Displaying 14641 - 14700 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1972 | Farentinos |
Farentinos, R. C. 1972. Observations on the ecology of the tassel-eared squirrel. Journal of Wildlife Management 36:1234-39. |
1972 | Sjolander and Agren |
Sjolander, S., and G. Agren. 1972. Reproductive behavior of the common loon. Wilson Bulletin. 84:296-308. |
1972 | Schneberger |
Schneberger, E. 1972d. Smallmouth bass-life history, ecology, and management. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Publication No. 242-72. 16 pp. |
1972 | Gill and Murray |
Gill, F. B., and B. G. Murray, Jr. 1972. Song variation in blue-winged and golden-winged warblers. Auk 89:625-643. |
1972 | Turner and Powell |
Turner, B.L., and A.M. Powell. 1972. A new gypsophilic Sophora (Leguminosae) from northcentral Mexico and adjacent Texas. Phytologia 22(5): 419-423. |
1972 | Hawksworth and Wiens |
Hawksworth, F.G., and D. Wiens. 1972. Biology and classification of dwarf mistletoes (Arceuthobium). U.S. Forest Service, Washington, DC. 234 pp. |
1972 | Parker, K.F |
Parker, K.F. 1972. An illustrated guide to Arizona weeds. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. |
1972 | Tuck |
Tuck, L. M. 1972. The snipes. Canadian Wildlife Service. 429 pp. |
1972 | Roe |
Roe, F. 1972. The North American buffalo. Toronto. 991 pp. |
1972 | Hubbs, C. and A.A. Echelle. 1972. Endangered non-game fishes of the upper Rio Grande basin. In: Sumposium on Rare and Endangered Wildlife of SW NM, NM Dept Game and Fish, Santa Fe. |
A72HUB01NMUS | |
1972 | Turner and Dumas |
Turner, F.B. and Dumas, P.C. 1972. Rana pretiosa. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 119:1-4. |
1972 | Grubb |
Grubb, J. C. 1972. Differential predation by Gambusia affinis on the eggs of seven species of anuran amphibians. American Midland Naturalist 88:102-108. |
1972 | Wadsworth |
Wadsworth, C. E. 1972. Observations of the Colorado chipmunk in southeastern Utah. Southwestern Naturalist 16:451-454. |
1972 | Hobson |
Hobson, W. 1972. The breeding biology of the knot. Western Foundation [of Vertebrate Zoology]? |
1972 | Stebbins |
Stebbins, R. C. 1972. California Amphibians and Reptiles. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. |
1972 | Wheeler and Lewis |
Wheeler, R. H., and J. C. Lewis. 1972. Trapping techniques for sandhill crane studies in the Platte River Valley. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv. Res. Publ. 107:1-19. |
1972 | Coronado |
Coronado National Forest. 1972. Establishment Report for Goudy Canyon Research Natural Area. US Forest Service, 89 p. |
1972 | Hubbard, J.P. 1972. Hooded skunk on the Mogollon Plateau, N.M. Notes. The Southwestern Naturalist, vol 16:458. |
A72HUB02NMUS | |
1972 | Armstrong and Jones |
Armstrong, D.M. and J. Knox Jones, Jr. 1972. NOTIOSOREX CRAWFORDI. Mammalian species, 17:1-5. |
1972 | Yurtsev |
Yurtsev. 1972. Bot. Zurn., 57 (6): 645. |
1972 | Henny and Wight |
Henny, C. J. and H. M. Wight. 1972. Population ecology and environmental pollution: red-tailed and Cooper's Hawks. Pp. 229-50 in Population Ecology of Migratory Birds: A Symposium. U.S.D.A. Wildlife Res. Rep. 2 pp. |
1972 | Wiener and Smith |
Wiener, J. G., and M. H. Smith. 1972. Relative efficiencies of four small mammal traps. J. Mamm. 53:868-873. |
1972 | Klauber |
Klauber, L. M. 1972. Rattlesnakes: their habits, life histories, and influence on mankind. Second edition. Two volumes. Univ. California Press, Berkeley. |
1972 | Tomlinson |
Tomlinson, R. E. 1972. Review of literature on the endangered masked bobwhite. U. S. Fish & Wildl. Serv. Res. Publ. 108:1-28. |
1972 | Bickle, T.S. 1972. Gila trout management plan. Unpubl. report for Gila Nat'l forest and NM Dept Game and Fish. 22 p + photos + maps. |
U72BIK01NMUS | |
1972 | Hurlbert et al. |
Hurlbert, S. H., J. Zedler, and D. Fairbanks. 1972. Ecosystem alteration by mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) predation. Science 175:639-641. |
1972 | Deacon and Bradley |
Deacon, J. E. and W. G. Bradley. 1972. Ecological distribution of fishes of Moapa (Muddy) River in Clark County, Nevada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 101:408-419. |
1972 | Dilworth et al. |
Dilworth, T. G., J. A. Keith, P. A. Pearce and L. M. Reynolds. 1972. DDE and eggshell thickness in New Brunswick Woodcock. Journal of Wildlife Management 36: 1186-1193. |
1972 | Herrero |
Herrero, ed. Bears -- their biology and management. IUCN Publ. new ser., No. 23, 371 pp. |
1972 | Worthington |
Worthington, R. D. 1972. Density, growth rates and home range sizes of Phrynosoma cornutum in southern Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Herpetological Review 4:128. |
1972 | Liscinsky |
Liscinsky, S. A. 1972. The Pennsylvania woodcock management study. Research Bulletin No. 171. Pennsylvania Game Commission, Harrisburg. 95 pp. |
