Displaying 13321 - 13380 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1979 | Deacon et al. |
Deacon, J. E., G. Kobetich, J. D. Williams, S. Contreras, et. al. 1979. Fishes of North America endangered, threatened, or of special concern: 1979. Fisheries 4(2):29-44. |
1979 | Ludwig,Stein, R. |
Stein, R. and Ludwig. 1979. Vegetation and soil patterns on a chihuahuan desert bajada. American Midland Naturalist. 101(1):28-37. |
1979 | Evans and Conner |
Evans, K. E. and R. N. Conner. 1979. Snag Management. In: Management of North Central and Northeastern Forests for Nongame birds. R. M. DeGraff and K. E. Evans, editors. USFS Technical Report NC-51. |
1979 | Bond |
Bond, J. 1979. Birds of the West Indies. Fourth edition. Collins, St. James Place, London. 256 pp. |
1979 | Heard |
Heard, W.H. 1979. Identification manual of the fresh water clams of Florida. State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, Technical Series, 4(2): 1-82. |
1979 | Sell |
Sell, D. L. 1979. Spring and Summer Movements and Habitat Use by Lesser Prairie Chicken Females in Yoakum County, Texas. Masters Thesis. Texas Tech. University, Lubbock. |
1979 | Wedgwood |
Wedgwood, J.A. 1979. Status report on the burrowing owl ATHENE CUNICULARIA. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 82 pp. |
1979 | Novick |
Novick, H. J. 1979. Home range and habitat preferences of black bears (URSUS AMERICANUS) in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. M.S. Thesis, California State Poly. University, Ponoma. 58pp. |
1979 | Fletcher, R |
Fletcher, R. 1979. Comments on the Latir Mesa Alpine Tundra, Questa Ranger Disctrict, Carson National Forest. USFS |
1979 | Thomas et al. |
Thomas, J. W., R. G. Anderson, C. Maser, and E. L. Bull. 1979. Snags. Pages 60-77 in J. W. Thomas (editor). Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests: the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. U.S.D.A. Handbook 553. |
1979 | Halfpenny et al. |
Halfpenny, J.C., et al. 1979. A bibliography of mustelids. Part IV: Wolverine. Michigan State Univ., Agric. Exp. Sta., Jour. Art. No. 9214, 121 pp. |
1979 | Reinert and Golet |
Reinert, S. E., and F. C. Golet. 1979. Breeding ecology of the swamp sparrow in a southern Rhode Island peatland. Trans. Northeast. Sec. Wildl. Soc. 36:1-13. |
1979 | James |
James, R. D. 1979. The comparative foraging behavior of Yellow-throated and solitary vireos: the effect of habitat and sympatry. In J. G. Dickson, et al. (editors). The Role of Insectivorous Birds in forest Ecosystems. Academic Press, Inc. |
1979 | Simms |
Simms, D.A. 1979. Studies of an ermine population in southern Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 57:504-520. |
1979 | Howe |
Howe, R. W. 1979. Distribution and behavior of birds on small islands in northern Minnesota. J. Biogeog. 6:379-90. |
1979 | Dexter |
Dexter, R. W. 1979. Another round-trip journey of a banded bird. North American Bird Bander 4:153. |
1979 | Stone |
Stone, W. B. 1979. Poisoning of wild birds by organophosphates and carbamate pesticides. New York Fish and Game Journal 26:37-47. |
1979 | Springer and Gallaway |
Springer, M. D. and B. J. Gallaway. 1979. A final report on the distribution and ecology of the Illinois mud turtle Kinosternon flavescens spooneri - a synthesis of historical and new research information with recommendations for conservation. Report to L |
1979 | Howman |
Howman, K. C. R. 1979. Pheasants, their breeding and management. 117 pp. |
1979 | Horkel |
