Displaying 10801 - 10860 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1987 | Eldridge |
Eldridge, J.L. 1987. Ecology of migrant sandpipers in mixed-species foraging flocks. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 149pp. |
1987 | Cochran |
Cochran, M. and A. Laurenzi. 1987. Establishment Record for San Francisco Peaks Research Natural Area and Extensions, Coconino National Forest. US Forest Service, 80 p. |
1987 | Norton, Bryan G |
Norton, Bryan G. 1987. Why preserve natural variety?. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.. 281 p. |
1987 | Cannings et al. |
Cannings, R. A., R. J. Cannings, and S. G. Cannings. 1987. Birds of the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria. 420pp. |
1987 | Brannon |
Brannon, R. D. 1987. Nuisance grizzly bear, URSUS ARCTOS, translocations in the Greater Yellowstone Area. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101:569-575. |
1987 | Evans |
Evans, P. G. H. 1987. Electrophoretic variability of gene products. Pages 105-162 in G. Cook and P.A. Buckley, editors. Avian Genetics: a population and ecological approach. Academic Press, New York. |
1987 | Pratt et al. |
Pratt, H. D., P. L. Bruner, and D. G. Berrett. 1987. A Field Guide to the Birds of Hawaii and the Tropical Pacific. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 409 pp. + 45 plates. |
1987 | Jehl and Mahoney |
Jehl, J. R., Jr., and S. A. Mahoney. 1987. The roles of thermal environment and predation in habitat choice in the California gull. Condor 89:850-862. |
1987 | Pflieger and Grace |
Pflieger, W. L. and T. B. Grace. 1987. Changes in the fish fauna of the lower Missouri River, 1940-1983. Pages 166-181 in W. J. Matthews and D. C Heins (editors). Community and Evolutionary Ecology of North American Stream Fishes. University of Oklahoma P |
1987 | Betancourt, J.L.,R.S. Thompson,Ruddiman, W.F.,Van Devender, T.R.,Wright, H.E., Jr. |
Van Devender, T.R., R.S. Thompson, Betancourt, J.L., Ruddiman, W.F., and Wright, H.E., Jr.. 1987. In: North America and adjacent oceans during the last deglaciation. Geological Society of North America |
1987 | Kimsey, Bryan. 1987. The 1987 Socorro Resource Area Raptor Survey. BLM Socorro Resource Area. |
U87KIM01NMUS | |
1987 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1987. Final rule to determine Cirsium vinaceum (Sacramento Mountains thistle) to be a threatened species. Federal Register 52(115): 22933-22936. |
1987 | Laurenzi, A. |
Laurenzi, Andrew W. 1987. Allium Gooddingii on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests - "Current Status and Management Recommendations". United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 70. |
1987 | Shuster, C.J |
Shuster, C.J. 1987. Distribution, relative population densities, and habitat of Cryptotis parva in New Mexico. Unpubl. report to Nongame Program, NM Dept. of Game and Fish. |
1987 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1987. Proposal to determine Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisecta (Sacramento prickly poppy) to be an endangered species. Federal Register. 52(133): 26164-26167. |
1987 | Altig and Dodd |
Altig, R., and C. K. Dodd, Jr. 1987. The status of the Amargosa toad (Bufo nelsoni) in the Amargosa River drainage of Nevada. Southwestern Naturalist. 32:276-278. |
1987 | Christens and Bider |
Christens, E., and J. R. Bider. 1987. Nesting activity and hatching success of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata) in southwestern Quebec. Herpetologica 43:55-65 |
1987 | Hershler and Thompson |
Hershler, R. and F.G. Thompson. 1987. North American Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissoacea): redescription and the systematic relationships of Tryonia Stimpson, 1865 and Pyrgulopsis Call and Pilsbry, 1886. The Nautilus, 101(1): 25-32. |
1987 | Mech et al. |
