Displaying 481 - 540 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
2014 | NHNM |
NHNM Zoology. 2014. Various prairie dog observations. Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2014 | ACI |
Adkins Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for the proposed Heros No. 4O oil and gas well project, Logos Operating, LLC. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 19 p. |
2014 | ORNIS |
ORNIS. 2014. Museum records for Coccyzus americanus collected in New Mexico. Downloaded from ornis2.ornisnet.org. |
2014 | Fragua, S. |
Fragua, S. 2014. Unpublished map for several surveys, mostly concerning Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri |
2014 | Cavello, J, |
Cavello, J. Theye, N. Kuhar, K. Terry, K. (2014) Multiple Bundled Inventory Completion Reports, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: FY2014 Sargent Allotment Kuenzler Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln Nation |
2014 | Kutz |
Kutz, J. 2014. Annual threatened and endangered species research and recovery report. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-053083. Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. |
2014 | Alexander et al. |
Alexander, P.J., N.A. Douglas, H. Ochoterena, H. Flores-Olvera, and M.J. Moore. 2014. Recent findings on the gysum flora of the rim of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A.: a New Mexico species of Nerisyrenia (Brassicaceae), a new state record, and |
2014 | Hathcock |
Hathcock, C. 2014. Threatened and endangered species habitat management plan area of environmental interest site plan for the Jemez Mountains salamander. Los Alamos, NM; Los Alamos National Laboratory, Environmental Protection Division; LA-UR-13-25061. |
2014 | McDaniel |
McDaniel, P. 2014. Spring lek surveys at Milnesand Prairie Preserve. The Nature Conservancy New Mexico. |
2014 | HCSI |
Ancell, T. 2014. Sensitive biological resources clearance report Enterprise Products Operating LLC proposed dig sites for pipeline anomalies. HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office 17 p. |
2014 | Sivinski |
Sivinski, R. 2014. Populations of Amsonia tharpii at Mescalero Ridge. Shapefiles forwarded to Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2014 | Mathis, V.L. |
Mathis, V.L., Hafner, M.S., and D.J. Hafner. 2014. Evolution and phylogeography of the Thomomys umbrinus species complex (Rodentia: Geomyidae). Journal of Mammalogy 95(4):754-771. |
2014 | Unknown |
Unknown. 2014. Unpublished map with survey areas for multiple years, mostly concerning Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri. |
2014 | Conservation Canines |
Conservation Canines. 2014. Jemez Mountains Salamander study: pilot season 2014. Center for Conservation Biology, University of Washington. 6 p. |
2014 | Sivinski |
Sivinski, R. 2014. E-mail regarding EO ranks for Amsonia tharpii. Sent to E. Muldavin, Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2014 | hcsi |
HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc. 2015. Biological survey report for the proposed Lybrook to Star Lake pipeline looping project, Western Refining, Inc.. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 33 p. |
2014 | Hartsough, M. |
Hartsough, M. 2014. White Sands Missile Range endangered species annual report. White Sands Missile Range, TE-105165-0. |
2014 | Hummel |
Hummel, O. 2014. Endangered and threatened species recovery report. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-797127. Albuquerque District, Army Corps of Engineers. 73 p. |
2014 | TNC |
McDaniel, T. 2014. Fall lek surveys at Milnesand Prairie Preserve. The Nature Conservancy. |
2014 | NMDGF |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 2014. 2013 Threatened and Endangered species recovery permit report. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-815409. |
2014 | Turner |
Turner, T. 2014. Threatened and endangered fish collected in 2014, Museum of Southwestern Biology, Division of Fishes. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-038055. |
2014 | Howard |
Howard, R. 2014. BLM Roswell Lesser Prairie-Chicken lek observations. Bureau of Land Management, Roswell Field Office. |
2014 | Dunn and Milne |
Dunn, W.C. and B.T. Milne. 2014. Implications of climatic heterogeneity for conservation of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). Ecosphere 5(5):1–17. |
2014 | Jennings |
Jennings, R.D. and B.L. Christman. 2014. Surveys for Chiricahua leopard frogs in southwestern New Mexico. End of year report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-072495. |
2014 | Foote, J. |
Foote, J. 2014. Hibernating bat counts - Feb 1-2, 2014, Ft. Stanton Cave, Crocketts, Malpais Madness. Submitted to Roswell Field Office, Bureau of Land Management. 7 p. |
2014 | Johnson et al. |
Johnson, K., L. Wickersham, J. Smith, G. Sadoti, T. Neville, J. Wickersham, and C. Finley. 2014. Habitat use at multiple scales by pinyon-juniper birds on Department of Defense lands III: landscape, territory/colony, and nest scale. Natural Heritage New M |
2014 | Frey |
Frey, J.K. 2014. Survey for the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus) along NM Highway 434 in the Upper Coyote Creek Canyon and Black Lakes region, Mora and Colfax counties, New Mexico. Frey Biological Research, 17 p. |
2014 | Inslee |
Inslee, A. 2014. Surveys to detect New Mexican meadow jumping mouse on Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge. 12p. |
2014 | USFS |
Amy, W. 2014. Data sheets for TEAMS surveys to detect Jemez Mountains Salamanders. U.S. Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest. |
2014 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Escrito M32-2408 and D32-2408 oil and natural gas well projects. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 54 p. |
2014 | Adkins Consulting, Inc. |
