Displaying 9841 - 9900 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1989 | Corn et al. |
Corn, P. S., W. Stolzenburg, and R. B. Bury. 1989. Acid precipitation studies in Colorado and Wyoming: interim report of surveys of montane amphibians and water chemistry. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 80(40.26). 56 pp. |
1989 | Wronecki et al. |
Wronecki, P. P., R. A. Dolbeer, and T. W. Seamans. 1989. Field trials of alpha-chloralose and DRC-1339 for reducing numbers of herring gulls. U.S. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-171:148-153. |
1989 | Forbes et al. |
Forbes, M. R. L., H. P. Barkhouse, and P. C. Smith. 1989. Nest-site selection by pied-billed grebes PODILYMBUS PODICEPS. Ornis Scandinavia 20:211-8. |
1989 | Hellgren and Vaughan |
Hellgren, E. C., and M. R. Vaughan. 1989. Demographic analysis of a black bear population in the Great Dismal Swamp. J. Wildlife Management 53:969-977. |
1989 | Knight |
Knight, R.L. 1989. Second Tennessee breeding record of Savannah Sparrows, with comments on its expansion into the southern Appalachians. Migrant 60:69-71. |
1989 | Olenick |
Olenick, B. 1989. Burrowing owl - SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA. Pages 790-81 in T. Clark, A.H. Harvey, R.D. Dorn, D.L. Genter, and C. Groves, editors, Rare, sensitive, and threatened species of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. |
1989 | Schmutz and Hungle |
Schmutz, J.K. and D.J. Hungle. 1989. Population of ferruginous and Swainson's hawks increase in synchrony with ground squirrels. Can. J. Zool. 67:2596-2601. |
1989 | Widen |
Widen, P. 1989. The hunting habitat of goshawks ACCIPITER GENTILIIS in boreal forests of central Sweden. Ibis. 131(2):205-31. |
1989 | Gould-Falzone, K |
Gould-Falzone, K. 1989. Memorandum through Wildlife Biologist chief, Environmental Office for Director EL, subject: survey for grama grass cactus. Hand-dated 8 Jun 89. . 2 p. |
1989 | Uihlien, W.B., III and A.L. Gennaro. 1989. Avifauna on the Ladd S. Gordon Wildlife Area: their seasonality, distribution, breeding status, and patterns of usage. Report to NM Dept. of Game and Fish, Nongame Program. |
U89UIH01NMUS | |
1989 | Leck |
Leck, M.A. 1989. Wetland seed banks. In M.A. Leck, V.T. Parker, and R.L. Simpson (eds.) Ecology of soil seed banks. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA. |
1989 | Bestgen and Propst |
Bestgen, K. R., and D. L. Propst. 1989. Distribution, status, and notes on the ecology of Gila robusta (Cyprinidae) in the Gila River drainage, New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 34:402-412. |
1989 | Conover and Dolbeer |
Conover, M. R., and R. A. Dolbeer. 1989. Reflecting tapes fail to reduce blackbird damage to ripening cornfields. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 17:441-443. |
1989 | Etheredge et al. |
Etheredge, D. R., M. D. Engstrom, and R. C. Stone, Jr. 1989. Habitat discrimination between sympatric populations of PEROMYSCUS ATTWATERI and PEROMYSCUS PECTORALIS in west-central Texas. J. Mamm. 70:300-307. |
1989 | Howe and Collazo |
Howe, M.A., J.A. Collazo. 1989. Census and survey techniques for shorebirds. Pages 168-174 in N.M. Wells (ed.), Proceedings of the Region 4 Nongame Bird Management Workshop. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Off. Infor. Transfer, Fort Collins, CO. |
1989 | McCabe and Wagner |
McCabe, T. L. & D. Wagner. 1989. The biology of Sthenopis auratus Grote (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 97(1): 1-10. |
1989 | Risebrough et al. |
Risebrough, R. W., et al. 1989. Investigations of the decline of Swainson's hawk populations in California. J. Raptor Res. 23:63-71. |
1989 | Wilde |
Wilde, G. R. 1989. Foods and feeding periodicity of the White River springfish, Crenichthyes baileyi. Great Basin Naturalist 49:249-251. |
