Displaying 13081 - 13140 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1980 | Martin and Hutchins |
Martin, W.C., and C.R. Hutchins. 1980-1981. A flora of New Mexico. 1980, Vol. 1; 1981, Vol. 2. J. Cramer, in der A.R. Gantner Verlag, K.G., Vaduz, Liechtenstein. 2591 pp. |
1980 | Peterson |
Peterson, R.T. 1980b. A field guide to the birds of eastern and central North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. |
B80PET0200LA |
1980 | Crawford |
Crawford, J. A. 1980. Status, problems, and research needs of the Lesser Prairie Chicken. Pages 1-7 in P. A. Vohs, Jr. and F. L. Knopf, editors. Proceedings of the Prairie Grouse Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. |
1980 | Erwin |
Erwin, R. M. 1980. Breeding habitat used by colonially nesting waterbirds in two mid-Atlantic US regions under different regimes of human disturbance. Biol. Conserv. 18: 39-51. |
1980 | Russell |
Russell, S.M. 1980. Distribution and abundance of North American migrants in lowlands of northern Columbia. Pp. 249-252 IN A. Keast and E. S. Morton (editors), Migrant birds of the neotropics: ecology, distribution, and conservation. Smithsonian Instituti |
1980 | Tramer and Durbin |
Tramer, E. J. and E. J. Durbin. 1980. Breeding birds of Ohio's Lake Erie marshes. unpublished report for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Natural Areas and Preserves. |
1980 | Chipley |
Chipley, R. M. 1980. Nonbreeding ecology of the blackburnian warbler. Pages 309-317 in B80KEA02NA. |
1980 | Anderson, L. C |
Anderson, L. C. 1980. Morphology and biogeography of Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. texensis (asteraceae): a new Guadalupe Mountains endemic. Southwest. Nat.. 25(2):197-205. |
1980 | DeForge |
DeForge, J. R. 1980. Population biology of desert bighorn sheep in the San Gabriel Mountains of California. Desert Bighorn Council Transactions 24:29-32. |
1980 | Marks et al. |
Marks, J. S., J. H. Doremus and A. R. Bammann. 1980. Black-throated sparrows breeding in Idaho. Murrelet 61:112-113. |
1980 | Southwick and Southwick |
Southwick, E. E. and A. K. Southwick. 1980. Energetics of feeding on tree sap by Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 104:328-334. |
1980 | Applegarth, J.S. 1980. The ridge-nosed rattlesnake in New Mexico: a review of existing information and a search for suitable habitat on public lands. Unpubl. manuscript for US Bureau of Land Mngt., Las Cruces, 140 pp. |
U80APP01NMUS | |
1980 | No author. 1980. Plants and animals of the White Sands: a discussion of dunes ecology, with revised checklists. 25 pp. |
U80XXX01NMUS | |
1980 | Cannon and Knopf |
Cannon, R. W., and F. L. Knopf. 1980. Distribution and Status of the Lesser Prairie Chicken in Oklahoma. Pages 71-74 in P. A. Vohs, Jr. and F. L. Knopf, editors. Proceedings of the Prairie Grouse Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. |
1980 | Fuller, T. K.,L. B. Keith |
Fuller, T. K. and L. B. Keith. 1980. Wolf population dynamics and prey relationships in Northeastern Alberta. Journal of Wildlife management. 44(3):583-601. |
1980 | Hohman et al. |
Hohman, J. P., et. al. 1980. An annotated bibliography of the desert tortoise (GOPHERUS AGASSIZII). Spec. Publ. I. Desert Tortoise Council, Long Beach, CA |
1980 | Verner and Boss |
Verner, J. and A. Boss, technical coordinators. 1980. California wildlife and their habitats: western Sierra Nevada. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, GTR PSW-37. |
1980 | Graves, W.C |