Horkel, J. D. 1979. Cover and space requirements of Attwater's prairie chicken (TYMPANUCHUS CUPIDO ATTWATERI) in Refugio County, Texas. Ph.D. Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station. 96 pp. |
1979 | Spellenberg, R. |
Spellenberg, R.. 1979. Report on status and recommendations for Sacramento prickly-poppy. . 10 p. |
1979 | Spellenberg, R. 1979. BLM survey of T&E plant species of Guadalupe Canyon. |
N79SPE01NMUS | |
1979 | Lawson, P. |
Lawson, P. Fridricksson, F. (1979) Peregrine Falcon Ecology in the Lincoln National Forest, Eddy County, New Mexico, 1979. Prepared for the USFS by The Chihuahuan Desert Research Instititute. Retrieved from Regional Office. 43 p. |
1979 | Hooper and Hamel |
Hooper, R. G. and P. B. Hamel. 1979. Swainson's warbler in South Carolina. Pages 178-82 in D. M. Forsythe and W. B. Ezell, Jr. (editors). Proceed. First. S. Carolina End. Sp. Symposium. S. C. Wildl. and Man. Res. Dept. |
1979 | Ruffner, G.A., R.M. Poche, M. Meierkord and J.A. Neal. 1979. Winter bat activity over a desert wash in southwestern Utah. Southwest. Nat. 24(3):447-453. |
A79RUF01NMUS | |
1979 | Jones and Smith |
Jones, J.H., and N.S. Smith. 1979. Bobcat density and prey selection in central Arizona. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 43(3):666-672. |
1979 | Soutiere |
Soutiere, E.C. 1979. Effects of timber harvesting on marten in Maine. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 43(4):850-860. |
1979 | Kelly and Cogswell |
Kelly, P. R., and H. L. Cogswell. 1979. Movements and habitat use by wintering populations of willets and marbled godwits. Pages 69-82 IN F. A. Pitelka, editor. Shorebirds in marine environments. Studies in Avian Biology No. 2. Cooper Ornithological Socie |
1979 | Tremblay and Ellison |
Tremblay, J., and L. N. Ellison. 1979. Effects of human disturbance on breeding of black-crowned night-herons. Auk 96:363-369. |
1979 | Allen |
Allen, D. L. 1979. Wolves of Minong -- their vital role in a wild community. 385 pp. |
1979 | Johnson |
Johnson, D. H. 1979. Modeling sandhill crane population dynamics. U.S. Dept. Int., FWS. Special Scientific Report- Wildlife No. 222. 10 pp. |
1979 | Montgomerie |
Montgomerie, R. D. 1979. Energetics of foraging and competition in some tropcial hummingbirds. Ph.D. dissertation, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. |
1979 | Tilghman |
Tilghman, N. G. 1979. The black tern survey, 1979. Unpubl. report, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison. 11 pp. |
1979 | Behler and King |
Behler, J. L., and F. W. King. 1979. The Audubon Society field guide to North American reptiles and amphibians. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 719 pp. |
1979 | Woltering, Lou. |
Woltering, Lou. 1979. Kuenzleri Sighting Handwritten Note. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p.1. |
1979 | Stardom |
Stardom, R. P. 1979. Status report on the American badger Taxidea taxus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), Ottawa, ON. 22 pp. |
1979 | Manthey |
Manthey, T. 1979. Status and distribution report with field notes on Erigeron rhizomatus. U.S. Forest Service. 57 p. |
1979 | Mehlhop, P. 1979. Unpub. notes from specimen examination of Nevadensis. |
U79MEH01NMUS | |
1979 | Irving, R.S. "Hedeoma todesenii^& (Labiatae), A New and Rare Species from New Mexico." Madrono. Vol.26 #4. 1Dec.7 1979. |
A79IRV01NMUS | |
1979 | Tinkham, Ernest R. 1979. Studies in Nearctic desert sand dune orthoptera, Part XVI: A new black ^&Stenopelmatus from the Mescalero Sands. September 1979. The Great Basin Naturalist 39:226-230. |
