Displaying 4501 - 4560 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1997 | G. Harper,Muldavin, E.M,P. Mehlhop,P. Neville,Y. Chauvin |
Muldavin, E.M, G. Harper, P. Neville, Y. Chauvin, and P. Mehlhop. 1997. A vegetation classification and map for White Sands Missile Range and San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, Final Report, Volume II. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 9 |
1997 | Bogan, M.A |
Bogan, M.A. 1997. Bats of the San Andres Mountains. |
1997 | Johnson, T.H |
Johnson, T.H. 1997. Site specific (P11/12) management plan information for Falco peregrinus. 11 p. |
1997 | Rohrer, T. |
Rohrer, T. Sharpe, M. (1997) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Corypantha sneedii leei. Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Jones and Vickery |
Jones, A.L., and P.D. Vickery. 1997. Conserving grassland birds: managing agricultural lands including hayfields, crop fields, and pastures for grassland birds. Massachusetts Audubon Society, Lincoln, MA. |
1997 | Wright |
Wright, J. M. 1997. Olive-sided Flycatchers in central Alaska, 1994-1996. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration, Final Report Project SE-3-4, Juneau, AK. |
1997 | Black, K. |
Black, K. Fragua, S. Ross, D. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Irabarne Kuenzleri Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | DeLorenzo, D. |
DeLorenzo, D. (1997) Lincoln National Forest Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Kammer, D |
Kammer, D. 1997. Historical significance of the Askania Cinetheodolite Towers located on Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands Missile Range. Unpubl. report prepared for New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 48 p. |
1997 | Sharpe, M |
Sharpe, M. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plnt Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe R.D. Lee's Survey- Wilderness Ridge. Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. 2 p. |
1997 | Marti |
Marti, C. 1997. Flammulated owls (OTUS FLAMMEOLUS) breeding in deciduous forests. Pages 262-266 in J.R. Duncan, D.H. Johnson, and T.H. Nicholls, editors. Biology and conservation of owls in the Northern Hemisphere. USDA Forest Service General Technical Re |
1997 | Fair and Henke |
Fair, W. S., and S. E. Henke. 1997. Efficacy of capture methods for a low density population of Phrynosoma cornutum. Herpetological Review 28:135-137. |
1997 | McElroy et al. |
McElroy, D. M., J. A. Shoemaker, and M. E. Douglas. 1997. Discriminating Gila robusta and Gila cypha: risk assessment and the Endangered Species Act. Ecological Applications 7:958-967. |
1997 | White and Garrott |
White, P. J., and R. A. Garrott. 1997. Factors regulating kit fox populations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:1982- |
1997 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1997a. Final determination of critical habitat for the southwestern willow flycatcher. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Federal Register 62(140)39129-39147. |
1997 | Sharpe et al. |
Sharpe, C. et al. 1997. Three species of exotic passerine in Venezuela. Cotinga 7:43-44. |
A97SHA0100LA |
1997 | Delevoryas |
Delevoryas, P. 1997. Relocation of burrowing owls during courtship period. Pages 132-137 in J.L. Lincer and K. Steenhof, editors. The burrowing owl: its biology and management. Raptor Research Report No. 9. Raptor Research Foundation. |
1997 | Johnson |
Johnson, D.H. 1997. Effects of fire on bird populations in mixed-grass prairie. Pages 181-206 in F.L. Knopf and F.B. Samson, editors. Ecology and conservation of Great Plains vertebrates. Springer-Verlag, New York. |
1997 | Smith et al. |
Smith, H. M., et al. [10 other authors]. 1997a. Cnemidophorus neomexicanus Lowe & Zweifel, 1952 (Reptilia, Squamata): proposed conservation of the specific name. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 54:167-171. |
1997 | AML |
Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division. 1997. Fluorite Ridge Mine Reclamation Project Environmental Assessment. Project Number 35106. Luna County, New Mexico: Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division |
1997 | Jenkins, B |
Jenkins, B. 1997. NMHP plant occurrence record data collected from specimen information in USFS herbarium at Albuquerque. |
1997 | Ross, D. |
Ross, D. Black, K. Ung, K. Fragua, S. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: National Kuenzler Survey. Guadalupe Ranger Distirct, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Cronquist et al. |
Cronquist, A., A.H. Holmgren, N.H. Holmgren, J.L. Reveal, P.K. Holmgren. 1997. Intermountain Flora, Volume 3, Part A Subclass Rosidae (except Fabales). The New York Botanical Gardens. Bronx, New York. 446 pp. |
1997 | Sharpe, M. |
Sharpe, M. (1997). Three specimen photos including section locations. Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS, |
1997 | Barber and Martin |
Barber, D.R., and T.E. Martin. 1997. Influence of alternate host densities on Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism rates in Black-capped Vireos. Condor 99:595-604. |
1997 | Cowie |
Cowie, R.H. 1997. Catalog and bibliography of the nonindigenous nonmarine snails and slugs of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 50: 1-66. |
1997 | Metcalf and Smartt |
Metcalf, A.L. and R.A. Smartt. 1997. Land snails of New Mexico. Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 10: 1-145. |
1997 | Colorado Bird Observatory |
Colorado Bird Observatory. 1997. Results of the 1997 Mexican Plateau Research. Abstract only. Colorado Bird Observatory. Online. Available: http://www.CBObirds.org/home.html. |
1997 | Lang |
Lang, B.K. 1997. Status of Aquatic Mollusks of New Mexico. Performance Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 6 E-20-5. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 28 pp. |
1997 | Askins |
Askins, R. A. 1997, 1999. (unpublished data) Effect of Timber Harvesting on Blue-winged Warblers and Other Shrubland Species. Report on a Grant from the Connecticut Income Tax Checkoff Fund. |
1997 | C.A. May,Gutierrez, R.J.,M.E. Seamans,M.Z. Peery |
Gutierrez, R.J., M.E. Seamans, C.A. May, and M.Z. Peery. 1997. Demography of two Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) populations in Arizona and New Mexico: 1996 annual report. Submitted by Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, Ar |
1997 | Reeves, T. 1997. Gray vireo nesting survey in San Juan and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. 23p. |
U97REE02NMUS | |
1997 | Waldron, T |
Waldron, T. 1997. Oological collection records for New Mexico from the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology for Falco peregrinus, Strix occidentalis lucida and other birds in New Mexico. . 162 p. |
1997 | Neville, T. |
Neville, T.. 1997. Holloman AFB GIS developed for the Holloman AFB Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan. |
1997 | Brown, B.A |
Brown, B.A. 1997. Two e-mails to Pat Mehlhop from Bennett A. Brown, subject: thanks, white-sided jackrabbit, 16 Oct 97 and 10 Nov 97. |
1997 | Johnson, T.H. |
Johnson, T.H. (1997) Unpublsihed letter to Dick Braun, Forest Biologist, Carson National Forest. Subject: P-58 Fire Effects. Retrieved from Regional Office. 13 p. |
1997 | Score, K |
Score, K. 1997. EO Form filled out by Kim Score based on personal observations and field notes. |
1997 | Plissner and Haig |
Plissner, J. H., and S. M. Haig. 1997. 1996 International Piping Plover Census. U. S. Geological Survey - Biological Resources Division. Corvallis, OR. 231pp. |
1997 | Black, K. |
Black, K. Fragua, S. Ross, D. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Irabarne Kuenzleri Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | DeLorenzo, D.G. |
DeLorenzo, D.G. (1997) Unpublished Letter to L. Haseloff, FOIA Officer. Subject: Freedom of Information Act Request FOIA--97--005. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 19 p. |
1997 | Lincoln National Forest |
