhinichthys umatilla in the Canadian drainages of the Columbia River. Canadian Journal of Zoology 66(8):1846-1856. |
1988 | Scurlock, D. 1988. The Rio Grande Bosque: ever changing. New Mexico Historical Review 131-140. |
A88SCU01NMUS | |
1988 | West |
West, N.E. 1988. Intermountain deserts, shrub steppes and woodlands. Pages 209-230 in M.G. Barbour and W.D. Billings, editors. North American terrestrial vegetation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. |
1988 | Coffin and Pfannmuller |
Coffin, B., and L. Pfannmuller, editors. 1988. Minnesota's endangered flora and fauna. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 473 pp. |
1988 | A. Bogan,A. Scheltema,C. Roper,E. Coan,F. Thonpson,J. Williams,Turgeon, D.,W. Emerson,W. Lyons,W. Pr |
Turgeon, D., A. Bogan, E. Coan, W. Emerson, W. Lyons, W. Pratt, C. Roper, A. Scheltema, F. Thonpson, and J. Williams. 1988. Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the U.S. and Canada: mollusks. American Fisheries Society Special Publica |
1988 | Ohmart et al. |
Ohmart, R. D., B. W. Anderson, and W. C. Hunter. 1988. The ecology of the lower Colorado River from Davis Dam to the Mexico-United States international boundary: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report 85(7.19). xvi + 296 pp |
1988 | Arita and Humphrey |
Arita, H. T., and S. R. Humphrey. 1988. Revision taxonomica de los murcielagos magueyeros del genero LEPTONYCTERIS (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Acta Zool. Mexicana, n.s., 29:1-60. |
1988 | Brawn and Balda |
Brawn, J. D., and R. P. Balda. 1988. Population biology of cavity nesters in northern Arizona: do nest sites limit breeding densities? Condor 90:61-71. |
1988 | Gavin and May |
Gavin, T. A., and B. May. 1988. Taxonomic status and genetic purity of Columbian white-tailed deer. J. Wildlife Management 52:1-10. |
1988 | Lehtinen and Layzer |
Lehtinen, S. F. and J. B. Layzer. 1988. Reproductive cycle of the plains minnow, Hybognathus placitus (Cyprinidae), in the Cimarron River, Oklahoma. Southwestern Naturalist 33:27-33. |
1988 | Pashley |
Pashley, D. N. 1988b. Warblers of the West Indies. II. The Western Caribbean. Caribbean J. Sci. 24:112-126. |
1988 | Smith and Patton |
Smith, M. F., and J. L. Patton. 1988. Subspecies of pocket gophers: causal bases for geographic differentiation in Thomomys bottae. Syst. Zool. 37:163-178. |
1988 | Lincoln National Forest, Mayhill Ranger District. 1988. Monitoring report on Echinocereus fendleri var kuenzleri. |