Displaying 8521 - 8580 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1991 | Anderson, J. |
Anderson, J. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1991 | Halterman |
Halterman, M. D. 1991. Distribution and habitat use of the yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis) on the Sacramento River, California, 1987-1990. Masters thesis, California State University, Chico. |
1991 | McCracken |
McCracken, J. D. 1991. Status report on the Louisiana waterthrush SEIURUS MOTACILLA in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 22 pp. |
1991 | Stumpff, B. |
Stumpff, B. 1991. Memorandum, Department of Game and Fish. Subject: Fish Migration Barrier Surveys. USFS. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #11 on 23 July 1991. |
F91CLA17NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-Kutz Canyon-stop #6A on 24 April 1991. |
F91DEB70NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #39 30 May, 1991. |
F91DEB34NMUS | |
1991 | USDA-FS. 1991. Forest Service map of Gila National Forest with EO and survey locations of Allium gooddingii. From Margaret Estabrook of Reserve Ranger District, Gila N.F. |
M91USD01NMUS | |
1991 | Mehlhop, P. 1991. Davies Tank field map. Sept 11, 1991. |
F91MEH17NMUS | |
1991 | Armitage |
Armitage, K. B. 1991. Social and population dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots: results from long-term research. Annual Rev. Ecol. Syst. 22:379-407. |
1991 | Forbes and Allendorf |
Forbes, S. H., and F. W. Allendorf. 1991a. Mitochondrial genotypes have no detectable effects on meristic traits in cutthroat trout hybrid swarms. Evolution 45:1350-1359. |
1991 | Iverson |
Iverson, J. B. 1991b. Phylogenetic hypotheses for the evolution of modern kinosternine turtles. Herpetological Monographs 5:1-27. |
1991 | Powell |
Powell, A. N. 1991. Great Lakes piping plovers: recovery or extirpation? Endangered Species Update 8(9-10):1-4. |
1991 | Shaffer et al. |
Shaffer, H. B., J. M. Clark, and F. Kraus. 1991. When molecules and morphology clash: a phylogenetic analysis of the North American ambystomatid salamanders (Caudata: Ambystomatidae). Systematic Zoology 40:284-303. |
1991 | Zink et al. |
Zink, R. M., W. L. Rootes, and D. L. Dittman. 1991c. Mitochondrial DNA variation, population structure, and evolution of the common grackle (QUISCALUS QUISCALA). Condor 93:318-329. |
1991 | Anderson, J. |
Anderson, J. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Daytime Follow-up Visit Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1991 | Gennaro, A.L. 1991. Breeding of an urban population of Mississippi kites in Clovis, NM during the summer of 1990. Report to Nongame Program, NM Dept. of Game and Fish. |
U91GEN01NMUS | |
1991 | Madrid, R. |
Madrid, R. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Daytime Follow-up Visit Form. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1991 | Richard A. Smartt,Sullivan, R.M. |
Sullivan, R.M. and Richard A. Smartt. 1991. Survey of the proposed ACTC facilities, including new roads, anchor facilities on the Little Burro Mountains, support area, winch site, cable drop zone, explosive storage site, and the jeep trail access from Nor |
1991 | Wood |
Wood, T. 1991. Results of 1991 amphibian monitoring on the Coronado National Forest. The Nature Conservancy and U.S. Forest Service. |
1991 | Belthoff and Gauthreaux |
Belthoff, J. R., and S. A. Gauthreaux, Jr. 1991. Partial migration and differential winter distribution of house finches in the eastern United States. Condor 93:374-382. |
1991 | Derr |
Derr, J. N. 1991. Genetic interactions between white-tailed and mule deer in the southwestern United States. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:228-237. |
1991 | Hejl and Woods |
Hejl, S.J., and R.E. Woods. 1991. Bird assemblages in old-growth and rotation-aged Douglas-fir/ponderosa pine stands in the northern Rocky Mountains: a preliminary assessment. In D.M. Baumgartner and J.E. Lotan, editors. Interior Douglas-fir: the species |
1991 | Lee and Engstrom |
Lee, T. E., Jr., and M. D. Engstrom. 1991. Genetic variation in the silky pocket mouse, (Perognathus flavus) in Texas and New Mexico. J. Mamm. 72:273-285. |
1991 | Person and Hirth |
Person, D. K., and D. H. Hirth. 1991. Home range and habitat use of coyotes in a farm region of Vermont. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:433-441. |
1991 | Smith et al. |
Smith, H. M., D. Chiszar, and W. Marmie. 1991. Peripheral variation in the lizard Sceloporus olivaceus, and its hybridization with S. undulatus. Bull. Maryland Herp. Soc. 27(3):128-145. |
1991 | Aguilera et al. |
Aguilera, E., R. L. Knight, and J. L. Cummings. 1991. An evaluation of two hazing methods for urban Canada geese. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:32-35. |
1991 | Cully, J.F. JR |
Cully, J.F. JR. 1991. Response of raptors to reduction of a Gunnison's prairie dog population by plague.. American Midland Naturalist. 125:140-149. |
1991 | Grimm |
