Displaying 9781 - 9840 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1989 | Hutto |
Hutto, R.L. 1989. The effect of habitat alteration on migratory land birds in a west Mexican tropical deciduous forest: a conservation perspective. Conservation Biology 3(2):138-148. |
1989 | Marsh and Minckley |
Marsh, P. C., and W. L. Minckley. 1989. Observations on recruitment and ecology of razorback sucker: lower Colorado River, Arizona-California-Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 49:71-78. |
1989 | Pashley |
Pashley, D. N. 1989. Personal communication. |
1989 | Svendsen |
Svendsen, G. E. 1989. Pair formation, duration of pair-bonds, and mate replacement in a population of beavers (Castor canadensis). Canadian Journal of Zoology 67:336-340. |
1989 | Zucker |
Zucker, N. 1989. Dorsal darkening and territoriality in a wild population of the tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus. Journal of Herpetology 23:389-398. |
1989 | Schweitzer |
Schweitzer, D.F. 1989. A review of category 2 Insecta in USFWS Regions 3, 4, 5. Report prepared for United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner Regional Office, Newton Corner, MA, 150 pp. |
1989 | Hands et al. |
Hands, H. M., R. D. Drobney, and M. R. Ryan. 1989. Status of the American bittern in the northcentral United States. Missouri Coop. Fish Wildl. Res. Unit Rep. 13 pp. |
1989 | Wagner, S. |
Wagner, S. 1989. Carson National Forest Spotted Owl Form, El Rito Ranger district, Carson National Forest. USFS 10p. |
1989 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1989. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of endangered status for the Virgin River chub. Federal Register 54:35305-11. |
1989 | Cowgill |
Cowgill, R. W. 1989. Nesting success of least terns on two South Carolina barrier islands in relation to human disturbance. Chat 53:81-87. |
1989 | Grayson and Livingston |
Grayson, D. K., and S. D. Livingston. 1989. High-elevation records for NEOTOMA CINEREA in the White Mountains, California. Great Basin Nat. 49:392-395. |
1989 | Lumsden |
Lumsden, H. G. 1989. Test of nest box preferences of eastern bluebirds, SIALIA SIALIS, and tree swallows, TACHYCINETA BICOLOR. Can. Field-Nat. 103:595-597. |
1989 | Renken and Wiggers |
Renken, R. B., and E. P. Wiggers. 1989. Forest characteristics related to pileated woodpecker territory size in Missouri. Condor 91:642-652. |
1989 | Tilghman |
Tilghman, N. G. 1989. Impacts of white-tailed deer on forest regeneration in northwestern Pennsylvania. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:524-532. |
1989 | Anderson and Laymon |
Anderson, B.W., and S.A. Laymon. 1989. Creating habitat for the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (COCCYZUS AMERICANUS). Pages 468-472 in USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-110. |
1989 | Broschart et al. |
Broschart, M. R., C. A. Johnston, and R. J. Naiman. 1989. Predicting beaver colony density in boreal landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:929-934. |
1989 | Ganey and Balda |
Ganey, J. L., and R. P. Balda. 1989a. Distribution and habitat use of Mexican spotted owls in Arizona. Condor 91:355-361. |
1989 | Kinkel |
Kinkel, L. K. 1989. Lasting effects of wing tags on ring-billed gulls. Auk 106:619-624. |
1989 | Nichols, A.O. 1989. How to make biological surveys go further with generalized linear models. Biological Conservation 50(1989):51-75. |
A89NIC01NMUS | |
1989 | Slough |
Slough, B. G. 1989. Movements and habitat use by transplanted marten in the Yukon Territory. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:991-997. |
1989 | Poole |
Poole, A. F. 1989. Ospreys: a natural and unnatural history. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge and New York. 272 pp. |
1989 | Barneby |
