Displaying 11161 - 11220 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1986 | Birkhead and Perrins |
Birkhead, M., and C. Perrins. 1986. The mute swan. Croom Helm, London. xiv + 157 pp. |
1986 | Robbins et al. |
Robbins, C. S., D. Bystrak, and P. H. Geissler. 1986. The Breeding Bird Survey: its first fifteen years. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Resource Publ. 157. iii + 196 pp. |
1986 | Smith |
Smith, K. G. 1986. Winter population dynamics of Blue Jays, Red-headed Woodpeckers, and Northern Mockingbirds in the Ozarks. American Midland Naturalist 115:52-62. |
1986 | Abbott, J. |
Abbott, James. 1986. Environmental Assessment Decision Notice Finding of No Significant Impact for Relocation of Forest Road 169 in Hubbell Canyon. USDA Forest Service, NM. |
1986 | National Ecology Center, USFWS, Museum SW Biology, UNM. 1986. Report on the distribution and ecological requirements of endemic salamanders in relation to forestry management, part 1, Lincoln NF. For Leon Fisher, T&E species, USFS, Albuquerque, NM. |
U86NAT01NMUS | |
1986 | Bosakowski |
Bosakowski, T. 1986. Short-eared owl winter roosting strategies. American Birds 40:237-240. |
1986 | Lanyon and Thompson |
Lanyon, S. M., and C. F. Thompson. 1986. Site fidelity andhabitat quality as determinants of settlement pattern in male painted buntings. Condor 88:206-210. |
1986 | Wright et al. |
Wright, A. L., R. H. Yahner, and G. L. Storm. 1986. Roost-tree characterisitics and abundance of wintering vultures at a communal roost in south central Pennsylvania. Raptor Research 20(3/4):102-107. |
1986 | Isom |
Isom, B. G. 1986. Cumberlandian mollusk conservation program. Activity 4. Artificial culture. Tennesse Valley Authority. 35 pp. |
1986 | Heil and Brack |
Heil, K.D., and S. Brack. 1986. The cacti of Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Cactus Succulent J. 58(4): 165-177. |
1986 | Berry and Turner |
Berry, K. H., and F. B. Turner. 1986. Spring activities and habits of juvenile desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii, in California. Copeia 1986:1010-1012. |
1986 | Colwell |
Colwell, M.A. 1986. The first documented case of polyandry for Wilson's phalarope. Auk 103:611-612. |
1986 | Parker |
Parker, K. C. 1986. Partitioning of foraging space and nest sites in a desert shrubland bird community. American Midland Naturalist 115:255-266. |
1986 | Tweit and Tweit |
Tweit, R. C., and J. C. Tweit. 1986. Urban development effects on the abundance of some common resident birds of the Tucson area of Arizona. American Birds 40:431-436. |
1986 | Byrd and Rosenburg |
Byrd, M. A., and C. P. Rosenburg. 1986. Barn owl investigations. Pages 56-67 in Virginia Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Investigations, 1986 Annual Report. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fish., Richmond, Virginia. Unpublished. |
1986 | Ridlehuber and Teaford |
Ridlehuber, K. T., and J. W. Teaford. 1986. Wood duck nest boxes. Section 5.1.2, US Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual. Tech. Rep. EL-86-12. Waterways Expt. Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 21 pp. |
1986 | Parker et al. |
Parker, K. E., R. L. Miller, and S. Islil. 1986. Status of the common loon in New York State. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Delmar, New York. Unpublished report. |
1986 | Cornett |
Cornett, J.W. 1986. Gila Woodpecker nesting in northern Baja California. West. Birds 17: 139-140. |
1986 | Lowe et al. |
Lowe, C. H., C. R. Schwalbe, and T. B. Johnson. 1986. The venomous reptiles of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department. ix + 115 pp. |
