Displaying 6301 - 6360 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1993 | Mangimeli, J. 1993. Letter to Ellen DeBruin of NM Natural Heritage Program with map of locations for Pediocactus (Toumeya) papyracanthus on April 26, 1993. |
U93MAN01NMUS | |
1993 | Moffitt, H.E. 1993. Letter to John Pittenger, NM Game and Fish Dept. Concerning P. Papyracanthus on proposed German Air Force Tornado Complex Project Area on Holloman AFB. 3 March 1993. |
U93MOF01NMUS | |
1993 | Avery et al. |
Avery, H., et. al. 1993. Roles of diet protein and temperature in the growth and nutritional energetics of juvenile soldier turtles, TRACHEMYS SCRIPTA. Physiological Zoology 66(6):902-25. |
1993 | Thomas et al. |
Thomas, J. W., Ward, J., Raphael, M.G., Anthony, R.G., Forsman, E.D., Gunderson, A.G., Holthausen, R.S., Marcot, B.G., Reeves, G.H., Sedell, J.R. and Solis, D.M. 1993. Viability assessments and management considerations for species associated with late-s |
1993 | Cassirer et al. |
Cassirer, E. F., et al. 1993. Cavity nesting by harlequin ducks in the Pacific Northwest. Wilson Bull. 105:691-694. |
1993 | Prescott et al. |
Prescott, D.R.C., R. Arbuckle, B. Goddard, and A. Murphy. 1993. Methods for the monitoring and assessment of avian communities on NAWMP landscapes in Alberta, and 1993 results. Alberta NAWMP Centre. NAWMP-007. Edmonton, Alberta. 48 pp. |
1993 | Ganey et al. |
Ganey, J. L., R. P. Balda, and R. M. King. 1993. Metabolic rate and evaporative water loss of Mexican spotted and great horned owls. Wilson Bull. 105:645-656. |
1993 | Perkins et al. |
Perkins, D. L., C. C. Krueger, and B. May. 1993. Heritage brook trout in northeastern USA: genetic variability within and among populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:515-532. |
1993 | Chapman, Wood and Griswold, Inc. 1993. Occurrences of Townsends aster, San Ysidro- White Mesa- Cuchilla Blanca Hill Area, Sandoval Co., NM. Mining engineers and geologists. |
U93CHA01NMUS | |
1993 | Hawkwatch International. 1993. Winter 1993 Bald eagle survey along the Rio Grande in the Corrales Unit. Final report. Contract # DACW47-93-P-0243, US Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, NM. |
U93HAW01NMUS | |
1993 | Turner et al. |
Turner, J.G., D.A. Drynan, and C.M. Heckscher. 1993. Resident bird counts: old growth mixed coniferous-red fir forest transition. Journal of Field Ornithology 64:60. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 6 p. |
1993 | Salazar, R. and D. Franks. 1993. Willow flycatcher survey detection and nest site data forms developed by Partners in Flight to establish occurrence of Empidonax traillii extimus in NM. Summary added by S.O. Williams III, NM Dept Game and Fish. |
U93SAL01NMUS | |
1993 | Chauvin, Y. 1993. Field survey to Dead Man Canyon, White Sands Military Reservation, on October 9, 1993. |
F93CHA01NMUS | |
1993 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1993. Riparian/Wetland vegetation classification project, Pecos Basin. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
1993 | Kennedy, K. |
Kennedy, K. (1993) Gila National Forest, Quendo Ranger District, Spotted Owl Survey Form 1. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1993 | Connors et al. |
Connors, P. G., B. J. McCaffery, and J. L. Marion. 1993. Speciation in golden-plovers, PLUVIALIS DOMINICA and P. FULVA: evidence from the breeding grounds. Auk 110:9-20. |
1993 | Haug and Didiuk |
Haug, E.A., and A.B. Didiuk. 1993. Use of recorded calls to detect burrowing owls. Journal of Field Ornithology 64:188-194. |
1993 | Burns, B. |
Burns, B. (1993) 1993 Mexican Spotted Owl Forms. Silver City Ranger Distrit, Gila National Forest, USFS. 32 p. |
1993 | Martin |
Martin, T.E. 1993b. Nest predation among vegetation layers and habitat types: revising the dogmas. American Naturalist 141:897-913. |
1993 | Shank et al. |
Shank, C. C., R. G. Bromley, and K. G. Poole. 1993. Increase in breeding population of tundra peregrine falcons in the central Canadian arctic. Wilson Bull. 105:188-190. |
1993 | Chapman, D. |
Chapman, D. 1993. 1993 National Forests Northern Goshawk Inventroy Form, Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 12 p. |
1993 | Wiens |
Wiens, J. J. 1993. Phylogenetic systematics of the tree lizards (genus Urosaurus). Herpetologica 49:399-420. |
1993 | Humpreys, D |
Humpreys, D. 1993. Mule deer research: Final report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W-124-R-16. NM Dept. of Game and Fish. |
1993 | McMillan, K |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assesment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 5 p. |
1993 | West, S. |
West, S. 1993. Report sheet for bird sightings in Lincoln National Forest. USFS |
1993 | Sibley |
Sibley, D. 1993. The birds of Cape May. Cape May Bird Observatory, Cape May, NJ. |
1993 | Bull and Holthausen |
Bull, E. L., and R. S. Holthausen. 1993. Habitat use and management of pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:335-45. |
1993 | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993. Sacramento Mountains thistle (Cirsium vinaceum) recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico.. 23 p. |
1993 | Manry |
Manry. 1993. [title unknown]. American Birds 47:372. |
1993 | Shirose et al. |
