Displaying 721 - 780 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
2012 | Ancell, T. |
Ancell, T. 2012. Ecosphere Environmental Services field data collected on Brack's cactus (Sclerocactus cloveriae var. brackii), 2011-2012. Ecosphere Environmental Services, Farmington, NM. |
2012 | Arbetan, P. 2012. Report of Surveys for Gray Vireo at the New Mexico Army National Guard Camel Tracks Training Site. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 03-GTR-313. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 12 p. |
U12ARB01NMUS | |
2012 | SWCA |
SWCA Environmental Consultants. 2012. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP Grenier B 4N well pad, access road, and pipeline tie. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 37 p. |
2012 | SWCA Environmental Consultants |
SWCA Environmental Consultants. 2012. Spreadsheet of Southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) observations. Annual report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 10 TE-028605-0. |
2012 | Cordova et al. |
Cordova, L., T., Rawlinson, S., Marsh, D., Lovelace, B., All, R., Boyce, and O., Lucero. 2012. Sacramento Mountain salamander (Aneides hardii): inventory and monitoring report. Lincoln National Forest, Smokey Bear Ranger District; Annual report to USFWS T |
2012 | Jonnes |
Jonnes, R. 2012. New Mexico meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus) survey report. Lincoln National Forest, Sacramento Ranger District; Annual report to USFWS TE-841297. 8 p. |
2012 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2012. Biological survey report for the City of Aztec Electric Department proposed BP Federal Gas Com 1L electric utility easement project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 19 p. |
2012 | NMDGF |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 2012. Spreadsheet of varied bunting sightings. Delivered to NHNM for inclusion in Biotics and CHAT. |
2012 | Wolfe. D. |
Wolfe, D.H, Larsson, L.C., Oldenettel, J.R., Walker, H.A., and Patten, M.A. 2012. Status of populations of the White-tailed Ptarmigan att eh southern edge of its range. In Watson, R.T., Cade, T.J., Fuller, M., Hunt, G., and Potapove, E. (Eds.). Gyrfalcons |
2012 | Geluso and Geluso |
Geluso, Kenneth N.; Geluso, Keith. 2012. Effects of environmental factors on capture rates of insectivorous bats, 1971–2005. |
2012 | ASIR |
American Southwest Icthyological Researchers. 2012. Collection of federally-protected species. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-001623. 22p. |
2011 | Lang, B. |
Lang, B., M. Wunder, and J. Higgins. 2011. Performance Report: Aquatic Mollusks of New Mexico, Project Number E-66-R-1. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, 31 pp. |
2011 | McDaniel |
McDaniel, P. 2011. Milnesand Prairie Preserve spring and fall lek observations. The Nature Conservancy New Mexico. |
2011 | Howard, M. |
Howard, M. 2011. BLM Special Status Plants Data. Plant Conservation Program, Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office. |
2011 | Schenk and Hufford |
Schenk, J.J. and Hufford, L. 2011. Taxonomic novelties from Western North America in Mentzelia section Bartonia (Loasaceae). Modrano 57(4): 246–260. |
2011 | Aedo and Alexander |
Aedo, C. and Alexander, P.J. 2011. Geranium dodecatheoides, A New Species from New Mexico, U.S.A. Rhodora 113 (955): 252–259. |
2011 | Gay, R. |
Gay, R. (2011) Northern Goshawk Annual Report, Sacramento Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
2011 | Christman, M.R. |
Christman, M.R. 2011. Photograph and sighting of Crotalus willardi obscurus. |
2011 | NMOS |
New Mexico Ornithological Society Field Notes. 50 (3): 33–48. |
2011 | Kutz |
Kutz, J. 2011. Report of URS Corporation survey for Southwester Willow Flycatcher. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 10 TE-053083. 27p. |
2011 | Dudley, R. |
Dudley, RK, Platania SP. 2011. Letter to New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office Regarding Collecting Permit TE001623-0. |
2011 | LMN |
LMN (2011) Bundled Mexican Spotted Owl Forms for 2011. Smokey Bear Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 189 p. |
2011 | Menke, K. |
Menke, K. 2011. Marten occurrence records from an email received March 24, 2011. Bird's Eye View, Albuquerque, NM. |
2011 | Legler |
Legler, B.S. 2011. Phlox vermejoensis (Polemoniaceae), a new species from northern New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(2):397-403 |
2011 | Gay, R. |
Gay, R. (2011) Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Report, Sacramento Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest. Lincoln Sueprvisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 12 p. |
2011 | Muldavin, E. |
Muldavin, E., Fetz, T., Chauvin, Y., and Madden, K. 2011. Pinyon-Juniper woodlands of the Wild Rivers Recreation Area: vegetation compostition, structure, and bird diversity. |
2011 | Menke |
Menke, Kurt. 2011. Comparing two predictive models to determine suitable habitat for the common black-hawk (Buteogallus antracinus).Bird's Eye View GIS, Albuquerque, NM. Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 21 p. |
2011 | Gay, R. |
Gay, R. (2011) New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse Annual Report, Sacrament Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, 2011. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4p. |
2011 | Paterson, T. |
Paterson, T. 2011. 2011 Annual Report for Spur Ranch Safe Harbor Agreement between Caroline H. and Thomas W Paterson and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Permit No TE-035920-0. |
2011 | Leavitt, Dan |
Leavitt, Dan. 2011. A brief note on winter observations of lizards at Caprock Wildlife Area, NM: including a shrike killed juvenile Dunes Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus arenicolus). Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas A&M University, College Statio |
2011 | Rogowski |
Rogowski, D. 2011. Texas Tech University activities conducted in 2011 on Pecos assiminea, Roswell springsnail, and Koster's springsnail in New Mexico and Texas. Report to Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 10 TE219536-1. 2 p. |