Grimm, M. 1991. Northeast Wisconsin Yellow Rail survey. Passenger Pigeon 53(2):115-121. |
1991 | Lehman et al. |
Lehman, N., et al. 1991. Introgression of coyote mitochondrial DNA into sympatric North American gray wolf populations. Evolution 45:104-119. |
1991 | Pfennig et al. |
Pfennig, D. W., A. Mabry, and D. Orange. 1991. Environmental causes of correlations between age and size at metamorphosis in Scaphiopus multiplicatus. Ecology 72:2240-2248. |
1991 | Stern and Jarvis |
Stern, M. A., and R. L. Jarvis. 1991. Sexual dimorphism and assortative mating in black terns. Wilson Bull. 103(2): 266-271. |
1991 | Ernst and McBreen |
Ernst, C. H., and J. F. McBreen. 1991c. Terrapene. Cat. Am. Amph. Rept. 511.1-511.6. |
1991 | New |
New, T. R. 1991. Butterfly Conservation. Oxford Univ. Press, Australia. 224 pp. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #18 on 2 Aug 1991. |
F91CLA02NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #17 24 May, 1991 |
F91DEB15NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #5 on 24 April 1991. |
F91DEB74NMUS | |
1991 | Monson |
Monson, G. 1991. Letter to W. Shifflett, USFWS, 24 June 1991. |
1991 | Britton, B. 1991. Unpublished plant element occurrence record for Allium gooddingii in BS Canyon, Sept. 1988. + map. |
U91BRI02NMUS | |
1991 | Henry, A. 1991. Unpub. letter to Pat Mehlhop regarding Aplomado Falcon sightings on the Gray Ranch. February 15, 1991. |
U91HEN01NMUS | |
1991 | Painter, C.W. 1991. Letter from Charlie Painter, Endangered Species biologist for NM Dept. Game and Fish to Pat Mehlhop of NMNHP dated 4 Sept. 1991 regarding Sceloporus scalaris localities in Hidalgo Co. 1 pp. |
U91PAI02NMUS | |
1991 | Sullivan, R.M. 1991. Live trapping of potential habitat for the meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus) at the San Jose drain outfall area. Preliminary environmental report submitted to the Marron/Taschek/Knight Corporation. |
U91SUL01NMUS | |
1991 | Brush |
Brush, T. 1991. Nesting ecology of Prothonotary Warblers in eastern Iowa: 1988-1991. Report submitted to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Unpublished. |
1991 | Block and Zimmerman |
Block, S. B., and E. G. Zimmerman. 1991. Allozymic variation and systematics of plains pocket gophers (Geomys) of south-central Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist 36:29-36. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #2 on 19 July 1991. |
F91CLA11NMUS | |
1991 | Gilbert and Allwine |
Gilbert, F.F., and R. Allwine. 1991. Spring bird communities in the Oregon Cascade Range. Pages 145-158 in L.F. Ruggiero, K.B. Aubry, A.B. Carey, and M.H. Huff, technical coordinators. Wildlife and Vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-fir Forests. USDA Forest |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #21 24 May, 1991. |
F91DEB20NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area- Aztec ACEC - stop #8 on 6 May 1991. |
F91DEB86NMUS | |
1991 | Warham |
Warham, J. 1991 (also listed as 1990). The petrels: their ecology and breeding systems. Academic Press. viii + 440 pp. |
1991 | Hepp and Hines |
Hepp, G. R., and J. E. Hines. 1991. Factors affecting winter distribution and migration distance of wood ducks from southern breeding populations. Condor 93:884-891. |
1991 | Morimoto and Wasserman |
Morimoto, D. C., and F. E. Wasserman. 1991. Dispersion patterns and habitat associations of rufous-sided towhees, common yellowthroats, and prairie warblers in the southeastern Massachusetts pine barrens. Auk 108:264-276. |
1991 | Worthington, R.D |
Worthington, R.D. (1991) Final Report, Kuenzler's Hedgehod Cactus Survey's 1, 2 & 3. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 25 p. |
1991 | The Nautre Conservancy. 1991. Ball Ranch field map. USGS 7.5' topographic May - San Felipe Pueblo NE - 3510643. |
M91NAT01NMUS | |
1991 | Seutin |
Seutin, G. 1991. Morphometric identification of Traill's flycatchers: an assessment of Stein's formula. Journal of Field Ornithology 62:308-313. |
1991 | New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 1991. Field map for 1991 Gilia formosa survey on USGS 7.5' topo map, Cedar Hill. |
1991 | DeBow, M.J. 1991. Letter to Jennifer Fowler-Propst of US Fish and Wildlife Service concerning discovery of two Pediocactus papracanthus. 16 Oct 1991. |
U91DEB03NMUS | |
1991 | Taylor |
Taylor, I. R. 1991. Effects of nest inspections and radiotagging on barn owl breeding success. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:312-315. |
1991 | Mills, S. |
Mills, Scott G. 1991. Miscellaneous notes on Coryphantha scheeri robustrispina. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p.30. |
1991 | The Nature Conservancy. Dec 9 1991. Addendum: Site Prospectus: Natural Land Protection Act, site identification program, presented to Natural Lands Protection Committee. |
U91TNC01NMUS | |
1991 | Minckley and Deacon |
Minckley, W. L., and J. E. Deacon. 1991. Battle Against Extinction: Native Fish Management in the American West. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. xviii + 517 pp. |