Displaying 301 - 360 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
2016 | Foote, J. |
Foote, J. DeLay, L. Weaver, E. Woodward, N. 2016 LNF Hibernating Bat Count- Cottonwood Cave Report. USFS |
2016 | Johnson |
Johnson, K. 2016. Northern Aplomado Falcon surveys at Holloman Air Force Base. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico. |
2016 | Muldavin, E. |
Muldavin, E, R. Sivinski, M. East, Y. Chauvin, and M. Horner. 2016. Brack’s Hardwall Cactus Distribution, Habitat, and Status Survey 2015. Natural Heritage New Mexico Report 393. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 61 |
2016 | Frye |
Frye, K. 2016. Brack's cactus survey on BLM Farmington managed land. Ecosphere Environmental Service. |
2016 | East et al. |
East, M., E. Muldavin, and R. McCollough. 2016. Priority conservation ranking of federally listed, endangered and other plant species of concern. Natural Heritage New Mexico, Biology Department and Museum of Southwestern Biology. 4 p. |
2016 | Sadoti, G. |
Sadoti, Giancarlo & Johnson, Kristine & Albright, Thomas. (2016). Modelling environmental and survey influences on lek attendance using long-term lek survey data. Ibis. 158. 821-833. 10.1111/ibi.12391. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis): Recover Summary Report, Section 6, Segment 29. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resource Department, Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. 26 p. |
2016 | Hathcock |
Hathcock, C. 2016. Observation of a smooth green snake in Los Alamos County. Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
2016 | Stoner |
Stoner, K. 2016. Leptonycteris permit annual report for work in Hidalgo County. New Mexico State University. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Monitoring report – Mancos milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus), San Juan County, NM, 1990 – 2016. Unpublished report prepared by the NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department for the USDI-Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 2. |
2016 | Hill |
Hill, M. 2016. Observation and museum specimens of Sceloporus arenicolus collected in Eddy Co, New Mexico during 2015. |
2016 | James |
James, A. 2016. Permit data for the New Mexico Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
2016 | Latella |
Latella, I. and M. East. 2016. Observation of Anulocaulis at Upper Black River in Eddy County. Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2016 | Diedrich |
Diedrich, J. 2016. Field forms for Cylindropuntia viridiflora survey at Espanola. Bureau of Land Management. |
2015 | Frey, J.K. |
Frey, J.K. 2015. Annual recovery permit report, TE-40088B. New Mexico State University. |
2015 | Tegre Corp |
Tegre Corporation. 2015. Brack's hardwall cactus transplant report: Chaco 23-08 #1H and #2H. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office, 15 p. |
2015 | Milford, E., E. Muldavin and Y. Chauvin. 2015. River Ranch Riparian Vegetation Assessment. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 15-GTR-388. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. |
U15MIL01NMUS | |
2015 | Talboom and Ayers |
Talboom, J. and T. Ayers. 2015. Population genetics of the Holy Ghost Ipomopsis. Northern Arizona University. |
2015 | Johnson, K., L. Wickersham, J. Smith, N. Petersen, and J. Wickersham |
Johnson, K., L. Wickersham, J. Smith, N. Petersen, and J. Wickersham. 2015. Nest-scale habitat use by Pinyon Jay and Gray Vireo in the BLM Farmington Resource Area 2013-2014. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 15-GTR-386. Natural Heritage New Mexico, U |
2015 | BLM |
Besser, Ryan. 2015. Spreadsheet of fish and amphibians detected from 2009-present. Bureau of Land Management, Taos Field Office. |
2015 | Folk, R.A. |
Folk, R.A.; Alexander, P.J. 2015. Two new species, Heuchera soltisii and H. inconstans, with further taxonomic notes for the Western group of Heuchera section Heuchera (Saxifragaceae). Systematic Biology 40(2):489-500. |
2015 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2015. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Lybrook M16-2410 oil wells project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 50 p. |
2015 | Latella |
Latella, I. 2015. New locality for Lampropeltis alterna. Email to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2015 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2015. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Escrito L06-2409 No. 01H oil and natural gas well projects. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 72 p. |
2015 | SWCA |
Creeden, E. 2015. Brack's cactus locations for Encana Oil & Gas proposed Escrito D20-2409 and M21-2409 projects. SWCA Environmental Consultants. |
2015 | Lawrence |
Lawrence, A. 2015. Max count of Lesser Prairie-chickens at trapped and monitored leks. New Mexico State University. |
2015 | Milford |
Milford, E., E. Muldavin and Y. Chauvin. 2015. Double E Ranch Riparian Assessment: A survey of current ecological conditions to support resource management planning. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 15-GTR-390. |
2015 | Tegre |
Tegre Corporation. 2015. Biological survey report: Energen Resources Corporation, Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative, Inc. proposed Chaco 23-08 15 #1H and #2H well pad, pipelines, and power line project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 46 p. |
2015 | Chauvin and Reasner |