Mech, L. D., et al. 1987. Relationship of deer and moose populations to previous winters' snow. J. Anim. Ecol. 56:615-627. |
1987 | Petersen and Best |
Petersen, K.L., and L.B. Best. 1987a. Effects of prescribed burning on nongame birds in a sagebrush community. Wildlife Society Bulletin 15:317-329. |
1987 | Sunquist et al. |
Sunquist, M. E., S. N. Austad, and F. Sunquist. 1987. Movement patterns and home range in the common opossum (DIDELPHIS MARSUPIALIS). Journal of Mammalogy 68:173-176. |
1987 | Zwank and Wilson |
Zwank, P. J., and C. D. Wilson. 1987. Survival of captive, parent-reared Mississippi sandhill cranes released on a refuge. Conservation Biology 1:165-168. |
1987 | Bull |
Bull, E.L. 1987. Capture techniques for owls. Pages 291-293 in R.W. Nero, R.J. Clark, R.J. Knapton, and R.H. Hamre, editors. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142. |
1987 | Eshenroder |
Eshenroder, R. L. 1987. Socioeconomic aspects of lake trout rehabilitation in the Great Lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116:309-313. |
1987 | Johnson |
Johnson, D. H. 1987. Barred owls and nest boxes--results of a five-year study in Minnesota. Pages 129-134 in Nero, R. W., et al., eds. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-142. |
1987 | Pratt |
Pratt, H. D. 1987. Occurrence of the North American coot (FULICA AMERICANA AMERICANA) in the Hawaiian Islands, with comments on the taxonomy of the Hawaiian coot. `Elepaio 47(3):25-28. |
1987 | Okoniewski and Stone |
Okoniewski, J. C., and W. B. Stone. 1987. Some observations on the morbidity and mortality of, and environmental contaminants in, common loons (GAVIA IMMER) in New York, 1972-1986. New York State Department Environmental Conservation, Delmar, New York. Un |
1987 | Crossman and Casselman |
Crossman, E. J., and J. M. Casselman. 1987. An annotated bibliography of the pike, Esox lucius (Osteichthyes: Salmoniformes). Royal Ontario Mus. 408 pp. |
1987 | Meylan |
Meylan, P. A. 1987. The phylogenetic relationships of soft-shelled turtles (Family Trionychidae). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 186:1-101. |
1987 | Bestgen et al. |
Bestgen, K. R., D. L. Propst, and C. W. Painter. 1987. Transport Ecology of larval fishes in the Gila River, New Mexico. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 16-18:174. |
1987 | Hill and Grossman |
Hill, J., and G. D. Grossman. 1987. Home range estimates for three North American stream fishes. Copeia 1987:376-380. |
1987 | Marsh |
Marsh, P. C. 1987. Digestive tract contents of adult razorback suckers in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116:117-119. |
1987 | Yeager and Semmens |
Yeager, B. L., and K. J. Semmens. 1987. Early development of the blue sucker, CYCLEPTUS ELONGATUS. Copeia 1987:312- 316. |
1987 | Dunmire |
Dunmire, W. and M. Toll. 1987. Establishment Report for Little Costilla Peak Research Natural Area, Carson National Forest. US Forest Service, 67 p. |
1987 | Fletcher, R. 1987. Rare plant survey coincidental to East Fork Mogollon Creek stream renovation July 1987. Unpubl. comments on rare plant survey for USDA - Forest Service. 6 pp. |
U87FLE01NMUS | |
1987 | Dunmire |
Dunmire, W. and M. Toll. 1987. Establishment Record for Largo Mesa Research Natural Area, Gila National Forest. US Forest Service, 75 p. |
1987 | Otero |
Otero, M. A. 1987. My life on the frontier: 1864-1882. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM. |
1987 | Dunmire, W. 1987. Establishment Record for William G. Telfer Research Natural Area, within Lincoln National Forest, Lincoln Co., New Mexico |
U87DUN02NMUS | |
1987 | Bull et al. |
Bull, E. L., et al. 1987. Nest platforms for great gray owls. Pp. 87-90 in Nero, R. W., et al., eds. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service, Gen.Tech. Rep. RM-142. |
1987 | Flett and Sanders |
