Displaying 10081 - 10140 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1988 | Flemming et al. |
Flemming, S. P., R. D. Chiasson, P. C. Smith, P. J. Austin-Smith, and R. P. Bancroft. 1988. Piping Plover status in Nova Scotia related to its reproductive and behavioral responses to human disturbance. Journal of Field Ornithology 59:321-330. |
1988 | Holmes and Robinson |
Holmes, R. T. and S. K. Robinson. 1988. Spatial patterns, foraging tactics, and diets of ground-foraging birds in a northern hardwood forest. Wilson Bulletin 100:377-394. |
1988 | McAlpine et al. |
McAlpine, D. F., S. Makepeace, and M. Phinney. 1988c. Breeding records of the greater scaup, AYTHYA MARILA, in New Brunswick. Canadian Field-Nat. 102:718-719. |
1988 | Prescott and Middleton |
Prescott, D. R. C., and A. L. A. Middleton. 1988. Feeding-time minimization and the territorial behavior of the willow flycatcher (EMPIDONAX TRAILLII). Auk 105:17-28. |
1988 | Snyder and Glinski |
Snyder, H. A., and R. L. Glinski. 1988. Zone-tailed hawk. Pages 105-110 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest Raptor Manage. Symp. and Workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Zwank et al. |
Zwank, P. J., T. H. White, Jr., and F. G. Kimmel. 1988. Female turkey habitat use in Mississippi River batture. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:253-260. |
1988 | Mayer |
Mayer, John T. 1988. Occurence of the nine-banded armadillo, DASYPUS NOVEMCINCTUS (Mammalia: Edentata), In South Carolin a. Brimleyana. No. 15:1-5. |
1988 | Burger and Gochfeld |
Burger, J., and M. Gochfeld. 1988. Nest-ste selection by roseate terns in two tropical colonies on Culebra, Puerto Rico. Condor 90:843-851. |
1988 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1988. Determination of endangered status for two long-nosed bats. Federal Register. 53(190):38456-38460.. |
1988 | Hygnstrom and Craven |
Hygnstrom, S. E., and S. R. Craven. 1988. Electric fences and commercial repellents for reducing deer damage in cornfields. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 16:291-296. |
1988 | Krementz et al. |
Krementz, D. G., et al. 1988. The effects of hunting on survival rates of American black ducks. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:214-226. |
1988 | Santana |
Santana C., E. 1988. Breeding biology and diet of red-tailed hawks in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 20:151-160. |
1988 | Taylor and Katahira |
Taylor, D., and L. Katahira. 1988. Radio telemetry as an aid in eradicating remnant feral goats. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 16:297-299. |
1988 | Platz |
Platz, J. E. 1988. Rana yavapaiensis. Catalogue Amer. Amphibians Reptiles 418: 1-2. |
1988 | Jennings |
Jennings, M.R. 1988. Rana onca Cope, relict leopard frog. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 417:1-2. |
1988 | Forbes and Ankney |
Forbes, M. R. L., and C. D. Ankney. 1988b. Intraclutch variation in egg weights of pied-billed grebes. Condor 90:709-11. |
1988 | Knowles |
Knowles, C. J. 1988. An evaluation of shooting and habitat alteration for control of black-tailed prairie dogs. Pp. 53-6 in D. W. Uresk, G. L. Schenbeck and R. Cefkin. (technical coordinators). 8th Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop Proceedings |
1988 | Palmer, R.S. 1988. Handbook of North American Birds: Volume 5, family Accipitridae (concluded) and family Falconidae. Yale University Press. |
A88PAL01NMUS | |
1988 | Sealy |
Sealy, S.G. 1988. Aggressiveness in migrating Cape May Warblers: Defense of an aquatic food source. Condor 90:271-274. |
1988 | Warkentin, I.G. and P.C. James. 1988. Trends in winter distribution and abundance of Ferruginous hawks. Journal of Field Ornithology. 59(3): 209-214. |
