Displaying 6421 - 6480 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1993 | Siders, M. 1993. Bi-weekly updates on vegetation data collection from Accipiter nests in the Santa Fe N.F. |
U93SID01NMUS | |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. NM snail survey to Gila NF, June 3, 1993. |
F93MEH14NMUS | |
1993 | Wehausen and Ramey |
Wehausen, J. D., and R. R. Ramey. 1993. A morphometric reevaluation of the peninsular bighorn subspecies. Desert Bighorn Council Transactions 37:1-10. |
1993 | McIntosh, L. 9 March 1993. Computer generated map of Pediocactus (Toumeya) papyracanthus locations on Cienega School, NM 7.5' topo map. BLM District Office, Las Cruces. |
M93MCI01NMUS | |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field survey to Spring Canyon, tributary spring on 1 June 1993. |
F93MEH07NMUS | |
1993 | Baumgardner and Kennedy |
Baumgardner, G. D., and M. L. Kennedy. 1993. Morphometric variation in kangaroo rats (genus DIPODOMYS) and its relationship to selected abiotic variables. Journal of Mammalogy 74:69-85. |
1993 | Hughes and Carr |
Hughes, G. A., and S. M. Carr. 1993. Reciprocal hybridization between white-tailed deer (ODOCOILEUS VIRGINIANUS) and mule deer (O. HEMIONUS) in western Canada: evidence from serum albumin and mtDNA sequences. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:524-530. |
1993 | Morse |
Morse, J. C. 1993. A checklist of the Trichoptera of North America, including Greenland and Mexico. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 119(1):47-93. Updates available: http://entweb.clemson.edu/database/trichopt/. |
1993 | DeLorenzo, D.G. |
DeLorenzo, D.G. (1993) Unpublished Letter to Director, Fisheries and Wildlife, R3. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 7 p. |
1993 | Long, G. |
Long, G. 1993. FY93 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory and Monitoring Report. Questra Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 22p. |
1993 | Mendoza, B. |
Mendoza, B. (1993) Collected 1993 Mexican Spotted Owl Monitoring Forms. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 17 p. |
1993 | Aini et al. |
Aini, I., L. M. Shih, A. E. Castro, and Y. C. Zee. 1993. Comparison of herpesvirus isolates from falcons, pigeons and psittacines by restriction endonuclease analysis. J. Wildl. Dis. 29:196-202. |
1993 | Catling, P. |
Catling, P. Engel, V. (1993) Systemics and Distribution of Hexalectris spicata var. arizonica (orchidaceae). Lindleyana 8(3): 119-125, 1993. Filed in Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. |
1993 | Gray |
Gray, L. J. 1993. Response of insectivorous birds to emerging aquatic insects in riparian habitats of a tallgrass prairie stream. American Midland Naturalist 129:288-300. |
1993 | Vander Haegen et al. |
Vander Haegen, W. M., W. B. Krohn, and R. B. Owen, Jr. 1993a. Effects of weather on earthworm abundance and foods of the American woodcock in spring. Pages 26-31 in J. R. Longcore and G. F. Sepik, editors. Proceedings of the eighth American woodcock sympo |
1993 | Smith |
Smith, Michael J. 1993. Moths of Western North America, 2. Distribution of Sphingidae of North America. Contributions of the C.P. Gillette Insect Biodiversity Museum Department of Entomology, Colorado State University. |
1993 | Kelly |
Kelly, J. P. 1993. The effect of nest predation on habitat selection by dusky flycatchers in limber pine-juniper woodland. Condor 95:83-93. |
1993 | Scott |
Scott, P. E. 1993. A closer look: lucifer hummingbird. Birding, August 1993, pp. 244-251. |
1993 | White and Ralls |
White, P. J. and K. Ralls. 1993. Reproduction and spacing patterns of kit foxes relative to changing prey availability. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:861-867. |
1993 | Flora of North America Editorial Committee |
Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 1993b. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Vol. 1. Introduction. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. NM snail survey to Gila NF, June 3, 1993. |
