Displaying 13501 - 13560 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1979 | Horkel |
Horkel, J. D. 1979. Cover and space requirements of Attwater's prairie chicken (TYMPANUCHUS CUPIDO ATTWATERI) in Refugio County, Texas. Ph.D. Thesis. Texas A&M University, College Station. 96 pp. |
1979 | Spellenberg, R. |
Spellenberg, R.. 1979. Report on status and recommendations for Sacramento prickly-poppy. . 10 p. |
1979 | Spellenberg, R. 1979. BLM survey of T&E plant species of Guadalupe Canyon. |
N79SPE01NMUS | |
1979 | Lawson, P. |
Lawson, P. Fridricksson, F. (1979) Peregrine Falcon Ecology in the Lincoln National Forest, Eddy County, New Mexico, 1979. Prepared for the USFS by The Chihuahuan Desert Research Instititute. Retrieved from Regional Office. 43 p. |
1979 | Hooper and Hamel |
Hooper, R. G. and P. B. Hamel. 1979. Swainson's warbler in South Carolina. Pages 178-82 in D. M. Forsythe and W. B. Ezell, Jr. (editors). Proceed. First. S. Carolina End. Sp. Symposium. S. C. Wildl. and Man. Res. Dept. |
1979 | Ruffner, G.A., R.M. Poche, M. Meierkord and J.A. Neal. 1979. Winter bat activity over a desert wash in southwestern Utah. Southwest. Nat. 24(3):447-453. |
A79RUF01NMUS | |
1978 | Kirsch et al. |
Kirsch, L. M., J. F. Duebert, and A. D. Kruse. 1978. Grazing and haying effects on habitats of upland nesting birds. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 43:486-497. |
1978 | Conway, M.C. and C.G. Schmitt. 1978. Record of the Arizona shrew (Sorex arizonae) from New Mexico. J. of Mamm. 59:631. |
A78CON01NMUS | |
1978 | Spanns |
Spanns, A. L. 1978. Status and numerical fluctuations of some North American waders along the Surinam coast. Wilson Bulletin 90:60-83. |
1978 | Ludwig,Wallen |
Wallen and Ludwig. 1978. Energy dynamics of vegetative and reproductive growth in spanish bayonet (Yucca baccata Torr.). Southwest. Nat.. 23(3):409-421. |
1978 | Crawford |
Crawford, R. L. 1978. Autumn bird casualties at a northwest Florida TV tower. Wilson Bulletin 90:335-345. |
1978 | Spaans |
Spaans, A. L. 1978. Status of terns along the Suriname coast. Bird-Banding 49:66-76. |
1978 | Steenhof |
Steenhof, K. 1978. Management of wintering bald eagles. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-79/79, 55 pp. |
1978 | Parish, B |
Parish, B. 1978. Department of Game and Fish Memorandum. Subject: C-15 Eelctrofishing the Red River, Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest. |
1978 | Bureau of Land Management. 1978. El Malpais recreation guide map. |
M78BUR01NMUS | |
1978 | UNM Herbarium |
Wagner, W. (3910). 1978. Specimen Record for Malaxis soulei, Acc# 67698. UNM Herbarium. |
1978 | Riley |
Riley, T. Z. 1978. Nesting and Brood Rearing Habitat of Lesser Prairie Chickens in Southeastern New Mexico. Masters Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. |
1978 | Fletcher |
Fletcher, R. 1978, January. Atriplex griffithsii supplement. USDA Forest Service - Region 3. |
1978 | Baker and Allen |
Baker, J. K., and M. S. Allen. 1978. Roof rat depredationson HIBISCADELPHUS (Malvaceae) trees. Pages 2-5 in Smith, C. W., editor. Proceedings Second Conference in Natural Sci., Hawaii Volcanoes Natl. Park. Univ. Hawaii Dept. Bot. |
1978 | Kessel and Gibson |
Kessel, B., and D. D. Gibson. 1978. Status and distribution of Alaska birds. Studies in Avian Biology 1:88. |
1978 | Ward |
Ward, J. P. 1978. Terrapene ornata. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 217.1-217.4. |
1978 | Baker and Shump |
Baker, R.H. and K.A. Shump, Jr. 1978. SIGMODON FULVIVENTER. Mammalian Species, 94:1-4. |
1978 | Kodric-Brown and Brown |
Kodric-Brown, A., and J.H. Brown. 1978. Influence of economics, interspecific competition, and sexual dimorphism on territoriality of migrant rufous hummingbirds. Ecology 59:285-296. |
1978 | Greenwalt, L |
Greenwalt, L. 1978. Rules and regulations. Federal Register. vol.43, NO. 151-Friday, August 4, 1978. |
1978 | Davis |
Davis, C. M. 1978. A nesting study of the brown creeper. Living Bird 17:237-63. |
1978 | Wilson |
Wilson, L. D. 1978b. Coluber constrictor. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 218.1-218.4. |
1978 | Yoakum |
Yoakum, J. D. 1978. Pronghorn. Pages 103-121 IN Schmidt, J. L., and D. L. Gilbert, eds. 1978. Big game of North America. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, xv + 494 pp. |
1978 | Cross |
Cross, J. N. 1978. Status and ecology of the Virgin River roundtail chub, Gila robusta seminuda (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae). Southwestern Naturalist 23:519-28. |
1978 | Stromberg |
Stromberg. M. R. 1978. Subsurface burrow connections and entrance pattern of prairie dogs. Southwest. Nat. 23:173-80. |
1978 | Stoddard |
Stoddard, H. 1978. The bobwhite quail: its habits, preservation and increase. New York. Scribner's. 559 pp. |
1978 | Spellenberg |