1986 | Nagy and Medica |
Nagy, K. A., and P. A. Medica. 1986. Physiological ecology of desert tortoises in southern Nevada. Herpetologica 42: 73-92. |
1986 | Walker |
Walker, J. M. 1986. The taxonomy of parthenogenetic species of hybrid origin: cloned hybrid populations of Cnemidophorus (Sauria: Teiidae). Syst. Zool. 35:427-440. |
1986 | Hamel |
Hamel, P. B. 1986. Bachman's warbler. A species in peril. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 109 pp. |
1986 | Echelle, A.A. 1986. Evolutionary relationships and genetic variation in New Mexico pupfishes. Final report submitted to NM Department of Game and Fish. |
U86ECH01NMUS | |
1986 | Modi |
Modi, W. S. 1986. Karyotypic differentiation among two sibling species pairs of New World microtine rodents. J. Mammalogy 67:159-165. |
1986 | United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office. 1986. New Mexico Statewide Wilderness Study. BLM-NM-ES-86-012-4332. September 1986. |
B86BUR01NMUS | |
1986 | Tomich |
Tomich, P. Q. 1986. Mammals in Hawai'i. A synopsis and notational bibliography. Second edition. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. 375 pp. |
1986 | Strother |
Strother, J. L. 1986. Renovation of Dyssodia (Compositae: Tageteae). SIDA. 11(4): 371-378. |
1986 | Carlton, Kent, et al. 1986. Jornada del Muerto preserve design. Prepared for the New Mexico Nature Conservancy. 12 April 1986. |
U86CAR01NMUS | |
1986 | New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. Unpublished mainframe computer database plant and animal records from NM Natural Heritage Program Pre-1987. |
1986 | Probst |
Propst, D. L. 1986. Distribution, status, and biology of the loach minnow in the Gila River basin. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe. |
1986 | Clark et al. |
Clark, R. G., et al. 1986. Numerical responses of red-winged blackbird populations to changes in regional land-use patterns. Can. J. Zool. 64:1944-1950. |
1986 | Lynch |
Lynch, J. D. 1986. The definition of the Middle American clade of Eleutherodactylus based on jaw musculature (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae). Herpetologica 42:248-258. |
1986 | Yanez et al. |
Yanez, J. L., et al. 1986. Food habits of the southernmostmountain lions (FELIS CONCOLOR) in South America: natural versus livestocked ranges. J. Mamm. 67:604-606. |
1986 | Koch et al. |
Koch, L. M., et. al. 1986. Cumberlandian mollusk conservation program. Activity 5. Analysis of physical habitat. Tennessee Valley Authority. 159 pp. |
1986 | Berry |
Berry, K. H. 1986b. Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) relocation: implications of social behavior and movements. Herpetologica 42:113-125. |
1986 | Cornely and Baker |
Cornely, J. E., and R. J. Baker. 1986. Neotoma mexicana. Mammalian Species 262:1-7. |
1986 | Parsons et al. |
Parsons, H. J., D. A. Smith, and R. F. Whittam. 1986. Maternity colonies of silver-haired bats, Lasionycteris noctivagans, in Ontario and Saskatchewan. Journal of Mammalogy 67:598- 600. |
1986 | Tyus |
Tyus, H. M. 1986. Life history strategies in the evolutionof the Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius). Great Basin Naturalist 46:656-661. |
1986 | Scott |
Scott, J. A. 1986. The Butterflies of North America: A Natural History and Field Guide. Stanford University Press, Stanford CA. 583 pp. |
1986 | Craig and Keller |
Craig, E. H., and B. L. Keller. 1986. Movements and home range of porcupine, ERETHIZON DORSATUM, in Idaho shrub desert. Can. Field-Nat. 100:167-173. |
1986 | Matson and Baker |
Matson, J. O., and R. H. Baker. 1986. Mammals of Zacatecas. The Museum, Texas Tech University, Special Publications 24:1-88. |