1989 | Rhea, B. |
Rhea, B. Wagner, S. (1989) Final Report, Spotted Owl Survey on the Lincoln National Forest. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 131 p. |
1989 | Kondratev |
Kondratev, A. Ya. 1989. Rare vertebrates of the Soviet Far East and their protection. Nauka Publ. House, Leningrad. |
1988 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 1988. Least Bell's vireo recovery plan. Portland, Oregon. |
1988 | Bednarz et al. |
Bednarz, J. C., J. W. Dawson, and W. H. Whaley. 1988. Harris' hawk. Pages 71-82 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest Raptor Manage. Symp. and Workshop. National Wildlife Federation Sci. and Tech. Ser. No. 11. |
1988 | Corbin and Wilkie |
Corbin, K. W., and P. J. Wilkie. 1988. Genetic similarities between subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow. Condor 90:637-647. |
1988 | Hatch and Hatch |
Hatch, S. A., and M. A. Hatch. 1988. Colony attendance and population monitoring of black-legged kittiwakes on the Semidi Islands, Alaska. Condor 90:613-620. |
1988 | Maddux and Kepner |
Maddux, H. R., and W. G. Kepner. 1988. Spawning of bluehead sucker in Kanab Creek, Arizona (Pisces: Catostomidae). Southwestern Naturalist 33:364-365. |
1988 | Rees |
Rees, B.B. 1988. Electrophoretic and morphological characteristics of two species of OREOHELIX, the mountain snail. Malacological Review 21:129-132. |
1988 | Sullivan and Sullivan |
Sullivan, T. P., and D. S. Sullivan. 1988. Influence of alternative foods on vole populations and damge in apple orchards. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 16:170-175. |
1988 | Secretary |
Secretary of Agriculture. 1988. Decision Notice for Violetview Research Natural Area. US Forest Service, 3 p. |
1988 | Dunmire, W. 1988. Observation of T&E plants form for Astragalus monumentalis var. cottamii in the Hogback area. Farmington Resource Area. Four forms. May-June 1988. |
U88DUN04NMUS | |
1988 | New Mexico Department of Game and Fish |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 1988. Cyprinodon tularosa, handbook of species endangered in New Mexico, C-176:1-2. |
1988 | Bureau of Land Management. 1986-1988. Compiled raptor nest report data forms from surveys in Socorro Resource Area. |
U88BLM02NMUS | |
1988 | New Mexico Dept Game and Fish. 1988. Tiaroga cobitis, handbook of species endangered in New Mexico, C-153:1-2. |
U88NEW21NMUS | |
1988 | Brooks and Birch |
Brooks, R. T. and T. W. Birch. 1988. Changes in New England forests and forest owners: implications for wildlife habitat resources and habitat management. Transactions; North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference 53: 78-87. |
1988 | Ellis and Glinski |
Ellis, D. H., and R. L. Glinski. 1988. Population estimates for the peregrine falcon in Arizona: a habitat inventory approach. Pages 191-196 in Glinski et al., eds. Proc. Southwest raptor management symposium and workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. |
1988 | Giroux and Bedard |
Giroux, J.-F., and J. Bedard. 1988. Use of bulrush marshes by greater snow geese during staging. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:415-420. |
1988 | Manning and Jones |
Manning, R. W., and J. K. Jones, Jr. 1988. A new subspecies of fringed myotis, MYOTIS THYSANODES, from the northwestern coast of the United States. Occas. Pap. Mus. Texas Tech Univ. No. 123:1-6. |
1988 | Parker et al. |
Parker, B. J., P. McKee, and R. R. Campbell. 1988 Status of the redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 102:163-169. |
1988 | Shalaway and Slobodchikoff |
Shalaway, S., and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1988. Seasonal changes in the diet of Gunnison's prairie dog. J. Mamm. 69:835-841. |