Flett, M. A. and S. D. Sanders. 1987. Ecology of a Sierra Nevada population of willow flycatchers. Western Birds 18:37-42. |
1987 | Pyle et al. |
Pyle, P.S., N.G. Howell, R.P. Yunick, and D.F. DeSante. 1987. Identification guide to North American passerines. Slate Creek Press, Bolinas, California. 273 pp. |
1987 | Klenner |
Klenner, W. 1987. Seasonal movements and home range utilization patterns of the black bear, URSUS AMERICANUS, in western Manitoba. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101:558-568. |
1987 | Quinn and White |
Quinn, T. W. and B. N. White. 1987. Analysis of DNA Sequence Variation. Pages 163-198 in G. Cooke and P.A. Buckley, editors. Avian Genetics: a population and ecological approach. Academic Press, New York. |
1987 | Village |
Village, A. 1987. Numbers, territory-size and turnover of short-eared owls Asio flammeus in relation to vole abundance. Ornis Scandinavica 18:198-204. |
1987 | Neal, P.R. 1987. Status report on Talinum humile. Unpub. report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. 19 pp. |
U87NEA01NMUS | |
1987 | Turner, Paul R |
Turner, Paul R. 1987. Ecology and management needs of the White Sands pupfish in the Tularosa Basin of New Mexico. Oct 23, 1987. |
1987 | Serrentino |
Serrentino, P. 1987. The breeding ecology and behavior of northern harriers in Coos County, New Hampshire. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island. M.S. thesis. 142 pp. |
1987 | Ankney et al. |
Ankney, C. D., D. G. Dennis, and R. C. Bailey. 1987. Increasing mallards, decreasing American black ducks: coincidence or cause and effect? J. Wildl. Manage. 51: |
1987 | Cox |
Cox, J. 1987. The breeding bird survey in Florida: 1969-1983. Fla. Field Nat. 15:154-155. |
1987 | Hershler, R. and F.G. Thompson. 1987. North American Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissoacea) : redescription and systematic relationships of Tyronia stimpson, 1865 and Pyrgulopsis call and pilsbry, 1886. Nautilus 101(1):25-32. |
A87HER01NMUS | |
1987 | Meffe and Minckley |
Meffe, G. K., and W. L. Minckley. 1987. Persistence and stability of fish and invertebrate assemblages in a repeatedly disturbed Sonoran desert stream. American Midland Naturalist 117:177-191. |
1987 | Pigg |
Pigg, J. 1987. Survey of fishes in the Oklahoma panhandle and Harper County, northwestern Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 67:45-59. |
1987 | Sutton |
Sutton, D. A. 1987. Analysis of Pacific coast Townsend chipmunks (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Southwest Nat. 32:371-376. |
1987 | Friend |
Friend, M. 1987. Field Guide to Wildlife Diseases. Vol. 1: General Field Procedures and Diseases of Migratory Birds. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication 167. 225 pp. |
1987 | Cheskey |
Cheskey, T. 1987. Olive-sided flycatcher. Pages 250-251 in M. D. Cadman, P. F. J. Eagles, and F. M. Helleiner, editors. Atlas of the breeding birds of Ontario. Fed. Ontario Nat., University of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, Ontario. |
1987 | Eshelman and Cameron |
Eshelman, B.D. and G.N. Cameron. 1987. BAIOMYS TAYLORI. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 285:1-7. |
1987 | Kersten and Piersima |
Kersten, M., T. Piersima. 1987. High levels of energy expenditure in shorebirds: metabolic adaptations to an energetically expensive way of life. Ardea 75:175-187. |
1987 | Raphael |
Raphael, M.G. 1987. Estimating relative abundance of forest birds: simple versus adjusted counts. Wilson Bulletin 99:125-131. |
1987 | Metcalf, A.L. |
Metcalf, A.L. 1987. Specimen information for Ashmunella ashmuni collections, 1966-1987. University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Biodiversity Collections, El Paso, TX. |
1987 | D'Arcy |
D'Arcy, W.G. 1987. Flora of Panama: Checklist and Index. Part I: The Introduction and Checklist. Missouri Botanical Garden. Saint Louis, Missouri. |
B87DAR0100LA |