2011 | Johnson, K. |
Johnson, K. 2011 Grassland/Shrubland Raptor Surveys at Holloman Air Force Base 2009-2010 Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 03-GTR-365. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 26 p. |
2011 | USGS |
United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2011. Database containing observations and locality information for multiple bat species found in New Mexico. |
2011 | Various |
Various (2011) Collected Data Sheets, General Information for Sacreamento Salamnder, 1993-2011. Smokey Bear Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 303 p. |
2011 | Zabka |
Zabka, Matt. 2011. Biological Survey Report For the Proposed Childers No.5 Well Pad, Access Road and Well-tie Pipeline Adkins Consulting Inc. Environmental Permitting Services, Farmington-Durango |
2011 | Johnson, K. |
Johnson, K, J. Smith, M. Baumann, and C. Wolf. 2011. Pinyon Jays and Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands at Kirtland Air Force Base 2010 Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 10-GTR-362. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerqu |
2011 | McCann, M.J. |
McCann, M.J. (2011) Historic Sacramento Salamnder Reports, Smokey Bear Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 317. |
2011 | Milford, E. |
Milford, E., E. Muldavin and Y. Chauvin, 2011. The Pueblo of Santa Ana Rio Jemez Vegetation Monitoring: Report 2010. 11-GTR-363. Natural Heritage New Mexico, , University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 154 p. |
2011 | Porter and Prince |
Porter, J.M. and L.M. Prince. 2011. Report on the evidence supporting generic and species circumscriptions in the genus Sclerocactus with recommendations for a biologically justified taxonomy that will be stable into the future; and biological assessments |
2011 | Cibola NF |
Cibola National Forest. 2011. Mexican Spotted Owl call surveys. U.S. Forest Service. |
2011 | Muldavin et al. |
Muldavin, E.H., B. Bader, E.R. Milford, M. McGraw, D. Lightfoot, B. Nicholson, and G. Larson. 2011. New Mexico Rapid Assessment Method: Montane Riverine Wetlands. Field Guide Version 1.1. Final report to the New Mexico Environment Department, Surface Wate |
2011 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2011. Biological survey report for City of Farmington Electric Utility System's proposed COF-711 powerline extensions to four Energen Corporation natural gas well pads. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 40 p. |
2011 | B. Sivinski |
Sivinski, B. 2011. Email to Rayo McCollough from Bob Sivinski of personal findings of rare plant species at Baldy Peak in Santa Fe National Forest. July 5. On file at: Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. |
2011 | Romero, A. |
Romero, A. Otero, P. (2011) Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 83 p. |
2011 | Nesom and Lowrey |
Nesom, G.L., and T.K. Lowrey. 2011. Solidago capulinensis (Asteraceae: Astereae) redivivus. Phytoneuron 24: 1-22. |
2011 | SME |
SME Environmental, Inc. 2011. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP: proposed Hartman 23 1P natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to Bureau of Land Management, Farmington Field Office. |
2011 | Muldavin et al. |
Muldavin, E.H., B. Bader, E.R. Milford, M. McGraw, D. Lightfoot, B. Nicholson, and G. Larson. 2011. New Mexico Rapid Assessment Method: Montane Riverine Wetlands. Version 1.1. Final report to the New Mexico Environment Department, Surface Water Quality Bu |
2011 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2011. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP proposed Davis A Federal 1N natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 18 p. |
2011 | Sivinski, R. |
Sivinski R, Tonne P. 2011. Cirsium wrightii field research at Alamosa Springs in Socorro County and Burro Cienega in Grant County. |
2011 | BLM |
Bureau of Land Management. 2011. Shapefile of dune sagebrush lizard field locations from 2011 sampling by staff at the Roswell Field Office. |
2011 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2011. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP proposed Murphy Com 3B natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 19 p. |
2011 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2011. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP proposed Dump Mesa Federal 1N natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 18 p. |
2011 | BLM |
Bureau of Land Management. 2011. Field forms for Lesser Prairie Chicken lek surveys conducted by BLM in the Roswell Resource Area. |
2011 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2011. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP proposed Davis A Federal 1P natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 18 p. |
2011 | Mathis, M. |
Mathis, M. 2011. Excel spreadsheets of CEHMM dune sagebrush lizard data, collected 2011. Center of Excellence for Hazardous Materials Management. |
2011 | Milford, E. |
Middle Rio Grande Flood Control Project Vegetation Database: The Hink and Ohmart Legacy Dataset. Oct 2011. E. Milford and E. Muldavin. Final Report to the US Army Corps of Engineers. 11-GTR-364 |
2011 | American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) |
American Ornithologists' Union (AOU). Chesser, R.T., R.C. Banks, F.K. Barker, C. Cicero, J.L. Dunn, A.W. Kratter, I.J. Lovette, P.C. Rasmussen, J.V. Remsen, Jr., J.D. Rising, D.F. Stotz, and K. Winker. 2011. Fifty-second supplement to the American Ornitho |
2011 | BLM |
Bureau of Land Management, Pecos District. 2011. Dune sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus arenicolus) survey report, field season 2011. 82 p. |
2011 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2011. Biological survey report for Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP proposed Kessler Com 3P natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 21 p. |
2011 | Hartman and Larson |
Hartman, R.L. and Larson, J.E.. 2011. Cymopterus spellenbergii (Apiaceae), a new species from north central New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(1):33-40. |