Displaying 6661 - 6720 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1993 | Fitch and Pisani |
Fitch, H. S., and G. R. Pisani. 1993. Life history traits of the western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) studied from roundup samples in Oklahoma. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. Occas. Pap. (156):1-24. |
1993 | Belant et al. |
Belant, J. L., et al. 1993. Importance of landfills to nesting herring gulls. Condor 95:817-830. |
1993 | Elmberg |
Elmberg, J. 1993. Song differences between North American and European White-winged Crossbills. Auk 110:385. |
1993 | Krementz and Seginak |
Krementz, D. G., and J. T. Seginak. 1993. Habitat use and survival rates of wintering American woodcocks in coastal South Carolina and Georgia. Page 133 in J. R. Longcore and G. F. Sepik, editors. Proceedings of the eighth American woodcock symposium. U.S |
1993 | McAuley et al. |
McAuley, D. G., J. R. Longcore, and G. F. Sepik. 1993b. Behavior of radio-marked breeding American woodcocks. Pages 116-125 in J. R. Longcore and G. F. Sepik, editors. Proceedings of the eighth American woodcock symposium. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service B |
1993 | Boucher, P. 1993. Personal communication by phone and electronic mail to S.O. Williams III regarding SW Willow flycatchers sighted along San Francisco River, NM. Information summarized by S.O. Williams III, NM Dept Game and Fish. |
U93BOU01NMUS | |
1993 | Galeano-Popp, R. |
Galeano-Popp, R. (1993) Lincoln National Forest, Mexican Spotted Owl, Annual Survey and Inventory Report. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 29 p. |
1993 | Salmansohn |
Salmansohn, P. 1993. Plowed under. Wildlife Conservation, November/December 1993, pp. 22-29, 78. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 7 p. |
1993 | Montoya, B. |
Montoya, B. 1993.Tables and maps for aquatic species collected during the calendar year1993. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 7 p. |
1993 | Travis, J. 1993. Willow flycatcher survey detection and nest site data forms developed by Partners in Flight to establish occurrence of Empidonax traillii extimus in NM. Summary added by S.O. Williams III, NM Dept Game and Fish. |
U93TRA02NMUS | |
1993 | Mehlhop |
Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field trip by P. Mehlhop and C. Painter to Torreon Spring, July 2, 1993. |
1993 | Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field survey to Roswell Country Club on June 16, 1993. |
F93MEH23NMUS | |
1993 | Berkey et al. |
Berkey, G., R. Crawford, S. Galipeau, D. Johnson, D. Lambeth, and R. Kreil. 1993. A review of wildlife management practices in North Dakota: effects on nongame bird populations and habitats. Report submitted to Region 6. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, De |
1993 | Best and Henry |
Best, T. L., and T. H. Henry. 1993b. Lepus callotis. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 442:1-6. |
1993 | Field et al. |
Field, R., M. R. North, and J. Wells. 1993. Nesting activity of yellow-billed loons on the Colville River Delta, Alaska, after the EXXON VALDEZ oil spill. Wilson Bull. 105:325-332. |
1993 | Anderson, D.L. 1993. Plant collection log sheet for ^&Pseudocymopterus longiradiatus - log #242: riparian zone in Garden Spring Canyon between Deep and Rabbit Springs. 7 May 1993. |
U93AND02NMUS | |
1993 | Powell and Cuthbert |
Powell, A. N., and F. J. Cuthbert. 1993. Augmenting small populations of plovers: an assessment of cross-fostering and captive-rearing. Conservation Biology 7:160-168. |
1993 | Tinkle et al. |
Tinkle, D. W., A. E. Dunham, and J. D. Congdon. 1993. Life history and demographic variation in the lizard Sceloporus graciosus: a long-term study. Ecology 74:2413-2429. |
1993 | Figg |
Figg, D. E. 1993. Missouri Department of Conservation wildlife diversity report, July 1992-June 1993. 75 pp. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 6 p. |
1993 | Reed, S. Special plant site survey form and maps for Trifolium longipes var neurophyllum. Gila NF, Aug 13, 1993. |
U93REE01NMUS | |
1993 | Atkinson |
Atkinson, E. C. 1993. Winter territories and night roosts of northern shrikes in Idaho. Condor 95:515-527. |
1993 | Daily et al. |
Daily, G. C., P. R. Ehrlich, and N. M. Haddad. 1993. Double keystone bird in a keystone species complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:592-594 |
1993 | Hejl and Paige |
Hejl, S.J., and L.C. Paige. 1993. A preliminary assessment of birds in continuous and fragmented forests of western redcedar/western hemlock in northern Idaho. Pages 189-197 in D.M. Baumgartner, J.E. Lotan, J.R. Tonn, editors. Interior cedar-hemlock-white |
1993 | Qumsiyeh and Bickham |
Qumsiyeh, M. B., and J. W. Bickham. 1993. Chromosomes and relationships of long-eared bats of the genera Plecotus and Otonycteris. Journal of Mammalogy 74:376-382. |
1993 | Yahner |
Yahner, R. H. 1993. Effects of long-term forest clear-cutting on wintering and breeding birds. Wilson Bull. 105:239-255. |
1993 | Askins |
Askins, R. A. 1993. Population trends in grassland, shrubland, and forest birds in eastern North America. Pages 1-34 in D. M. Power (editor). Current Ornithology, No. 11. Plenum Press, New York, New York. |
1993 | Frey |
Frey, J. K. 1993. Nocturnal foraging by scissor-tailed flycatchers under artificial light. Western Birds 24:200. |
1993 | Seutin et al. |
Seutin, G., P. T. Boag, and L. M. Ratcliffe. 1993. Morphometric variability in redpolls from Churchill, Manitoba. Auk 110:832-843. |
