Displaying 4321 - 4380 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1997 | Black, K. |
Black, K. Fragua, S. Ross, D. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Price/Blair Kuenzleri Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Hensel, E. |
Hensel, E. Spindler, F. Benecke, T. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Paul, L. |
Paul, L. Lacewell, L. Sherman, J .(1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Kuenzler's Survey- Burleson Rx Burn (BLM/FS). Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1997 | Block and Finch |
Block, W.M., and D.M. Finch. 1997. Songbird ecology in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: a literature review. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-GTR-292, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO. 152 pp. |
1997 | Sauer et al. |
Sauer, J.R., J.E. Hines, G. Gough, I. Thomas, and B.G. Peterjohn. 1997b. July 29-last update. The North American Breeding Bird Survey Results and Analysis. Version 96.4. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD. Online. Available: http://www.mbr.nbs. |
1997 | AML |
Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division. 1997. Waterflow Mine Reclamation Project Environmental Assessment. Project Number 35099. San Juan County, New Mexico: Abandoned Mine Land Bureau, New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division. |
1997 | Burt |
Burt, J. 1997. The effects of grazing and fire on Astragalus ripleyi Barneby. Unpublished document. February 15. Submitted to the Colorado Natural Areas Program, Denver, Colorado, USA. |
1997 | Hobert |
Hobert, J. P. 1997. The massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) in Colorado. M.A. thesis, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. xii + 154 pp. |
1997 | Paul, L. |
Paul, L. (1997) Unpublsihed Letter to R. Galeano-Popp Subject: MSO Reports. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 54 p. |
1997 | Barber and Martin |
Barber, D.R., and T.E. Martin. 1997. Influence of alternate host densities on Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism rates in Black-capped Vireos. Condor 99:595-604. |
1997 | Cowie |
Cowie, R.H. 1997. Catalog and bibliography of the nonindigenous nonmarine snails and slugs of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 50: 1-66. |
1997 | Metcalf and Smartt |
Metcalf, A.L. and R.A. Smartt. 1997. Land snails of New Mexico. Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 10: 1-145. |
1997 | Ramotnik, C |
Ramotnik, C. 1997. Conservation assessment of the Sacramento Mountain salamander $^Aneides hardii. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-GTR-293. Fort Collins, Co: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. |
1997 | Sivinski, R. |
Sivinski, R. 1997. Endangered Plant Study. Sante Fe, NM: New Mexico Forestry Division; Performance Report E-9-11. 97p. |
1997 | Best et al. |
Best, L.B., H. Campa, III, K.E. Kemp, R.J. Robel, M.R. Ryan, J.A. Savidge, H.P. Weeks, Jr., and S.R. Winterstein. 1997. Bird abundance and nesting in CRP fields and cropland in the Midwest: a regional approach. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:864-877. |
1997 | Herkert |
Herkert, J.R. 1997. Bobolink (DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS) population decline in agricultural landscapes in the midwestern USA. Biological Conservation 80:107-112. |
1997 | Moir et al. |
Moir, W.H., B. Geils, M.A. Benoit, and D. Scurlock. 1997. Ecology of southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Pages 3-27 in W.M. Block and D.M. Finch, technical editors. Songbird ecology in southwestern ponderosa pine forests: a literature review. USDA Forest |
1997 | Hensel, E. |
Hensel, E. Benecke, T. Spindler, F. Ung, K. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Species, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Naugle |
Naugle, D.E. 1997. Habitat area requirements of prairie wetland birds in eastern South Dakota. Ph.D. dissertation. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. 85 pp. |
1997 | Burgan, R.,C. Chase |
Burgan, R. and C. Chase. 1997. NDVI and derived image data. |
1997 | Ladyman, J.A.R |
Ladyman, J.A.R. 1997. Justification for plant Element Global Ranking Forms. Microsoft Excel 7.0. F:\Marilyn\CDplnt_L.xls. |
1997 | Fulé et al. |
Fulé, P.Z., W.W. Covington, and M.M. Moore. 1997. Determining reference conditions for ecosystem management of southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Ecological Applications 7:895-908. |
1997 | Hawk Watch International |
Hawk Watch International. 1997. 1995-1997 Migrating raptor counts for the Manzano and Sandia Mountains with special emphasis on Ferruginous Hawks. . 3 p. |
1997 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 25 March 1997. Proposal to list the Preble's meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species. Federal Register 62:14093-14101. |
1997 | Wilson et al. |
Wilson, A. G., Jr., E. M. Wilson, C. R. Groves, and R. L. Wallace. 1997. U.S. distribution of the Coeur d'Alene salamander (PLETHODON IDAHOENSIS Slater and Slipp). Great Basin Naturalist 57:359-362. |
1997 | Durkin, P.,E. Muldavin,M. Bradley,P. Mehlhop |
Durkin, P., M. Bradley, E. Muldavin, and P. Mehlhop. 1997. Wetland/riparian vegetation communities of New Mexico: San Juan and Little Colorado watersheds. Vol I. Unpubl. report submitted by the New Mexico Natural Heritage Program to New Mexico Environment |
1997 | Paul, L. |
Paul, L. Johnson, T. Renkovitch, S. (1997) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Aquilegia chaplinei. Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. 4 p. |
1997 | Sredl et al. |
