Displaying 9421 - 9480 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1989 | Dittman et al. |
Dittman, D. L., R. M. Zink, and J. A. Gerwin. 1989. Evolutionary genetics of phalaropes. Auk 106:326-331. |
1989 | Haas and Sloane |
Haas, C. A., and S. A. Sloane. 1989. Low return rates of migratory Loggerhead Shrikes: winter mortality or low site fidelity? Wilson Bulletin 101(3):458-60. |
1989 | Milne and Hejl |
Milne, K. A., and S. J. Hejl. 1989. Nest-site characteristics of white-headed woodpeckers. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:50-55. |
1989 | Pressey, R.L. and A.O. Nicholls. 1989. Efficiency in conservation evaluation: scoring versus iterative approaches. Biological Conservation. 50(1989):199-218. |
A89PRE01NMUS | |
1989 | Vander Haegen et al. |
Vander Haegen, W. M., M. W. Sayre, and W. E. Dodge. 1989. Winter use of agricultural habitats by wild turkeys in Massachusetts. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:30-33. |
1989 | Bisbal |
Bisbal, F. J. 1989. Distribution and habitat association of the carnivores in Venezuela, Pages 339-361 in K. H. Redford, and J. F. Eisenberg, eds. Advances in Neotropical mammalogy. Gainesville, Florida, Sandhill Crane Press. |
A89BIS0200LA |
1989 | Douglas et al. |
Douglas, M. E., W. L. Minckley, and H. M. Tyus. 1989. Qualitative characters, identification of Colorado River chubs (Cyprinidae: genus Gila) and the "art of seeing well." Copeia 1989:653-662. |
1989 | Hone and Stone |
Hone, J., and C. P. Stone. 1989. A comparison and evaluation of feral pig management in two national parks. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 17:419-425. |
1989 | Miyamoto et al. |
Miyamoto, M. M., S. M. Tanhauser, and P. J. Laipis. 1989. Systematic relationships in the artiodactyl tribe Bovini (family Bovidae), as determined from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Syst. Zool. 38:342-349. |
1989 | Spendelow and Nichols |
Spendelow, J. A., and J. D. Nichols. 1989. Annual survival rates of breeding adult roseate terns. Auk 106:367-374. |
1989 | Watts |
Watts, B. D. 1989. Nest-site characteristics of yellow-crowned night-herons in Virginia. Condor 91:979-983. |
1989 | Miller |
Miller, E. 1989. Population turnover rate and early-season usage of multi-lake territories by common loons in upper Michigan/Wisconsin. North American Loon Fund, Meredith, New Hampshire. Unpublished report. |
1989 | Beaman et al. |
Beaman, K. R., et. al. 1989. Bibliography of tortoise literature. Pp. 126-39 in Swingland, I. R. and M. W. Klemens (eds.). Conservation biology of tortoises. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland, Switzerland. |
1989 | Cincotta |
Cincotta, R. P. 1989. Note on mound architecture of the black-tailed prairie dog. Great Basin Naturalist 49:621-3. |
1989 | Desgranges and Houde |
Desgranges, J. L., and B. Houde. 1989. Effects of acidity and other environmental parameters on the distribution of lacustrine birds in Quebec. In J. L. DesGranges (editor) Studies of the Effects of Acidification on Aquatic Wildlife in Canada: Lacustrine |
1989 | Heil, K.D.,J. M. Porter,S. L. Welsh |
Heil, K.D., J. M. Porter, and S. L. Welsh. 1989. A new species of Asclepias (Asclepiadaceae) from northwestern New Mexico. Great Basin Nat.. 49(1):100-104. |
1989 | Maurer et al. |
Maurer, B. A., E. A. Webb, and R. K. Bowers. 1989. Nest characteristics and nestling development of Cassin's and Botteri's sparrows in southeastern Arizona. Condor 91:736-738. |
1989 | Quattro and Vrijenhoek |
Quattro, J. M., and R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1989. Fitness differences among remnant populations of the endangered Sonoran topminnow. Science 245:976-978. |
1989 | van Zyll de Jong and Kirkland |