Chauvin, Y. and C. Reasner. 2015. Surveys for Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri at Ft. Stanton. Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2015 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2015. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Chaco 2408-33M Nos. 120H and 121H oil and natural gas wells project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 44 p. |
2015 | SEINet |
SEINet. 2015. Unique specimen record for Astragalus micromerius in Rio Arriba county. Downloaded from SEINet on 21 September 2015. |
2015 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2015. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Lybrook H03-2308 No. 01H and No. 02H natural gas wells project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 55 p. |
2015 | TNC |
McDaniel, P. 2015. Milnesand Prairie Preserve Lesser Prairie-Chicken lek data for spring 2015. The Nature Conservancy. |
2015 | Gatlin, J. |
Gatlin, J. 2015. Survey locations and detections of sensitive birds. Carson National Forest, U.S. Forest Service. |
2015 | Meyer, R. |
Meyer, R. 2015. Permit report for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and Aplomado Falcon survey activity. La Tierra Environmental Consultants, TE-842583. |
2015 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2015. Wildfire impacts on species of concern plants in the Lincoln National Forest. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Santa Fe, NM. 28 p. |
2015 | Trujillo |
Trujillo, D. 2015. Observation of a Yellow-billed Cuckoo on the Black River. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2015 | Hathcock, C.,Keller, D.,Thompson, B.,Wright, M. |
Hathcock, C.D., Keller, D., Thompson, B.E., and Wright, M.A. 2015. Status of federally listed threatened and endangered species at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-UR-15-29002. 22 p. |
2015 | Gatlin |
Gatlin, J. 2015. Report of flycatcher detections in suitable habitat on Carson National Forest. U.S. Forest Service, Carson National Forest, TE-839848. |
2015 | Johnson, K.,Petersen, N.,Sadoti, G.,Smith, J. |
Sadoti, G., J. Smith, N. Petersen, and K. Johnson. 2016. Seasonal habitat use by grassland and shrubland birds at Holloman Air Force Base, 2011-2014, draft final report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publication No. 16-GTR-392, Biology Department, Universit |
2015 | Findling, R.,TNC |
Findling, R. 2015. Fall lek surveys at Milnesand Prairie Preserve. New Mexico Field Office of The Nature Conservancy. |
2015 | Wood, D. |
Wood, D. 2015. Locations of sampled Narrow-headed gartersnakes, TE-64619B. U.S. Geological Survey. |
2015 | Myers |
Myers, A. 2015. Lesser-prairie chickens observed at leks monitored by NMSU. New Mexico State University. |
2015 | Watson |
Watson, M. 2015. Rare species observations at Double E Ranch and River Ranch. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2015 | Muldavin et al. |
Muldavin, E., E. Milford, N. Umbreit, and Y. Chauvin. 2015. Long-term outcomes of a natural-processes approach to riparian restoration in a large regulated river: the Rio Grande Albuquerque Overbank Project after 16 years. Final Report to the Bureau of Re |
2015 | Hartsough, M. |
Hartsough, M. 2015. White Sands Missile Range native endangered species annual report. EOC Inc and White Sands Missile Range. TE-105165. |
2015 | Unknown |
Unknown, (2015). Lee's Puncushion Cactus (Coryphantha sneedii var. leei) and Sneed Pincushion Cactus (Coryphantha sneedii var. sneedii) 5-year Review Summary and Evaluation. Filed in Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. |
2015 | Smythe |
Smythe, L. 2015. Mexican spotted owl observation at Whiskey Creek. Gila National Forest, U.S. Forest Service. |
2015 | SEINet |
SEINet. 2015. Specimen records for Erigeron subglaber. <http://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/ > |
2015 | Roth, D. |
Roth, D. 2015. Monitoring report: Mancos Milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus: Fabaceae), San Juan County, New Mexico 1990-2014. NM Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department. |
2015 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2015. Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton's Cactus) summary report, 2014. NM Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department. |
2015 | Pittenger, J. |
Pittenger, J. 2015. Annual report of threatened and endangered species monitoring. Blue Earth Ecological Consultants, Inc. TE-012642. |
2015 | Sivinski |
Sivinski, R. 2015. Visit to a historic locality of Spiranthes magnicamporum near Sombrillo, NM. RCS Southwest. |
2015 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2015. Wildfire impacts on species of concern: plants in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. 48 p. |
2015 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2015. Monitoring report: Mesa Verde Cactus (Sclerocactus mesae-verdae), 1986-2014. NM Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department. |
2015 | SWCA |
Creeden, E. 2015. Brack's cactus locations found during clearance surveys for Encana Oil & Gas proposed Blanco Wash I15-2409 oil and gas project . SWCA Environmental Consultants. |
2015 | Sivinski |
Sivinski, B. 2015. Aliciella formosa observed during Brack's cactus surveys. Natural Heritage New Mexico and RCS Southwest. |
2015 | Hrye |
Hyre, J. 2015. Locations surveyed for Tympanuchus pallidicinctus under USFWS permit TE045236-5. SWCA Environmental Consultants. |
2015 | Heberling, N. |
Heberling, N. 2015. Shapefile of wildlife polygons in Cibola National Forest. USFS |
2015 | Britt |
Britt, Charles. 2015. Plot summary data for the Hedeoma todsenii populations on White Sands Missile Range. Mesa Ecological Services, LLC. |