Displaying 9661 - 9720 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1989 | Decker |
Decker, L. M. 1989. Coexistence of two species of sucker, Catostomus, in Sagehen Creek, California, and notes on their status in the western Lahontan Basin. Great Basin Naturalist 49(4):540-551. |
1989 | Haukos and Smith |
Haukos, D. A., and L. M. Smith. 1989. Lesser prairie chicken nest site selection and vegetation characteristics in tebuthiuron-treated and untreated sand shinnery oak in Texas. Great Basin Nat. 49:624-626. |
1989 | Powell et al. |
Powell, G.V.N., R.D. Bjork, J.C. Ogden, R.T. Paul, and A.H. Powell. 1989. Population trends in some Florida (Florida, USA) wading birds. Wilson Bulletin 101:436-457. |
1989 | Titus et al. |
Titus, K., et al. 1989a. Buteos. Pages 53-64 in Proceedings of the Northeast Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. |
1989 | Rauchenberger |
Rauchenberger, M. 1989. Systematics and biogeography of the genus Gambusia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poecilidae). American Museum Novitates (2951):1-74. |
1989 | Honeycott, P. |
Honeycott, P. (1989) FGila National Forest, Quenado Ranger District, Spotted Owl Survey Form 1. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 29 p. |
1989 | Various |
Various (1989) Carson National Forest Spotted Owl Form. Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1989 | Dundee and Rossman |
Dundee, H. A., and D. A. Rossman. 1989. The amphibians and reptiles of Louisiana. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge. |
1989 | Turner and Rose |
Turner, A., and C. Rose. 1989. Swallows and martins an identification guide. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. |
1989 | Eddleman |
Eddleman, W. R. 1989. Biology of the Yuma Clapper Rail in the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico. Final Report, Intra-Agency Agreement No. 4-AA-30-02060, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project Office, Yuma, AZ. |
1989 | Arnold |
Arnold, T. W. 1989. Variation in size and composition of horned and pied-billed grebe eggs. Condor 91:987-9. |
1989 | Clarkson and Rorabauch |
Clarkson, R. W., and J. C. Rorabauch. 1989. Status of leopard frogs (Rana pipiens complex: Ranidae) in Arizona and southeastern California. Southwest. Nat. 34:531-538. |
1989 | Grey |
Grey, L. P. 1989. Sundry Argynnine concepts revisited (Nymphalidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 43:1-10. |
1989 | Kidder et al. |
Kidder, J. D., et al. 1989. Prevalence of patent Baylisascaris procyonis infection in raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Ithaca, New York. J. Parasitol. 75:870-874. |
1989 | Mueller |
Mueller, G. 1989. Observations of spawning razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) utilizing riverine habitat in the lower Colorado River, Arizona-Nevada. Southwestern Naturalist 34:147-149. |
1989 | Robbins et al. |
Robbins, C. S., J. R. Sauer, R. Greenberg, and S. Droege. 1989a. Habitat area requirements of breeding forest birds of the middle Atlantic states. Wildl. Monogr. 103:1-34 |
1989 | Tanner and Lowe |
Tanner, W. W., and C. H. Lowe. 1989. Variations in Thamnophis elegans with descriptions of new subspecies. Great Basin Nat. 49:511-516. |
1989 | Blumton et al. |
Blumton, A. K., J. D. Fraser, and K. Terwilliger. 1989. Loggerhead shrike survey and census. Pages 116-118 in Virginia nongame and endangered wildlife investigative annual report, July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989. Virginia Department of Game and Inland |
1989 | Johnson, P |
Johnson, P. 1989. 7/20/1989 field form. |
1989 | Bisbal |