Lincoln National Forest. 1997. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms. |
1997 | Sharpe, M. |
Sharpe, M. Rohrer, T. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe R.D.- Lee's Survey- Lonesome Ridge. Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. 3 p. |
1996 | Huntington et al. |
Huntington, C., W. Nehlsen, and J. Bowers. 1996. A survey of healthy native stocks of anadromous salmonids in the Pacific Northwest and California. Fisheries 21(3):6-14. |
1996 | McAuley et al. |
McAuley, D. G., J. R. Longcore, G. F. Sepik, and G. W. Pendleton. 1996. Habitat characteristics of American Woodcock nest sites on a managed area in Maine. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:138-148. |
1996 | Quattro et al. |
Quattro, J. M., P. L. Leberg, M. E. Douglas, and R. C. Vrijenhoek. 1996. Molecular evidence for a unique evolutionary lineage of endangered Sonoran Desert fish (genus POECILIOPSIS). Conservation Biology 10:128-135. |
1996 | Weber and Rabinowitz |
Weber, W., and A. Rabinowitz. 1996. A global perspective on large carnivore conservation. Conservation Biology 10:1046-1053. |
1996 | Steeger et al. |
Steeger, C., M. Machmer, and E. Walters. 1996. Ecology and management of woodpeckers and wildlife trees in British Columbia. Fraser River Action Plan, Environment Canada, Victoria. |
1996 | Rich |
Rich, T.D. 1996. Degradation of shrubsteppe vegetation by cheatgrass invasion and livestock grazing: effect on breeding birds. Abstract only. Columbia Basin Shrubsteppe Symposium. April 23-25, 1996. Spokane, WA. |
1996 | Grayson et al. |
Grayson, D. K., S. D. Livingston, E. Rickart, and M. W. Shaver, III. 1996. Biogeographic significance of low-elevation records for NEOTOMA CINEREA from the northern Bonneville Basin, Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 56:191-196. |
1996 | C. Baisan,Morino, K.,T. Swetnam |
Morino, K., C. Baisan, and T. Swetnam. 1996. Spatial-Temporal dynamics of montane forest communities in relation to fire in the Organ Mountains, Ft. Bliss, Texas and New Mexico. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program, NM |
1996 | Troy |
Troy, D. 1996. Population dynamics of breeding shorebirds in Arctic Alaska. International Wader Studies 8:15-27. |
1996 | Anthony et al. |
Anthony, R. G., G. A. Green, E. D. Foresman, and S. K. Nelson. 1996. Avian abundance in riparian zones of three forest types in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon. Wilson Bulletin 108:280-291. |
1996 | Holt |
Holt, D. W. 1996. On winter records and vertebrate prey in flammulated owls. J. Raptor Research 30:46-48. |
1996 | O'Grady et al. |
O'Grady, D.R., D.P. Hill, and R.M.R. Barclay. 1996. Nest visitation by humans does not increase predation on Chestnut-collared Longspur eggs and young. Journal of Field Ornithology 67:275-280. |
1996 | Coles |
Coles, J. 1996. Population trends in Astragalus ripleyi on Forest service Lands. Unpublished document. Colorado Natural Areas Program, Denver, Colorado, USA. |
1996 | Sager, L |
Sager, L. 1996. A 1995 survey of Mountain Plovers (Charadrius montanus) in New Mexico. Unpubl. report to NM Dept. of Game and Fish. Includes margin notes with errata. 59 p. |
1996 | Boczkiewicz, S.M |
Boczkiewicz, S.M. 1996. One database table listing 1558 instrumentation and target sites on WSMR. Access database (SCOTWSMR\WSMRSITE. mdb). Unpubl. |
1996 | Whitaker |
Whitaker, J. O., Jr. 1996. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mammals. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, USA. 937 pp. |
1996 | Grismer and McGuire |
Grismer, L. L., and J. A. McGuire. 1996. Taxonomy and biogeography of the Sceloporus magister complex (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) in Baja California, Mexico. Herpetologica 52:416-427. |
1996 | M.A. Bogan,Ramotnik, C.A. |
Ramotnik, C.A. and M.A. Bogan. 1996. 1995 annual report: baseline surveys for mammals at San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. National Biological Service, Midcontinent Ecological Science Center. 22 February 1996. 8 pp. |