Graves, W.C. 1980. Annual oak mast yields from virtual estimates. Proceedings of the symposium on the ecology management and utilization of California oaks. Gen tech. Rep. PSW-44 Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. USDA Forest Service. Berkeley |
1980 | Potter |
Potter, E. F. 1980. Notes on nesting Yellow-billed Cuckoos. Journal of Field Ornithology 51:17-29. |
1980 | Johnsgard |
Johnsgard, P.A. 1980. A preliminary list of the birds of Nebraska and adjacent plains states. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE. 156 pp. |
1980 | Monson and Sumner |
Monson, G. and L. Sumner (eds.). 1980. The desert bighorn -- its life history, ecology, and management. 370 pp. |
1980 | Doerr and Guthery |
Doerr, T. B. and F. S. Guthery. 1980. Effects of Shinnery Oak Control on Lesser Prairie Chicken Habitat. Pages 59-63 in P. A. Vohs, Jr., and F. L. Knopf, editors. Proceedings of the Prairie Grouse Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. |
1980 | Ferris and Holland |
Ferris, C. D. and R. W. Holland. 1980. Two new subspecies of Occidryas anicia (Doubleday) from New Mexico. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum. 57:1-9. |
1980 | Ryder |
Ryder, R.A. 1980. Effects of grazing on bird habitats. Pages 51-66 in R.M. DeGraff and N.G. Tilghman, editors. Workshop proceedings: management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report INT-86. |
1980 | Unknown |
Unknown, 1980. Guadalupe Mountains, Black canyon, list of plants noted. |
1980 | Blankespoor |
Blankespoor, G.W. 1980. Prairie restoration: effects on nongame birds. Journal of Wildlife Management 44:667-672. |
1980 | Diong |
Diong, C. H. 1980. Responses of feral pigs to trap types and food baits. Pages 91-99 in Smith, C. W., ed. Proc. of Third Conf. in Nat. Sci., Hawaii Volc. Nat. Park. Univ. Hawaii Dept. Botany CPSU/UH, Honolulu. 396 pp. |
1980 | Mecham |
Mecham, J. S. 1980. Eumeces multivirgatus. Cat. Am. Amph.Rep. 241.1-241.2. |
1980 | Stendell et al. |
Stendell, R. C., J. W. Artmann, and E. Martin. 1980. Lead residues in sora rails from Maryland. Journal of Wildlife Mangement 44(2):525-527. |
1980 | Bednarz, J.C. |
Bednarz, J.C. (1980) Unpublished Field notes for 27 May-1 August. Carson National Forest. Retrieved from Regional Office. 18 p. |
1980 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1980. Listing the Oregon Silverspot Butterfly as a Threatened Species with Critical Habitat (Final Rule). Federal Register 45(129):44935-9. |
1980 | Gray and Simpson |
Gray, G.G. and C.D. Simpson. 1980. AMMOTRAGUS LERVIA. Mammalian Species, 144:1-7. |
1980 | Johnsgard |
Johnsgard, P. A. 1980. A revised list of the birds of Nebraska and adjacent plains states. Occ. Papers of the NE Ornithologist's Union, No. 6. |
1980 | Green and Flinders |
Green, J. S. and J. T. Flinders. 1980a. BRACHYLAGUS IDAHOENSIS. Mammalian Species 125:1-4. |
1980 | Reynolds and Trost |
Reynolds, T.D., and C.H. Trost. 1980. The response of native vertebrate populations to crested wheatgrass planting and grazing by sheep. Journal of Range Management 33:122-125. |
1980 | Lloyd |
Lloyd, H.G. 1980. The Red Fox. B.T. Batsford Ltd. London. 320 pp. |
1980 | Morrow |
Morrow, J.E. 1980. The freshwater fishes of Alaska. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, Anchorage, AK. 248 pp. |
1980 | Nol |
Nol, E. 1980. Factors affecting the nesting successof the killdeer (Charadrius melodus) on Long Point, Ontario. University of Guelph, Ontario. M.S. thesis. 155 pp. |
1980 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1980. Selected vertebrate endangered species of the seacoast of the United States- San Clemente sage sparrow. FWS/OBS-80/01.55, Slidell. |
1980 | Sabo |
