Displaying 5521 - 5580 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1995 | Bruggink and Kendall |
Bruggink, J. G., and W. L. Kendall. 1995. American Woodcock harvest and breeding population status, 1995. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Laurel, Maryland. 15pp. |
1995 | Burger et al. |
Burger, L. W., Jr., E. W. Kurzejeski, T. V. Dailey, and M. R. Ryan. 1995b. Relative invertebrate abundance and biomass in conservation reserve program plantings in northern Missouri. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium III:102-108. |
1995 | Houston and Francis |
Houston, C. S., and C. M. Francis. 1995. Survival of great horned owls in relation to the snowshoe hare cycle. Auk 112:44-59. |
1995 | Painter, C. W |
Painter, C. W. 1995. Gray-checkered whiptail lizard. New Mexico Wildlife. 40(4):26. |
1995 | M.P. McClaran,T.R. Van Devender,Van Devender, T.R. |
Van Devender, T.R., M.P. McClaran, and T.R. Van Devender. 1995. The desert grassland. University of Arizona Press, Arizona. |
1995 | Holycross, A.T. |
Holycross, A.T. 1995. Status of the Animas Mountains Population of Crotalus willardi obscurus. Unpubl. Preliminary Report of Activities Conducted Under Professional Service Contract No. 95-516-28 for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF). Ari |
1995 | Durkin, P.,E. Muldavin,M. Bradley,P. Mehlhop,S.E. Carr |
Durkin, P., M. Bradley, S.E. Carr, E. Muldavin, and P. Mehlhop. 1995. Riparian/wetland vegetation communities of the Rio Grande: A classification and site evaluation. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program to New Mexico Environment Dept. 11 |
1995 | Roalson and Allred |
Roalson, E.H., and K.W. Allred (eds.). 1995a. A working index of New Mexico vascular plant names, 1st edition. Supplement 1:1. [Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 702, Supplement 1:1.] New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. 17 pp., unnumbered. |
1995 | Frest and Johannes |
Frest, T.J. and E.J. Johannes. 1995a. Freshwater Mollusks of the Upper Klamath Drainage, Oregon. Final report to the Oregon Natural Heritage Program, 821 SE 14th, Portland, Oregon 97214. Contract #ORFO 092094. 68 pp. plus appendices. |
1995 | McIntosh, L. 1995. New sighting of Cereus greggii. BLM- Las Cruces. February 14, 1995. |
U95MCI01NMUS | |
1995 | Suminski, R.R |
Suminski, R.R. 1995. 1995 Mexican Spotted Owl final report: Mt. Taylor R.D. 10 p. |
1995 | Brooks, J. 1995. Water needs for native fishes at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Report included as part of Statement of Claims for reserved surface water and groundwater rights for Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. |
U95BRO03NMUS | |
1995 | Mongold, R |
Mongold, R. 1995. Locations for Salix arizonica in Carson National Forest. |
1995 | Stumpff, B. |
Stumpff, B. 1995. Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Surveys of Powderhouse Creek, Questa Creek, Carson National Forest. |
1995 | Barber, L. M. |
Barber, L. M.. 1995. Contributor's NM Rare Plant Occurrence Record. . 3 p. |
1995 | Huning, T. |
Huning, T. (1995) National Forests 1995 Northern Goshawk Monitoring Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1995 | Smokey Bear Ranger District |
Smokey Bear Ranger District. 1995. Annual Northern Goshawk Report. 10 p. |
1995 | Sivinski, R |
Sivinski, R. 1995-1996. Field forms for survey for Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzlerii in Guadalupe Mountains. |
1995 | F.C. Bermudez,Frey, J.K,J.H. Fraga |
Frey, J.K, J.H. Fraga, and F.C. Bermudez. 1995. A new locality of the montane vole (Microtus montanus arizonensis) in New Mexico. 2 p. |
1995 | Pacheco and Bauer |
Pacheco, J. F. and C. Bauer. 1995. Predação de Morpho athena (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) por Falco femoralis (Falconiformes: Falconidae) no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Ararajuba 3. |
