Displaying 6001 - 6060 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Animal Candidate Review for Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species. Federal Register 59(219):58982-59028. |
1994 | Burkett, Doug W. and Larry Kamees. 1994. Incidental report to NM Dept. of Game & Fish (Charles Painter), subject: range extension/county record for Coleonyx brevis. 7 June 1994. 1 page. |
U94BUR04NMUS | |
1994 | Kennedy, Patricia L. et al. 1994. Project progress report 1994 field season. 1994 Accipiter inventory and territory status report, Santa Fe N.F., N.M. |
U94KEN01NMUS | |
1994 | Salas, D. |
Salas, D. (1994) Sacramento Division and Guadalupe Ranger District Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Survey and Inventory Report. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 16 p. |
1994 | Galeano-Popp, R. |
Galeano-Popp, Renee for Lincoln National Forest, Region 3, USDA-Forest Service. 1994. Results of Monitoring Report on Cirsium vinaceum (Sacramento Mountain Thistle). USDA Forest Service, NM. |
1994 | E. DeBruin,Muldavin, E.,P. Mehlhop |
Muldavin, E., P. Mehlhop, and E. DeBruin. 1994. A survey of sensitive species and vegetation communities in the Organ Mountains of Fort Bliss. Vol. III: vegetation communities. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program prepared for Directorat |
1994 | Warren |
Warren, P. 1994. Taxonomic history of Pediomelum pentaphyllum (P. trinervatum). November 28, 1994. Unpublished. Copy on file at The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. 2 pp. |
1994 | R. Holland,S.J. Cary,Toliver, M.E. |
Toliver, M.E., R. Holland, and S.J. Cary. 1994. Distribution of butterflies in New Mexico (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea), second edition. R. Holland. 187 p. |
1994 | Anderson, J. |
Anderson, J. Schwarz, H. Kalish, E. (1994) Cibola Naional Forests 1994 Northern Goshawk Monitoring Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1994 | Gila National Forest |
Gila National Forest. 1994. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms. |
1994 | Mehlhop, P.,P. Tonne |
Mehlhop, P. and P. Tonne. 1994. Results of surveys for the Southwestern Willow flycatcher- Rio Grande Floodway, San Acacia to Bosque Apache Unit, Socorro County, New Mexico. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for U.S. Army Corps of Engi |
1994 | Unknown Author. 1994. Table of Northern Goshawk territory occupation in 1993. On Santa Fe N.F. |
U94SNF01NMUS | |
1994 | Brown et al. |
Brown, G. P., C. A. Bishop, and R. J. Brooks. 1994. Growth rate, reproductive output, and temperature selection of snapping turtles in habitats of different productivities. J. Herpetol. 28:405-410. |
1994 | Everatt et al. |
Everatt, W.T., J.R. Gustafson, C.E. Koehler, and J. Larson. 1994. San Clemente sage Sparrow. Pages 220-221 in Life on the edge. Biosystems Books, Santa Cruz, CA. |
1994 | Klawinski et al. |
Klawinski, P. D., et al. 1994. Comparison of dietary overlap between allopatric and sympatric geckos. J. Herpetol. 28:225-230. |
1994 | Ritchie et al. |
Ritchie, M. E., M. L. Wolfe, and R. Danvir. 1994. Predation of artificial sage grouse nests in treated and untreated sagebrush. Great Basin Nat. 54:122-129. |
1994 | Brown and Brooks |
Brown, G. P., and R. J. Brooks. 1994. Characteristics of and fidelity to hibernacula in a northern population of snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina. Copeia 1994:222-226. |
1994 | Goudie et al. |
Goudie, R. I., S. Brault, B. Conant, A. V. Kondratyev, M. R. Petersen, and K. Vermeer. 1994. The status of sea ducks in the North Pacific rim: toward their conservation and management. Pp. 27-49 IN: Martell, A. M., and A. W. Palmisano, (editors), Transact |
1994 | Murrell |