Sabo, S. R. 1980. Niche and habitat relations in subalpine bird communites of the White Mountians of New Hampshire, U.S.A. Ecological Monographs 50:241-60. |
1980 | Bradley |
Bradley, R. A. 1980. Vocal and territorial behavior in the White-eyed Vireo. Wilson Bulletin 92:302-311. |
1980 | Ducey and Miller |
Ducey, J., and L. Miller. 1980. Birds of an agricultural community. Nebraska Bird Review 48:58-68. |
1980 | Mendenhall and Pank |
Mendenhall, V. M., and L. F. Pank. 1980. Secondary poisoning of owls by aniicoagulant rodenticides. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 8:311-5. |
1980 | Stiles |
Stiles, F. G. 1980. Evolutionary implications of habitat relations between permanent and winter resident landbirds in Costa Rica. Pages 421-436 IN Keast, A., and E. S. Morton, eds. Migrant birds of the neotropics. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington |
1980 | Behnke, R.J. |
Behnke, R.J. (1980) Summary of R.J. Behnke Report May, 1980, Report on Collections of Cutthroat Trout from North-Central New Mexico. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 6 p. |
1980 | LeGrand and Hamel |
LeGrand, H.E., Jr., and P.B. Hamel. 1980. Bird habitat associations on southeastern forest lands. Dep. Zool., Clemson Univ., Clemson, S.C. 276 pp. |
1980 | Hillman and Clark |
Hillman, C. N. and T. W. Clark. 1980. MUSTELA NIGRIPES. Mammalian Species No. 126:1-3. |
1980 | Picozzi |
Picozzi, N. 1980. Food, growth, survival and sex ratio of nestling hen harriers CIRCUS C. CYANEUS in Orkney. Ornis Scandinavica 11:1-11. |
1980 | Martof et al. |
Martof, B. S., W. M. Palmer, J. R. Bailey, and J. R. Harrison, III. 1980. Amphibians and reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 264 pp. |
1980 | Bednarz, J.C. 1980. A ground survey and evaluation of potential Peregrine falcon habitat on and adjacent to BLM lands in New Mexico. Unpub report for NM Dept Game and Fish contract #519-68-05 and BLM. 28 pp. |
U80BED01NMUS | |
1980 | Southwestern Naturalist, 1980. Vol 26, No 4, p 431. |
J80NAT01NMUS | |
1980 | Hall, S.A. 1980. Snail from a quarternary valley fill at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. |
A80HAL01NMUS | |
1980 | Rich |
Rich, T.D. 1980. Territorial behavior of the sage sparrow: spatial and random aspects. Wilson Bulletin 92:425-438. |
1980 | Martinka and McArthur |
Martinka, C. J., and K. L. McArthur, eds. 1980. Bears: their biology and management. Bear Biology Assoc. Conf. Ser. No. 3. Bear Biology Assoc., Boise, Idaho. 375 pp. |
1980 | Kobetich et al. |
Kobetich, G., et al. 1980. Pahrump killifish recovery plan. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 29 pp. |
1980 | Martin and Hutchins |
Martin, W.C., and C.R. Hutchins. 1980-1981. A flora of New Mexico. 2 vols. J. Cramer, in der A.R. Gantner Verlag, K.G., Vaduz, Liechtenstein. 2591 pp. |
1980 | Flyger and Smith |
Flyger, V., and D. A. Smith. 1980. A comparison of Delmarva fox squirrel and gray squirrel habitat and home ranges. Trans. Northeast Sec. of the Wildlife Society 37:19-22. |
1980 | Slack and Root |
Slack, R. S., and B. J. Root. 1980. Pitch pine-oak forest. P. 57 IN: W. T. Van Velzen, editor. Forty-third breeding bird census. American Birds 34:41-106. |
1980 | Brooks et al. |
Brooks, R. P., M. W. Fleming, and J. J. Kennelly. 1980. Beaver colony response to fertility control: evaluating a concept. Journal of Wildlife Management 44:568-575. |
1980 | Dunham |
Dunham, A. E. 1980. An experimental study of interspecificcompetition between the iguanid lizards Sceloporus merriami and Urosaurus ornatus. Ecolog. Monogr. 50:309-330. |