Displaying 14461 - 14520 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1974 | Roze |
Roze, J.A. 1974. Micruroides, M. euryxanthus. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 163.1-163.4. |
1974 | Banfield |
Banfield, A. W. F. 1974. The mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada. 438 pp. |
1974 | Degenhardt and Christiansen |
Degenhardt, W. G., and J. L. Christiansen. 1974. Distribution and habitats of turtles in New Mexico. Soutwestern Naturalist 19:21-46. |
1974 | Roth |
Roth, D.A. 1974. The analysis of a population model demonstrating the importance of dispersal in a heterogeneous environment. Oecologia 15:259-275. |
1974 | Klimkiewicz and Solem |
Klimkiewicz, M. K., and J. K. Solem. 1974. First year of breeding bird atlas: Howard County Maryland. Maryland Birdlife 30(1):27-35. |
1974 | Oxley et al. |
Oxley, D. J., M. B. Fenton and G. R. Carmody. 1974. The effects of roads on populations of small mammals. Journal of Applied Ecology 11: 51-59. |
1974 | Winter |
Winter, J. 1974. The distribution of the flammulated owl in California. Western Birds 5:25-44. |
1974 | Zarn |
Zarn, M. 1974b. Habitat management series for unique or endangered species, Report No. 10, Spotted owl, STRIX OCCIDENTALIS. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Dept. of Int., Technical Note, T-N-242, Denver. |
1974 | Harrison |
Harrison, K.G. 1974. Aspects of habitat selection in grassland birds. M.A. thesis. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. 82 pp. |
1974 | Caccamise |
Caccamise, D. F. 1974. Competitive relationships of the Common and Lesser Nighthawks. Condor 76:1-20. |
1974 | Savidge and Davis |
Savidge, I. R. and D. E. Davis. 1974. Survival of some common passerines in a Pennsylvania woodlot. Bird-Banding 45:152-155. |
1974 | Davis |
Davis, W. B. 1974. The mammals of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., Bull. No. 41. 294 pp. |
1974 | Elias et al. |
Elias, D. J., J. K. Crier, and H. P. Teitjen. 1974. A technique for capturing prairie dogs. Southwest. Nat. 18:473-4. |
1974 | Shane |
Shane, T.G. 1974. Nest placement by Lark Buntings. Bird Watch 2:1-3. |
1974 | Krohn et al. |
Krohn, W. B., F. W. Martin and K. P. Burnham. 1974. Band-recovery distribution and survival estimates of Maine woodcock. IN: 5th American Woodcock Workshop Proceedings. Athens, GA. December 3-5, 1974. |
1974 | Emlen |
Emlen, J. T. 1974. An urban bird community in Tucson, AZ: Derivation, structure, regulation. Condor 76:184-197. |
1974 | Rising |
Rising, J.D. 1974. The status and faunal affinities of the summer birds of western Kansas. University of Kansas Science Bulletin 50:347-388. |
1974 | Lewis |
Lewis, J. C. 1974. Ecology of the sandhill crane in the southeastern central flyway. Ph.D. thesis, University Microfilms. 213 pp. |
1974 | Davis and Baker |
Davis, W. B., and R. J. Baker. 1974. Morphometrics, evolution, and cytotaxonomy of mainland bats of the genus MACROTUS (Chiroptera: Phyllostomatidae). Syst. Zool. 23:26-39. |
1974 | Slade and Balph |
Slade, N. A., and D. F. Balph. 1974. Population ecology of Uinta ground squirrels. Ecology 55:989-1003. |
1974 | Lowery |
Lowery, G. H., Jr. 1974. The mammals of Louisiana and its adjacent waters. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge. 565 pp. |
1973 | Kendeigh |
Kendeigh, S.C. 1973. Symposium on house sparrow and European tree sparrow. Lawrence. 127 pp. |
1973 | Edwards |
Edwards, B. F. 1973. A nesting study of a small population of Prairie Falcons in southern Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 87:322-324. |
1973 | Peden |
Peden, A. E. 1973. Variation in anal spot expression of gambussin females and its effect on male courtship. Copeia 1973:250-263. |
1973 | Pence |
Pence, D. B. 1973. Tetrameres aspinosa: New species from the snowy egret and a new host record for T. robusta (Nematoda: Tetrameridae). Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 92:522-5. |
1973 | Birney, E.C. 1973. Systematics of three species of wood rats (Genus: Neotoma) in central North America. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History. Miscellaneous publication (58) 1-173. |
A73BIR01NMUS | |
1973 | Woods |
Woods, C. A. 1973. ERETHIZON DORSATUM. American Socity of Mammalogists, Mammalian Species No. 29. 6pp. |
1973 | Miller, R. |
Miller, Robert. 1972-1973. Sight record of Allium gooddingii on Sierra Blanca Peak. |
1973 | Landye, J.J. 1973. Status of the inland aquatic and semi-aquatic molluscs of the American Southwest. Unpubl. report for U.S. Dept Interior Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Office of Rare and Endangered Spp. [now U.S. FWS] Albuq, NM. 60 pp. |
U73LAN01NMUS | |
1973 | Maher |
Maher, W.J. 1973. Matador Project: Birds I. Population dynamics. Canadian Committee for the International Biological Programme, Matador Project, Technical Report 34. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 56 pp. |
1973 | Bequaert and Miller |
