Displaying 5821 - 5880 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1994 | Keane and Morrison |
Keane, J. J. and M. L. Morrison. 1994. Northern goshawk ecology: effects of scale and levels of biological organization. Studies in Avian Biology 16:3-11. |
1994 | Zappalorti |
Zappalorti, Robert T. Personal communication.Herpetological Associates, Inc. Dunnellon, FL (formerly Herpetological Associates, Forked River, NJ) |
1994 | Repasky and Schluter |
Repasky, R.R., and D. Schluter. 1994. Habitat distributions of wintering sparrows along an elevational gradient: tests of the food, predation and microhabitat structure hypotheses. Journal of Animal Ecology 63:569-582. |
1994 | Williams |
Williams, L. 1994. Asst. Refuge Manager, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge, McBee, SC. |
1994 | Bosakowski and Speiser |
Bosakowski, T., and R. Speiser. 1994. Macrohabitat selection by nesting northern goshawks: implications for managing eastern forests. Studies in Avian Biology 16:46-49 |
1994 | Garrison |
Garrison, R. W. 1994. A revision of the new world genus Erpetogomphus Hagen in Selys (Odonata: Gomphidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 137:173-269. |
1994 | Riley et al. |
Riley, T. Z., C. A. Davis, M. A. Candelaria, and H. R. Suminski. 1994. Lesser prairie-chicken movements and home ranges in New Mexico. Prairie Naturalist 26:183-186. |
1994 | Whitlaw and Lankester |
Whitlaw, H. A., and M. W. Lankester. 1994a. The co-occurrence of moose, white-tailed deer, and Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 72:819-825. |
1994 | Cordova, L. |
Cordova, L. Stokes, M. (1994) 1994 Northern Goshawk Monitoring, Lincoln National Forest. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 89 p. |
1994 | Sanchez, S.M. |
Sanchez, S.M. (1994) 1994 Northern Goshawk Annual Report, Cloudcroft and Mayhill Ranger Districts, Lincoln National Forest, Bundled with Relevant Maps. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 39 p. |
1994 | Weisenberger |
Weisenberger, Mara E. 1994. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for January 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 4 Feb 1994. 3 pp. |
1994 | Barnett and Crawford |
Barnett, J. K. and J. A. Crawford. 1994. Pre-laying nutrition of sage grouse hens in Oregon. J. Range Management 47:1114-118. |
1994 | Ellsworth et al. |
Ellsworth, D. L., et al. 1994. Historical biogeography and comtemporary patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in white-tailed deer from the southeastern United States. Evolution 48:122-136. |
1994 | Kurta and Teramino |
Kurta, A., and J. A. Teramino. 1994. A novel hibernaculum and noteworthy records of the Indiana bat and eastern pipistrelle (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). American Midland Naturalist 132:410-413. |
1994 | Scott |
Scott, J. A. 1994. Biology and systematics of Phyciodes (Phyciodes) [Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae]. Papilio, new series #7: 120. [Essentially privately published by the author. Order from him at 60 Estes St., Lakewood, Co 80226, USA, send 7.00 US] |
1994 | Young |
Young, B. E. 1994a. Geographical and seasonal patterns of clutch size variation in House Wrens. Auk 111:545-555. |
A94YOU0100LA |
1994 | Cortez III Service Corporation. 1994. Biological survey report for project at RENA Site. 8 June 1994. 8 pp. |
U94COR15NMUS | |
1994 | Lightfoot, K. |
Lightfoot, K.. 1994. Status Report on Scrophularia macrantha (Mimbres figwort). Section H of Section 6 report for USFWS from State Forestry & Resources Div. p32-46. |
1994 | Propst, D. L. |
Propst, D. L. 1994. Federally listed fish species collected during 1994. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 6 p. |
1994 | Boal |
Boal, C. W. 1994. A photographic and behavioral guide to aging nestling northern goshawks. Studies in Avian Biology 16:32-40. |