Murrell, Z. E. 1994. Dwarf dogwoods: Intermediacy in the morphological landscape. Systematic Botany 19(4): 539-556. |
1994 | Rostal et al. |
Rostal, D. C., et al. 1994a. Seasonal reproductive cycle of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the eastern Mojave Desert. Herpetological Monographs 8:72-82. |
1994 | Yosef and Grubb |
Yosef, R., and T. C. Grubb, Jr. 1994. Resource dependence and territory size in loggerhead shrikes (LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS). Auk 111:465-469. |
1994 | Dhol et al. |
Dhol, S., J. Horton, and R.E. Jones. 1994. 1994 non-waterfowl evaluation on Manitoba's North American Waterfowl Management Program. Unpublished report. Wildlife Branch, Manitoba Department of Natural Resources, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 12 pp. |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 90-day finding for a petition to list the Queen Charlotte goshawk and request for additional information. Federal Register 59:44124-44125. |
1994 | Smith, Gerri. 1994. Letter to Daisan Taylor re: rare bird sighting. Human Systems Research, Inc. 20 September 1994. 1 page. |
U94SMI01NMUS | |
1994 | Weisenberger, Mara E. 1994. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for July 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 10 August 1994. 5 pp. |
U94WEI07NMUS | |
1994 | Best and Skupski |
Best, T. L., and M. P. Skupski. 1994. Perognathus flavus. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 471:1-10. |
1994 | Lowrey and Knight |
Lowrey, T., and P.J. Knight. 1994. Townsendia gypsophila (Compositae [Asteraceae]): a new species from northern New Mexico. Brittonia 46(3): 194-199. |
1994 | Smith and Ballinger |
Smith, G. R., and R. E. Ballinger. 1994. Survivorship in a high-elevation population of Sceloporus jarrovi during a period of drought. Copeia 1994:1040-1042. |
1994 | Hakkila, Mark. Phone conversation with Peter Elias about field dates for Aneides hardii research with Diane Weigmann, et al., 1980. 1994-03-21. |
P94HAK01NMUS | |
1994 | Ruggiero et al. |
Ruggiero, L. F., K. B. Aubry, S. W. Buskirk, L. J. Lyon, and W. J. Zielinski, editors. 1994. The scientific basis for conserving forest carnivores in the western United States: American marten, fisher, lynx, and wolverine. USDA Forest Service, General Tec |
1994 | Botton et al. |
Botton, M. L., R. E. Loveland, and T. R. Jacobsen. 1994. Site selection by migratory shorebirds in Delaware Bay, and its relationship to beach characteristics and abundance of horseshoe crab (LIMULUS POLYPHEMUS) eggs. Auk 111:605-616. |
1994 | Bellrose and Holm |
Bellrose, F. C., and D. J. Holm, editors. 1994. Ecology and management of the wood duck. Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. 588 pp. |
1994 | Fritts and Jennings |
Fritts, T. H. and R. D. Jennings. 1994. Distribution, habitat use, and status of the desert tortoise in Mexico. Pp. 49-56 in Bury. R. B. and D. J. Germano (eds.). Biology of North American Tortoises. National Biological Survey, Fish and Wildlife Research |
1994 | Illg and Illg |
Illg, C. and G. Illg. 1994. The ponderosa and the flammulated. American Forests 100:36-37. |
1994 | McIntosh, L. 1994. First report of Castilleja ornata (Scrophulariaceae) from the United States. Phytologia 76(4): 329-332. |
A94MCI01NMUS | |
1994 | Schmidt |
Schmidt, T. R. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships of the genus Hybognathus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Copeia 1994:622-630. |
1994 | Zimmerman et al. |
Zimmerman, L. C., et al. 1994. Thermal ecology of desert tortoises in the eastern Mojave Desert: seasonal patterns of operative and body temperatures, and microhabitat utilization. Herpetological Monographs 8:45-59. |
1994 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1994. Mexican long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 91 pp. |
