Displaying 241 - 300 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
2017 | Granillo |
Granillo, K. 2017. Location of roadkill coati collected at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. |
2017 | Petersen, N. |
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, and J. Smith. 2017. Nesting Success of Wetland Birds at Lake Holloman Wetlands Complex Area, 2016, Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 17-GTR-396. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque |
2017 | Shook, R. |
Shook, R. 2017. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax trailii extimus) Survey Results: Annual FWS permit report. FWS Permit #TE000948. Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM. |
2016 | Nelson, E. |
Nelson, E. Parsons, Z. (2016) 1992 Northern Goshawk Monitoring Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 9 p. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Lee's Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei): post-fire monitoring report, 2015. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. 9 p. |
2016 | Holloway |
Holloway, L. 2016. Survey data for a Helianthus paradoxus population. Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office. |
2016 | Bachus |
Bachus, J. 2016. Rio Grande silvery minnow monitoring results. Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
2016 | Dudley |
Dudley, R.K. 2016. Annual federal permit data report for 2016. American Southwest Ichthyological Researchers. |
2016 | Perkins-Taylor |
Perkins-Taylor, I. 2016. Occupancy Modeling and Species Distribution Modeling to Monitor the Oscura Mountains Chipmunk: Thesis Proposal Draft. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University. 41 p. |
2016 | Moore |
D. Moore, Bureau of Reclamation. 2016. Survey forms, spreadsheets, and shapefiles of Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and Yellow-billled Cuckoo detections for 2016. U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. |
2016 | Envirological Services |
Envirological Services. 2016. Population size estimation of breeding Red-faced and Grace's Warblers in pine woodlands of New Mexico: 2015 report. Final report prepared for the Share with Wildlife Program, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, |
2016 | Lanier |
Lanier, W. 2016. Mexican Spotted Owl surveys on U.S. Forest Service land in New Mexico. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. |
2016 | Hartsough |
Hartsough, M. 2016. Annual permit report for endangered species monitoring at White Sands Missile Range. Eco, Inc. |
2016 | Alexander |
Alexander, P.J. 2016. Site specific recreational plant observations. Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces Field Office. |
2016 | Johnson |
Johnson, K. 2016. Pinyon Jay nesting colony near Navajo Lake. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico. |
2016 | Petersen et al. |
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, and J. Smith. 2016. New Mexico Gunnison's prairie dog survey. Natural Heritage New Mexico, Biology Department, University of New Mexico. |
2016 | Foote, J. |
Foote, J. Weaver, E. Woodward, N. 2016 LNF Hibernating Bat Count0 Hidden Cave Report. USFS |
2016 | Cobos |
Cobos, C. and McCaffery, M. 2016. Chiricahua Leopard Frog on Ladder Ranch Surveys. Turner Endangered Species Fund. FWS. |
2016 | Sanchez |
Sanchez, J. 2016. Monitoring activity for listed species at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |
2016 | Mathis |
Mathis, M. 2016. Lesser Prairie-Chicken surveys on CCA/CCAA lands. Center of Excellence for Hazard Materials Management. |
2016 | Delay |
Delay, L. 2016. Observations of Ochlodes yuma anasazi at Wild Rivers Recreation Area. Natural Resource Institute. |
2016 | Muldavin, E. |
Muldavin, E. 2016. Wildlife Doorways, Supporting Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Across Borders in the Upper Rio Grande Watershed, Natural Heritage New Mexico Publication No. 16-GTR-394. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM |
2016 | Keller |
Keller, D. 2016. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher permit report, TE-230274. Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
2016 | NMDGF |
Pierce, L. 2016. Federal recovery and monitoring permit: annual report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-815409. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2016 | Thompson |
Thompson, B. 2016. Yellow-billed Cuckoo survey at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Environmental Stewardship Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
2016 | Turner |
Turner, T. 2016. Turner lab FWS permit data. University of New Mexico Museum of Southwestern Biology. |
2016 | Alexander and Penn |
Alexander, P.J. and J.G. Penn. 2016. Specimens of Spermolepis organensis collected on revisit to type locality. Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District Office. |
2016 | Mader |
Mader, B. 2016. Golden Eagle territories found in 2015. Navajo Technical University. |
2016 | Roth, Daniela. 2016. Status survey for Gypsum Townsend's Aster (Townsendia gypsophila), Sivinski's Scorpionweed (Phacelia sivinskii), Todilto Stickleaf (Mentzelia todiltoensis), and Tufted Snad Verbena (Abronia bigelovii) on Zia Pueblo Lands in Sandoval C |
U16ROT01NMUS | |
2016 | Balistreri |
