Displaying 421 - 480 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
2014 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Good Times N02-2410 Nos. 01H & 02H and Pinon Unit M03-2410 No. 01H oil and natural gas well projects. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 51 p. |
2014 | Fragua, S. |
Fragua, S. (2014) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: FSRD 511 (Big Chief Tank) Kuenzler Survey. Guadalupe Ranger Distirct, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 8 p. |
2014 | Keller |
Keller, D. 2014. Annual Mexican Spotted Owl Research and Recovery Permit Report, TE-800892. Los Alamos National Laboratory. 4 p. |
2014 | Pittenger |
Pittenger, J. 2014. Annual report for Research and Recovery Permit No. TE012642-1. Blue Earth Ecological Consultants, Inc. 44 p. |
2014 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Escrito D19-2408 Nos. 01H and 02H, Good Times G24-2410 Nos. 01H and 02H, Good Times L13-2410 Nos. 01H and 02H oil and natural gas wells projects. Submitted t |
2014 | Cook |
Cook, C. 2014. Annual reports of Mexican Spotted Owl work under research and recover permit TE-67491A. Permits West, Inc. |
2014 | NCI |
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for WPX Energy Production, LLC's proposed Chaco 2308-14E Nos. 151H & 152H project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 54 p. |
2014 | Johnson |
Johnson, K., L. Wickersham, J. Smith, N. Petersen, and J. Wickersham. 2014. Nesting habitat use by Gray Vireo and Pinyon Jay in the BLM Farmington Resource Area 2014. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 14-GTR-385. |
2014 | Southwest Environmental |
Southwest Environmental, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for the proposed Heros 1H, 2H & 3H wells project. Prepared for Logos Resources, LLC. |
2014 | Pattillo |
Pattillo, C. 2014. Plant survey report for Beeline Gas Systems, LLC's proposed trunk 7G pipeline row and pig receiver site. Permits West, submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 33 p. |
2014 | NMDGF |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 2014. Staff surveys to detect Lesser Prairie-chickens on state conservation areas. |
2014 | Lowrey and Hafler |
Lowrey, T. and T. Hafler. 2014. Survey of state trust land for Townsendia gypsophila Lowrey & P. Knight (Asteraceae) and Abronia bigelovii Heimerl. Report prepared for NM State Land Office. 8p. |
2014 | Roemmich, A. |
Roemmich, A. Kuhae, K. Terry, K. Theye, N. Cavello, J. (2014) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 8 p. |
2014 | White |
White, M. and M. Davalos. 2014. Final Research Natural Areas Specialist Report, Corduroy RNA. US Forest Service, 42 p. |
2014 | Granillo |
Granillo, K. 2014. Gray Vireo nest monitoring forms. Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. |
2014 | Rohman |
Rohman, M.J. 2014. Brack's fishhook cactus transplant report, proposed pipeline from Logos #4 well to Turtle Mountain compressor. Permits West, Inc. 5 p. |
2014 | Hayes, C. |
Hayes, C. 2014. Visit to historic pika location in Jemez Mountains. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2014 | Roth and Sivinski |
Roth, D. and R. Sivinski. 2014. Status report for Zuni fleabane on the Cibola National Forest, New Mexico. Report for U.S. Forest Service. 34 p. |
2014 | BLM |
Hewitt, R.J. 2014. Geodatabase of Aplomado Falcon sightings and nests. Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces Field Office. |
2014 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2014. Biological survey report: Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company Cooper 3F natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 19 p. |
2014 | Ryan et al. |
Ryan, M.J., I.M. Latella, J.T. Giermakowski, and H.L. Snell. 2014. Current status of the Arizona Toad (Anaxyrus microscaphus) in New Mexico: Identification and evaluation of potential threats to its persistence. Final report submitted to New Mexico Depart |
2014 | Inslee, A. |
Inslee, A. 2014. Surveys to detect Zapus hudsonius luteus (New Mexico meadow jumping mouse). Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. |
2014 | Wolfe, D. |
Wolfe, D.H., Larsson, L.C., Oyler-McCance, S.J., and Patten, M.A. Status, distribution, ecology, and gentics of teh White-tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) in New Mexico. 2014. University of Oklahoma. Bartlesville, OK, USA. 24 p. Supported by the George |
2014 | BLM |
Howard, M. 2014. Geodatabase of rare plant locations. Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces Field Office. |
2014 | Small |
Small, H. and M. McCaffery. 2014. Annual permit report: Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis) on the Ladder Ranch. Turner Endangered Species Fund. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-43754A. 31 p. |
2014 | SME |
SME Environmental Consultants. 2014. Biological survey report: Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company Sunray 1M natural gas well and pipeline project. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 19 p. |
2014 | Bachus |
Bachus, J. 2014. Bureau of Reclamation permit activity, TE-813088. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
2014 | Blakesley |
Blakesley, J.A. 2014. Annual Mexican Spotted Owl research and recovery report. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-31668B. Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. |
