Displaying 13441 - 13500 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1979 | Hundertmark, C.A. |
Hundertmark, C.A.. 1979. Census of breeding, colonial waterbirds: Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs, New Mexico. Prep. for NM Dept of Game and Fish. 12 p. |
1979 | Thorne et al. |
Thorne, T., et al. 1979. The status, mortality, and response to management of the bighorn sheep of Whiskey Mountain (Wyoming). 213 pp. |
1979 | Unknown |
Unknown (1979) Unpublished trout monitoring form, multiple locations. Retrieved from Regional Office. USFS. 76 p. |
1979 | Davis et al. |
Davis, C. A., T. Z. Riley, R. A. Smith, H. R. Suminski and M. J. Wisdom. 1979. Habitat Evaluation of Lesser Prairie Chickens in Eastern Chaves County, New Mexico. New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station, Las Cruces. |
1979 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1979. Arizona trout recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM |
1979 | Chesser |
Chesser, R. 1979. Genetic variablility of Cynomys ludovicianus in New Mexico. Final report to New Mexico Game and Fish Department, Santa Fe, NM. |
1979 | Faanes |
Faanes, C. A. 1979. Status of the black tern in western Wisconsin. Passenger Pigeon 41:124-128. |
1979 | Paul et al. |
Paul, R. T., H. W. Kale, Jr., and D. A. Nelson. 1979. Reddish egrets nesting on Florida's east coast. Florida Field Naturalist 7:24-25. |
1979 | Martin |
Martin, M. 1979. Status report on Peregrine Falcon (FALCO PEREGRINUS) in Canada. Report submitted to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch, Victoria, BC. 48pp. |
1979 | Higgins et al. |
Higgins, K. F., L. M. Kirsch, M. R. Ryan, and R. B. Renken. 1979. Some ecological aspects of Marbled Godwits and Willets in North Dakota. Prairie Naturalist 11:115-118. |
1979 | Shakuntala and Reddy |
Shakuntala, K., and R. Reddy. 1979. Influence of temperature-salinity combinations on the food intake, growth and converstion efficiency of Gambusia affinis (Pisces). Polish Archives of Hydrobiology 26:173-81. |
1979 | Hinesley, L.L. 1979. Systematics and distribution of two chromosome forms in the southern grasshopper mouse, genus Onychomys. J. Mamm. 60(1):117-128. |
A79HIN01NMUS | |
1979 | Cruickshank |
Cruickshank, A. D. 1979. American Redstart. Pages 139-41 in L. Griscom and A. Sprunt Jr. (editors). The Warblers of North America. Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, New York. |
1979 | Zach and Falls |
Zach, R. and J. B. Falls 1979. Foraging and territoriality of male Ovenbirds(Aves: Parulidae) in a heterogeneous environment. Journal of Animal Ecology 48:33-52. |
1979 | Sherry |
Sherry, T. W. 1979. Competitive interactions and adaptive strategies of American redstarts and least flycatchers in northern hardwoods forest. The Auk 96:265-83. |
1979 | Welsh |
Welsh, S.L. 1979. Illustrated manual of proposed endangered and threatened plants of Utah. Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT. 318 pp. |
1979 | United States Bureau of Land Management |
United States Bureau of Land Management. 1979. Snake River birds of prey special research report to the Secretary of Interior. U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Boise, Idaho. |
1979 | Jenks, R. 1979. Letter of 7/16/79 to Heritage Program. |
U79JEN01NMUS | |
1979 | Willner et al. |
Willner, G. R., J. A. Chapman, and D. Pursley. 1979. Reproduction, physiological responses, food habits, and abundance of nutria on Maryland marshes. Wildl. Monogr. No. 65:1-43. |
1979 | Unknown |
Unknown (1979) East Fork of Gila River, Unpublished Stream Data. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1979 | Horng and Leu |
