Displaying 5701 - 5760 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1994 | Peterjohn et al. |
Peterjohn, B. G., J. R. Sauer, and W. A. Link. 1994. The 1992 and 1993 summary of the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Bird Populations 2:46-61. |
1994 | Zink |
Zink, R. M. 1994. The geography of mitochondrial DNA variation, population structure, hybridization, and species limits in the fox sparrow (PASSERELLA ILIACA). Evolution 48:96-111. |
1994 | Paul, L.W. |
Paul, L.W. (1994) Mexican Spotted Owl Calling Maps. Retrieved from Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 5 p. |
1994 | Otte |
Otte, D. 1994-1995. Orthoptera Species File, Volumes 1-5. The Orthopterists' Society and The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. |
1994 | McCallum |
McCallum, D. A. 1994c. Conservation status of flammulated owls in the United States. Pages 74-86 in G. D. Hayward and J. Verner, editors. Flammulated, boreal and great gray owls in the United States: a technical conservation assessment. USFS General Techn |
1994 | Unknown |
Unknown (1994) Multiple Maps of Mexican Spotted Owl Management Terrritories. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 272 p. |
1994 | Tweit and Finch |
Tweit, R. C., and D. M. Finch. 1994. Abert's Towhee (Pipilo aberti). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 111. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 20 pp. |
1994 | Best et al. |
Best, T. L., S. L. Burt, and J. L. Bartig. 1994. Tamias quadrivittatus. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 466:1-7. |
1994 | Evans and Harris |
Evans, T. J., and S. W. Harris. 1994. Status and habitat use by American avocets wintering at Humboldt Bay, California. Condor 96:178-189. |
1994 | D. P. Coffin,Laurenroth, W.K.,O.E. Sala,T.B. Kirchner |
Laurenroth, W.K., O.E. Sala, D. P. Coffin, and T.B. Kirchner. 1994. The importance of soil water in the recruitment of Bouteloua gracilis in the shortgrass steppe. Ecological Applications. 4:741-749. |
1994 | Randi and Alkon |
Randi, E., and P. U. Alkon. 1994. Genetic structure of chukar (ALECTORIS CHUKAR) populations in Israel. Auk 111:416-426. |
1994 | Vidal et al. |
Vidal, R. M., C. Macias-Caballero, and C. D. Duncan. 1994. The occurrence and ecology of the golden-cheeked warbler in the highlands of northern Chiapas, Mexico. Condor 96:684-91. |
1994 | Cibola National Forest |
Cibola National Forest. 1994. 1994 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Forms. |
1994 | Metric Corporation. 1994. A threatened and endangered floral and wildlife survey of proposed seismic corridors, Sandoval Co., New Mexico. Prepared for Vastar Resources Inc., Houston, Texas. 17p + appendices. |
U94MET01NMUS | |
1994 | Painter, C.W. 1994. New Mexico Herpetofauna. Compiled for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
U94PAN01NMUS | |
1994 | Vincent, D. W. and T. Lutonsky. 1994. Monitoring a population of Pediocactus papyracanthus. BLM, Rio Puerco R.A. |
U94VIN01NMUS | |
1994 | McCallum |
McCallum, D. A. 1994b. Review of technical knowledge: flammulated owls. Pages 14-46 in G. D. Hayward and J. Verner, editors. Flammulated, boreal and great gray owls in the United States: a technical conservation assessment. USFS General Technical Report, |
1994 | Donaldson et al. |
Donaldson, W. A., A. H. Price, and J. Morse. 1994. The current status and future propects of the Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) in Texas. Texas Journal of Science 46:(7-113). |
1994 | Jackson |
Jackson, D. R. 1994. Overwintering of hatchling turtles in northern Florida. J. Herpetol. 28:401-402. |
1994 | Ruby and Niblick |
Ruby, D. E. and H. A. Niblick. 1994. A behavioral inventory of the desert tortoise. Development of an ethogram. Herpetological Monographs 8:88-102. |
1994 | Vega and Rappole |
Vega, J. H. and J. H. Rappole. 1994. Effects of scrub mechanical treatment on the nongame bird community in the Rio Grande Plain of Texas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 22(2): 165-171. |
1994 | Burkett, D |
Burkett, D. 1994. E-mail to: NMDGF (Charles Painter), from: Doug Burkett, subject: county record for Bogertophis subocularis, date: June 7, 1994. |
1994 | Kirsch and Sidle |
Kirsch, E.M., and J.G. Sidle. 1994. Status of the interior population of least terns (Strena antillarum). Unpublished draft, submitted to the journal of Wildlife Management. |
1994 | Paul, L.W. |
Paul, L.W. (1994) Unpublished Letter Subject: Devil's Den Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1994 | McAuliffe, J.R |
McAuliffe, J.R. 1994. Landscape evolution, soil formation, and ecological patterns and processes in Sonoran Desert bajadas. Ecological Monographs. 64(2):111-148. |
1994 | Anderson |
Anderson, T. R. 1994. Breeding biology of house sparrows in northern lower Michigan. Wilson Bull. 106:537-548. |
1994 | DeSante and George |
DeSante, D.F., and T.L. George. 1994. Population trends in the landbirds of western North America. Studies in Avian Biology 15:173-190. |
1994 | Hejl |
Hejl, S.J. 1994. Human-induced changes in bird populations in coniferous forests in western North America during the past 100 years. Studies in Avian Biology 15:232-246. |
1994 | Licht and Fritts |
Licht, D. S., and S. H. Fritts. 1994. Gray wolf (Canis lupus) occurrences in the Dakotas. American Midland Naturalist 132:74-81. |
1994 | Plummer and Congdon |
Plummer, M. V., and J. D. Congdon. 1994. Radiotelemetric study of activity and movements of racers (Coluber constrictor) associated with a Carolina Bay in South Carolina. Copeia 1994:20-26. |