van Zyll de Jong, C. G., and G. L. Kirkland, Jr. 1989. A morphometric analysis of the Sorex cinereus group in central and eastern North America. J. Mamm. 70:110-122. |
1989 | Heinrich |
Heinrich, B. 1989. Ravens in winter. Summit Books, New York. 379 pp. |
1989 | Worthington |
Worthington, R.D. 1989. An annotated checklist of the native and naturalized flora of El Paso County, Texas. El Paso Southwest Botanical Miscellany No. 1. 56 pp. |
1989 | Ryan |
Ryan, J. M. 1989. Comparative myology and phylogenetic systematics of the Heteromyidae (Mammalia, Rodentia). Univ. Michigan Museum Zoology Miscellaneous Publication (176):1-103. |
1989 | Bakko et al. |
Bakko, E. B., W. P. Porter, and B. A. Wunder. 1989. Body temperature patterns in black-tailed prairie dogs in the field. Can. J. Zool. 66:1783-1789. |
1989 | Austin, M.P. and P.C. Heyligers. 1989. Vegetation survey design for conservation: gradient sampling of forests in northeastern New South Wales. Biological Conservation 50(1989):13-32. |
A89AUS01NMUS | |
1989 | Coleman and Fraser |
Coleman, J. S., and J. D. Fraser. 1989. Habitat use and home ranges of black and turkey vultures. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:782-792. |
1989 | Greer and Anderson |
Greer, R. D., and S. H. Anderson. 1989. Relationships between population demography of McCown's longspurs and habitat resources. Condor 91:609-619. |
1989 | Kingsbury |
Kingsbury, B. A. 1989. Factors influencing activity in Coleonyx variegatus. J. Herpetol. 23:399-404. |
1989 | Naylor and Bendell |
Naylor, B. J., and J. F. Bendell. 1989. Clutch size and eggs size of spruce grouse in relation to spring diet, food supply, and endogenous reserves. Can. J. Zool. 67:969-980. |
1989 | Rosenfeld and Wilkinson |
Rosenfeld, M. J., and J. A. Wilkinson. 1989. Biochemical genetics of the Colorado River Gila complex (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Southwestern Naturalist 34(2):232-244. |
1989 | Taylor et al. |
Taylor, W.K., B.H. Anderson, and H.M. Stevenson. 1989. Breeding range extension of the Indigo Bunting, Painted Bunting, and Blue Grosbeak in Florida with new records for Seminole County. Florida Field Naturalist 17:1-10. |
1989 | Dunkle and Paulson |
Dunkle, S.W. and D.R. Paulson. 1989. Draft AFS publication for Odonates. Unpublished. |
1989 | Russel, R., J. Anderson, J. Peterson. |
Russel, R., J. Anderson, J. Peterson. 1989. Kuenzleri Hedgehog Cactus Survey Final Report. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 23. |
1989 | Howe |
Howe, M. A. 1989. Migration of radio-marked whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population: patterns of habitta use, behavior, and survival. U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, Fish and Wildlife Technical Report 21. 33 pp. |
1989 | Lincoln National Forest. 1989 Survey and monitoring report for Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri. Unpub. report by Mayhill Ranger District, Lincoln NF, Chaves Co., NM. 15 p, maps. |
U89LNF01NMUS | |
1989 | Williams, S.O. and K.E. Copeland. 1989 Bird survey - Guadalupe Canyon, Hidalgo Co. NM. 7-8 May 1989. |
U89WIL02NMUS | |
1989 | Carothers, C.A. |
Carothers, C. A. (1989) Gila National Forest, Spotted Owl Survey Form 1. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 13 p. |
1989 | Kibbe |
Kibbe, D. 1989. Survey of Vermont's rare marshland bird species. Unpubl. report, Hoboken, New Jersey. 8 pp. |
1989 | Eddleman |
Eddleman, W. R. 1989. Biology of the Yuma Clapper Rail in the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico. Final Report, Intra-Agency Agreement No. 4-AA-30-02060, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Yuma Project Office, Yuma, AZ. |
1989 | Campbell et al. |