Adkins Consulting, Inc., 2014. Biological Survey Report for the Proposed Chaco Trunk 2 Ext2 & Chaco Trunk 2-2 CDP submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, Farmington, New Mexico office. 16 p. |
2014 | Gatlin and Abeyta |
Gatlin, J. and Abeyta, A. 2014. Surveys for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher on Carson National Forest. TE839848-0. |
2014 | Milford et al |
Milford, E., E. Muldavin, H. Varani and Y. Chauvin. 2014. Santa Fe River riparian vegetation monitoring. Natural Heritage New Mexico Pub. No.14-GTR-383. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. |
2014 | Jennings, R.D. |
Jennings, R.D. and Christman, B.L. 2014. Comparisons of the population status of Narrow-headed Gartersnakes among sites experiencing post-fire flows and receiving translocations with an unaffected population. Share with Wildlife Program New Mexico Departm |
2014 | Petersen |
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, and J. Smith. 2014. Pinyon Jay Monitoring Program for New Mexico. Natural Heritage New Mexico, GTR-14-382. |
2014 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Good Times E24-2410 Nos. 01H & 02H and N36-2410 Nos. 01H & 02H oil and natural gas wells project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 56 p. |
2014 | Baker |
Baker, M. 2014. Botanical surveys for Lincoln National Forest, Jim Lewis Central Priority Project Area. Southwest Botanical Research. 37 p. |
2013 | Fragua, S. |
Fragua, S. Stewart, P. Finley, M. Starey, W. (2013) Multiple Bundled Sensitive Plant Sire Reports, Population Site Report, Lincln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 8 p. |
2013 | Luetzelschwab, J. |
Luetzelschwab, J. 2013. Santa Fe National Forest wildlife and plant observations: output from GIS. Santa Fe National Forest, U.S. Forest Service. |
2013 | Plunkett |
Plunkett, S. 2013. Southwest region list of sensitive species. USDA, Forest Service, Southwest Region. |
2013 | McCauley and Ballard |
McCauley, R.A., and H.E. Ballard, Jr. 2013. Viola calcicola (Violaceae), a new endemic violet from the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico and Texas. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7:9-20. |
2013 | Keller |
Keller, D.C. 2013. Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher surveys at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE800892-0. |
2013 | Frey, J. |
Frey, J. 2013. Survey for the meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus) at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Spring 2013. Report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 3pp. |
2013 | Gold and Heil |
Gold, I.K and K. Heil. 2013. E-mail of locality data for Puccinellia parishii. Four Corners Biological Consultants, LLC. |
2013 | Watson |
Watson, M. 2013. Black-tailed praire dog observation in Lea county. Reported by e-mail to NHNM. |
2013 | Frey and Kopp |
Frey, J. and D. Kopp. 2013. Post-track fire survey for the meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus) at Sugarite Canyon State Park. Report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 11 pp. |
2013 | Ryan |
Ryan, V. 2013. New Mexico database of Southwestern Willow-Flycatcher locations, 1993-2013. NM SWWF Working Group. |
2013 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2013. Spreadsheet of known Cirsium vinaceum localities surveyed in 2012. E-mail sent to M. East. |
2013 | Ganey et al. |
Ganey, J.L., D.L. Apprill, T.A. Rawlinson, S.C. Kyle, R.S. Jonnes, and J.P Ward Jr. 2013. Nesting habitat of Mexican Spotted Owls in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico. The Journal of Wildlife Management 77(7):1426–1435. |
2013 | Steinmann and Jercinovic |
Steinmann, V.W. and E. Jercinovic. 2013. Euphorbia rayturneri (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from southwestern New Mexico, United States. Novon 22 (4): 482–485. |
2013 | FWS |
Colorado Field Office. 2013. The Gunnison's prairie dog does not require protections of the Endangered Species Act. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
2013 | Johnson et al. |
Johnson, K., J. Smith, N. Peterson, L. Wickersham, and J. Wickersham. 2013. Habitat use by pinyon-juniper birds in Farmington BLM Resource Area—Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 03-GTR-380. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New |
2013 | BLM |
Bureau of Land Management. 2013. File geodatabase of black-tailed prairie dog colonies at Otero Mesa. BLM Las Cruces Field Office. |
2013 | Christman, M. |
Christman, M. 2013. Status of Chiricahua leopard frog populations in NM. NM CLF Working Group. |
2013 | McCauley, R. |
McCauley, R. Ballard, H. (2013) Viola Calciola (Ciolaceae), A New Endemic Violet from the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico and Texas. Filed in Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. |
2013 | Frey and Kopp |
Frey, J.K. and D.A. Kopp. 2013. Habitat suitability model for the Organ Mountains Chipmunk. Frey Biological Research. 28 p. |
2013 | Hein |
Hein, E. 2013. Proposed critical habitat for New Mexico meadow jumping mouse. New Mexico Ecological Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
2013 | Johnson et al. |
Johnson, K., J. Smith, and N. Peterson. 2013. Holloman Air Force Base Avian Protection Plan. Natural Heritage Publ. No. 13-GTR-375. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 64p. |
2013 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2013. Survey results for Amsonia tharpii. NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resouces Department. |
2013 | Ganey and Jenness |
Ganey, J.L. and J.S. Jenness. 2013. An apparent case of long-distance breeding dispersal by a Mexican Spotted Owl in New Mexico. Research Note, Rocky Mountain Research Station, RMS-RN-53WWW. |