1972 | Bury |
Bury, R. B. 1972. Habits and home range of the Pacific pond turtle, Clemmys marmorata, in a stream community. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. California, Berkeley. |
1972 | Knowlton |
Knowlton, F.F. 1972. Preliminary interpretations of coyotepopulation mechanics with some management implications. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 36(3):369-382. |
1972 | Fenton |
Fenton, M. B. 1972. Distribution and over-wintering of Myotis leibii and Eptesicus fuscus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum,, Life Sciences Occas. Pap. (21):1-8. |
1972 | Holcomb |
Holcomb, L. C. 1972. Nest success and age-specific mortality in Traill's flycatchers. Auk (89):837-841. |
1972 | Johnson |
Johnson, D. H. 1972f. Mixed prairie III. American Birds 26:973. |
1972 | Watkins et al. |
Watkins, L. C., J. K. Jones, Jr., and H. H. Genoways. 1972. Bats of Jalisco, Mexico. Spec. Publ. Mus. Texas Tech Univ. (1):1-44. |
1972 | Stiles |
Stiles, F. G. 1972. Food supply and the annual cycle of the Anna hummingbird. Univ. California Publ. Zool. 97: 1-109. |
1972 | Bierly |
Bierly, K. F. 1972. Meadow and fen vegetation in Big Meadows, Rocky Mountain National Park. Unpublished thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 102 pp. |
1972 | Anderson |
Anderson, S. 1972. Mammals of Chihuahua: taxonomy and distribution. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 148(2):149-410. |
1972 | Harmeson |
Harmeson, J.P. 1972. Breeding ecology of the Dickcissel. M.S. thesis. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 26 pp. |
1972 | Long |
Long, C. A. 1972. Taxonomic revision of the North American badger, Taxidea taxus. Journal of Mammalogy 53:725-759. |
1972 | Hays and Risebrough |
Hays, H., and R. W. Risebrough. 1972. Pollutant concentrations in abnormal young terns from Long Island Sound. Auk 89:19-35. |
1972 | Hurst |
Hurst, G. A. 1972. Insects and bobwhite quail brood habitat management. Proceedings of the National Bobwhite Quail Symposium 1: 65-82. |
1972 | Long |
Long, C.A. 1972. Notes on habitat preference and reproduc-tion in pygmy shrews (Microsorex). Can. Field-Nat. 86(2): 155-160. |
1972 | Hayward, B.J. and D.L. Hunt. 1972. Vertebrate survey of the Wilderness Ranger District, Gila NF, NM. |
U72HAY01NMUS | |
1972 | McGee and Neeld |
McGee, L. E., and F. Neeld. 1972. The western limits of the pileated woodpecker's range in Oklahoma. Bull. Okla. Ornithol. Soc. 5:5-7. |
1972 | F.N. Ares,Herbel, C.H.,R.A. Wright |
Herbel, C.H., F.N. Ares, and R.A. Wright. 1972. Drought effects on a semidesert grassland range. Ecology. 53(6):1084-1093. |
1972 | Jester |
Jester, D. B. 1972. Life history, ecology, and management of the river carpsucker, Carpiodes caprio (Rafinesque), with reference to Elephant Butte Lake. New Mexico State University Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Report No. 243. 120 pp. |
1972 | Mueller et al. |
Mueller, H. C., M. G. Biben, and H. F. Sears. 1972. Feeding interactions between pied-billed grebes and herons. Auk 89:190. |
1972 | Garber |
Garber, D. P. 1972. Osprey study, Lassen and Plumas counties, California, 1970-71. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. Wildlife Management Branch Admin. Report 72-1. 33pp. |
1972 | McCleskey, R.N. |
McCleskey, R.N. (1972) Job Progress Report, Research Project egment, As Required By Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Act. Statewide Fisheries Investigations, Brown Trout:Rio Grande Cutthroat Relationship, Federal Aid Project F-22-R-13 Job No. I-2. Retrieve |
1972 | National Audubon Society |
National Audubon Society. 1972. Seventy-second Christmas Bird Count. Audubon Field Notes 26:137-530. |
1972 | Moore |
Moore, N. J. 1972. Ethology of the Mexican junco (JUNCO PHAEONOTUS PALLIATUS). Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Arizona, Tucson. |
1972 | Moehlman |
Moehlman, P. D. 1972. Getting to know the wild burrows of Death Valley. National Geographic 141(5):502-517. |
1972 | Kale |
Kale, H.W. 1972. A high concentration of Cryptotis parva in a forest in Florida. Jour. Mamm. 53(1):216-218. |
1972 | Johnson |
Johnson, N. K. 1972d. Breeding distribution and habitat preference of the gray vireo in Nevada. California Birds 3:73-78 |
1972 | Nelson |
Nelson, C.E. 1972c. Gastrophryne olivacea. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 122:1-4. |
1972 | Henny |
Henny, C. J. 1972. An analysis of the population dynamics of selected avian species with special reference to changes during the modern pesticide era. Bureau of Sport, Fish and Wildlife, Washington, D. C. 99 p. |
1972 | Shane |
Shane, T.G. 1972. The nest site selection behavior of the Lark Bunting, CALAMOSPIZA MELANOCORYS. M.S. thesis. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 55 pp. |