F93MEH12NMUS | |
1993 | McIntosh, L. 1993. Computer generated map of special status plant species for Holloman 7.5 Minute topo map, BLM District Office, Las Cruces, April 2, 1993. |
M93MCI05NMUS | |
1993 | B. Sims,L. Johnson,Muldavin, E. |
Muldavin, E., B. Sims, and L. Johnson. 1993. Pecos wild and scenic river instream flow report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 93-GTR-52. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 47 p. + app. |
1993 | Chapman, D. |
Chapman, D. 1993. Final Report, Red River Spotted Owl and Goshawk Inventories, Questa Ranger District, Carosn National Forest. Enclosed within a letter from Dwight Chapman to George Long. 17 p. |
1993 | McGrath, Jim. 1993. Letter to Ellen DeBruin w/ Bandelier National Monuments Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Plants Observation Records for yellow ladyslipper, rattlesnake fern, and grama grass cactus. |
U93MCG01NMUS | |
1993 | Mengel, J |
Mengel, J. 1993. Inventory for Apache Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in the Gila National Forest, Luna District. Final report conducted by Stephen W. Hoffman Consulting for U.S.D.A. Forest Service. 9 p. |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field survey to Spring Canyon, Alamosa Warm Springs on July 1 and 2, 1993. |
F93MEH20NMUS | |
1993 | Ewing, G.J. 1993. Letter to NMNHP with a printout of bird sightings from 1988 to 1993 in the vicinity of lakes Holloman and Stinky, Alamogordo. |
U93EWI01NMUS | |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 7 p. |
1993 | Skaggs, R.W. |
Skaggs, R.W. (1993) Unpublished letter to Regional Director of Fish and Wildlife Service. Subject:1993 Endangered Species Permit Report (PRT-676811), 1193 Special Purpose-Migratory Bird Permit Report (678718/7013078). Retrieved from Silver City Ranger Dis |
1993 | DeMauro |
DeMauro, M. M. 1993. Colonial nesting bird responses to visitor use at Lake Renwick heron rookery, Illinois. Natural Areas Journal 13:4-9. |
1993 | Hoover and Brittingham |
Hoover, J.P., and M.C. Brittingham. 1993. Regional variation in cowbird parasitism of Wood Thrushes. Wilson Bulletin 105:228-238. |
1993 | Bacon, J.R. and G. Norman for Cortez III Service Corporation. 1993. A report on a biological survey of 15 pole mounted reference targets to accompany two Launch Area Theodolite System (LATS) Sites. 24 August 1993. 15 pp. |
U93BAC10NMUS | |
1993 | Riley et al. |
Riley, T. Z., C. A. Davis, and R. A. Smith. 1993. Autumn-winter habitat use of lesser prairie-chickens (TYMPANUCHUS PALLIDICINCTUS, Tetraonidae). Great Basin Nat. 53:409-411. |
1993 | DeBruin, E |
DeBruin, E. 1993. Gilia formosa monitoring project. Year III. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for BLM, Farmington Resource Area. 7 p. + app. |
1993 | McCracken |
McCracken, J.D. 1993. Status report on the Cerulean Warbler DENDROICA CERULEA in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 31 pp. |
1993 | Wunderle and Waide |
Wunderle, J. M. Jr., and R. B. Waide. 1993. Distribution of overwintering Nearctic migrants in the Bahamas and Greater Antillies. Condor 95:904-33. |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. |
Mehlhop, P. (1993) Progress Report Year II, Establishment of a Rare Mollusc Inventory and Monitoring Program for New Mexico, Amendment 1. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 10 p. |
1993 | Santa Fe National Forest |
Santa Fe National Forest. 1993. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms and summary. |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field survey to Roswell Country Club on June 18, 1993. |
F93MEH18NMUS | |
1993 | Oldham, M. 1993. Map of SW Willow flycatcher survey sites at Bosque del Apache NWR in summer of 1993. Attached to a letter sent to S.O. Williams III, at NM Dept Game and Fish. |
