Displaying 8161 - 8220 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #22 24 May, 1991. |
F91DEB21NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Aztec plot #6 on 25 April 1991. |
F91DEB90NMUS | |
1991 | Heusmann |
Heusmann, H. W. 1991. The history and status of the mallard in the Atlantic Flyway. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:14-22. |
1991 | Morrell et al. |
Morrell, T. E., R. H. Yahner, and W. L. Harkness. 1991. Factors affecting detection of great horned owls by using broadcast vocalizations. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:481-488. |
1991 | New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 1991. Field map for 1991 Gilia formosa survey on USGS 7 1/2' topo map, Horn Canyon Quad. |
1991 | Shriner and Stacey |
Shriner, W. M., and P. B. Stacey. 1991. Spatial relationships and dispersal patterns in the rock squirrel, SPERMOPHILUS VARIEGATUS. J. Mamm. 72:601-606. |
1991 | Reed, S. and P. Hyder 1991. USGS Arabela 7.5' topo map with Astragalus kerrii from 23-31 May 1991 field survey for TNC. |
M91REE02NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E |
DeBruin, E. 1991. Gilia formosa inventory and monitoring project. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for BLM Farmington Resource Area. 8 p. + app. |
1991 | Thies, M. and W. Caire. 1991. Nearest neighbor analysis of the spatial distribution of houses of Neotoma micropus in southwestern Oklahoma. Southwest. Nat. 36(2): 233-237. |
A91THI01NMUS | |
1991 | Mills, S. |
Mills, Scott G. 1991. Miscellaneous notes on Coryphantha scheer robustispina. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 30. |
1991 | Todsen, T.K. 1991. Unpubl. plant occurrence record for Malaxis tenuis, map and letter, 17 May 1991. |
U91TOD01NMUS | |
1991 | Robins et al. |
Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea, and W.B. Scott. 1991. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 20. 183 pp. |
1991 | Black, C.,Black, J. |
Black, C. and J. Black. 1991. Gray Ranch breeding bird surveys June, August, November 1991. Unpubl. field notes for survey done for NMNHP. |
1991 | Harper |
Harper, Hooley, Valdez, Franklin, Martinez. 1991. 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form, El Rito Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 3p. |
1991 | New York Department of Environmental Conservation |
New York Department of Environmental Conservation. 1991. Status of beaver management in New York. Draft report. |
1991 | Unknown |
Unknown, 1991. Spotted Owl Narrative Report, Carson National Forest, USFS. 5 p. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #4 on 22 July 1991. |
F91CLA22NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #4 on 24 April 1991. |
F91DEB75NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #40 30 May, 1991. |
F91DEB35NMUS | |
1991 | Mehlhop and Smartt |
Mehlhop, P. and R. Smartt. 1991. Field trip to the Dona Ana Mountains, 12 September. |
1991 | Baker and Baker |
Baker, M. C., and E. M. Baker. 1991. Reproductive behavior of female buntings: isolating mechanisms in a hybridizing pair of species. Evolution 44:332-338. |
1991 | Frawley and Best |
Frawley, B.J., and L.B. Best. 1991. Effects of mowing on breeding bird abundance and species composition in alfalfa fields. Wildlife Society Bulletin 19:135-142. |
1991 | Johnson and Boyce |
Johnson, G. D., and M. S. Boyce. 1991. Survival, growth, and reproduction of captive-reared sage grouse. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:88-93. |
1991 | Resetarits |
Resetarits, W. J., Jr. 1991. Ecological interactions among predators in experimental stream communities. Ecology 72:1782-1793. |
1991 | Smith et al. |
Smith, T. S., J. T. Flinders, and D. S. Winn. 1991. A habitat evaluation procedure for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in the Intermountain West. Great Basin Nat. 51:205-225. |
1991 | Franclemont |
Franclemont, J.G. 1991. Determinations of unidentified Notodontidae in Colorado State University collection. |
1991 | Anderson, J. |
Anderson, J. (1991) Northern Goshawk Nest Search Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1991 | Gila National Forest |
Gila National Forest. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl daytime follow-up visit form, survey for Mexican Spotted Owl. |
1991 | Mt. Taylor Ranger District |
Mt. Taylor Ranger District. 1991. Northern Goshawk monitoring forms. |
1991 | Unknown |
Unknown (1991) Spotted Owl Data Base Information, Gila National Forest, New Mexico. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 57 p. |
1991 | Davidson |
Davidson, P. W. 1991. East Kootenay bighorn sheep enhancement project: completion report. British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Unpublished Wildlife Branch Report. Cranbrook, BC. 183pp. |
1991 | Berna |