Bisbal, F. J. 1989. Distribution and habitat association of the carnivores in Venezuela, Pages 339-361 in K. H. Redford, and J. F. Eisenberg, eds. Advances in Neotropical mammalogy. Gainesville, Florida, Sandhill Crane Press. |
A89BIS0200LA |
1989 | Douglas et al. |
Douglas, M. E., W. L. Minckley, and H. M. Tyus. 1989. Qualitative characters, identification of Colorado River chubs (Cyprinidae: genus Gila) and the "art of seeing well." Copeia 1989:653-662. |
1989 | Hone and Stone |
Hone, J., and C. P. Stone. 1989. A comparison and evaluation of feral pig management in two national parks. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 17:419-425. |
1989 | Miyamoto et al. |
Miyamoto, M. M., S. M. Tanhauser, and P. J. Laipis. 1989. Systematic relationships in the artiodactyl tribe Bovini (family Bovidae), as determined from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Syst. Zool. 38:342-349. |
1989 | Spendelow and Nichols |
Spendelow, J. A., and J. D. Nichols. 1989. Annual survival rates of breeding adult roseate terns. Auk 106:367-374. |
1989 | Watts |
Watts, B. D. 1989. Nest-site characteristics of yellow-crowned night-herons in Virginia. Condor 91:979-983. |
1989 | Miller |
Miller, E. 1989. Population turnover rate and early-season usage of multi-lake territories by common loons in upper Michigan/Wisconsin. North American Loon Fund, Meredith, New Hampshire. Unpublished report. |
1989 | Calhoun et al. |
Calhoun, S. W., M. D. Engstrom, and I. F. Greenbaum. 1989. Biochemical variation in pygmy mice (BAIOMYS). J. Mamm. 70:374-381. |
1989 | Dittman et al. |
Dittman, D. L., R. M. Zink, and J. A. Gerwin. 1989. Evolutionary genetics of phalaropes. Auk 106:326-331. |
1989 | Haas and Sloane |
Haas, C. A., and S. A. Sloane. 1989. Low return rates of migratory Loggerhead Shrikes: winter mortality or low site fidelity? Wilson Bulletin 101(3):458-60. |
1989 | Milne and Hejl |
Milne, K. A., and S. J. Hejl. 1989. Nest-site characteristics of white-headed woodpeckers. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:50-55. |
1989 | Pressey, R.L. and A.O. Nicholls. 1989. Efficiency in conservation evaluation: scoring versus iterative approaches. Biological Conservation. 50(1989):199-218. |
A89PRE01NMUS | |
1989 | Vander Haegen et al. |
Vander Haegen, W. M., M. W. Sayre, and W. E. Dodge. 1989. Winter use of agricultural habitats by wild turkeys in Massachusetts. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:30-33. |
1989 | Dunkle and Paulson |
Dunkle, S.W. and D.R. Paulson. 1989. Draft AFS publication for Odonates. Unpublished. |
1989 | Russel, R., J. Anderson, J. Peterson. |
Russel, R., J. Anderson, J. Peterson. 1989. Kuenzleri Hedgehog Cactus Survey Final Report. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 23. |
1989 | Howe |
Howe, M. A. 1989. Migration of radio-marked whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population: patterns of habitta use, behavior, and survival. U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, Fish and Wildlife Technical Report 21. 33 pp. |
1989 | Baker et al. |
Baker, R. J., C. S. Hood, and R. L. Honeycutt. 1989. Phylogenetic relationships and classification of the higher categories of the New World bat family Phyllostomidae. Systematic Zoology 38:228-238. |
1989 | Cardiff and Smalley |
Cardiff, S.W., G.B. Smalley. 1989. Birds of the rice country of southwest Louisiana. Birding. 21(5):232-240. |
1989 | Dessauer and Cole |
Dessauer, H. C., and C. J. Cole. 1989. Diversity between and within nominal forms of unisexual teiid lizards. Pages 49-71 in R. M. Dawley and J. P. Bogart, editors. Evolution and ecology of unisexual vertebrates. Bull. 466, New York State Mus., Albany. |
1989 | Hedges |