Spellenberg, R. 1978. Report on a search for plant species under federal consideration as "Endangered" or "Threatened" on the proposed Ojo-Taos Poweline Corridor. New Mexico State University. 57 p. |
1978 | Hunt, C.B. 1978. Surficial geology of southwest New Mesico. New Mexico Bureaus of Mines and MIneral Resources, a division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. |
M78HUN01NMUS | |
1978 | Fletcher, R. 1978. Erigeron rhizomatus. Unpublished report for USDA - Forest Service, January 1978. Includes report by Tom Manthey. 9 pp. |
U78FLE05NMUS | |
1978 | Blodgett |
Blodgett, B. 1978. The effects of off-road vehicles on least terns and other shore birds. Univ. Massachusetts - Natl. Park Service Report 26:1-79. |
1978 | Dobrott, S. 1978. Unpublished letter of phone conversation notes of New Mexico Ornithological Society. |
U78DOB01NMUS | |
1978 | Bennett and Goodyear |
Bennett, D. H., and C. P. Goodyear. 1978. Response of mosquitofish to thermal effluent. Pages 498-510 in J. H. Thorp and J. W. Gibbons (editors). Energy and Environmental Stress in Aquatic Systems. Technical Information Center, U.S. Department of Energy S |
1978 | Klatt and Hein |
Klatt, L. E. and D. Hein. 1978. Vegetative differences among active and abandoned towns of black-tailed prairie dogs (CYNOMYS LUDOVICIANUS). Journal of Range Mangement 31:315-7. |
1978 | White and Braun |
White, J. A., and C. E. Braun. 1978. Age and sex determination of juvenile Band-tailed Pigeons. Journal of Wildlife Management 42:564-569. |
1978 | Best |
Best, L.B. 1978. Field Sparrow reproductive success and nesting ecology. Auk 95:9-22. |
1978 | Lancia et al. |
Lancia, R. A., R. P. Brooks, and M. W. Fleming. 1978. Ketamine hydrochloride as an immobilant and anesthetic for beaver. Journal of Wildlife Management 42:946-948. |
1978 | Des Granges |
Des Granges, J. L. 1978. Organization of a tropical nectar feeding bird guild in a variable environment. Living Bird 17:199-236. |
1978 | Erwin |
Erwin, R. M. 1978b. Coloniality in terns: the role of social feeding. Condor 80:211-5. |
1978 | Sutcliffe |
Sutcliffe, S. A. 1978. Pesticide levels and shell thickness of common loon eggs in New Hampshire. Wilson Bulletin 90:637-40. |
1978 | Thaeler, C.S. and L. Hinesley. 1978. Distribution and ecological study of Thomomys umbrinus emotus (southern pocket gopher) in New Mexico. Unpublished manuscript, and addendum to final report to the New Mexico Dept. of Game and Fish. 10pp. |
U78THA01NMUS | |
1978 | Fletcher, R. 1977. Report on transplantation of 2 populations of Pediocactus papracanthus, May 1977. |
U78FLE07NMUS | |
1978 | Conway, M |
Conway, M. 1978. NM Dept. of Game and Fish. |
1978 | Cole, D.C. 1978. The breeding avifauna of riparian woodlands in the central Rio Grande valley, New Mexico. Unpub report for NM Dept Game and Fish, Endangered Species Program. Contract #516-65-17. 19 pp. |
U78COL01NMUS | |
1978 | Fletcher, R. 1978. Senecio quarens. Unpublished report for USDA - Forest Service. 10 pp. |
U78FLE01NMUS | |
1978 | Brittnacher et al. |
Brittnacher, J. G., S. R. Sims, and F. J. Ayala. 1978. Genetic differentiation between species of the genus SPEYERIA (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Evolution 32:199-210. |
1978 | Knapton |
Knapton, R. W. 1978. Breeding ecology of the Clay-colored Sparrow. Living Bird 17:137-158. |
1978 | Bick, G.H. |
Bick, G.H. 1978. New state records of United States Odonata. Notulae Odonatologicae. 1:17-19. |
1978 | McIntyre |
McIntyre, J. W. 1978. Wintering behavior of common loons. Auk 95:396-403. |
1978 | Erwin |
Erwin, R. M. 1978a. Population and colony site dynamics in selected Massachusetts seabirds. Proc. 1977 Conf. Colonial Waterbirds Group 1:19-25. |
1978 | Gates and Gysel |
Gates, J.E., and L.W. Gysel. 1978. Avian nest dispersion and fledgling success in field-forest ecotones. Ecology 59:871-883. |
A78GAT0100LA |
1978 | Van Devender and Mead |
Van Devender, T. R. and J. I. Mead. 1978. Early Holocene and late Pleistocene amphibians and reptiles in Sonoran Desert packrat middens. Copeia. 1978(3):464-75. |
1978 | Bekoff |
Bekoff, M., editor. 1978. Coyotes: biology, behavior and management. Academic Press, New York. 384 pp. |
1978 | Weber |
Weber, M.J. 1978. Non-game birds in relation to habitat variation on South Dakota wetlands. M.S. thesis. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. 54 pp. |
1978 | Fletcher, R. 1978. Report on Pediocactus papyracanthus, January 1978. |
U78FLE08NMUS | |
1978 | Fletcher, R. 1978. Scrophularia macrantha supplement. Unpublished supplemental report for USDA - Forest Service, January 1978. |
U78FLE02NMUS | |
1978 | Anderson and Brazo |
Anderson, R.C.and D.C. Brazo. 1978. Abundance, feeding habits and degree of segregation of the Spottail Shiner (Notropis hudsonius) and Longnose Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in a Lake Michigan surge zone near Ludington, Michigan. Michigan Academician 10( |