Horng, L. C. and L. S. Leu. 1979. Control of five upland perennial weeds with herbicides. Pp. 165-167 in Proc. 7th Asian-Pacific Weed Sci. Soc. Conference. |
1979 | Bednarz, J.C. |
Bednarz, J.C. (1979) A Peregrine Falcon Nesting Survey and Habitat Evaluation in the Carson National Forest, New Mexico, Appendix A, Birds Observed During Study Period (Spring and Summer), Appendix B, Raptior Nests Located During this Survey, and Appendix |
1979 | Lambert and Ratcliff |
Lambert, A., and B. Ratcliff. 1979. A survey of piping plovers in Michigan, 1979. Report submitted to Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing, Michigan. |
1979 | Gass |
Gass, C.L. 1979. Territory, tenure, and migration in rufous hummingbirds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 57:914-923. |
1979 | Pelton et al. |
Pelton, M. R., F. W. Kinard Jr., E. Pivorum, A. E. Sanders, and M. Smith. 1979. Status report: the mammals. Pages 88-92 in D. M. Forsythe, and W. B. Ezell Jr. (eds.). Proceedings of the first Sourth Carolina endangered species symposium, SC Heritage Trust |
1979 | Overturf |
Overturf, J.H. 1979. The effects of forest fire on breeding bird populations of ponderosa pine forests of northern Arizona. M.S. thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. |
1979 | Horton and Causey |
Horton, G. I. and M. C. Causey. 1979. Woodcock movements and habitat utilization in central Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 43:414-420. |
1979 | Shelley |
Shelley, R. M. 1979. A synopsis of the milliped genus Cambala, with a description of C. minor Bollman (Spirostreptida: Cambalidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 92:551-571. |
1979 | Horne and McIntosh |
Horne, F.R. and S. McIntosh. 1979. Factors influencing distribution of mussels in the Blanco River of central Texas. The Nautilus 94(4):119-133. |
1979 | Deacon et al. |
Deacon, J. E., G. Kobetich, J. D. Williams, S. Contreras, et. al. 1979. Fishes of North America endangered, threatened, or of special concern: 1979. Fisheries 4(2):29-44. |
1979 | Ludwig,Stein, R. |
Stein, R. and Ludwig. 1979. Vegetation and soil patterns on a chihuahuan desert bajada. American Midland Naturalist. 101(1):28-37. |
1979 | Desgranges and Laporte |
Desgranges, J.L., and P. Laporte. 1979. Preliminary consideration of the status of loons (Gaviidae) in Quebec. Report to Joint Committee of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ontario, Canada. |
1979 | Marley |
Marley, G. Status report and population field notes of Pediocactus papyracanthus (syn. Sclerocactus papyracanthus). Bureau of Land Management. 93 p. |
1979 | Unknown |
Unknown (1979) Habitat Study of Roundtail Chub (Gila robusta grahami), Loach Minnow (Tiaroga cobitis). Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 8 p. |
1979 | Knapton |
Knapton, R.W. 1979. Birds of the Gainsborough-Lyleton region. Saskatchewan Natural History Society Special Publication 10. 72 pp. |
1979 | Burgess, T. 1979. Unpublished letter to S. Talbot of the US Fish and Wildlife Service on 14 Feb 1979. |
U79BUR01NMUS | |
1979 | Hahn |
Hahn, D. E. 1979. Leptotyphlops humilis. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 232.1-232.4. |
1979 | Platz and Mecham |
Platz, J. E. and J. S. Mecham. 1979. Rana chiricahuensis, a new species of leopard frog (Rana pipiens complex) from Arizona. Copeia 1979:383-90. |
1979 | Szaro and Balda |
Szaro, R.C., and R.P. Balda. 1979b. Effects of harvesting ponderosa pine on nongame bird populations. USDA Forest Service, Research Paper RM-212, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. |
1979 | James |
