Displaying 10921 - 10980 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1987 | Akroyd, B. |
Akroyd, B. 1987. Memorandum, Department of Game and Fish. Subject: Surveys on Rio Del Medio and Sawmill Creek, Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest. |
1987 | Bekoff et al. |
Bekoff, M., A. C. Scott, and D. A. Conner. 1987. Nonrandomnest-site selection in evening grosbeaks. Condor 89:819-829. |
1987 | Dobson and Murie |
Dobson, F. S., and J. O. Murie. 1987. Interpretation of intraspecific life history patterns: evidence from Columbian ground squirrels. The American Naturalist. 129(3): 398-406. |
1987 | Johnson and Shaffer |
Johnson, D. H., and T. L. Shaffer. 1987. Are mallards declining in North America? Wildl. Soc. Bull. 15:340-345. |
1987 | Mullican and Keller |
Mullican, T. R., and B. L. Keller. 1987. Burrows of the sagebrush vole (LEMMISCUS CURTATUS) in southeastern Idaho. Great Basin Nat. 47:276-279. |
1987 | Renken and Dinsmore |
Renken, R. B., and J. J. Dinsmore. 1987. Nongame bird communities on managed grasslands in North Dakota. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101:551-557. |
1987 | Tumlison |
Tumlison, R. 1987. Felis lynx. Mammalian Species 269:1-8. |
1987 | Albright and Keith |
Albright, C. A., and L. B. Keith. 1987. Population dynamics of moose, ALCES ALCES, on the south-coast barrens of Newfoundland. Canadian Field-Nat. 101:373-387. |
1987 | Congdon et al. |
Congdon, J. D., et al. 1987. Reproduction and nesting ecology of snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) in southeastern Michigan. Herpetologica 43:39-54. |
1987 | Furlonger et al. |
Furlonger, C. L., H. J. Dewar, and M. B. Fenton. 1987. Habitat use by foraging insectivorous bats. Canadian J. Zool. 65:284-288. |
1987 | Lock |
Lock, A. R. 1987. Recent increases in the breeding population of black-legged kittiwakes, Rissa tridactyla, in Nova Scotia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101:331-334. |
1987 | Reynolds |
Reynolds, R.T. 1987. Census of flammulated owls. Pages 308-309 in R.W. Nero, R.J. Clark, R.J. Knapton, and R.H. Hamre, editors. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142. |
1987 | Williams |
Williams, J. B. 1987a. Field metabolism and food consumption of savannah sparrows during the breeding season. Auk 104:277-289. |
1987 | Graber et al. |
Graber, J. W., R. R. Graber, and E. L. Kirk. 1987. Illinois birds: Corvidae. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. Biol. Notes No. 126. |
1987 | Bergerud and Gratson |
Bergerud, A. T., and M. W. Gratson, editors. 1987. Adaptive strategies and population ecology of northern grouse. Univ. Minnesoat Press. 785 pp. |
1987 | Wilbur |
Wilbur, S. R. 1987. Birds of Baja California. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley. |
1987 | Coleman and Fraser |
Coleman, J. S., and J. D. Fraser. 1987. Food habits of black and turkey vultures in Pennsylvania and Maryland. J. Wildl. Manage. 51:733-739. |
1987 | Johnson and Armstrong |
Johnson, D.W. and D.M. Armstrong. 1987. Mammalian species. PEROMYSCUS CRINITUS. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species 287: 1-8. |
1987 | Minckley and Meffe |
Minckley, W. L., and G. K. Meffe. 1987. Differential selection by flooding in stream-fish communities of the arid American southwest. Pp. 93-104 in W.J. Matthews and D.C. Heins (eds.). Community and evolutionary ecology of North American stream fishes. Un |
1987 | Reid et al. |
Reid, D. G., et al. 1987. A possible method for estimating river otter, LUTRA CANADENSIS, populations using snow tracks. Canadian Field-Nat. 101:576-580. |
1987 | Taylor |
