Displaying 14881 - 14940 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1970 | Earhart and Johnson |
Earhart, C. M. and N. K. Johnson. 1970. Size dimorphism and food habits of North American owls. Condor 72:251-264. |
1970 | Bock and Lynch |
Bock, C.E., and J.F. Lynch. 1970. Breeding bird populations of burned and unburned conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada. Condor 72:182-189. |
1970 | White and Roseneau |
White, C. M. and D. G. Roseneau. 1970. Observations on food, nesting, and winter populations of large North American falcons. Condor 72:113-115. |
1970 | Bury |
Bury, R. B. 1970. Clemmys marmorata. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 100.1-100.3. |
1970 | Muller |
Muller, K. A. 1970. Exhibiting and breeding elf owls (MICRATHENE WHITNEYI) at Washington Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 10:33-36. |
1970 | Emmel et al. |
Emmel, J.F., O. Shields, and D.E. Breedlove. 1970. Larval foodplants for North American butterflies. Part 2. Journal of the Research on the Lepidoptera 9:233-242. |
1970 | Fitch and Shirer |
Fitch, H.S. and H.W. Shirer. 1970. A radiotelemetric study of spatial relationships in the opossum. Am. Midl. Nat. 84:170-186. |
1970 | Broadbooks |
Broadbooks, H. E. 1970b. Populations of the yellow pine chipmunk, Eutamias amoenus. American Midland Naturalist 83:472-488. |
1970 | Fouquette |
Fouquette, M.J. 1970. Bufo alvarius. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 93:1-4. |
1970 | Ghiselin |
Ghiselin, J. 1970. Edaphic control of habitat selection by kangaroo mice (Microdipodops) in three Nevada populations. Oecologia 4:248-261. |
1970 | Foehrenbach et al. |
Foehrenbach, J., G. Mahmood, and D. Sullivan. 1970. DDT residues in eggs of marsh-inhabiting birds. New York Fish and Game Journal 17:126-7. |
1970 | Chew and Chew |
Chew, R. M., and A. E. Chew. 1970. Energy relationships of the mammals of a desert shrub (LARREA TRIDENTATA) community. Ecological Monographs 40:1-21. |
1970 | Gerell |
Gerell, R. 1970. Home ranges and movements of the mink Mustela vison Schreber in southern Sweden. Oikos 21:160-173. |
1970 | Harvey and Warner |
Harvey, K. A. and K. Warner. 1970. The landlocked salmon, Salmo salar. Its life history and management in Maine. Sport Fishery Institute, Washington and Maine Department Inland Fish and Game. 129 pp. |
1970 | Kupsky |
Kupsky, E. 1970. Habitat utilization and invertebrate exploitation in the Field Sparrow, SPIZELLA PUSILLA. M.S. thesis. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. 65 pp. |
1970 | Holden and Stahlnaker |
Holden, P. B. and C. B. Stahlnaker. 1970. Systematic studies of the cyprinid genus Gila in the upper Colorado River Basin. Copeia. 1970:409-20. |
1970 | Devillers |
Devillers, P. 1970. Identification and distribution in California of the SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS group of sapsuckers. California Birds 1:47-76. |
1970 | Lennon et al. |
Lennon, R. E., J. B. Hunn, R. A. Schnick and R. M. Burress. 1970. Reclamation of ponds, lakes and streams with fish toxicants: a review. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 100. 99 pp. |
1970 | Hjorth |
Hjorth, I. 1970. Reproductive behavior in the Tetraonidae with special reference to males. Viltrevy 7:184-596. |
1970 | Manuwal |
Manuwal, D. A. 1970. Notes on the territoriality of Hammond's flycatcher (EMPIDONAX HAMMONDII) in western Montana. Condor 72:364-365. |
1970 | Dixon |
Dixon, J. R. 1970. Coleonyx brevis. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 88.1-88.2. |
1970 | Luttich et al. |
Luttich, S., et al. 1970. Ecology of red-tailed hawk predation in Alberta. Ecology 51:190-203. |
1970 | Blankespoor |
Blankespoor, G.W. 1970. The significance of nest and nest site microclimate for the Dickcissel, Spiza americana. Ph.D. dissertation. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 184 pp. |
1970 | Jenkins |
Jenkins, R. E. 1970. Systematic studies of the catostomid fish tribe Moxostomatini. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. PhD Thesis. 779 pp. |
1970 | Niles, W.E. 1970. Taxonomic investigations in the genera Perityle and Laphamia. Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 21(1):30. |
A70NIL01NMUS | |
1970 | Findley and Traut |
Findley, J. S., and G. L. Traut. 1970. Geographic variation in Pipistrellus hesperus. Journal of Mammalogy 51:741-765. |
1970 | Metcalf and Metcalf |
Metcalf, E. and A.L. Metcalf. 1970. Observations on ornate box turtle, Terrapene ornata ornata (Agassiz). Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 73:96-117. |
1970 | Baxter and Simon |
Baxter, G. T., and J. R. Simon. 1970. Wyoming fishes. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 168 pp. |
1970 | Choate |
Choate, J. R. 1970. Systematics and zoogeography of Middle American shrews of the genus Cryptotis. Univ. Kansas Pub. Mus. Nat. Hist. 19:195-317. |