1988 | Johnson |
Johnson, T. H. 1988. Biodiversity and conservation in the Caribbean. Profiles of selected islands. ICBP Monograph No. 1. |
1988 | Weckerly et al. |
Weckerly, F. W., A. L. Gennaro, and T. L. Best. 1988. Description of a new rock pocket mouse, CHAETODIPUS INTERMEDIUS, from New Mexico. Southwest. Nat. 33:100-102. |
1988 | Best |
Best, T. L. 1988. DIPODOMYS SPECTABILIS. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species 311:1-10. |
1988 | Desrochers et al. |
Desrochers, A., S. J. Hannon, and K. E. Nordin. 1988. Winter survival and territory acquisition in a northern population of black-capped chickadees. Auk 105:727-736. |
1988 | George |
George, S. B. 1988. Systematics, historical biogeography, and evolution of the genus Sorex. J. Mammalogy 69:443-461. |
1988 | Mitchell |
Mitchell, J. C. 1988. Population ecology and life histories of the freshwater turtles Chrysemys picta and Sternotherus odoratus in an urban lake. Herpetol. Monogr. 2:40-61. |
1988 | Stahlecker, D.W. and E. Espinoza. 1988. Savannah sparrow breeding in Rio Arriba County: second verified New Mexico nest. NMOS bulletin 16(2):10-12. |
A88STA01NMUS | |
1988 | Zimmer |
Zimmer, K. J. 1988. The brown towhee complex. Birding 20:129-136. |
1988 | New Mexico Dept Game and Fish. 1988. Ptychocheilus lucius, handbook of species endangered in New Mexico, C-149:1-2. |
U88NEW23NMUS | |
1988 | Carroll |
Carroll, J. R. 1988. Population growth of the double-crested cormorant (PHALACROCORAX AURITUS) and its potential for affecting sport fisheries in eastern Lake Ontario. New York Dept. Environ. Conserv., Delmar, NY. 12pp |
1988 | Bednarz |
Bednarz, J. C. 1988c. A comparative study of the breeding ecology of Harris' and Swainson's hawks in southeastern New Mexico. Condor 90:311-323. |
1988 | Dunne et al. |
Dunne, P., D. Sibley, and C. Sutton. 1988. Hawks in Flight: The Flight Identification of North American Raptors. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, Massachusetts. |
1988 | Burgess,Schmida |
Schmida and Burgess. 1988. Plant form and vegetation structure. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague. |
1988 | Diller and Johnson |
Diller, L. V., and D. R. Johnson. 1988. Food habits, consumption rates, and predation rates of western rattlesnakes and gopher snakes in southwestern Idaho. Herpetologica 44:228-233. |
1988 | Harrington et al. |
Harrington, B. A., J. M. Hagan, and L. E. Leddy. 1988. Site fidelity and survival differences between two groups of New World red knots (CALIDRIS CANUTUS). Auk 105:439-445. |
1988 | Mech et al. |
Mech, L. D., et al. 1988. Wolf distribution and road density in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bull. 16:85-87. |
1988 | Ramotnik and Scott |
Ramotnik, C. A., and N. J. Scott. 1988. Habitat requirements of New Mexico's endangered salamanders. Pages 54-63 in R.C. Szaro, et al., technical coordinators. 1988. Management of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America. USDA For. Serv., |
1988 | Wilcove |
Wilcove, D. S. 1988. Changes in the avifauna of the Great Smoky Mountains: 1947-1983. Wilson Bulletin 100:256-271. |
1988 | Atwood |
Atwood, J. L. 1988. Speciation and geographic variation in black-tailed gnatcatchers. Ornithol. Monogr. No. 42. v + 74 pp. |
1988 | Zeveloff |
Zeveloff, S. I. 1988. Mammals of the intermountain west. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah. |
1988 | Duck |
Duck, T. A. 1988. Bibliography of the desert tortoise. On file at the Arizona Strip Office, the Bureau of Land Management, St. George, UT. |
1988 | Good |
Good, D. A. 1988b. Phylogenetic relationships among gerrhonotine lizards: an analysis of external morphology. University of California Publication Zoology 121. |