Displaying 8341 - 8400 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1991 | Manuwal |
Manuwal, D. A. 1991. Spring bird communities in the southern Washington Cascade Range. Pages 161-174 IN L. F. Ruggiero, K. B. Aubry, A. B. Carey, and M. H. Huff, technical coordinators. Wildlife and Vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir Forests. USDA Forest |
1991 | Prescott |
Prescott, D. R. C. 1991. Winter distribution of age and sex classes in an irruptive migrant, the evening grosbeak (COCCOTHRAUSTES VESPERTINUS). Condor 93:694-700. |
1991 | Anderson, J. |
Anderson, J. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 20 p. |
1991 | Hartman, G. |
Hartman, G. Harris, G. Yates, T. 1991. Levels of Hybridization Between Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout in New Mexico Streams, Museum of Southwsatern Biology, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. |
1991 | Winston et al. |
Winston, M. R., C. M. Taylor, and J. Pigg. 1991. Upstream extirpation of four minnow species due to damming of a prairie stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:98-105. |
1991 | Wootten, T.H. 1991. Unpub. letter to Ellen DeBruin on 11 April 1991 re: Scrophularia macrantha. 1 pp. |
U91WOO01NMUS | |
1991 | Belk and Smith |
Belk, M. C., and H. D. Smith. 1991. Ammospermophilus leucurus. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 368:1-8. |
1991 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1991. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; animal notice of review. Federal Register 56(225):58804-58836. 50 CFR (17). |
1991 | Daly, L., S. Hoffman. 1991. Final Reports: Inventory for Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in the Gila National Forest. Reserve District. June 27 to July 12, 1991. Prepared for U.S.F.S. |
U91DAL01NMUS | |
1991 | Kirkeminde, M. 1991. Unpub field notes for survey to Mogollon Mts - Indian Creek on 10 July 1991. 1 p + map. |
U91KIR03NMUS | |
1991 | Robertson |
Robertson, M.D. 1991. Winter ecology of migratory sage grouse and associated effects of prescribed fire in southeastern Idaho. M.S. Thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow. 88 pp. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. et. al. 1991 Field survey to Lincoln NF - Matney Spring, 27 May 1991. |
F91DEB02NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #19, 25 May, 1991 |
F91DEB18NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Kitten Canyon stop #14 on 10 May 1991. |
F91DEB96NMUS | |
1991 | Mongold, R. 1991. Field survey to Capitan Mts - Pancho Canyon & Torrez Canyon, 31 May 1991. |
F91MON01NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-Flora Vista, stop #3 on 23 April 1991. |
F91DEB53NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area- Aztec- stop #11 on 22 April 1991. |
F91DEB83NMUS | |
1991 | Bull |
Bull, E. L. 1991. Summer roosts and roosting behavior of Vaux's Swifts in old-growth forests. Northwestern Naturalist 72:78-82. |
1991 | Dawson and Mannan |
Dawson, J. W., and R. W. Mannan. 1991b. The role of territoriality in the social organization of Harris' hawks. Auk 108:661-672. |
1991 | Geist |
Geist, V. 1991. Phantom subspecies: the wood bison BISON BISON "ATHABASCAE" Rhoades 1897 is not a valid taxon, but an ecotype. Arctic 44:283-300. |
1991 | Leachman and Knopf |
Leachman, B. and F. Knopf. 1991. Mountain plover gets attention. Fish and Wildlife News, June-July-August 1991, pp. 15, 22. |
1991 | Newton et al. |
Newton, I., I. Wyllie, and A. Asher. 1991. Mortality causes in British barn owls TYTO ALBA, with a discussion of aldrin-dieldrin poisoning. Ibis 133:162-169. |
1991 | Rotenberry and Wiens |
Rotenberry, J. T., and J. A. Wiens. 1991. Weather and reproductive variation in shrubsteppe sparrows: a hierarchical analysis. Ecology 72:1325-1335. |
1991 | Theberge |
Theberge, J. B. 1991. Ecological classification, status, and management of the gray wolf, Canis lupus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 105:459-463. |
1991 | Dunmire, W.W. 1991. T & E and sensitive plant survey: San Pedro ACEC, Socorro Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Unpublished report for BLM by TNC. 11 p + maps + photos. |
U91DUN02NMUS | |
1991 | Hoeh |
Hoeh, W.R. 1991. The evolution and consequences of simultaneous hermaphroditism in the freshwater mussel genus Utterbackia (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Ph.D. Dissertation, Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 97 pp. |
1991 | Sivinski, R. 1991. Annual Section 6 performance report monitoring endangered plants (job 1). Unpublished report for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. 135 p + maps. |
U91SIV01NMUS | |
1991 | Buehler et al. |
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991d. Nonbreeding bald eagle communal and solitary roosting behavior and roost habitat on the northern Chesapeake Bay. J. Wildlife Management 55:273-281. |
1991 | Ewert and Askins |
Ewert, D. N., and R. A. Askins. 1991. Flocking behavior of migratory warblers in winter in the Virgin Islands. Condor 93:864-868. |
1991 | Jacobson et al. |
Jacobson, E. R., et. al. 1991. Chronic upper respiratory disease of free-ranging desert tortoises (Xerobates agassizii) in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada. Journal of Wildlife diseases. 27(2):296-316. |
1991 | Morales et al. |