A95PAC0100LA |
1995 | Reichel and Flath |
Reichel, J.D., and D. Flath. 1995. Identification of Montana's amphibians and reptiles. Montana Outdoors 26(3):15-34. |
1995 | Warnock et al. |
Warnock, N., G. W. Page, and L. E. Stenzel. 1995. Non-migratory movements of dunlins on their California wintering grounds. Wilson Bulletin 107:131-139. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Withdrawal of proposed rule to list the plant Salix arizonica (Arizona willow) as endangered with critical habitat. Federal Register 60(82): 20951-20952. |
1995 | Bock et al. |
Bock, C.E., J.H. Bock, and B.C. Bennett. 1995. The avifauna of remnant tallgrass prairie near Boulder, Colorado. Prairie Naturalist 27:147-157. |
1995 | Lesica |
Lesica P. 1995a. Demography of Astragalus scaphoides and the effects of herbivory on population growth. Great Basin Naturalist 55(2): 142-150. |
1995 | Prather and Cruz |
Prather, J. W., and A. Cruz. 1995. Breeding biology of Florida prairie and Cuban yellow warblers. The Wilson Bulletin 107:474-84. |
1995 | Schullery |
Schullery, P. 1995. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Pages 312-314 in E.T. LaRoe, G.S. Farris, C.E. Puckett, P.D. Doran, and M.J. Mac, editors. Our living lesources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, anima |
1995 | Walker et al. |
Walker, J. M., H. L. Taylor, and J. E. Cordes. 1995. Parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus tesselatus complex at Higbee, Colorado: resolution of 30 years of controversy. Copeia 1995:650-658. |
1995 | Brooks, James. 1995. Water needs for native fishes at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Exhibit C of U.S. Statement of Claims for Reserved Surface Water and Groundwater Rights for Bitter Lake N.W.R. |
U95BRO02NMUS | |
1995 | Lincoln National Forest |
Lincoln National Forest. 1995. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms. |
1995 | Czaplak |
Czaplak, D. 1995. Identifying common and hoary redpolls in winter. Birding 27(6):446-457. |
1995 | Madison et al. |
Madison, L. A., T. G. Barnes, and J. D. Sole. 1995. Improving Northern Bobwhite brood rearing habitat in tall fescue dominated fields. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies 49:525-536. |
1995 | Unknown |
Unknown (1995) Bundled Goshawk Documents Regarding Ox Canyon. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1995 | Rodenhouse et al. |
Rodenhouse, N.L., L.B. Best, R.J. O'Connor, and E.K. Bollinger. 1995. Effects of agricultural practices and farmland structures on Neotropical migratory birds. Pages 269-293 in T.E. Martin, and D.M. Finch, editors. Ecology and management of Neotropical mi |
1995 | Young |
Young, M. K. 1995. Colorado River cutthroat trout. Pages 16-23 in M. K. Young, technical editor. Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Re. RM-GTR-256. iv + 61 pp. |
1995 | Price et al. |
Price, J., S. Droege, and A. Price. 1995. The summer atlas of North American birds. Academic Press, New York. x + 364 pp. |
1995 | Cross and Collins |
Cross, F. B., and J. T. Collins. 1995. Fishes in Kansas. Second Edition, revised. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History. xvii + 315 pp. |
1995 | Howells and Garrett |
Howells, R.G. and G.P. Garrett. 1995. Freshwater mussel surveys of the Rio Grande tributaries in Chihuahua, Mexico. Triannual Unionid Report, 8: 10. |
1995 | Plumb et al. |
Plumb, G. E., B. Bessken, and P. Marinari. 1995. Reopening a niche at Badlands National Park: the black-footed ferret. Park Science 15(2):1, 16-18. |
1995 | Wilson et al. |
Wilson, C. W., R. E. Masters, and G. A. Bukenhofer. 1995b. Breeding bird response to pine-grassland community restoration for red-cockaded woodpeckers. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:56-67. |