M93OLD01NMUS | |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field survey to Headquarters Spring on 2 June 1993. |
F93MEH09NMUS | |
1993 | Chapman, Wood and Griswold, Inc. 1993. Townsendia gypsophila population locations and size mapped on San Ysidro USGS 7.5" quad (part of U93CHA01NMUS). |
M93CHA03NMUS | |
1993 | Beier |
Beier, P. 1993. Determining minimum habitat areas and habitat corridors for cougars. Conservation Biology 7:94- |
1993 | Eghbal and Southard |
Eghbal, M.K., and R.J. Southard. 1993. Micromorphological evidence of polygenesis of three Aridisols, Western Mojave Desert, California. Soil Science Society America J. 57: 1041-1050. |
1993 | Iverson and Smith |
Iverson, J. B., and G. R. Smith. 1993. Reproductive ecology of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) in the Nebraska Sandhills and across its range. Copeia 1993:1-21. |
1993 | Northup et al. |
Northup, D.E., K.H. Lavoie, and E.H. Studier. 1993. Bioenergetics of camel crickets (Ceuthophilus carlsbadensis, C. longipes and C. conicaudus) from Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, Comparative Physiol |
1993 | Strayer and Ralley |
Strayer, D.L. and J. Ralley. 1993. Microhabitat use by an assemblage of stream-dwelling unionaceans (Bivalvia) including two rare species of Alasmidonta. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12(3):247-258. |
1993 | New Mexico Department of Game & Fish |
New Mexico Department of Game & Fish. No date. Outline for the culture of Rio Grande cutthroat trout at Seven Springs Hatchery. . 16 p. |
1993 | Lucero, L. |
Lucero, L. 1993. Unpublished letter to: District Ranger, All Districts. Subject: Annual Inventory and Mopnitoring Report. USFS. 20 p. |
1993 | Muldavin, E.,P. Mehlhop,R. Wallace |
Muldavin, E., R. Wallace, and P. Mehlhop. 1993. Riparian ecological site inventory for New Mexico Bureau of Land Management Lands. Year 1: a demonstration of methods. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for Bureau of Land Management, New |
1993 | Allred, K.W |
Allred, K.W. 1993. A field guide to the grasses of New Mexico. Department of Agricultural Communications, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. |
1993 | Church et al. |
Church, K. E., J. R. Sauer, and S. Droege. 1993. Population trends of quails in North America. Proceedings of the National Quail Symposium III:44-54. |
1993 | Gregg et al. |
Gregg, M. A., J. A. Crawford, and M. S. Drut. 1993. Summer habitat use and selection by female sage grouse (CENTROCERCUS UROPHASIANUS) in Oregon. Great Basin Nat. 53:293-298. |
1993 | Pampush and Anthony |
Pampush, G. J., and R. G. Anthony. 1993. Nest success, habitat utilization and nest-site selection of long-billed curlews in the Columbia Basin, Oregon. Condor 95:957-967. |
1993 | Vander Haegen et al. |
Vander Haegen, W. M., W. B. Krohn, and R. B. Owen, Jr. 1993b. Care, behavior, and growth of captive-reared American woodcocks. Pages 57-65 in J. R. Longcore and G. F. Sepik, editors. Proceedings of the eighth American woodcock symposium. U.S. Fish and Wil |
1993 | Andres |
Andres, B. A. 1993. Foraging flights of Pacific, Gavia pacifica, and Red-throated, G. stellata, Loons on Alaska's Coastal Plain. Canadian Field-Naturalist 107:238-240. |
1993 | Veit and Peterson |
Veit, R. R., and W. R. Peterson. 1993. Birds of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Audubon Society, Lincoln, Massachusetts. xv + 514 pp. |
1993 | Knight et al. |
Knight, A., D. Styer, S. Pelikan, J. A. Campbell, L. D. Densmore III, and D. P. Mindell. 1993. Choosing among hypotheses of rattlesnake phylogeny: a best-fit rate test for DNA sequence data. Systematic Biology 42(3):356-367. |
1993 | Scribner |
Scribner, K. T. 1993. Hybrid zone dynamics are influenced by genotype-specific variation in life-history traits: experimental evidence from hybridizing Gambusia species. Evolution 47:632-646. |