1994 | Hershler |
Hershler, R. 1994. A review of the North American freshwater snail genus Pyrgulopsis (Hydrobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 554: 1-115. |
1994 | Marti |
Marti, C. D. 1994. Barn owl reproduction: patterns and variation near the limit of the species' distribution. Condor 96:468-484. |
1994 | Schnell |
Schnell, J. H. 1994. Common Black-Hawk (BUTEOGALLUS ANTHRACINUS). IN: The birds of North America, No. 122 (A. Poole and F. Gill, editors). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, D.C.: The American Ornithologists' Union. |
1994 | Burton |
Burton, G.L and B. Metzinger. 1994. Alamosa springsnail (Tryonia alamosae) and Socorro springsnail (Pyrgulopsis neomexicana) recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
1994 | Kauffman, D.R. |
Kauffman, D.R. (1994) Final Report, 1994 Sunsport Spotted Owl Survey, 12 August 1994. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 21 p. |
1994 | Rustay, C. 1994. Notes on Gray Ranch bird observations by C. Rustay, J. Parmeter, and C. Sandel. July 22, 1994. |
U94RUS01NMUS | |
1994 | Taylor |
Taylor, I. 1994. Barn owls: predator-prey relationships and conservation. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York. |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Draft revised recovery plan for piping plovers, Charadrius melodus, breeding on the Great Lakes and Northern Great Plains of the United States. USFWS, Twin Cities, Minnesota. v + 121 pp. |
1994 | Muldavin, E., et al |
Muldavin, E., et al. 1994. A riparian/wetland vegetation community classification of New Mexico: Pecos River Basin. Vol. 1. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for New Mexico Environment Dept., Surface Water Quality Bureau, Santa Fe, NM |
1994 | US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency |
US Army Environmental Hygiene Agency. 1994. Environmental noise study no. 52-34-Q3D2-94. Results of noise monitoring and desert bighorn sheep tracking, joint training exercise roving sands 94, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, 27 April-12 May 1994. |
1994 | Sivinski and Lightfoot |
Sivinski, R., and K. Lightfoot, eds. 1994. Inventory of the rare and endangered plants of New Mexico. 2nd edition. Miscellaneous Publication No. 3, New Mexico Forestry and Resources Conservation Division, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources |
1994 | Bury and Germano |
Bury, R. B., and D. J. Germano. 1994. Biology of North American tortoises. USDI National Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Research 13. vi + 204 pp. |
1994 | Brown |
Brown, B. T. 1994. Rates of brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds on riparian passerines in Arizona. Journal of Field Ornithology 65:160-168. |
1994 | Erickson and Toweill |
Erickson, J. R. and D. E. Toweill. 1994. Forest health and wildlife habitat management on the Boise National Forest, Idaho. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 2:389-409. |
1994 | Kennedy, P.L. |
Kennedy, P.L. et al (1994) Post-Fleding Areas in Northern Goshawk Home Ranges. Published in Studies in Avian Biology No 16:75-82. Retrieved from Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln NF, USFS. 9 p. |
1994 | Black, C. 1994. 7.5' Quad map-San Marcial (3310668) |
M94BLA02NMUS | |
1994 | Rich et al. |
Rich, A. C., D. S. Dobkin, and L. J. Niles. 1994. Defining forest fragmentation by corridor width: the influence of narrow forest-dividing corridors on forest-nesting birds in southern New Jersey. Conser. Biol. 8:1109-21. |
1994 | Bright-Smith and Mannan |
Bright-Smith, D. J., and R. W. Mannan. 1994. Habitat use by breeding male northern goshawks in northern Arizona. Studies in Avian Biology 16:58-65. |
1994 | Gibbons |
