Displaying 6061 - 6120 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1994 | Duncan, S. 1994. Biology volunteer project. Under direction of Dwain Vincent, BLM Rio Puerco District |
U94DUN01NMUS | |
1994 | Langlois et al. |
Langlois, D., J. Alves, and J. Apker. 1994. Rio Grande sucker recovery plan. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, Colorado. 22 pp. |
1994 | Santa Fe National Forest. 1994. Field forms and maps for Northern Goshawk nest and territory monitoring for 1994. |
U94SNF02NMUS | |
1994 | Weisenberger |
Weisenberger, Mara E. 1994. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for October and November 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 7 December 1994. 6 pp. |
1994 | Bleiweiss et al. |
Bleiweiss, R., J. A. W. Kirsch, and J. C. Matheus. 1994. DNA-DNA hybridization evidence for subfamily structure among hummingbirds. Auk 111:8-19. |
1994 | Franson |
Franson, C. 1994. Parathion poisoning of Mississippi kites in Oklahoma. Journal of Raptor Research 28:108-109. |
1994 | McCracken et al. |
McCracken, G. F., M. K. McKracken, and A. T. Vawter. 1994. Genetic structure in migratory populations of the bat TADARIDA BRASILIENSIS MEXICANA. Journal of Mammalogy 75:500-514. |
1994 | Snyder et al. |
Snyder, N. F. R., S. Koenig, J. Koschmann, H. A. Snyder, and T. B. Johnson. 1994. Thick-billed parrot releases in Arizona. Condor 96:845-862. |
1994 | Sharp et al. |
Sharp, Aaron J. et al. 1994. The Moss Flora of Mexico. Buck, William R., Thomas Wm. Wayt, Daniel F. Thomas, editors. |
B94SHA0100LA |
1994 | Braun |
Braun, C. E. 1994. Band-tailed Pigeon. Chapter 5, Pp. 61-74 IN T. C. Tacha and C. E. Braun, eds. Migratory shore and upland game bird management in North America. International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS. |
1994 | United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) |
United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 21 March 1994. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; Critical habitat for four colorado river endangered fishes; final rule. Federal Register 59(54):13375-13400. |
1994 | Jacobson |
Jacobson, E. R. 1994. Causes of mortality and diseases in tortoises: A review. J. Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 25(1):2-17. |
1994 | Moorhead and Hofstra |
Moorhead, B., and T. Hofstra. 1994. Western park personnel meet on mountain lion-human encounters. Park Science, Fall 1994, pp. 20-21. |
1994 | Siders and Kennedy |
Siders, M. S. and P. L. Kennedy. 1994. Nesting habitat of ACCIPITER hawks: is body size a consistent predictor of nest habitat characteristics? Studies in Avian Biology 16:92-96. |
1994 | Page |
Page, A.M. 1994. Updated status report on the King Rail RALLUS ELEGANS in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 20 pp. |
1994 | Cortez III Service Corporation. 1994. Battle Management Test Program at Test Complex 31, draft Environmental Assessment. 99 pp. |
U94COR02NMUS | |
1994 | Maschinski |
Maschinski, J. 1994. Demographic monitoring of Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus. Transition Zone Horticultural Institute, Inc. |
1994 | Sivinski and Lightfoot |
Sivinski, R., and K. Lightfoot. 1994. Todsen's pennyroyal performance report (E9). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
1994 | Atchley, Jennifer. 1994. Rare animal occurrence record form for ^&Eutamias quadrivittatus australis. 20 July 1994. |
U94ATC01NMUS | |
1994 | Glover, K |
Glover, K. 1994. Trip Report. Bat netting in Big Canyon. USFS |
1994 | Professional Analysis Incorporated. 1994. Final draft, Addendum to the Environmental Assessment of Long-Term High-Explosive Testing at Permanent High Explosive Test Site, White Sands Missile Range. September 1994. 100 pp. |
U94PAI03NMUS | |
1994 | Weisenberger, Mara E. 1994. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for May 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 6 June 1994. 5 pp. |
U94WEI05NMUS | |
1994 | Berendzen, S |
Berendzen, S. 1994. Letter to Daisan Taylor on water birds observed at Brazel Lake with attached memo from Daisan Taylor. May 17, 1994. . 1 p. |
1994 | Hafner, D.J |
Hafner, D.J. 1994. An unpublished manuscript of specimens examined for Ochotona princeps nigrescens in the Jemez Mountains. . 2 p. |
1994 | Mt. Taylor Ranger District |
Mt. Taylor Ranger District. 1994. Northern Goshawk monitoring forms. |
1994 | Ulaszek |
Ulaszek, E. F. 1994. Todsen's pennyroyal (Hedeoma todsenii -R.S. Irving) recovery plan, revision 1. Draft report prepared for R-2 USFWS, Albuquerque, NM. 26 pp. |
1994 | Bull and Hohmann |
Bull, E. L. and J. E. Hohmann. 1994. Breeding biology of northern goshawks in northeastern Oregon. Studies in Avian Biology 16:103-105. |
1994 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final rule to list the Rio Grande cutthroat trout as an endangered species. Federal Register. 59(138):36988-36995. |
1994 | Lefebvre et al. |
Lefebvre, G., B. Poulin, and R. McNeil. 1994. Spatial and social behavior of Nearctic warblers wintering in Venezuelan mangroves. Can. J. Zool. 72:757-764. |
1994 | Rompre and McNeil |
Rompre, G., and R. McNeil. 1994. Seasonal changes in day and night foraging of willets in northeastern Venezuela. Condor 96:734-738. |
1994 | Turner |
Turner, B.L. 1994. Regional variation in the North American elements of Oxalis corniculata (Oxalidaceae). Phytologia 77(1): 1-7. |
1994 | Jennings and Hayes |
Jennings, M. R., and M. P. Hayes. 1994. Amphibian and reptile species of special concern in California. Final Report submitted to the California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Division. Contract No. 8023. 255 pp. |