Morales, J. C., S. W. Balllinger, J. W. Bickham, I. F. Greenbaum, and D. A. Schlitter. 1991. Genetic relationships among eight species of Eptesicus and Pipistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Journal of Mammalogy 72:286-291. |
1991 | Rieseberg |
Rieseberg, L.H. 1991. Hybridization in rare plants: insights from case studies in CERCOCARPUS and HELIANTHUS. In Falk, D.E. and K.E. Holsinger, eds. Genetics and conservation of rare plants. Oxford University Press. |
1991 | Zink et al. |
Zink, R. M., D. L. Dittman, and W. L. Rootes. 1991b. Mitochondrial DNA variation and the phylogeny of ZONOTRICHIA. Auk 108:578-584. |
1991 | Garrott et al. |
Garrott, R. A., D. B. Siniff, and L. L. Eberhardt. 1991b. Growth rates of feral horse populations. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:641-648. |
1991 | Jhala and Giles |
Jhala, Y. V., and R. H. Giles, Jr. 1991. The status and conservation of the wolf in Gujarat and Rajasthan, India. Conservation Biology 5(4):476-483. |
1991 | Mitchell |
Mitchell, J. C. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles. Pages 411-76 in K. Terwilliger (coordinator). Virginia's Endangered Species: Proceedings of a Symposium. McDonald and Woodward Publishing Company, Blacksburg, Virginia. |
1991 | Ridgway et al. |
Ridgway, M. S., B. J. Shuter, and E. E. Post. 1991b. The relative influence of body size and territorial behaviour on nesting asynchrony in male smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui (Pisces: Centrarchidae). Journal of Animal Ecology 60:665-681. |
1991 | Van Sickle and Lindzey |
Van Sickle, W. D., and F. G. Lindzey. 1991. Evaluation of a cougar population estimator based on probability sampling. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:738-743. |
1991 | Clark and Smith |
Clark, J. D., and K. G. Smith, editors. 1991. Proceedings of the eastern workshop on black bear research and management. Univ. Arkansas. 150 pp. |
1991 | van Rhijn |
van Rhijn, J. G. 1991. The ruff. Academic Press, San Diego, California. xii + 209 pp. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Gila National Forest, Grouse Mountain - Stop #1 on 20 July 1991. |
F91DB110NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #16 on 4 May 1991. |
F91DEB48NMUS | |
1991 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1991. Gray Ranch vegetation survey, 1991. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
1991 | Bureau of Land Management. 1991. Maps of USGS 7.5' top maps with transparencies showing Gilia formosa: existing pops, areas surveyed and potential distribution. Prepared from Paul Knight's 1986 field work maps. |
M91BUR01NMUS | |
1991 | Figg |
Figg, D. E. 1991. Missouri Department of Conservation Annual Nongame and Endangered Species Report July 1990 - June 1991. ii + 35 pp. |
1991 | Knapp, M |
Knapp, M. 1991.Unpublished letter to Camino Real District Ranger, Subject: Alamo Dinner Diversity Unit. USFS. |
1991 | Sanchez, B. |
Sanchez, B. (1991) Formal Spotted Owl Monitoring, Management Territory 0602003, Summar of 1991 Monitoring. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 5 p. |
1991 | Aguero et al. |
Aguero, D. A., R. J. Johnson, and K. M. Eskridge. 1991. Monofilament lines repel house sparrows from feeding sites. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:416-422. |
1991 | Buhlmann and Vaughan |
Buhlmann, K. A., and M. R. Vaughan. 1991. Ecology of the turtle Pseudemys concinna in the New River, West Virginia. Journal of Herpetology 25:72-78. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Special plant survey form, New Mexico for Draba standleyi. |
F91DB116NMUS | |
1991 | Dunbar et al. |
Dunbar, D. L., et al. 1991. Status of the spotted owl, STRIX OCCIDENTALIS, and barred owl, STRIX VARIA, in southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist 106:464-468. |
1991 | American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) |
American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) . 1991. Thirty-eighth Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 108:750-754. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #13 27 May, 1991. |
F91DEB39NMUS | |
1991 | Margules, C.R. and M.P. Austin. Eds. 1991. Nature conservation: cost effective biological surveys and data analysis. Csiro, Australia. |
B91MAR01NMUS | |
1991 | Kingsley and Nicholls |
Kingsley, N.P., and T.H. Nicholls. 1991. Raptor habitat in the midwest. Pages 185-194 in Proc. midwest raptor management symposium and workshop. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, DC. |
1991 | Marsh et al. |
Marsh, P.C., M.E. Douglas, W.L. Minckley and R. Timmons. 1991. Rediscovery of Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius (Cyprinidae), in Wyoming. Copeia 1991:1091-1092. |
1991 | Propst and Bestgen |
Propst, D. L., and K. R. Bestgen. 1991. Habitat and biology of the loach minnow, Tiaroga cobitis, in New Mexico. Copeia 1991:29-38. |
1991 | Advanced Sciences, Inc |
Advanced Sciences, Inc. 1991. Final report: threatened and endangered species survey of areas to be affected by relocation of the Woodbridge EMP Simulator Facilities to WSMR. WSMR Environmental Services. 23 December 1991. . 33 p. |
1991 | Harper, J. |
Harper, J. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Report- FY 91. Jicarilla Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1991 | Youngman and Schueler |
Youngman, P. M., and F. W. Schueler. 1991. Martes nobilis is a synonym of Martes americana, not an extinct Pleistocene-Holocene species. J. Mamm. 72:567-577. |