Balistreri, M. 2016. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Survey. FWS. |
2016 | Nelson, E. |
Nelson, E. Rael, A. (2016) 1993 National Forests Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 9 p. |
2016 | Griffin |
Griffin, D.J. 2016. Results of Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and Yellow-Billed Cuckoo surveys in New Mexico. Griffin Biological Services. |
2016 | Valdez |
Valdez, S. 2016. Recovery permit report for the Santa Fe National Forest. U.S. Forest Service. |
2016 | NMDGF |
Beauprez, G. 2016. Roadside and lek surveys to detect Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Eastern New Mexico. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2016 | Hope, A.G. |
Hope, A. G., Malaney, J. L., Bell, K. C., Salazar-Miralles, F., Chavez, A. S., Barber, B. R., & Cook, J. A. (2016). Revision of widespread red squirrels (genus: Tamiasciurus) highlights the complexity of speciation within North American forests. Molecular |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Pediocactus knowltonii (Knowlton's Cactus): 2015 summary report, Section 6, segment 29. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. 32 p. |
2016 | BLM |
Hernandez, R. 2016. Lesser Prairie-Chicken surveys on the Carlsbad district. Bureau of Land Managment, Carlsbad Field Office. |
2016 | SEINet. 2016. Downloaded New Mexico data for tracked plants for NM Plant Conservation Strategy. |
U16SEI01NMUS | |
2016 | Hartsough, M.J. |
Hartsough, M.J. 2016. Surveys to detect Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. White Sands Missile Range. |
2016 | Frey |
Frey, J. 2016. New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse Surveys. FWS. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis). Recovery Summary Report (Section 6, Segment 30). 1996 – 2015. Unpublished report prepared by EMNRD-Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 2, Albuqu |
2016 | Duran |
Duran, J. 2016. Surveys for Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Carson National Forest, Camino Real Ranger District. |
2016 | Meyer |
Meyer, R. 2016. Aplomado Falcon survey on Fort Bliss Training Complex. La Tierra Environmental Consulting. 92 p. |
2016 | Geluso |
Geluso, K. 2016. Collection of roadkilled Thamnophis eques. University of Nebraska at Kearney. |
2016 | Johnson, K. |
Johnson, K., M. Horner, E. Muldavin, P. Neville, T. Neville, and J. Smith. 2016. Dunes sagebrush lizard habitat map and models, New Mexico. Natural Heritage New Mexico. Publ. No. 15-GTR-387. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Lee’s Pincushion Cactus (Escobaria sneedii var. leei). Post-fire Monitoring Report. Unpublished report prepared by EMNRD-Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 2, Albuquerque, NM. |
2016 | Stuart |
Stuart, J. 2016. Email about a 1996 record for American marten. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. |
2016 | Meyer |
Meyer, R. 2016. Aplomado Falco survey and monitoring in Southern New Mexico. La Tierra Environmental Consulting. 74 p. |
2016 | Foote, J. |
Foote, J. DeLay, L. Weaver, E. Woodward, N. 2016 LNF Hibernating Bat Count- Cottonwood Cave Report. USFS |
2016 | Johnson |
Johnson, K. 2016. Northern Aplomado Falcon surveys at Holloman Air Force Base. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico. |
2016 | Muldavin, E. |
Muldavin, E, R. Sivinski, M. East, Y. Chauvin, and M. Horner. 2016. Brack’s Hardwall Cactus Distribution, Habitat, and Status Survey 2015. Natural Heritage New Mexico Report 393. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 61 |
2016 | Frye |
Frye, K. 2016. Brack's cactus survey on BLM Farmington managed land. Ecosphere Environmental Service. |
2016 | East et al. |
East, M., E. Muldavin, and R. McCollough. 2016. Priority conservation ranking of federally listed, endangered and other plant species of concern. Natural Heritage New Mexico, Biology Department and Museum of Southwestern Biology. 4 p. |
2016 | Sadoti, G. |
Sadoti, Giancarlo & Johnson, Kristine & Albright, Thomas. (2016). Modelling environmental and survey influences on lek attendance using long-term lek survey data. Ibis. 158. 821-833. 10.1111/ibi.12391. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Ipomopsis sancti-spiritus (Holy Ghost Ipomopsis): Recover Summary Report, Section 6, Segment 29. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resource Department, Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. 26 p. |
2016 | Hathcock |
Hathcock, C. 2016. Observation of a smooth green snake in Los Alamos County. Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
2016 | Stoner |
Stoner, K. 2016. Leptonycteris permit annual report for work in Hidalgo County. New Mexico State University. |
2016 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2016. Monitoring report – Mancos milkvetch (Astragalus humillimus), San Juan County, NM, 1990 – 2016. Unpublished report prepared by the NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department for the USDI-Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 2. |
2016 | Hill |
Hill, M. 2016. Observation and museum specimens of Sceloporus arenicolus collected in Eddy Co, New Mexico during 2015. |
2016 | James |
James, A. 2016. Permit data for the New Mexico Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. |