1970 | Campbell |
Campbell, H. 1970. Prairie chicken populations. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Federal Aid Project W-104-R-11. Santa Fe, NM. 20pp. |
1970 | Fitch |
Fitch, H. S. 1970. Reproductive cycles of lizards and snakes. Univ. Kansas Museum Natural History Miscellaneous Publication 52:1-247. |
1970 | Gunson |
Gunson, J. R. 1970. Dynamics of the beaver of Saskatchewan's northern forest. M.S. thesis, University of Alberta, Edmondton. 122 pp. |
1970 | Lachner et al. |
Lachner, E. A., C. R. Robins and W. R. Courtenay. 1970. Exotic fishes and other aquatic orgainisms introduced into North America. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, No. 59. 29 pp. |
1970 | New Mexico Ornithological Society |
New Mexico Ornithological Society. 1970. June 1 - November 30, 1970. Seasonal Report. NMOS Field Notes. 9(2):6. |
1970 | Fretwell |
Fretwell, S. 1970. On territorial behavior and other factors influencing habitat distribution in birds. Acta. Biotheor. 19: 45-52. |
1970 | Morse |
Morse, D. H. 1970. Ecological aspects of some mixed-species foraging flocks of birds. Ecological Monographs 40:119-168. |
1970 | Evans |
Evans, J. 1970. About nutria and their control. U.S. Fish& Wildl. Serv. Res. Publ. 86:1-65. |
1970 | Correll and Johnston |
Correll, D.S., and M.C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas. Texas Research Foundation, Renner. 1881 pp. |
1970 | Lennon and Berger |
Lennon, R. E. and B. L. Berger. 1970. A resume on field applications of antimycin a to control fish. Investigations in Fish Control, No. 40., U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. 19 pp. |
1970 | Hutchins, B. |
S70HUTSBNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located. |
1970 | Marshall and Keleher |
Marshall, K.E., and J. Keleher. 1970. Bibliography of the lake trout--Cristivomer namaycush 1929-1969. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Technical Report 176. 60 pp. |
1970 | Parker |
Parker, T. L. 1970. On the ecology of the sharp-tailed grouse in southeastern Idaho. M.S. thesis, Idaho State University, Boise, Idaho. 139 pp. |
1970 | Lewis |
Lewis, W. M., Jr. 1970. Morphological adaptations of cyprinodontoids for inhabiting oxygen deficient waters. Copeia 1970:319-326. |
1970 | Roseberry and Klimstra |
Roseberry, J.L., and W.D. Klimstra. 1970. The nesting ecology and reproductive performance of the Eastern Meadowlark. Wilson Bull. 82:243-267. |
1970 | Goodwin |
Goodwin, R. E. 1970. The ecology of Jamaican bats. J. Mamm. 51:571-579. |
1970 | Newman |
Newman, G.A. 1970. Cowbird parasitism and nesting success of Lark Sparrows in southern Oklahoma. Wilson Bulletin 82:304-309. |
1970 | Hayward |
Hayward, B. J. 1970. The natural history of the cave bat MYOTIS VELIFER. Western New Mexico Univ. Publ. Sci. Res. Comm. 1:1-74. |
1970 | Duellman |
Duellman, W. E. 1970. The hylid frogs of Middle America. Monograph, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas (1):1-753. |
1970 | Mech |
Mech, L. D. 1970. The wolf. The Natural History Press. Garden City, NY. 384pp. |
1970 | Daubenmire |
Daubenmire, R. F. 1970. Steppe vegetation of Washington. Washington State University Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin No. 62. 131 pp. |
1970 | Miller |
Miller, W. E. 1970. Pleistocene vertebrates of the Los Angeles Basin and vicinity. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., CA. 10:1-124. |
1970 | Rumsey |
Rumsey, R. L. 1970b. Woodpecker nest failures in creosoted utility poles. The Auk 87:367-9. |
1970 | Heard |
Heard, W.H. 1970. Eastern freshwater mollusks. 1. The south Atlantic and Gulf drainages. In: A.H. Clarke (ed.) Rare and endangered molluscs of North America. Malacologia 10:1-56. |
1970 | Svendsen |
Svendsen, G. E. 1970. Notes on the ecology of the harvest mouse, REITHRODONTOMYS MEGALOTIS, in southwestern Wisconsin. Trans. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 58:163-66. |
1970 | Mayr and Short |
Mayr, E., and L. L. Short. 1970. Species taxa of North American birds. Publ. Nuttall Ornithological Club 9. |
1970 | McPhail and Lindsey |
McPhail, J.D. and C.C. Lindsey. 1970. Freshwater fishes of northwestern Canada and Alaska. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin 173, Ottawa. |
1970 | Webb |
Webb, R. G. 1970. Reptiles of Oklahoma. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 370 pp. |
1970 | Giezentanner |
Giezentanner, J.B. 1970a. Avian distribution and population fluctuations on the shortgrass prairie of north central Colorado. M.S. thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 113 pp. |
1970 | Pianka |
Pianka, E.R. 1970. Comparative autecology of the lizard Cnemidophorus tigris in different parts of its geopraphic range. Ecology 51(4):703-720. |
1970 | Tansey and Roth |
Tansey, M. F., and R. P. Roth. 1970. Pigeons, a new role in air pollution. J. Air Pollution Control Assoc. 20: 307-309. |