Barneby, R.C. 1989. Fabales. In A. Cronquist, A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal, and P.K. Holmgren (eds.). Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 3, Part B. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx. 279 pp. |
1989 | Burns et al. |
Burns, J. A., D. L. Flath and T. W. Clark. 1989. On the structure and function of white-tailed prairie dog burrows. Great Basin Nat. 49:517-24. |
1989 | England and Laudenslayer |
England, A.S., and W.F. Laudenslayer, Jr. 1989. Distribution and seasonal movements of Bendire's thrasher in California. Western Birds 20:97-123. |
1989 | Joglar |
Joglar, R. L. 1989. Phylogenetic relationships of the West Indian frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus: a morphological analysis. Pages 371-408 in C. A. Woods, ed. Biogeography of the West Indies. Sandhill Crane Press, Gainesville, Florida. |
1989 | Melvin et al. |
Melvin, S.M., D.G. Smith, D.W. Holt, and G.R. Tate. 1989. Small owls. Pages 88-96 in B.G. Pendleton, editor. Proceedings of the Northeast raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. 353 pp. |
1989 | Plante et al. |
Plante, Y., P. T. Boag, and B. N. White. 1989. Macrogeographic variation in mitochondrial DNA of meadow voles (MICROTUS PENNSYLVANICUS). Can. J. Zool. 67:158-167. |
1989 | Jeffrey |
Jeffrey, R. G. 1989. The band-tailed pigeon: distribution, effects of harvest, regulations, mortality rates, and habits, 1968-1979. Final report. Washington Department of Wildlife, Olympia, WA. |
1989 | Spellenberg and Knight |
Spellenberg, R., and P. Knight. 1989. A new species of Erigeron (Asteraceae: Astereae) from central New Mexico. Madrono 36(2): 115-121. |
1989 | Hudgens, B. |
Hudgens, B. (1989) Gila National Forest, Luna Ranger District, Spotted Owl Survey Form 1. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 26 p. |
1989 | Zembal et al. |
Zembal, R., B. M. Massey, and J. M. Fancher. 1989. Movements and activity patterns of the light-footed clapper rail. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:39-42. |
1989 | Greaves |
Greaves, J.M. 1989. Maintaining site integrity for breeding Least Bell's Vireos. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-110. |
1989 | Binford |
Binford, L.C. 1989. A distributional survey of the birds of the Mexican state of Oaxaca. American Ornithologists' Union, Ornithological monographs No. 43. 418 pp. |
1989 | Weigl et al. |
Weigl, P. D., et al. 1989. The ecology of the fox squirrel (SCIURUS NIGER) in North Carolina: implications for survival in the southeast. Bull. Tall Timbers Research Station 24:1-93. |
1989 | Eisenberg |
Eisenberg, J. F. and K. H. Redford. 1989. Mammals of the Neotropics, The Northern Neotropics, Volume 1, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press. |
L89EIS0100LA |
1989 | Crumpton, P. 1989. Threatened and endangered species habitat study area notes. Unpubl. report for USDA - Forest Service for 9 Aug 1989 study. 2 pp. |
U89CRU01NMUS | |
1989 | Unkown |
Unknown. 1989. 1989 Survey of Allium gooddingii Smokey Bear Ranger District - Lincoln National Forest. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 5. |
1989 | Ridgely and Tudor |
Ridgely, R. S. and G. Tudor. 1989. The birds of South America. Volume 1. University of Texas Press, Austin, USA. 516 pp. |
1989 | Hands et al. |
Hands, H. M., R. D. Drobney, and M. R. Ryan. 1989. Status of the common barn-owl in the northcentral United States. Missouri Coop. Fish Wildl. Res. Unit Rep. 19 pp. |
1989 | Turner |
Turner, P.R. 1989. Annual and seasonal changes in populations of Gila trout in headwater streams. New Mexico Dept. Game and Fish. 93 pp. |
1989 | Brown, J.R.,S. Archer |
Brown, J.R. and S. Archer. 1989. Woody plant invasion of grasslands: establishment of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa) on sites differing in herbaceous biomass and grazing history. Oecologia. 80:19-26. |