1994 | Brown and Dickson |
Brown, R.E., and J.G. Dickson. 1994. Swainson's Warbler (LIMNOTHLYPIS SWAINSONII). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 126. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 20 pp. |
1994 | Bulova |
Bulova, S. J. 1994. Patterns of burrow use by desert tortoises: gender differences and seasonal trends. Herpetological Monographs 8:133-143. |
1994 | Heil, Kenneth D. and J.M. Porter. 1994. Sclerocactus (Cactaceae): A revision. Haseltonia 1994(2): 20-46. |
A94HEI01NMUS | |
1994 | Ruby et al. |
Ruby, D. E., et. al. 1994. Behavioral responses and time allocation differences in desert tortoises exposed to environmental stress in semi-natural enclosures. Herpetological Monographs 8:27-44. |
1994 | Young |
Young, B. E. 1994b. The effects of food, nest predation, and weather on the timing of breeding in tropical House Wrens, Troglodytes aedon. Condor 96:341-353. |
A94YOU0200LA |
1994 | Fagan, D |
Fagan, D. 1994. Mexican Spotted Owl reinventory: Mt. Taylor Ranger District, Cibola National Forest. Submitted by Buteo, Moab, UT. 16 p. + app. |
1994 | Malusa and Warren |
Malusa, J. and P.L. Warren. 1994. Chiricahua Mudwort, Limosella pubiflora Pennell. Status Report submitted to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Phoenix, AZ. |
1994 | Santa Fe National Forest |
Santa Fe National Forest. 1994. Strix occidentalis lucida route habitats for Pecos/Las Vegas Ranger District. 8 p. |
1994 | Camp and Best |
Camp, M., and L.B. Best. 1994. Nest density and nesting success of birds in roadsides adjacent to rowcrop fields. American Midland Naturalist 131:347-358. |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Proposed establishment of a nonessential experimental population of gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Federal Register 59(157:42108-42128. 16 August 1994. |
1994 | McMurry et al. |
McMurry, S. T., et al. 1994. Demographic profiles of populations of cotton rats in a continuum of habitat types. J. Mamm. 75:50-59. |
1994 | Sparling and Krapu |
Sparling, D. W., and G. L. Krapu. 1994. Communal roosting and foraging behavior of staging sandhill cranes. Wilson Bull. 106:62-77. |
1994 | Braun et al. |
Braun, C. E., K. M. Giesen, R. W. Hoffinan, T. E. Remington, and W. D. Snyder. 1994. Upland bird management analysis guide, 1994- 1998. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Division Report no. 19., Denver. |
1994 | USFS |
U.S. Forest Service (USFS). 1994. Neotropical migratory bird reference book, volume 1. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region. 832 pages. |
1994 | Bury et al. |
Bury, R. B., T. C. Esque, and P. S. Corn. 1994. Conservation of desert tortoises (GOPHERUS AGASSIZII): genetics and protection of isolated populations. Pages 59-66 in K. R. Beaman, editor. Proceedings of 1987-1991 symposia. The Desert Tortoise Council, Pa |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Removal of arctic peregrine falcon from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife. Federal Register 59(192):50796-50805. 5 October 1994. |
1994 | Curson et al. |
Curson, J., D. Quinn, and D. Beadle. 1994. Warblers of the Americas: an identification guide. Houghton Mifflin, New York. ix + 252 pp. |
1994 | Morrison et al. |
Morrison, R. I. G., C. Downes, and B. Collins. 1994. Population trends of shorebirds on fall migration in eastern Canada 1974-1991. Wilson Bull. 106:431-447. |
1994 | Smith and Clark |
Smith, K. G., and J. D. Clark. 1994. Black bears in Arkansas: characteristics of a successful translocation. Journal of Mammalogy 75:309-320. |
1994 | Cortez III Environmental |
Cortez III Environmental. 1994. Incidental report, to: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (Mr. Sandy Williams), from: Cortez III Environmental, subject: great kiskadee found on White Sands Missile Range, date: June 7, 1994. |
1994 | Maynard, W.R. 1994. Survey efforts in New Mexico for Southwestern Willow flycatcher. For New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, PO Box 25112, Santa Fe, NM 87504, Contract no. 94-516-69. 48p. |
U94MAY01NMUS | |
1994 | Sivinski, R |
Sivinski, R. 1994. Todsen's pennyroyal (Hedeoma todsenii), 1994 progress report (Section 6 Segment 9). |
1994 | Bacorn, J. 1994. Plant/animal occurrence record for Trifolium longipes var. neurophyllum. |
U94BAC01NMUS | |
1994 | Gila National Forest. 1994. Field forms and maps for Northern Goshawk nest & territory monitoring. |
U94GNF01NMUS | |
1994 | Palma, R.E. |
Palma, R.E. Yates, T.L. 1994 Levels of Hybridizations of Rio Gradne Cutthroat Trout In New Mexico Streams, Department of Biology and Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 87131. 1994 Technical Report to the New Mexico Depar |
1994 | Biodiversity Legal Foundation,Sharps, J.C |
Biodiversity Legal Foundation and Sharps, J.C. 1994. Petition to classify the black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) as a Category 2 Candidate species pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act and the intent of the Endangered Species Act. . 9 |
1994 | Huning, T. |
Huning, T. (1994) 1994 National Forests Northern Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1994 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1994. A vegetation map legend for application to the New Mexico Gap Analysis project. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for the National Biological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, New Mexico |