Shirose, L. J., et al. 1993. Intersexual differences in growth, mortality, and size at maturity in bullfrogs in central Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 71:2363-2369. |
1993 | Hatch, S.L.,J. Pluhar |
Hatch, S.L. and J. Pluhar. 1993. Texas range plants. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. |
1993 | Ceballos, G., E. Mellink and L.R. Hanebury. 1993. Distribution and conservation status of prairie dogs Cynomys mexicanus and Cynomys ludovicianus in Mexico. Biological Conservation 63:105-112 |
A93CEB01NMUS | |
1993 | Howes and Montevecchi |
Howes, L.-A., and W. A. Montevecchi. 1993. Population trends and interactions among terns and gulls in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland. Can. J. Zool. 71:1516-1520. |
1993 | Peterjohn and Sauer |
Peterjohn, B.G., and J.R. Sauer. 1993. North American breeding bird survey annual summary 1990-1991. Bird Populations 1:1-15. |
1993 | Van Horn |
Van Horn, R.C. 1993. A summary of reproductive success and mortality in a disturbed Ferruginous Hawk (BUTEO REGALIS) population in northcentral Montana. Journal of Raptor Research 27:94. |
1993 | Bogan |
Bogan, M.A. 1993. 1993 capture summary for San Andres National Wildlife Refuge (SANWR). 10 pp. |
1993 | Lightfoot, K.,Sivinski, R. |
Lightfoot, K. and Sivinski, R.. 1993. Draft recovery plan for the Sacramento prickly poppy. . 33 p. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Assessment Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 7 p. |
1993 | Unknown |
Unknown (1993) Gila National Forest - North Zone Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) Formal Monitoring Resylts, 1993. Siver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 17 p. |
1993 | Shuford |
Shuford, W.D. 1993. The Marin County breeding bird atlas: a distributional and natural history of coastal California birds. Bushtit Books, Bolinas, CA. |
1993 | BLM |
Bilbo, M. and D. Baggao. 1993. Seasonal closure of bat hibernacula caves. Roswell Resource Area, Roswell District, Bureau of Land Management. 6 p. |
1993 | Martin and Boczkiewicz |
Martin, B. H., and S. Boczkiewicz. 1993. Baird's sparrow and Sprague's pipit population and habitat monitoring at Conservancy preserves in North Dakota. Rodney Johnson Grant Report. 13 pp. |
1993 | Painter, C., Altenbach, M. |
Painter, C. and M. Altenbach. 1993. A final report on the investigations into the distribution and habitat requirements of the Jemez Mountains salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus). Jemez Springs, NM. USFS-Jemez Ranger District. U.S. Forest Service Contract |
1993 | Tobin and Richmond |
Tobin, M. E., and M. E. Richmond. 1993. Vole management in fruit orchards. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 5. ii + 18 pp. |
1993 | Castro and Myers |
Castro, G., and J. P. Myers. 1993. Shorebird predation on eggs of horseshoe crabs during spring stopover on Delaware Bay. Auk 110:927-930. |
1993 | Sivinski and Lightfoot |
Sivinski, R., and K. Lightfoot. 1993. Sacramento Mountains thistle (Cirsium vinaceum) recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
1993 | Germano |
Germano, D. J. 1993. Shell morphology of North American tortoises. American Midland Naturalist 129:319-335. |
1993 | Anderson, D. L. 1993. Memorandum for NEPA Coordinator, Joaquin Rosales, subject: REC 02993; UDS #08906. 14 July 1993. 1 page. |
U93AND08NMUS | |
1993 | Plumpton and Lutz |
Plumpton, D.L., and R.S. Lutz. 1993. Influence of vehicular traffic on time budgets of nesting burrowing owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:612-616. |
1993 | Cleary, D. 1993. Personal communication to S.O. Williams regarding SW Willow flycatchers in NM. Information summarized by S.O. Williams. |
U93CLE01NMUS | |
1993 | Hawley, John W |
Hawley, John W. 1993. Geomorphic setting and late quaternary history of pluvial-lake basins in the southern New Mexico Region. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. 28 p. |
1993 | Villard et al. |
Villard, M.-A., P. R. Martin, and C. G. Drummond. 1993. Habitat fragmentation and pairing success in the ovenbird (SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS). Auk 110:759-768. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 6 p. |
1993 | Sandell, C.I. 1993. Census forms: spring and fall 1993: inland sites (Holloman Lake). Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Pacific Flyway Project. |
U93SAN03NMUS | |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field survey to Trap Spring on 31 May 1993. |
F93MEH02NMUS | |
1993 | Conrad and Robertson |
Conrad, K.F., and R.J. Robertson. 1993. Relationship of age and sex to size and color of Eastern Phoebes. Wilson Bulletin 105:597-603. |
1993 | Hengeveld |
Hengeveld, R. 1993. What to do about the North American invasion by the collared dove? J. Field Ornithol. 64:477-489. |
1993 | Burns, B. |
Burns, B. (1993) Collected 1993 Mexican Spotted Owl Monitoring Form. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 33 p. |
1993 | McGuire et al. |
McGuire, B., et al. 1993. Natal dispersal and philopatry in prairie voles (MICROTUS OCHROGASTER) in relation to population density, season, and natal social environment. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 32:293-302. |