Taylor, D.W. 1987. Fresh-water Molluscs from New Mexico and Vicinity. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Bulletin 116. 50pp. |
1987 | Rabenold |
Rabenold, P. P. 1987. 1987 survey of black terns (CHLIDONIAS NIGER) breeding in Indiana. Unpubl. report, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Widlife, Indianapolis. 13 pp. |
1987 | Stalmaster |
Stalmaster, M. V. 1987. The bald eagle. Universe. 227 pp. |
1987 | Luukkonen |
Luukkonen, D. R. 1987. Loggerhead shrike status and breeding ecology in Virginia. Master's thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Sate University, Blacksburg. |
1987 | Addison et al. |
Addison, E. M., I. K. Barker, and D. B. Hunter. 1987. Diseases and parasites of furbearers. Pages 893-909 in M. Novak et al., editors. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. |
1987 | Collopy and Bildstein |
Collopy, M. W., and K. L. Bildstein. 1987. Foraging behavior of northern harriers wintering in southeastern salt and freshwater marshes. Auk 104:11-16. |
1987 | Hannon et al. |
Hannon, S. J., et al. 1987. Poor acorn crop, dominance, and decline in numbers of acorn woodpeckers. J. Anim. Ecol. 56:197-207. |
1987 | Messick |
Messick, J. P. 1987. North American badger. Page 586-597 in Novak, M., J. A. Baker, M. E. Obbard, and B. Malloch (editors). Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Toronto, Ontario. 1150 pp. |
1987 | Schmutz |
Schmutz, J.K. 1987. The effect of agriculture on Ferruginous and Swainson's hawks. Journal of Range Management 40:438-440. |
1987 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1987. Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Parrot, Amazona vittata. U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service, Atlanta, Georgia, April 8, 1987. 69 p. |
1987 | Williams, S.O. III. 1987. Bird survey-Guadalupe Canyon, New Mexico. 10-12 June 1987. |
U87WIL01NMUS | |
1987 | Berg |
Berg, W. J. 1987. Evolutionary genetics of rainbow trout, PARASALMO GAIRDNERII (Richardson). Ph.D. Diss., Univ. California, Davis. |
1987 | Blake and Karr |
Blake, J. G. and J. R. Karr. 1987. Breeding birds of isolated woodlots: area and habitat relationships. Ecology 68:1724-1734. |
1987 | Echelle et al. |
Echelle, A. A., A. F. Echelle, and D. R. Edds. 1987. Population structure of four pupfish species (Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodon) from the Chihuahuan Desert region of New Mexico and Texas: allozymic variation. Copeia 1987:668-681. |
1987 | Johnson et al. |
Johnson, R. A., S. W. Carothers, and T. J. McGill. 1987. Demography of feral burros in the Mohave Desert. J. Wildl. Manage. 51:916-920. |
1987 | Noss |
Noss, R. F. 1987. Florida's national forests: our last chance. ENFO Report, December 1987, 87-6. 14 pp. |
1987 | Rickart |
Rickart, E. A. 1987. Spermophilus townsendii. Mammalian Species 268:1-6. |
1987 | Tyus |
Tyus, H. M. 1987. Distribution, reproduction, and habitat use of the razorback sucker in the Green River, Utah, 1979- 1986. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116:111-116. |
1987 | Arroyo-Cabrales et al. |
Arroyo-Cabrales, J., et al. 1987. Choeronycteris mexicana. Mammalian Species 291:1-5. |
1987 | Courtenay et al. |
Courtenay, W. R., Jr., et al. 1987. Records of exotic fishes from Idaho and Wyoming. Great Basin Nat. 47:523-526. |
1987 | Gardner, D. 1987. White Sands pupfish seldom visited. New Mexico Wildlife Magazine. Nov-Dec 1987. |
A87GAR01NMUS | |
1987 | Lowcock et al. |
Lowcock, L. A., L. E. Licht, and J. P. Bogart. 1987. Nomenclature in hybrid complexes of Ambystoma (Urodela: Ambystomatidae): no case for the erection of hybrid "species." Syst. Zool. 36:328-336. |