1989 | Cross and Fleming |
Cross, D.H., K.L. Flemming. 1989. Control of Phragmites or Common Reed. Fish and Wildl, Leafl. 13.4.12. 5 pp. |
1989 | James and Ethier |
James, P. C. and T. J. Ethier. 1989. Trends in the winter distribution and abundance of burrowing owls in North America. Am. Birds 43:1224-1225. |
1989 | Marquis and Batzli |
Marquis, R. J., and G. O. Batzli. 1989. Influence of chemical factors on palatability of forage to voles. Journal of Mammalogy 70:503-11. |
1989 | Tanner |
Tanner, W. W. 1989. Status of Spea stagnalis Cope (1875), Spea intermontanus Cope (1889), and a systematic review of Spea hammondii Baird (1839) (Amphibia: Anura). Great Basin Nat. 49:503-510. |
1989 | Zwank et al. |
Zwank, P. J., P. M. McKenzie, and E. B. Moser. 1989. Mottled duck habitat use and density indices in agricultural lands. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:110-114. |
1989 | Abbott, J.R. |
Abbott, J.R. (1989) Unpublsihed Letter to Regional Forester R-3, Subject: Annual Spotted Owl Report. Contains "Spotted Owl Annual Report - Pre 1989 Lincoln National Forest," and Supporting Maps. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. |
1989 | Hands et al. |
Hands, H. M., R. D. Drobney, and M. R. Ryan. 1989. Status of the golden-winged warbler in the northcentral United States. Missouri Coop. Fish Wildl. Res. Unit Rep. 12 pp. |
1989 | Williams, S.O. and K.E. Copeland. 1989. Bird survey - Guadalupe Canyon, Hidalgo Co., NM. 19-21 March 1989. |
U89WIL01NMUS | |
1989 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1989a. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; animal notice of review. Federal Register, Department of the Interior 54(4): 554-579. |
1989 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1989. Recovery plan for Roseate Tern STERNA DOUGALLII northeastern population. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, MA. |
1989 | Crawford and Jennings |
Crawford, H. S., and D. T. Jennings. 1989. Predation by birds on spruce budworm CHORISTONEURA FUMIFERANA: functional, numerical, and total responses. Ecology 70:152-163. |
1989 | Grebence and White |
Grebence, B. L., and C. M. White. 1989. Physiographic characteristics of peregrine falcon nesting habitat along the Colorado River system in Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 49:408-418. |
1989 | Reynolds et al. |
Reynolds, R. T., R. A. Ryder, and B. D. Linkhart. 1989. Small forest owls. Pages 131-143 in National Wildlife Federation. Proceedings of the western raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation Scientific and Technical Series No. |
1989 | Tipton |
Tipton, A. R. 1989. Use of monofilament line, reflective tape, beachballs, and pyrotechnics for controlling grackle damage to citris. U.S. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-171:126-128. |
1989 | Anonymous |
Anonymous. 1989. All-female lizards are rare in U. S. New Mexico Wildlife. 34(3):31-32. |
1989 | Burr et al. |
Burr, B.M., B.R. Kuhajda, W.W. Dimmick and J.M. Grady. 1989. Distribution, biology, conservation status of the carolina madtom, Noturus furiosus, an endemic North Carolina catfish. Brimleyana 15:57-86. |
1989 | George |
George, S. B. 1989. SOREX TROWBRIDGII. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 337:1-5. |
1989 | King |
King, K. A. 1989. Food habits and organochlorine contaminants in the diet of olivaceous cormorants in Galveston Bay, Texas. Southwest. Nat. 34:338-343. |
1989 | Niles and Clark |
Niles, L. J., and K. E. Clark. 1989. Prey management for migrating raptors. Pages 154-61 in B. G. Pendleton (editor). Proceedings of the Northeast raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. 353 pp. |