1994 | Cadman and Page |
Cadman, M. D., and A. M. Page. 1994. Status report on the Yellow-breasted Chat, ICTERIA VIRENS, in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 39 pp. |
1994 | Kowalski, R. |
Kowalski, R. Kuhn, L. (1994) 1994 Goshawk Monitoring Broadcast Search Form. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 14 p. |
1994 | Schwarz, Hart R. 1994. Tecolote Goshawk: 1994. |
U94SCH03NMUS | |
1994 | Advanced Sciences, Inc. 1994. Database of rare and sensitive species information developed for the White Sands Missile Range from various sources. |
U94ASI05NMUS | |
1994 | Gannon, William L. 1994. A report to the Gila National Forest, Reserve District: 1994 bat survey. Report MSBB #94-03. |
U94GAN01NMUS | |
1994 | Navajo Natural Heritage Program |
Navajo Natural Heritage Program. 1994. Sclerocactus mesae-verdae monitoring from Sheep Springs, Navajo Nation. |
1994 | Weisenberger |
Weisenberger, Mara E. 1994. San Andres National Wildlife Refuge Bird Surveys for April 1994. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 11 May 1994. 4 pp. |
1994 | Fertig et al. |
Fertig, W., C. Refsdal, and J. Whipple. 1994. Wyoming rare plant field guide. Wyoming Rare Plant Technical Committee, Cheyenne. No pagination. |
1994 | Atchley, Jennifer. 1994. Rare animal occurrence record form for ^&Eutamias quadrivittatus australis. 10 September 1994. |
U94ATC02NMUS | |
1994 | Gila National Forest |
Gila National Forest. 1994. Mexican Spotted Owl incidental take monitoring. Luna/Reserve Ranger Districts. Gila National Forest. 7 p. |
1994 | Mesilla Valley Audubon Society. 1994. Letter to NMNHP with data sheets on bird occurrence and numbers at Lake Holloman in 1986 and 1987. |
U94MES01NMUS | |
1994 | Barker, L |
Barker, L. 1994. Letter to P. Melhop, Director NMNHP, from Linda Barker, botanist with the USFS, discussing the Heritage database of TES plants. . 1 p. |
1994 | Browning |
Browning, M. R. 1994. A taxonomic review of Dendroica petechia (yellow warbler) (Aves: Parulinae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 107:27-51. |
1994 | Filliater et al. |
Filliater, T. S., R. Breitwisch, and P. M. Nealen. 1994. Predation on northern cardinal nests: does choice of nest site matter? Condor 96:761-768. |
1994 | Lamb and Lydeard |
Lamb, T., and C. Lydeard. 1994. A molecular phylogeny of the gopher tortoises, with comments on familial relationships within the Testudinoidea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 3:283-291. |
1994 | Robinson and Wilcove |
Robinson, S.K., and D.S. Wilcove. 1994. Forest fragmentation in the temperate zone and its effects on migratory songbirds. Bird Conservation International 4:233-249. |
1994 | Alaska Department of Fish and Game |
Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1994. Wildlife Notebook Series: Geese. Available at: http://www.state.ak.us/adfg/notebook/bird/geese.htm. Accessed 2002-05-01. |
1994 | Bryan and Best |
Bryan, G.G., and L.B. Best. 1994. Avian nest density and success in grassed waterways in Iowa rowcrop fields. Wildlife Society Bulletin 22:583-592. |
1994 | Heil and Porter |
Heil, K.D., and J.M. Porter. 1994. Sclerocactus (Cactaceae): A revision. Haseltonia 2:20-46. |
1994 | Nesom |
Nesom, G. L. 1994. Review of the taxonomy of Aster sensu lato (Asteraceae: Astereae), Emphasizing the New World species. Phytologia 77(3):141-297. |
1994 | Ruby et al. |
Ruby, D. E., et al. 1994. Behavioral responses to barriers by desert tortoises: implications for wildlife management. Herpetological Monographs 8:144-160. |
1994 | Younk and Bechard |
Younk, J. V. and M. J. Bechard. 1994. Breeding ecology of the northern goshawk in high-elevation aspen forests of northern Nevada. Studies in Avian Biology 16:119-121. |