Berna, H. J. 1991. First record of the ermine (Mustela erminea) in Arizona. Southwest. Nat. 36:245-246. |
1991 | De Smet and Conrad |
De Smet, K.D., and M.P. Conrad. 1991. Management and research needs for the Baird's sparrow and other grassland species in Manitoba. Proceedings of the The Second Endangered Species and Prairie Conservation Workshop, Provincial Museum of Alberta. Natural |
1991 | Henson and Grant |
Henson, P., and T. A. Grant. 1991. The effects of human disturbance on trumpeter swan breeding behavior. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:248-257. |
1991 | Li and Martin |
Li, P. and T. E. Martin. 1991. Nest-site selection and nesting success of cavity-nesting birds in high elevation forest drainages. Auk 108:405-418. |
1991 | Peterson |
Peterson, A. T. 1991. Gene flow in scrub jays: frequency and direction of movement. Condor 93:926-934. |
1991 | Steidl et al. |
Steidl, R. J., C. R. Griffin, and L. J. Niles. 1991a. Differential reproductive success of ospreys in New Jersey. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:266-272. |
1991 | Apa et al. |
Apa, A. D., D. W. Uresk, and R. L. Linder. 1991. Impacts of black-tailed prairie dog rodenticides on nontarget passerines. Great Basin Nat. 51:301-309. |
1991 | De Smet and Conrad |
De Smet, K.D., and M.P. Conrad. 1991. Status, habitat requirements, and adaptations of Ferruginous Hawks in Manitoba. Pages 219-221 in G.L. Holroyd, G. Burns, and H.C. Smith, editors. Proceedings of the second endangered species and prairie conservation w |
1991 | Hines and Case |
Hines, T. D., and R. M. Case. 1991. Diet, home range, movements and activity periods of swift fox in Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 23:131-138. |
1991 | Procter-Gray |
Procter-Gray, E. 1991. Female-like plumage of subadult male American redstarts does not reduce aggression from other males. The Auk 108:872-9. |
1991 | Strickland |
Strickland, D. 1991. Juvenile dispersal in gray jays: dominant brood member expels siblings from natal territory. Can. J. Zool. 69:2935-2945. |
1991 | Lackey |
Lackey, J. A. 1991. Chaetodipus spinatus. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian species No. 385:1-4. |
1991 | Pianka |
Pianka, E. R. 1991. Phrynosoma platyrhinos. Catalog of American Amphibians and Reptiles 517: 1-4. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #14 on 29 July 1991. |
F91CLA10NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #37 30 May, 1991 |
F91DEB32NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area- Kutz Canyon, stop #7 on 9 May 1991. |
F91DEB80NMUS | |
1991 | Barker, D.G. |
Barker, D.G. 1991. An investigation of the natural history of the New Mexico ridgenose rattlesnake, Crotalus willardi obscurus. 100 p. |
1991 | Tobalske et al. |
Tobalske, B.W., R.C. Shearer, and R.L. Hutto. 1991. Bird populations in logged and unlogged western larch/Douglas-fir forest in northwestern Montana. USDA Forest Service Intermountain Research Station Research Paper INT-422. |
1991 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1991. Riparian and wetlands survey, Pecos National Historical Park. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 91-GTR-26. Natural Heritage New Mexico, Universit of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 31 p. |
1991 | Clayton, P |
Clayton, P. 1991. Plant survey for Abronia bigelovii, Astragalus feensis and Pediocactus papyracanthus on the Ball Ranch. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for The Nature Conservancy, NMNHP contract 91-07-10. 10 p. |
1991 | Hurley, T. |
Hurley, T. Schwarz, H.R. (1991) Northern Goshawk Inventory Form - 1991 . Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1991 | Peckinpaugh, M. 1991. Summary of Least tern observations, summer 1991. Report to Nongame Program, NM Dept. of Game and Fish. |
U91PEC01NMUS | |
1991 | Wood, S |
Wood, S. 1991. Argemone pleiacantha ssp pinnatisecta: Alamo Canyon July 1991. . 2 p. |
1991 | Sirotnak et al. |
Sirotnak, J. M., K. P. Reese, J. W. Connelly, and K. Radford. 1991. Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) on wildlife in southeastern Idaho. Idaho Department of Fish and Game Job Compl. Rep., Proj. W-160-R-18. |
1991 | Borth and Barina |
Borth, Robert J. and Thomas S. Barina, 1991. Observations of AMORPHA-feeding CATOCALA in Wisconsin. Journal of the Lepidopterists Society 45(4): 371-372. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #6 on 22 July 1991. |
F91CLA13NMUS | |
1991 | Cronin |
Cronin, M. A. 1991a. Mitochondrial-DNA phylogeny of deer (Cervidae). J. Mamm. 72:533-566. |
1991 | Gore |
Gore, J. A. 1991. Distribution and abundance of nesting least terns and black skimmers in northwest Florida. Florida Field Naturalist 19(3):65-96. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #26 24 May, 1991. |