A88WAR01NMUS | |
1988 | Cole, G.A. 1988. A report submitted to the New Mexico Dept of Game and Fish Endangered Species Program [collecting trip for amphipod crustaceans] Unpub report for NM Dept Game and Fish Endangered Species Program. 15 p + illus. |
U88COL01NMUS | |
1988 | McIntyre |
McIntyre, J. W. 1988a. The common loon: spirit of northern lakes. Univ. Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. x + 200 pp. |
1988 | Morrison, J.L. |
Morrison, J.L. 1988. Distribution, life history, and ecology of the meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius luteus, at four sites along the Rio Grande valley in New Mexico. 57 p. |
1988 | Christensen |
Christensen, N. L. 1988. Vegetation of the southeastern coastal plain. Pages 317-64 in M. G. Barbour, and W. D. Billings, editors. North American Terrestrial Vegetation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
1988 | Forbis |
Forbis, L. A. 1988. Status and trends of bald eagles breeding in Arizona, 1975-1986. Pages 282-288 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Hebert and Harrison |
Hebert, D. M., and S. Harrison. 1988. The impact of coyote predation on lamb mortality patterns at the Junction Wildlife Management Area. Proceedings of the Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council 5:283-291. |
1988 | Howie |
Howie, R.R. 1988. Status report on the Flammulated Owl OTUS FLAMMEOLUS. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 58 pp. |
1988 | Kopeny |
Kopeny, M. 1988. White-tailed hawk. Pages 97-104 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest Raptor Manage. Symp. and Workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Arizona Game and Fish Commission |
Arizona Game and Fish Commission. 1988. Threatened native wildlife in Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department Publication, Phoenix, Arizona. 32 pp. |
1988 | Milk carton nest box use by Prothonotary Warblers. Nongame Quarterly Spring 1988:5 |
A88PET03NAUS | |
1988 | Valentine et al. |
Valentine, B. A., T. A. Roberts, S. P. Boland, and A. P. Woodman. 1988. Livestock management and productivity of willow flycatchers in the central Sierra Nevada. Transactions of the Western Section of the Wildlife Society 24:105-14. |
1988 | Klein, E.H. |
Klein, E.H. (1988) Carson National Forest Spotted Owl Form. Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 9 p. |
1988 | Clark |
Clark, R. J. 1988. Survey techniques for owl species in the northeast. Pages 318-327 in National Wildlife Federation. Proceedings of the northeast raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation Technical Series No. 13. |
1988 | Forrest et al. |
Forrest, S. C., D. E. Biggins, L. Richardson, T. W. Clark, T. M. Campbell III, K. A. Fagerstone, and E. T. Thorne. 1988. Population attributes for the black-footed ferret (MUSTELA NIGRIPES) at Meeteetse, Wyoming, 1981-1985. Journal of Mammalogy 69:261-273 |
1988 | Hubbs et al. |
Hubbs, C., F. B. Cross, and F. Stevens. 1988. Occurrence of natural hybrids between Etheostoma and Percina (Pisces: Percidae). Southwestern Naturalist 33:97-99. |
1988 | McCranie |
McCranie, J. R. 1988. Description of the hemipenis of Sistrurus ravus (Serpentes: Viperidae). Herpetologica 44:123-126. |
1988 | Ratcliffe et al. |
Ratcliffe, L., R. F. Rockwell, and F. Cooke. 1988. Recruitment and maternal age in lesser snow geese CHEN CAERULESCENS CAERULESCENS. J. Anim. Ecol. 57:553-563. |
1988 | Spendelow and Patton |
Spendelow, J.A., and Patton, S.R. 1988. National atlas of coastal waterbird colonies in the contiguous United States: 1976-82. Biological Report 88(5): 1-326. |