1987 | Schmutz, J.K. and R.W. Fyfe. 1987. Migration and mortality of Alberta Ferruginous Hawks. The Condor 89: 169-174. |
A87SCH01NMUS | |
1987 | Laymon and Halterman |
Laymon, S. A., and M. D. Halterman. 1987a. Distribution and status of the yellow-billed cuckoo in California. Final report to the California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. 35pp. |
1987 | Janis and Scott |
Janis, C. M., and K. M. Scott. 1987. The interrelationships of high ruminant families with special emphasis on the members of the Cervoidea. Am. Mus. Novitates 2893:1-85. |
1987 | Clark and Stromberg |
Clark, T. W., and M. R. Stromberg. 1987. Mammals in Wyoming. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. Education Series No. 10. xii + 314 pp. |
1987 | Dunn and Garrett |
Dunn, J. L., and K. L. Garrett. 1987. The identification of North American gnatcatchers. Birding 19(1):17-29. |
1987 | Johnson and Naiman |
Johnson, C. A., and R. J. Naiman. 1987. Boundary dynamics at the aquatic-terrestrial interface: the influence of beaver and geomorphology. Landscape Ecology 1(1):47-57. |
1987 | Morse |
Morse, R. J. 1987. Mystery bird of the Chiricahuas. Birding 19:16-20. |
1987 | Remillard et al. |
Remillard, M. M., G. K. Gruendling, and D. J. Bogucki. 1987. Disturbance by beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl) and increased landscape heterogeneity. Pages 103-122 in M. G. Turner, editor. Ecological Studies 64. Landscape heterogeneity and disturbance. Sprin |
1987 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 3 June 1987. Threatened status for the Florida scrub jay. Federal Register 52:20715-20719. |
1987 | B. Sallach,Dick-Peddie, W.A.,E. Muldavin,J.V. Hardesty |
Dick-Peddie, W.A., J.V. Hardesty, E. Muldavin, and B. Sallach. 1987. Soil-vegetation correlations on the riparian zones of the Gila and San Francisco Rivers in New Mexico. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 87(9). 29 p. |
1987 | Russell, R. |
Russell, Randy. 1987. Letter and memo regarding Hedgehog Cactus. Unites States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 7. |
1987 | Weber |
Weber, W.A. 1987. Colorado flora: Western slope. Colorado Associated University Press. Boulder. 530 pp. |
1987 | Morrison, J.L. |
Morrison, J.L.. 1987. A study of the active season ecology, population dynamics, and habitat affinities of a known population of the Meadow Jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius luteus, in northern New Mexico. . 53 p. |
1987 | Allard et al. |
Allard, M. W., S. J. Gunn, and I. F. Greenbaum. 1987. Mensural discrimination of chromosomally characterized PEROMYSCUS OREAS and P. MANICULATUS. J. Mamm. 68:402-406. |
1987 | Deacon et al. |
Deacon, J. E., P. B. Schumann, and E. L. Stuenkel. 1987. Thermal tolerance and preferences of fishes of the Virgin River System (Utah, Arizona, Nevada). Great Basin Naturalist 47(4):538-546. |
1987 | Hayward et al. |
Hayward, G. D., et al. 1987b. Movements and home range use by boreal owls in central Idaho. Pages 175-184 in Nero, R. W., et al., eds. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142. |
1987 | Morrison and With |
Morrison, M. L., and K. A. With. 1987. Interseasonal and intersexual resource partitioning in hairy and white-headed woodpeckers. Auk 104:225-233. |
1987 | Scrivner et al. |
Scrivner, J. H., T. P. O'Farrell, and T. T. Kato. 1987. Dispersal of San Joaquin kit foxes, VULPES MACROTIS MUTICA, on Naval Petroleum Reserve #1, Kern County, California. United States Department of Energy Topical Report, EGG 10282-2190. |