1993 | Wright and Lowe |
Wright, J. W., and C. H. Lowe. 1993. Synopsis of the subspecies of the little striped whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus inornatus Baird. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 27:129-157. |
1993 | Klemens |
Klemens, M. W. 1993. Amphibians and reptiles of Connecticut and adjacent regions. State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin 112. xii + 318 pp. |
1993 | Muldavin, E |
Muldavin, E. 1993. White Sands National Monument vegetation classification and map project. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program |
1993 | Calder |
Calder, W.A. 1993. Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 53. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. 20 pp. |
1993 | Bacon, J.R,J. Williams,P.W. Hyder |
Bacon, J.R, P.W. Hyder, and J. Williams. 1993. First draft report: A biological assessment of four Camera Pads, an Impact Site, two Launch Area Theodolite System (LATS) Sites, and a Flight Corridor: Kinetic Energy Missile (KEM) Program, WSMR, NM. Cortez I |
1993 | Crandall, S. |
Crandall, S. Williama.s T. (1993) 1993 Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Report, Cloudcroft and Mayhill Ranger Districts, Lincoln National Forest. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 15 p. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 7 p. |
1993 | McIntosh, L. 1993. Computer generated map of standard vs. GPS mapping of Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisecta on South Alamogordo Quad. |
M93MCI06NMUS | |
1993 | Goodchild |
Goodchild, C. D. 1993. Status report on the flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 20 pp. |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 6 p. |
1993 | Unknown |
Unknown, 1993. Bison-M (Draft) Taxonomy Species Falcon, Aplomado. Temminck, Subspp. Todd Authority. USFS |
1993 | Genoways and Brown |
Genoways, H. H., and J. H. Brown, editors. 1993. Biology of the Heteromyidae. American Society of Mammalogists Special Publication No. 10. 719 pp. |
1993 | Belant and Dolbeer |
Belant, J. L., and R. A. Dolbeer. 1993. Population status of nesting laughing gulls in the United States 1977-1991. Am. Birds 47:220-224. |
1993 | Fischer et al. |
Fischer, R. A., A. D. Apa, W. L. Wakkinen, K. P. Reese and J. W. Connelly. 1993. Nesting-area fidelity of sage grouse in southeastern Idaho. Condor 95:1038-1041. |
1993 | Larsen et al. |
Larsen, K. W., P. T. Gregory, and R. Antoniak. 1993. Reproductive ecology of the common garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis at the northern limit of its range. Am. Midl. Nat. 129:336-345. |
1993 | Mercure et al. |
Mercure, A., et al. 1993. Genetic subdivisions among small canids: mitochondrial DNA differentiation of swift, kit, and arctic foxes. Evolution 47:1313-1328. |
1993 | Brown, B. 1993. Letter and NM rare/unusual bird report to Sartor O. Williams III of NM Dept Game and Fish regarding sighting of Plain capped star-throat hummingbird, dated 18 Nov 1993. |
U93BRO02NMUS | |
1993 | Gardner, K. 1993. Plant/animal occurrence record - cooperator forms and maps for Allium gooddingii. Gila NF, July 1, 1993. |
U93GAR01NMUS | |
1993 | Sepik and Blumenstock |
Sepik, G. F., and B. Blumenstock. 1993. Management and research on the American woodcock at the Moosehorn National wildlife Refuge. Page 136 in J. R. Longcore and G. F. Sepik, editors. Proceedings of the eighth American woodcock symposium. U.S. Fish and W |
1993 | McMillan, K. |
McMillan, K. (1993) Information Survey Data for U.S. Forest Service, Habitat Conservation Assessment, Inland Cutthroat Trout. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 7 p. |
1993 | Montoya, B. |
Montoya, B. (1993) Unpublished letter to Dr. John G. Rogers, Regional Director of US Fish and Wildlife Services, Regarding Fish Monitoring. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 8 p. |
1993 | Unknown |
Unknown, 1993. BISON-M Draft - Taxonomy Species Hawk, Ferruginous. Gray Authority. USFS |
1993 | Mehlhop |
Mehlhop, P. 1993. Field trip by P. Mehlhop and C. Painter to Willow Spring, July 1, 1993. |
1993 | Evans and Knopf |
Evans, R.M. and F.L. Knopf. 1993. American White Pelican (PELECANUS ERYTHRORHYNCHOS). In A. Poole and F. Gill, editors, The Birds of North America, No. 57. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, DC. |
1993 | Bogan |
Bogan, A. E. 1993b. Freshwater bivalve extinction (Mollusca: Unionoida): A search for causes. Amer. Zool. 33:599-609. |
1993 | Franzreb and Laymon |
Franzreb, K. E. and S. A. Laymon. 1993. A reassessment of the taxonomic status of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Western Birds 24:17-28. |
1993 | Anderson, D.L |
Anderson, D.L. 1993. Botanical survey at proposed road waste disposal site at San Augustin Pass, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. WSMR - STEWS-ES-E, Environmental Services. . 5 p. |
1993 | Rappole et al. |
Rappole, J.H., W.J. McShea, and J. Vega-Rivera. 1993. Evaluation of two survey methods in upland avian breeding communities. Journal of Field Ornithology 64(1):55-70. |
1993 | Tocque |
Tocque, K. 1993. The relationship between parasite burden and host resources in the desert toad (Scaphiopus couchii), under natural environmental conditions. J. Anim. Ecol. 62:683-693. |
1993 | Ford-Schmid, R. |
Ford-Schmid, R. (1993) 1993 Mexican Spotted Owl Daytime Follow-up Visit Form. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 18 p. |