Displaying 181 - 240 of 18269
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
2018 | Petersen, N. |
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, G. Sadoti, and J. Smith. 2018. Bird surveys at Rio Grande del Norte National Monument 2018 Final Report. |
2018 | Geluso, Keith |
Geluso, Keith. 2018. Permit data, one Lesser long-nosed bat one Northern Mexican gartersnake. |
2018 | Duran, J. |
Duran, J. 2018. Permit survey data for Mexican spotted owls in Carson National Forest. |
2018 | Hathcock, C. |
Hathcock, C., and Thompson, B. 2018. LANL survey data for MSO and WIFL. |
2018 | Nelson Consulting Inc. |
Nelson Consulting Inc. 2018. Brack's fishhook cactus (Sclerocactus cloveriae spp. brackii) monitoring plan and third year monitoring report. Andeavor Logistics LP (previously) Western Refining Lybrook West Pipeline Project. Prepared for BLM and EMNRD. 34 |
2017 | Johnson, K. | Johnson, K., G. Sadoti, L. Wickersham, J. Wickersham, J. Smith, N. Petersen. 2017. Habitat use by Pinyon Jay and Gray Vireo at BLM Farmington Resource Area: Territory/colony scale models. Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico |
2017 | Granillo |
Granillo, K. 2017. Location of roadkill coati collected at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. |
2017 | Klingel |
Klingel, J. 2017. Occurrence of Gunnison's prairie dog at Vega Redonda. Email to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2017 | Long |
Long, B. 2017. Sighting of a smooth green snake along the Rio Hondo, Taos Co. |
2017 | CEHMM |
Mathis, M. 2017. Surveys for Lesser Prairie-Chicken south of Hwy 380. Center for Excellence in Hazardous Materials Management, Carlsbad, NM. |
2017 | Fragua, S. |
Fragua, S. (2017) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: FY2017 Crockett Fire Kuenzlery Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
2017 | Meyer, R. |
Meyer, R. 2017. Annual permit report for the Northern Aplomado Falcon. La Tierra Environmental Consulting, FWS Permit TE842583. |
2017 | Mathis, M. |
Mathis, M. 2017. New Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lek. Center for Excellence in Hazardous Materials Management (CEHMM), Carlsbad, NM. |
2017 | Unknown |
Unknown (2017) Map of Goshawk audio and visual observations. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
2017 | Johnson, K. | Johnson, K., N. Petersen, J. Smith. 2017. Surveys for Northern Aplomado Falcon and Other Raptors at Holloman Air Force Base 2009-2016. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 17-GTR-397. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM |
2017 | Sivinski |
Sivinski, B. 2017. Email regarding extirpations of Parish's alkaligrass at three occurrences. RCS Southwest. |
2017 | Christman, B. |
Christman, B. 2017. FWS Annual Permit Report and Data for Chiricahua Leopard Frog, Narrow-headed and Mexican Gartersnakes, and New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake. FWS Permit TE-071287-1. Albuquerque, NM. |
2017 | Shook, R. |
Shook, R. 2017. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax trailii extimus) Survey Results: Annual FWS permit report. FWS Permit #TE000948. Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM. |
2017 | Kruse, C. |
Kruse, C. and Carim, K. 2017. Rio Grande sucker and chub eDNA marker development amended project completion report. NMDGF Contract # 16-516-0000-00034. |
2017 | Johnson, B. |
Johnson, B. 2017. Burrowing Owl Working Group Observation Form. |
2017 | Andersen, E. |
Andersen, E. and R. Steidl. 2017. Identifying key habitat features for managing breeding Southwestern Willow Flycatchers: Summary of 2017 effort and detections of willow flycatchers. The University of Arizona, School of Natural Resources and the Environme |
2017 | Van Luchene |
Van Luchene, G. 2017. Observation of a Burrowing Owl near Ventana Ranch. Submitted to Natural Heritage New Mexico. |
2017 | Cobos, C. |
Cobos, C. and McCaffery, M. 201Y. 2017 Annual Permit Report Chiricahua Leopard Frog on Ladder Ranch Surveys. Turner Endangered Species Fund. FWS TE43754A-1. |
2017 | Lanier, W. |
Lanier, W. 2017. Mexican Spotted Owl Data. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. |
2017 | Beauprez, G. |
Beauprez, G. 2017. NMDGF 2017 lek locations. NMDGF. |
2017 | Zahratka, J. |
Zahratka, J. 2017. NM Meadow Jumping Mouse annual FWS permit report. FWS Permit #TE-840886B.Biological Resources, LLC, Durango, CO. |
2017 | East |
East, M. 2017. Bird observations at the Delaware River, Eddy County, New Mexico in June. Natural Heritage New Mexico |
2017 | Muldavin, E. |
Muldavin, E., E. Milford, Reasner, C., and J. Leonard. 2017. Imminent Decline of Rio Grande Cottonwoods Revisited, 35 Years of Riparian Forest Change along the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico. |
2017 | Ferland, C. |
Ferland, C. 2017. Burrowing Owl Working Group Observation Form. |
2017 | Ahlers |
D. Ahlers, Bureau of Reclamation. 2017. Survey forms for Southwest Willow Flycatcher and Yellow-billed Cuckoo for 2017. |
2017 | Ferland |
Ferland, C. 2017. Observation of a Burrowing Owl at a rural residence in El Prado, New Mexico. |
2017 | BLM |
Howard, R. 2017. Lesser Prairie-Chicken survey forms. Bureau of Land Management, Roswell Field Office. |