Gibbons, J. W. 1994. Keynote address: management of the desert tortoise and other reptiles and amphibians: time for an environmental attitude adjustment. Desert Tortoise Council Proceedings of 1987-1991 Symposia, 1994:169-173. |
1994 | Morris et al. |
Morris, S. R., M. E. Richmond, and D. W. Holmes. 1994. Patterns of stopover by warblers during the spring and fall migration on Appledore Island, Maine. Wilson Bulletin 106:703-718. |
1994 | Rodenhouse and Best |
Rodenhouse, N. L., and L. B. Best. 1994. Foraging patterns of vesper sparrows (Pooecetes gramineus) breeding in cropland. Am. Midl. Nat. 131:196-206. |
1994 | Winkler |
Winkler, K. 1994. Divergence in the mitochondrial DNA of EMPIDONAX TRAILLII and E. ALNORUM, with notes on hybridization. Auk 111:710-713. |
1994 | Dennis |
Dennis. (1994) Multiple Bundled Mexican Spotted Owl Forms. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 170 p. |
1994 | Sivinski, R. and K. Lightfoot. 1994. Parish's Alkali Grass (Puccinellia parishii). 1994 Progress Report, (Section 6, Segment 9) for US Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. 15pp + Maps. |
U94SIV01NMUS | |
1994 | Weisenberger |
Weisenberger, Mara E. 1994. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for June 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 7 July 1994. 5 pp. |
1994 | Bendel and Therres |
Bendel, P. R., and G. D. Therres. 1994. Movements, site fidelity and survival of Delmarva fox squirrels following translocation. Am. Midl. Nat. 132:227-233. |
1994 | Ellsworth et al. |
Ellsworth, D. L., et al. 1994. Mitochondrial-DNA and nuclear-gene differentiation in North American prairie grouse (genus TYMPANUCHUS). Auk 111:661-671. |
1994 | Lewis |
Lewis, S. E. 1994b. Night roosting ecology of pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus) in Oregon. Am. Midl. Nat. 132:219-226. |
1994 | Skagen and Knopf |
Skagen, S. K., and F. L. Knopf. 1994. Residency patterns of migrating sandpipers at a midcontinental stopover. Condor 96:949-958. |
1994 | Cortez III Service Corporation. 1994. Preliminary report of the biological survey conducted for the Chaparral/Stinger Environmental Assessment. 21 July 1994. 6 pp. |
U94COR26NMUS | |
1994 | 1994 Northern Goshawk Annual Report. Cloudcroft and Mayhill Ranger Districts. Lincoln National Forest. Prepared by Steve Michael Sanchez, reviewed by Danney Salas. |
U94LNF02NMUS | |
1994 | J. Cullins,L. Brownmiller,Pruett, C |
Pruett, C, L. Brownmiller, and J. Cullins. 1994. Threatened, endangered and sensitive plants observation records. |
1994 | Boal and Bacorn |
Boal, C. W., and J. E. Bacorn. 1994. Siblicide and cannibalism in northern goshawk nests. Auk 111:748-750. |
1994 | Herkert |
Herkert, J.R. 1994b. The effects of habitat fragmentation on midwestern grassland bird communities. Ecological Applications 4(3):461-471. |
1994 | McIvor and Conover |
McIvor, D. E., and M. R. Conover. 1994. Habitat preference and diurnal use among greater sandhill cranes. Great Basin Nat. 54:329-334. |
1994 | Schmitz and Nudds |
Schmitz, O. J., and T. D. Nudds. 1994. Parasite-mediated competition in deer and moose: how strong is the effect of meningeal worm on moose? Ecological Applications 4:91-103. |
1994 | With |
With, K. A. 1994a. The hazards of nesting near shrubs for a grassland bird, the McCown's longspur. Condor 96:1009-1019. |
1994 | Burkett, Doug W. and Larry Kamees. 1994. Incidental report to NM Dept. of Game & Fish (Charles Painter), subject: range extension/county record for Coleonyx brevis. 7 June 1994. 1 page. |
U94BUR04NMUS | |
1994 | Kennedy, Patricia L. et al. 1994. Project progress report 1994 field season. 1994 Accipiter inventory and territory status report, Santa Fe N.F., N.M. |
U94KEN01NMUS | |
1994 | Salas, D. |
Salas, D. (1994) Sacramento Division and Guadalupe Ranger District Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Survey and Inventory Report. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 16 p. |