Hedges, S. B. 1989. Evolution and biogeography of West Indian frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus: slow-evolving loci and the major groups. Pages 305-370 in C. A. Woods, ed. Biogeography of the West Indies, Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida. |
1989 | Powers |
Powers, D. A. 1989. Fish as model systems. Science 246:352-358. |
1989 | Utter et al. |
Utter, F., G. Milner, G. Stahl and D. Teel. 1989. Genetic population structure of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in the Pacific Northwest. Fishery Bulletin 87:239-264. |
1989 | Root |
Root, T. 1989. Atlas of wintering North American birds: an analysis of Christmas Bird Count data. Univ. Chicago Press. 336 pp., 42 line drawings, 613 maps, 11 overlays. |
1989 | Lincoln National Forest. 1989 Survey and monitoring report for Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri. Unpub. report by Mayhill Ranger District, Lincoln NF, Chaves Co., NM. 15 p, maps. |
U89LNF01NMUS | |
1989 | Williams, S.O. and K.E. Copeland. 1989 Bird survey - Guadalupe Canyon, Hidalgo Co. NM. 7-8 May 1989. |
U89WIL02NMUS | |
1989 | Gullion |
Gullion, G. 1989. The ruffed grouse. NorthWord. 144 pp. |
1989 | Virginia Society of Ornithology |
Virginia Society of Ornithology. 1989. Virginia's breeding birds: an atlas workbook. William Byrd Press, Richmond, Virginia. |
1989 | Regional Environmental Consultants (RECON) |
Regional Environmental Consultants (RECON). 1989. Draft comprehensive species management plan for the Least Bell's Vireo. San Diego Association of Governments, San Diego, CA. |
1989 | Bakko et al. |
Bakko, E. B., W. P. Porter, and B. A. Wunder. 1989. Body temperature patterns in black-tailed prairie dogs in the field. Can. J. Zool. 66:1783-1789. |
1989 | Austin, M.P. and P.C. Heyligers. 1989. Vegetation survey design for conservation: gradient sampling of forests in northeastern New South Wales. Biological Conservation 50(1989):13-32. |
A89AUS01NMUS | |
1989 | Coleman and Fraser |
Coleman, J. S., and J. D. Fraser. 1989. Habitat use and home ranges of black and turkey vultures. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:782-792. |
1989 | Greer and Anderson |
Greer, R. D., and S. H. Anderson. 1989. Relationships between population demography of McCown's longspurs and habitat resources. Condor 91:609-619. |
1989 | Kingsbury |
Kingsbury, B. A. 1989. Factors influencing activity in Coleonyx variegatus. J. Herpetol. 23:399-404. |
1989 | Naylor and Bendell |
Naylor, B. J., and J. F. Bendell. 1989. Clutch size and eggs size of spruce grouse in relation to spring diet, food supply, and endogenous reserves. Can. J. Zool. 67:969-980. |
1989 | Rosenfeld and Wilkinson |
Rosenfeld, M. J., and J. A. Wilkinson. 1989. Biochemical genetics of the Colorado River Gila complex (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Southwestern Naturalist 34(2):232-244. |
1989 | Taylor et al. |
Taylor, W.K., B.H. Anderson, and H.M. Stevenson. 1989. Breeding range extension of the Indigo Bunting, Painted Bunting, and Blue Grosbeak in Florida with new records for Seminole County. Florida Field Naturalist 17:1-10. |
1989 | Knight, P. 1989. Element occurrence records for Hedeoma apiculatum. |
U89KNI01NMUS | |
1989 | Carothers, C.A. |
Carothers, C. A. (1989) Gila National Forest, Spotted Owl Survey Form 1. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 13 p. |
1989 | Kibbe |
Kibbe, D. 1989. Survey of Vermont's rare marshland bird species. Unpubl. report, Hoboken, New Jersey. 8 pp. |
1989 | Blus |
Blus, L. J. 1989. Effects of organophosphorus insecticides on sage grouse in southeastern Idaho. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:1139-1146. |
1989 | Dowler |
Dowler, R. C. 1989. Cytogenetic studies of three chromosomal races of pocket gophers (GEOMYS BURSARIUS complex) at hybrid zones. J. Mamm. 70:253-266. |