A79TIN01NMUS | |
1979 | Kilham |
Kilham, L. 1979. Courtship and the pair-bond of pileated woodpeckers. The Auk 96:587-94. |
1979 | Szaro and Balda |
Szaro, R.C., and R.P. Balda. 1979a. Bird community dynamics in a ponderosa pine forest. Studies in Avian Biology 3:1-66. |
1979 | Klopatek, J.M. et al. 1979. Land-use conflicts with natural vegetation in the United States. Environmental Conservation 6(3): 191-199. |
A79KLO01NMUS | |
1979 | Dobrott, S. 1979. Coppery-tailed trogon. New Mexico Ornithological Society field notes. Hubbard, J.P. (ed.) Vol 18, no. 2, June 1 - Nov. 30, 1979. P.33. |
A79DOB01NMUS | |
1979 | Roseberry et al. |
Roseberry, J. L., B. G. Peterjohn, and W. D. Klimstra. 1979. Dynamics of an unexploited bobwhite population in deteriorating habitat. Journal of Wildlife Management 43:306-315. |
1979 | Armstrong and Murphy |
Armstrong, B. L., and J. B. Murphy. 1979. The natural history of Mexican rattlesnakes. Univ. Kansas Museum Natural History Special Publication. No. 5. vii + 88 pp. |
1979 | Johnsgard |
Johnsgard, P. A. 1979. Birds of the Great Plains: breeding species and their distribution. Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln. 539 pp. |
1979 | Pfannmuller |
Pfannmuller, L. A. 1979. Bird communities of the regional copper-nickel study area. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. M.S. thesis. 147 pp. |
1979 | Behler, J.L. and F.W. King. 1979. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 743 pp. |
B79BEH01NMUS | |
1979 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1979. Recovery plan for woundfin, Plagopterus argentissimus. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. |
1979 | Zeigler |
Zeigler, D.L. 1979. Distribution and status of the Columbian sharp- tailed grouse in eastern Washington. Upland game bird investigation. Washington Department of Game. 26 pp. |
1979 | Marley, G. 1979. Threatened and endangered species habitat study area notes. |
U79MAR01NMUS | |
1979 | Patterson, Bruce D. |
Patterson, Bruce D. 1979. The status of the Organ Mountains population of Eutamias. Unpublished report from the Dept. of Biology, NMSU to the NM Dept. of Game and Fish. 3 May 1979. 22 pp. |
1979 | Iverson |
Iverson, J. B. 1979. A taxonomic reappraisal of the yellow mud turtle Kinosternon flavescens (Testudines: Kinostenidae). Copeia 1979:212-55. |
1979 | Turner |
Turner, J. C. 1979. Osmotic fragility of desert bighorn sheep red blood cells. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 64:167-175. |
1979 | Leigh and Holgate |
Leigh, J.H. and M.D. Holgate. 1979. Responses of understorey forests and woodlands of the southern tablelands to grazing and burning. Australian Journal of Ecology. 4: 25-45. |
1979 | Thaeler and Hinesley |
Thaeler, C. S. and L. L. Hinesley. 1979. THOMOMYS CLUSIUS, a rediscovered species of pocket gopher. Journal of Mammalogy 60:480-8. |
1979 | LaVal and LaVal |
LaVal, R.K. and M.L. LaVal. 1979. Notes on reproduction, behavior, and abundance of the red bat, LASIURUS BOREALIS. J. Mammalogy, 60(1):209-212. |
1979 | Dufay |
Dufay, C. 1979. [Phothedes dulcis, new record for the French fauna (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)]. Alexanor 11(2):82-84 (in French). |
1979 | Smith et al. |
Smith, G. R., R. R. Miller, and W. D. Sable. 1979. Species relationships among fishes of the genus Gila in the Upper Colorado River drainage. Pages 613-623 In R.M Linn, ed. Proceedings of the First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, |