Campbell, et al. 1989. An apparent natural hybrid rattlesnake and Crotalus willardi (Viperidae) from the Peloncillo Mountains of southwestern New Mexico. Herpetologica 45:344-349. |
1989 | Dunn and Hannon |
Dunn, P. O., and S. J. Hannon. 1989. Evidence for obligate male parental care in black-billed magpies. Auk 106:635-644. |
1989 | Halterman et al. |
Halterman, M. D., S. A. Laymon, and M. J. Whitfield. 1989. Status and distribution of the elf owl in California. West. Birds 20:71-80. |
1989 | Moritz et al. |
Moritz, C., J. W. Wright, and W. M. Brown. 1989. Mitochondrial DNA analyses and the origin and relative age of parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus (Teiidae: Reptilia): C. velox and C. exsanguis. Evolution 43:958-968. |
1989 | Rappole et al. |
Rappole, J. H., M. A. Ramos, and K. Winkler. 1989. Wintering wood thrush movements and mortality in southern Veracruz. Auk 106:402-410. |
1989 | Knight, P. 1989. Element occurrence records for Hedeoma apiculatum. |
U89KNI01NMUS | |
1989 | Blus |
Blus, L. J. 1989. Effects of organophosphorus insecticides on sage grouse in southeastern Idaho. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:1139-1146. |
1989 | Dowler |
Dowler, R. C. 1989. Cytogenetic studies of three chromosomal races of pocket gophers (GEOMYS BURSARIUS complex) at hybrid zones. J. Mamm. 70:253-266. |
1989 | Horejsi |
Horejsi, B. L. 1989. Uncontrolled land-use threatens an international grizzly bear population. Conservation Biology 3:220-223. |
1989 | New Mexico Ornithological Society |
New Mexico Ornithological Society. 1989. NMOS Field Notes 12/1/88 - 2/28/89. 28(1):7. |
1989 | Squires et al. |
Squires, J. R., S. H. Anderson and R. Oakleaf. 1989. Food habits of nesting Prairie Falcons in Campbell County, Wyoming. J. Raptor Res. 23:157-161. |
1989 | Weatherhead |
Weatherhead, P. J. 1989. Sex ratios, host-specific reproductive success, and impact of brown-headed cowbirds. Auk 106:358-366. |
1989 | Olson and Gray |
Olson, T.E., and M.V. Gray. 1989. Characteristics of Least Bell's Vireo nest sites along the Santa Ynez river. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-110. |
1989 | Bednarz and Kerlinger |
Bednarz, J. C., and P. Kerlinger. 1989. Monitoring hawk populations by counting migrants. Pages 328-343 in Proceedings of the Northeast Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop. Natl. Wildl. Fed., Washington, D.C. |
1989 | Clearwater et al. |
Clearwater, Denise H., et al. 1989. Taxonomic analysis of t he coastal marsh raccoon (Procyon lotor maritimus) in Maryland. Brimleyana 15:31-36. |
1989 | Echelle and Connor |
Echelle, A. A., and P. J. Connor. 1989. Rapid, geographically extensive genetic introgression after secondary contact between two pupfish species (Cyprinodon, Cyprinodontidae). Evolution 43:717-727. |
1989 | Holt and Ermatinger |
Holt, D. W., and D. Ermatinger. 1989. First confirmed nest site of boreal owls in Montana. Northwest. Nat. 70:27-31. |
1989 | Maxson |
Maxson, G. A. D. 1989. Marsh hawk predation on black tern and pectoral sandpiper. Prairie Naturalist 10:25-26. |
1989 | Rainboth et al. |
Rainboth, W. J., D. G. Buth, and F. B. Turner. 1989. Allozyme variation in Mojave populations of the desert tortoise, GOPHERUS AGASSIZI. Copeia 1989:115-123. |
1989 | Vermeer and Morgan |
Vermeer, K., and K. H. Morgan. 1989. Nesting population, nest sites, and prey remains of bald eagles in Barkeley Sound, British Columbia. Northwestern Naturalist 70:21-26. |
1989 | Johnson and Herter |
Johnson, S. R. and D. R. Herter. 1989. The Birds of the Beaufort Sea. BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. 372 pp. |
1989 | Wu |
Wu, S.-K. 1989. Colorado freshwater mollusks. Natural History Inventory of Colorado 11: 1-117. |
B89WU001EHUS |