2014 | Sivinski et al. |
Sivinski, R., T. Neville, E. Muldavin, and H. Hulse. 2014. Status survey for Tharp's blue-star in the Carlsbad, New Mexico area. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 14-GTR-384. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 64 p |
2014 | SWCA |
SWCA Environmental Consultants. 2014. Biological survey report: Veteran pipeline right-of-way and access road project for XTO Energy, Inc. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 33 p. |
2014 | NMOS |
New Mexico Ornithological Society. 2014. Downloaded spreadsheet of Yellow-billed Cuckoo observations from the NMOS Field Notes database. |
2014 | Zabka, M. |
Zabka, Matthew. 2014. Biological Survey Report For the Proposed Heros No.2M Oil and Gas Well Project Adkins Consulting Durango, Colorado |
2014 | Phipps, L. |
Phipps, L. 2014. Geodatabase of Brack's cactus locations. Ecosphere Environmental Services. |
2014 | Zabka |
Zabka, M. 2014. Biological survey report for the proposed Scott no. 2M oil and gas well project. Adkins Consulting, Durango, Colorado. 18 p. |
2014 | West, S. |
West, S. 2014. Initial Report on the Status of Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior) in the Guagalupe Mountains of the Lincoln National Forest (Guadalupe Mountains). USFS |
2014 | Voyles |
Voyles, J. 2014. Effect of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on amphibian communities in New Mexico. Final Report to Share with Wildlife, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 20 p. |
2014 | Ballman, A. |
Ballman, A. 2014. Brack's cactus surveys and transplant sites. Nelson Consulting, Inc. |
2014 | Kendall |
Kendall, J. 2014. Miscellaneous wildlife and plant GIS files. Bureau of Land Management, Farmington Field Office. |
2014 | Prall |
Prall, D. 2014. Navajo Natural Heritage Program locations for Aztec gilia and Brack's hardwall cactus. |
2014 | Albert |
Albert, S. 2014. Surveys at Taos Canyon to detect Mexico Spotted Owls. Parametrix report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-819477-0. |
2014 | ACI |
Adkins Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for the proposed Chaco Trunk 2 Extension 5 project, WPX Energy Production, LLC. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 23 p. |
2014 | Wickersham |
Wickersham, J. 2014. Presence/absence surveys for Mexican Spotted Owl in the Colin Neblett Wildlife Management Area. Animas Biological Studies, report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-174552. 17 p. |
2014 | NMDGF |
Pierce, L. 2014. Report of Recovery Permit report, TE-815409. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2014 | Ward, T. |
Ward, T. (2014) National Goshawk Monitoring Protocol Field Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
2014 | Buecher |
Buecher, D. 2014. Annual threatened and endangered species research and recovery report. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-07308A. Buecher Biological Consulting. |
2014 | Bader |
Bader, B. 2014. SWCA Environmental Consultants threatened and endangered species survey report. Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE045236. |
2014 | Christman, B. |
Christman, B. 2014. Lithobates chiricahuensis surveys in the Gila National Forest. |
2014 | Zabka, M. |
Zabka, Matthew. 2014. Biological Survey Report For the Proposed Heros No.3N Vertical Oil and Gas Well Project Adkins Consulting Durango, Colorado |
2014 | Heritage |
Natural Heritage New Mexico. 2014. Tracked birds observed on October trip to southeast New Mexico. |
2014 | Ward, T. |
Ward, T. (2014) Wildlife Trick Tank Work, Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
2014 | Inslee, A. |
Inslee, A. 2014. Surveys for Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. |
2014 | Davis, H. |
Davis, H. 2014. Pitfall trap data for Dunes sagebrush lizard. Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico. |
2014 | Caldwell, C. |
Caldwell, C. 2014. Reporting for calendar year 2013: Endangered species permit TE046517-0. U.S. Geological Survey report submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 7p. |
2014 | Mathis |
Mathis, M. 2014. Lek and chicken observations spring 2014. Center of Excellence for Hazardous Materials Management. |
2014 | Worthington |
Worthington, R.D. 2014. Report on rare plant findings during 2014 field season: Lincoln National Forest, Sacramento Ranger District. University of Texas at El Paso. 22 p. |
2014 | Kahrs, D. |
Kahrs, D. 2014. Kuenzler's Hedghog Cactus locations from project area surveys. Environmental Planning Group, LLC. |
2014 | ACI |
Adkins Consulting, Inc. 2014. Biological survey report for the proposed Fogelson 35 #1E oil and gas well project, ConocoPhillips Company. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 17 p. |
2014 | USFS |
U.S. Forest Service. 2014. Southwest region Mexican Spotted Owl surveys. |
2014 | Desmond, M. |
Desmond, M. and DiAndrea, V. Breeding Burrowing Owl surveys and an experimental approach to attracting owls to potential nest sites in the Chihuahuan Desert Ecoregion. Share with Wildlife Program New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Final report, US Fi |
2014 | Platania, S.P. |
Platania, S.UWFWS Annual Permit Report for 2014. US Fish and Wildilfe Service Permit #TE001623-3. American Southwest Ichthyological ResearchersP. 2014. |