1988 | Coleman |
Coleman, R. A. 1988. The Epipactis of California. Fremontia 16(1):24-27. |
1988 | Gage |
Gage, Ed V. 1988. A new subspecies of CICINDELA POLITULA from New Mexico and a range extention for CICINDELA POLITULA BARBARAANAE. Ent. News, 99(3): pp. 143-147. |
1988 | Jackson et al. |
Jackson, S. L., D. S. Hik, and R. F. Rockwell. 1988. The influence of nesting habitat on reproductive success of the lesser snow goose. Can. J. Zool. 66:1699-1703. |
1988 | Lanteigne |
Lanteigne, J. 1988. Status of the Banff longnose dace, Rhinichthyes cataractae, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 102:170-176. |
1988 | Schmidly et al. |
Schmidly, D. J., R. D. Bradley, and P. S. Cato. 1988. Morphometric differentiation and taxonomy of three chromosomally characterized groups of PEROMYSCUS BOYLII from east-central Mexico. J. Mamm. 69:462-480. |
1988 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 19 August 1988. Notice of findings on petitions to list the Louisiana black bear, lower Keys marsh rabbit, and Sherman's fox squirrel. Federal Register 53:31723-31725. |
1988 | Adamus |
Adamus, P. R. 1988. Atlas of breeding birds in Maine, 1978-1983. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Augusta. 366 pp. |
1988 | Quinton |
Quinton, M. S. 1988. Ghost of the forest: the great gray owl. Northland. 99 pp. |
1988 | Madge and Burn |
Madge, S., and H. Burn. 1988. Waterfowl: An Identification Guide to the Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Massachusetts. 298 pp. |
1988 | Abts |
Abts, M. L. 1988. Reproduction in the saxicolous desert lizard, Sauromalus obesus: the female reproductive cycle. Copeia 1988:382-393. |
1988 | Blanich |
Blanich, J. 1988. Cape May Warbler at hummingbird feeder. Loon 60:126. |
1988 | Freeman and Wunder |
Freeman, J., and L. Wunder. 1988. Observations at a colony of the Brazilian free-tailed bat (TADARIDA BRASILIENSIS) in southern Colorado. Southwest. Nat. 33:102-104. |
1988 | Leck et al. |
Leck, C. F., B. G. Murray, Jr., and J. Swinebroad. 1988. Long-term changes in the breeding populations of a New Jersey forest. Biological Conservation 46:145-157. |
1988 | Parker |
Parker, J. 1988. The ace dive-bomber of the prairie is a terror on the green. Smithsonian 19:54-63. |
1988 | Sherry and Holmes |
Sherry, T. W., and R. T. Holmes. 1988. Habitat selection by breeding American redstarts in response to a dominant competitor, the least flycatcher. Auk 105:350-364. |
1988 | Young and Vandeventer |
Young, R. A., and T. L. Vandeventer. 1988. Recent observations on the Louisiana pine snake, Pituophis melanoleucus ruthveni (Stull). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 23:203-207. |
1988 | Dunmire, W. 1988. BLM observation of T&E plants. Unpub plant form on Epithelantha micromeris. 1p. |
U88DUN05NMUS | |
1988 | McKenzie and Zwank |
McKenzie, P. M., and P. J. Zwank. 1988. Habitat suitability index models: black-bellied whistling-duck (breeding). U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. 22 pp. |
1988 | Clayton, P. 1988. Threatened, endangered, candidate and state-listed plant survey of public land identified for disposal in Dona Ana and Otero Counties, New Mexico. |
U88CLA01NMUS | |
1988 | New Mexico Dept of Game and Fish. 1988 Et Seq. Handbook of species endangered in New Mexico. NM Dept Game and Fish, Santa Fe, NM 87503. |
U88NEW01NMUS | |
1988 | New Mex. Dept. Game & Fish. 1988. Sangre de Cristo pea-clam, handbook of species endangered in New Mexico. B-334:1-2. |
U88NEW11NMUS | |
1988 | Clark et al. |
Clark, B. K., et al. 1988. Long-distance movements by Reithrodontomys megalotis [sic] in tallgrass prairie. Am. Midl. Nat. 120:276-281 |