James, R. D. 1979. The comparative foraging behavior of Yellow-throated and solitary vireos: the effect of habitat and sympatry. In J. G. Dickson, et al. (editors). The Role of Insectivorous Birds in forest Ecosystems. Academic Press, Inc. |
1979 | Simms |
Simms, D.A. 1979. Studies of an ermine population in southern Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 57:504-520. |
1979 | Howe |
Howe, R. W. 1979. Distribution and behavior of birds on small islands in northern Minnesota. J. Biogeog. 6:379-90. |
1979 | Dexter |
Dexter, R. W. 1979. Another round-trip journey of a banded bird. North American Bird Bander 4:153. |
1979 | Stone |
Stone, W. B. 1979. Poisoning of wild birds by organophosphates and carbamate pesticides. New York Fish and Game Journal 26:37-47. |
1979 | Evans and Conner |
Evans, K. E. and R. N. Conner. 1979. Snag Management. In: Management of North Central and Northeastern Forests for Nongame birds. R. M. DeGraff and K. E. Evans, editors. USFS Technical Report NC-51. |
1979 | Bond |
Bond, J. 1979. Birds of the West Indies. Fourth edition. Collins, St. James Place, London. 256 pp. |
1979 | Heard |
Heard, W.H. 1979. Identification manual of the fresh water clams of Florida. State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, Technical Series, 4(2): 1-82. |
1979 | Sell |
Sell, D. L. 1979. Spring and Summer Movements and Habitat Use by Lesser Prairie Chicken Females in Yoakum County, Texas. Masters Thesis. Texas Tech. University, Lubbock. |
1979 | Wedgwood |
Wedgwood, J.A. 1979. Status report on the burrowing owl ATHENE CUNICULARIA. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 82 pp. |
1979 | Novick |
Novick, H. J. 1979. Home range and habitat preferences of black bears (URSUS AMERICANUS) in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California. M.S. Thesis, California State Poly. University, Ponoma. 58pp. |
1979 | Fletcher, R |
Fletcher, R. 1979. Comments on the Latir Mesa Alpine Tundra, Questa Ranger Disctrict, Carson National Forest. USFS |
1979 | Thomas et al. |
Thomas, J. W., R. G. Anderson, C. Maser, and E. L. Bull. 1979. Snags. Pages 60-77 in J. W. Thomas (editor). Wildlife Habitats in Managed Forests: the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. U.S.D.A. Handbook 553. |
1979 | Halfpenny et al. |
Halfpenny, J.C., et al. 1979. A bibliography of mustelids. Part IV: Wolverine. Michigan State Univ., Agric. Exp. Sta., Jour. Art. No. 9214, 121 pp. |
1979 | Reinert and Golet |
Reinert, S. E., and F. C. Golet. 1979. Breeding ecology of the swamp sparrow in a southern Rhode Island peatland. Trans. Northeast. Sec. Wildl. Soc. 36:1-13. |
1979 | Jones and Smith |
Jones, J.H., and N.S. Smith. 1979. Bobcat density and prey selection in central Arizona. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 43(3):666-672. |
1979 | Soutiere |
Soutiere, E.C. 1979. Effects of timber harvesting on marten in Maine. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 43(4):850-860. |
1979 | Kelly and Cogswell |
Kelly, P. R., and H. L. Cogswell. 1979. Movements and habitat use by wintering populations of willets and marbled godwits. Pages 69-82 IN F. A. Pitelka, editor. Shorebirds in marine environments. Studies in Avian Biology No. 2. Cooper Ornithological Socie |
1979 | Tremblay and Ellison |
Tremblay, J., and L. N. Ellison. 1979. Effects of human disturbance on breeding of black-crowned night-herons. Auk 96:363-369. |
1979 | Springer and Gallaway |
Springer, M. D. and B. J. Gallaway. 1979. A final report on the distribution and ecology of the Illinois mud turtle Kinosternon flavescens spooneri - a synthesis of historical and new research information with recommendations for conservation. Report to L |
1979 | Howman |
Howman, K. C. R. 1979. Pheasants, their breeding and management. 117 pp. |