2017 | Muldavin et al. |
Muldavin, E., Y. Chauvin, and C. Reasner. 2017. Monitoring Kuenzler's Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus fendleri var. kuenzleri): 2015 Fort Stanton Surveys. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico. 22 p. |
2017 | Johnson, K. | Johnson, K., N. Petersen, and J. Smith. 2017. Surveys for Nesting Pinyon Jays at Rio Grande del Norte National Monument 2017, Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico GTR-402. University of New Mexico Biology Department, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
2017 | Elliot, B. |
Elliott, B. 2017. BLM NMSO land exchange botany survey report: field survey form (plants). Elliott Environmental Consulting, Laramie, WY 82073. |
2017 | Mendonca, A. |
Mendonca, A. and Gila National Forest. 2017. Annual federal permit data report for 2017 for Mexican Spotted Owl, Chiricahua Leopard Frog, Narrow-headed Gartersnake, and Northern Mexican Gartersnake. USDA Forest Service, FWS permit TE841359. |
2017 | Bader, B.J. |
Bader, B.J. 2017. Annual permit data for Rio Grande Silvery Minnow for SWCA. FWS permit #TE045236. |
2017 | Nelson |
Nelson, Cox, Sivinski. (2017) 2012 Norhern Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
2017 | Keller, D. |
Keller, D. 2017. Southwestern willow flycatcher surveys for the 2017-breeding season. |
2017 | Envirological Services |
Envirological Services. 2017. Population size estimation of breeding Red-faced and Grace's Warblers in pine woodlands of New Mexico: 2016 report. Final report prepared for the Share with Wildlife Program, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, |
2017 | Giermakowski |
Giermakowski, T. 2017. Historic herpetology field notes for Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico. |
2017 | Gatlin |
Gatlin, J. 2017. Willow flycatcher surveys at Carson National Forest. U.S. Forest Service. |
2017 | Nelson, E |
Nelson, E. Parsons, Z. (2017) 2012 Northern Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
2017 | Nelson, E. |
Nelson, E. Pruitt, S. (2017) 2017 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
2017 | Freehling, M. |
Freehling, M., K. Johnson, N. Petersen, and J. Smith. 2017. Lake Holloman Wetland Complex Area Invertebrate and Bird Monitoring, 2016 Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico GTR-400. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 92 p |
2017 | Pierce, L. |
Pierce, L. 2017. Fish, herp, and invertebrate data. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Santa Fe, NM. |
2017 | Freehling, M. |
Freehling, M., K. Johnson, J. Smith, N. Petersen. 2017. Native and nonnative vegetation at Lake Holloman Wetlands: Assessment and Management. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico Biology Department, Albuquerque, NM. Natural Heritage New M |
2017 | Stuart, J. |
Stuart, J. 2017. Burrowing Owl on camera trap at Rio Rancho High School. Rio Rancho, NM. |
2017 | Kauffman, D. |
Kauffman, D. 2017. Annual permit data for Mexican Spotted Owl. FWS Permit #TE040346. |
2017 | Roth |
Roth, D. 2017. Ignacio Chavez Grant: Special Management Area Rare Plant Survey Report. New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department. 14 p. |
2017 | Petersen, N. |
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, and J. Smith. 2017. Remote-sensing Surveys for Gunnison's Prairie Dogs at Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Natural Heritage New Mexico Technical Report #17-404. Biology Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM |
2017 | Roth |
EMNRD- Forestry Division. 2017. New Mexico Rare Plant Conservation Strategy. Prepared and developed by Daniela Roth and the New Mexico Rare Plant Conservation Strategy Partnership. Santa Fe, NM. |
2017 | Rocky Mountain Ecology, LLC |
Rocky Mountain Ecology, LLC and Knox, S. 2017. Mexican Spotted Owl Survey Report for the project: Multi-jurisdictional, Fire/Restoration Planning and Natural Resource Training in the 28,045 acre White Peak Area, New Mexico. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) |
2017 | Fetz, Trevor |
Fetz, T. 2017. YBCU seasonal summary forms, survey site description forms, and associated maps. Hawks Aloft, Inc. |
2017 | BOR |
Bureau of Reclamation and Jen Bachus. 2017. Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Annual Permit Data. FWS Permit TE813088. |
2017 | Muldavin | Muldavin, E.H, E.R. Milford, N.E. Umbreit and Y.D. Chauvin. 2017. Long-term Outcomes of Natural-process Riparian Restoration on a Regulated River Site: The Rio Grande Albuquerque Overbank Project after 16 Years. Ecological Restoration 35(4):341-353 plus 1 |
2017 | Sadoti, G. |
Sadoti, Giancarlo & Albright, Thomas & Johnson, Kristine. (2017). Applying dynamic species distribution modelling to lek-mating species. Journal of Biogeography. 44. 75-87. 10.1111/jbi.12886. |
2017 | Roth, D. |
Roth, D. 2017. Shapefile for Castilleja tomentosa. EMNRD-Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. |
2017 | Williams |
Williams, S.O. 2017. Checklist of New Mexico Bird Species. New Mexico Bird Records Committee. 16 p. |
2017 | Stone, J. |
Stone, J. 2017. Annual permit data for Mexican Spotted Owl in the Cibola National Forest. FWS permit #TE24805C. |