1995 | Matza |
Matza, T. 1995. Initial Cluster Data and Range Condition Rating for Garland Prairie RNA. US Forest Service, 5 p. |
1995 | Ramotnik, C.A. |
Ramotnik, Cynthia A. and Michael A. Bogan. 1995. 1994 annual report: baseline surveys for mammals at San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. National Biological Service, Midcontinent Ecological Science Center. 1 August 1995. 6 pp. |
1995 | Texas Organization for Endangered Species |
Texas Organization for Endangered Species. 1995. Endangered, threatened, and watch list of vertebrates of Texas. TOES Publication 10. Austin, Texas. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Category and Listing Priority Form. |
1995 | Montoya, A.B.,P.J. Zwank |
Montoya, A.B. and P.J. Zwank. 1995. Habitat characteristics, prey selection, and home ranges of the Aplomado falcon in Chihuahua, Mexico. Unpubl. report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Corpus Christi Ecological Services Field Office, TX. 54 p |
1995 | Arizona Game and Fish Department |
Arizona Game and Fish Department. 1995. Catostomus latipinnis. Unpublished abstract, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 4 pp. |
1995 | Arkoyd, B. |
Akroyd, B. 1995. Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Surveys, Pioneer Creek, Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest. USFS |
1995 | Brooks, J., et al |
Brooks, J., et al. 1995. Pecos River Investigations: Annual Research Report 1993. |
1995 | Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. 1995. Printout of mammal and fish collection data. August 1995. |
U95MSB02NMUS | |
1995 | Stumpff, B. |
Stumpff, B. (1995) Unpublished fax to Donna Storch Containing Multiple Pass Depletion Trout Survey of McCrystral Creek. Carson Supervisor's Office, Carson National Forest, USFS. 9 p. |
1995 | Cadwallader, M |
Cadwallader, M. 1995. Argemone monitoring report for Alamo Canyon. . 7 p. |
1995 | Huning, T. |
Huning, T. (1995) 1992 National Forests Northern Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1995 | Sonora Conservation Data Center |
Sonora Conservation Data Center. 1995. Plant data contained in Element Tracking file received at TNC-HQ in May, 1995, with no standard reference in use for the scientific name. Centro Ecologico de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. |
1995 | Williams, O |
Williams, O. 1995. New Mexico rare plant occurrence records for ^Allium gooddingii. |
1995 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1995. Proposed special rule for the conservation of the northern spotted owl on non-federal lands. Federal Register 60(33):9484-9527. 17 February 1995. |
1995 | Packard and Packard |
Packard, G. C., and M. J. Packard. 1995. A review of the adaptive strategy used by hatchling painted turtles to survive in the cold. Herpetological Review 26:8, 10-12. |
1995 | Rinne, J. R |
Rinne, J. R. 1995. Rio Grande cutthroat trout. In: Young, M.K. Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-256. Flagstaff, AZ: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. :24-27. |
1995 | White et al. |
White, G. C., A. B. Franklin, and J. P. Ward, Jr. 1995. Population biology. Pages 1-25 in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Mexican spotted owl recovery plan. Volume II. Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
1995 | Prescott and Murphy |
Prescott, D.R.C., and A.J. Murphy. 1995. Bird populations and vegetation structure of tame dense nesting cover (DNC) in Alberta's aspen parkland. Alberta NAWMP Centre. NAWMP-014. Edmonton, Alberta. 19 pp. |
1995 | Boundy and Rossman |
Boundy, J., and D. A. Rossman. 1995. Allocation and status of the garter snake names Coluber infernalis Blainville, Eutaenia sirtalis tetrataenia Cope, and Eutaenia imperialis Coues and Yarrow. Copeia 1995:236-240. |