1986 | Naiman et al. |
Naiman, R. J., J. M. Melillo, and J. E. Hobbie. 1986. Ecosystem alteration of boreal forest streams by beaver (Castor canadensis). Ecology 67:1254-1269. |
1986 | Williams and Deacon |
Williams, J. E., and J. E. Deacon. 1986. Subspecific identity of the Amargosa pupfish, CYPRINODON NEVADENSIS, from Crystal Spring, Ash Meadows, Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 46:220-227. |
1986 | DeMarais |
DeMarais, B. D. 1986. Morphological variation in Gila (Pisces: Cyprinidae) and geologic history: lower Colorado River Basin. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. M.S. Thesis. |
1986 | Heintzelman |
Heintzelman, D. S. 1986. The migrations of hawks. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana. 369 pp. |
1986 | Daly and Patton |
Daly, J. C., and J. L. Patton. 1986. Growth, reproduction,and sexual dimorphism in THOMOMYS BOTTAE pocket gophers. J. Mamm. 67:256-265. |
1986 | Fisher R. 1986. Breeding Bird Record for the Northern Goshawk. Report to NMDGF. 1p. |
U86FIS01NMUS | |
1986 | Haywood and Ohmart |
Haywood, D. D., and R. D. Ohmart. 1986. Utilization of benthic-feeding fish by inland breeding bald eagles. Condor 88:35-42. |
1986 | US Fish and Wildlife Service |
US Fish and Wildlife Service: National Ecology Center. 1986. Report on the distribution and ecological requirements of endemic salamanders in relation of forestry management; Part 2: Santa Fe National Forest. Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of |
1986 | Moodie |
Moodie, G. E. E. 1986. The population biology of Culaea inconstans, the brook stickleback in a small prairie lake. Canadian Journal of Zoology 64:1701-1717. |
1986 | Craig |
Craig, G. A. 1986. The spotted owl and wise forest use. Western Timber Association, Sacramento, CA. 69 pp. |
1986 | Taylor and Kershner |
Taylor, W. K. and M. A. Kershner. 1986. Migrant birds killed at the vehicle assembly building (VAB), John F. Kennedy Space Center. Journal of Field Ornithology 57:142-154. |
1986 | Dunne |
Dunne, P. 1986. 1986 northern harrier survey of New Jersey's coastal marshes. New Jersey Audubon Society and New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife. Unpublished report. |
1986 | Stansbery |
Stansbery, D. H., et. al. 1986. The naiad fauna of the Clinch River in the vicinity of the Clinch River Power Plant at Carbo, Virginia. Final Report to Amer. Elec. Power. |
1986 | Connors |
Connors, P.G. 1986. Marsh and shorebirds. Pages 351-369 in A.Y. Cooperrider, R,J. Boyd, and H.R. Stuart (eds.) Inventory and monitoring of wildlife habitat. U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bur. Land Manage. Denver, CO. |
1986 | Morgan and Freedman |
Morgan, K., and B. Freedman. 1986. Breeding bird communities in a hardwood forest succession in Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 100:506-519. |
1986 | Ohmart and Anderson |
Ohmart, R.D. and B.W. Anderson. 1986. Riparian habitat. Pages 169-193 in A.Y. Cooperrider, R.J. Boyd, and H.R. Stuart, editors. Inventory and monitoring of wildlife habitat. USDI Bureau of Land Management Service Center, Denver, CO. |
1986 | Bosakowski and Speiser |
Bosakowski, T., and R. Speiser. 1986. Apparent great horned owl predation on nesting red-shouldered hawks in New Jersey. Records of New Jersey Birds 12:44-45. |
1986 | Crocoll and Parker |
Crocoll, S., and J. W. Parker. 1986. Canadaway raptors. The Conservationist 41:36-41. |
1986 | Hoyle and Boonstra |
Hoyle, J. A., and R. Boonstra. 1986. Life history traits of the meadow jumping mouse, ZAPUS HUDSONIUS, in southern Ontario. Can. Field-Nat. 100:537-544. |