Bequaert, Joseph C., and Walter B. Miller. 1973. Biblio- graph in The Mollusks of the Arid Southwest. University of Arizona Press, Tuscon, Arizona. pp. 225-257. |
1973 | Minckley |
Minckley, W. L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona. 293 pp. |
1973 | Emlen |
Emlen, J. T. 1973. Territorial aggression in wintering warblers at Bahama agave blossoms. Wilson Bulletin 85:71-74. |
1973 | Scudday, J.F |
Scudday, J.F. 1973. A new species of lizard of the Cnemidophorus tesselatus group from Texas. Journal of Herpetology. 7(4):363-371. |
1973 | Pizzimenti and Hoffmann |
Pizzimenti, J.J. and R.S. Hoffmann. 1973. Cynomys gunnisoni. Mammalian Species, 25:1-4. |
1973 | Taylor |
Taylor, W. K. 1973. Black-throated Blue Warbler and Cape May Warblers killed in central Florida. Bird Banding 44:258-266. |
1973 | Brander |
Brander, R. B. 1973. Life-history notes on the porcupine in a hardwood-hemlock forest in upper Michigan. Michigan Academician 5:425-33. |
1973 | Wright, M.E. 1973. Analysis of habitats of two woodrats in southern New Mexico. J. Mamm. 54(2):529-535. |
A73WRI01NMUS | |
1973 | Moody, T.M. |
Moody, T.M. (1973) Job Progress Report, Research Project Segment, as Required by Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Act. Statewide Fisheries Investigations, Crown Trout: Rio Grande Cutthroat Relationship, Federal Aid Project F-22-R-14 Job No. I-2. Retrieved |
1973 | Olendorff |
Olendorff, R.R. 1973. The ecology of the nesting birds of prey of northeastern Colorado. U.S. International Biological Program, Grassland Biome Technical Report 211. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 233 pp. |
1973 | Campbell et al. |
Campbell, H., D. K. Martin, P. E. Ferkovich, and B. K. Harris. 1973. Effects of hunting and some other environmental factors on the scaled quail in New Mexico. Wildlife Monographs 34. |
1973 | Rollins and Shaw |
Rollins, R.C., and E.A. Shaw. 1973. The genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America. Harvard Univ. Press. Cambridge, MA. 288 pp. |
1973 | Guillory |
Guillory, H.D. 1973. Motor vehicles and barbed wire fences as major mortality factors for the least bittern in southwestern Louisiana. Inland Bird Banding News 45:176-177. |
1973 | Snyder et al. |
Snyder, N. C. N., H. A. Snyder, J. L. Lincer, and R. T. Reynolds. 1973. Organochlorines, heavy metals, and the biology of North American accipters. Bioscience. 23:300-305. |
1973 | Reddy and Pandian |
Reddy, S. R., and T. J. Pandian. 1973. Effect of volume of water on predatory efficiency of the fish Gambusia affinis. Current Science 42:644-645. |
1973 | van Halewijn |
van Halewijn, R. 1973. Black tern, CHLIDONIAS NIGER, in the south Caribbean Sea. Ardea 61:189-191. |
1973 | Dunford and Owen |
Dunford, R. D. and R. B. Owen, Jr. 1973. Summer behavior of immature radio-equipped woodcock in central Maine. Journal of Wildlife Management 37: 462-469. |
1973 | Riffle, N. 1973. The flora of Mt Sedgwick and vicinity. Master's thesis, UNM |
U73RIF01NMUS | |
1973 | Hillman and Jackson |
Hillman, G. N., and W. W. Jackson. 1973. The Sharp-tailed Grouse in South Dakota. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Technical Bulletin 3. Pierre. |
1973 | National Audubon Society |
National Audubon Society. 1973. Seventy-third Christmas Bird Count. Audubon Field Notes 27:135-540. |
1973 | Choate and Fleharty |
Choate, J.R. and E.D. Fleharty. 1973. Habitat preference and spatial relations of shrews in a mixed grassland in Kansas. Southwestern Nat. 18(1): 110-112. |
1973 | Wood |
Wood, M. 1973a. Birds of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State University, College of Agriculture, University Park. |
1973 | Barash |
Barash, D. P. 1973c. Territory and foraging behavior of the pika (Ochotona princeps) in Montana. American Midland Naturalist 89:202-207. |
1973 | Hadow |
Hadow, H. H. 1973. Winter ecology of migrant and resident Lewis' woodpeckers in southeastern Colorado. Condor 75:210-224. |
1973 | Choate |
Choate, J.R. 1973. Identification and recent distribution of white-footed mice (Peromyscus) in New England. J. Mammal 54(1):41-49. |
1973 | Schipper |
Schipper, W. J. A. 1973. A comparison of Prey selection in sympatric harriers, CIRCUS species, in western Europe. Le Gerfaut 63:17-120. |
1973 | Whitford, W.B. and W.G. Whitford. 1973. Combat in the horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum. Herpetologica 29(2):191-192 |
A73WHI01NMUS | |
1973 | Faber and Hickey |
Faber, R. A., and J. J. Hickey. 1973. Eggshell thinning, chlorinated hydrocarbons and mercury in inland aquatic bird eggs, 1969 and 1970. Pestic. Monit. J. 7:27-36. |
1973 | Barr |
Barr, J. F. 1973. Feeding biology of the common loon (GAVIA IMMER) in oligotrophic lakes of the Canadian shield. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Ph.D. dissertation. |
1973 | Lester |
Lester, L. A. 1973. An analysis of intraspecific variation in the chisel-toothed kangaroo rat, DIPODOMYS MICROPS. M.A. thesis, California State Univ., Long Beach. 134 pp. |