1994 | van Zyll de Jong and Nagorsen |
van Zyll de Jong, C. G., and D. W. Nagorsen. 1994. A review of the distribution and taxonomy of Myotis keenii and Myotis evotis in British Columbia and the adjacent United States. Canadian Journal of Zoology 72:1069-1078. |
1994 | Beach, M. |
Beach, M. (1994) Multiple Bundled 1994 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Forms. Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 18 p. |
1994 | Henry, Ann. 1994. Aplomado falcon sighting information form filled out for June 20 and July 5 sightings. |
U94HEN01NMUS | |
1994 | J.S. Pittenger,Propst, D. L. |
Propst, D. L. and J.S. Pittenger. 1994. White Sands pupfish cooperative agreement and conservation plan. July 21, 1994. . 33 p. |
1994 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1994. Riparian/Wetland vegetation classification, Rio Grande Basin. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
1994 | Small |
Small, A. 1994. California birds: their status and distribution. Ibis Publishing Co., 3420 Freda's Hill Road, Vista, California 92084. xiv + 342 pp. |
1994 | Schwarz, H. 1994. Map of Potato Canyon Goshawk PFA. |
M94SCH01NMUS | |
1994 | Debruin, E,E. Muldavin,P. Mehlhop |
Debruin, E., P. Mehlhop, and E. Muldavin. 1994. A survey of sensitive species and vegetation communities in the Organ Mountains of Fort Bliss. Vol. I: plants. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program prepared for Directorate of Environment, |
1994 | Locke, B |
Locke, B. 1994. FAX to D. Anderson with regard to ACTC T&E plant locations. 4 p. |
1994 | Stumpff, W. |
Stumpff, W. (1994) Summary of Progress for Grand F-60-M-2 Project 11. Carson Supervisor's Office, Carson National Forest, USFS. 14 p. |
1994 | Gilligan et al. |
Gilligan, J., D. Rogers, M. Smith, and A. Contreras. 1994. Birds of Oregon: Status and Distribution. Cinclus Publications, McMinnville, Oregon. |
1994 | Sullivan, R.M., and Knight, P.J. 1994. Biologic surveys for the Sandia National Laboratories Coyote Canyon Test Complex-Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM. Contractor report SAND93-7089. 101p. Plus appendixes. |
N94SUL01NMUS | |
1994 | Best and Skupski |
Best, T. L., and M. P. Skupski. 1994. Perognathus merriami. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 473:1-7. |
1994 | Drut et al. |
Drut, M. S., W. H. Pyle, and J. A. Crawford. 1994b. Technical note: diets and food selection of sage grouse chicks in Oregon. Journal of Range Management 47:90-93. |
1994 | Ingold |
Ingold, D. J. 1994. Influence of nest-site competition between European starlings and woodpeckers. Wilson Bull. 106:227-241. |
1994 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1994. Field data for White Sands Missile Range vegetation classification and map. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 94-GTRmap-54. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. |
1994 | Predergast |
Predergast, G. 1994. Growing Epipactis species from seeds at Kew. Orchid Review. 102:199-203. |
1994 | Zingo et al. |
Zingo, J.M., C.A. Church, and J.A. Spendelow. 1994. Two hybrid Common x Roseate Terns fledge at Falkner Island, Connecticut. Connecticut Warbler 14(2):50-55). |
1994 | USFS |
U.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1994. Neotropical Migratory Bird Reference Book. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region. 832 pp. |
1994 | Blem and Blem |
Blem, C.R., and L.B. Blem. 1994. Composition and microclimate of Prothonotary Warbler nests. Auk 111(1):197-200. |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Proposed determination of critical habitat for the Mexican spotted owl. Federal Register 59(234):63162-63201. 7 December 1994. |
1994 | Lee and Brennan |
Lee, J. M. and L. A. Brennan. 1994. Changes in Northern Bobwhite habitat and populations in a southern Mississippi wildlife management area. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies 48:201-207. |
1994 | Ratnayeke et al. |
Ratnayeke, S., A. Bixler, and J. L. Gittleman. 1994. Home range movements of solitary, reproductive female coatis, Nasua narica, in south-eastern Arizona. Journal of Zoology (London) 223:322-326. |
1994 | Walker et al. |
Walker, J. M., H. L. Taylor, and J. E. Cordes. 1994. Hybrid Cnemidophorus (Sauria: Teiidae) in Ninemile Valley of the Purgatoire River, Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 39:235-240. |
1994 | Cibola National Forest |
Cibola National Forest. 1994. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory summary sheets. 2 p. |
1994 | Muldavin, E.,T. Parmenter,T. Yates |
Muldavin, E., T. Parmenter, and T. Yates. 1994. A biological survey of Melrose Air Force Range, Melrose, New Mexico. Unpubl. report for University of New Mexico Department of Biology and New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 204 p. |
1994 | Paul, L. |
Paul, L. Harbrough, G. (1994) Willow Flycatcher Survey Form. Retrieved from Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1994 | Vincent, D. 1994. The gypsophilous plants of the White Mesa Area of New Mexico. BLM, Rio Puerco Resource Area. |
U94VIN02NMUS | |
1994 | McCallum |
McCallum, D. A. 1994d. Information needs: flammulated owls. Pages 180-86 in G. D. Hayward and J. Verner, editors. Flammulated, boreal and great gray owls in the United States: a technical conservation assessment. USFS General Technical Report, GTR RM-253, |
1994 | Adams et al. |
Adams, J. S., et al. 1994. Survival and growth of nestling vesper sparrows exposed to experimental food reductions. Condor 96:739-748. |