Sredl, M. J., J. M. Howland, J. E. Wallace, and L. S. Saylor. 1997a. Status and distribution of Arizona's native ranid frogs. Pages 37-89 in M. J. Sredl, editor. Ranid frog conservation and management. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Nongame and Endange |
1997 | Reid |
Reid, F. A. 1997. A field guide to the mammals of Central America and southeast Mexico. Oxford University Press, Incorporated New York, New York. 334 pp. |
1997 | Stewart and Baker |
Stewart, D. T., and A. J. Baker. 1997. A phylogeny of some taxa of masked shrews (Sorex cinereus) based on mitochondrial-DNA, D-loop sequences. Journal of Mammalogy 78:361-376. |
1997 | Black, K. |
Black, K. Fragua, S. Ross, D. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensiitve Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Soldier Kuenzleri Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Hensel, E. |
Hensel, E. Benecke, T. Spindler, F. (1997) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Pflieger |
Pflieger, W. L. 1997a. Fishes of Missouri. Revised Edition. Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, Missouri. |
1997 | Bureau of Land Management |
Bureau of Land Management. 1997. United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District Office, Caballo Resource Area. Otero County Areas of Critical Environmental Concern. Plan Draft BLM-NM-PL-006-8011. August 1997. |
1997 | Struttman |
Struttman, J. 1997. April 25, 2000-last update. Moths of North America. Saturniidae. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, North Dakota. Online. Available: http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/re |
1997 | Lang |
Lang, B.K. 1997. Status and Distribution of Terrestrial Snails in Southern New Mexico. Performance Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 6 E-36-2. 46 p. |
1997 | Anderson, D |
Anderson, D. 1997. Summary of sensitive plants observed by D. Anderson on WSMR in 1996 - 1997 with quad maps. 15 p. |
1997 | Burkett, D |
Burkett, D. 1997. Progress report WES herp trapping 1997, 15 July 1997. |
1997 | Huning, T. |
Huning, T. DeGruyter, B. (1997) 1997 National Forests Northern Goshawk Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Radke |
Radke, W. 1997. Portion of Bitter Lake NWR document discussing survey results for Assiminea pecos. 1 p. |
1997 | Bevers et al. |
Bevers, M., J. Hoff, D. W. Uresk, and G. L. Schenbeck. 1997. Spatial optimization of prairie dog colonies for black-footed ferret recovery. Operations Research 45(4):495-507. |
1997 | Creer et al. |
Creer, D. A., K. M. Kjer, D. L. Simmons, and J. W. Sites, Jr. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships of the Sceloporus scalaris species group (Squamata). Journal of Herpetology 31:353-364. |
1997 | National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) |
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 18 August 1997. Listing of several Evolutionary [sic] Significant Units (ESUs) of west coast steelhead. Federal Register 62(159):43937-43954. |
1997 | Ross and Johnson |
Ross, R. M. and J. H. Johnson. 1997. Fish losses to Double-Crested Cormorant predation in eastern Lake Ontario, 1992-1997. Symposium on Double-Crested Cormorants: Population status and Management Issues in the Midwest (abstracts). Online. Available: http: |
1997 | Blem et al. |
Blem, C.R., L.B. Blem, and C.C. Cosgrove. 1997. Field studies of rufous hummingbird sucrose preference: does source height affect test results? Journal of Field Ornithology 68:245-252. |
1997 | Hicks and Carr |
Hicks, S. A., and S. M. Carr. 1997. Are there two species of pine marten in North America? Genetic and evolutionary relationship within MARTES. Pages 15-28 in G. Proulx, H. N. Bryant, and P. M. Woodard, editors. Martes: taxonomy, ecology, techniques, and |
1997 | Montoya et al. |
Montoya, A.B., P.J. Zwank, and M. Cardenas. 1997. Breeding biology of Aplomado Falcons in desert grasslands of Chihuahua, Mexico. Journal of Field Ornithology 68(1):135-143. |
1997 | Hensel, E. |
Hensel, E. Vanhyning, C. Benecke, T. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Paul, L. |
Paul, L. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Prude RX Burn. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | Goldberg and Lowe |
Goldberg, S. R., and C. H. Lowe. 1997. Reproductive cycle of the Gila monster, Heloderma suspectum, in southern Arizona. Journal of Herpetology 31:161-166. |
1997 | Durkin, P., et al |
Durkin, P., et al. 1997. Preliminary wetlands/riparian survey Vermejo Park Ranch: Summary of potential conservation sites. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for Varmejo Park Ranch, Turner Enterprises, Inc., Raton, NM. 27 p. |
1997 | Paul, L. |
Paul, L. (1997) Kuenzler Blooming Report and Map. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1997 | M. Mulvey,Stockwell, C.A. |
Stockwell, C.A. and M. Mulvey. 1997. Ecological genetics of the White Sands pupfish. Status of research objectives, submitted to: Dr. Hildegard Reiser, Holloman AFB. 6 Nov 97. . 4 p. |
1997 | Prescott |
Prescott, D.R.C. 1997. Avian communities and NAWMP habitat priorities in the northern Prairie biome of Alberta. Land Stewardship Centre of Canada, NAWMP-029. St. Albert, Alberta. 41 pp. |
1997 | Sun |
Sun, C. 1997. Dispersal of young in red squirresl (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). American Midland Naturalist 138:252-259. |
1997 | Black, K. |
Black, K. Ross, D. (1997) Inventory Completion Report, Sensitive Plant Survey, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Project Name: Hooper Kuenzleri Survey. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USS. 3 p. |
1997 | Hoagstrom, C |
Hoagstrom, C. 1997. Pecos River Fishery Investigations: Fish Habitat Availability and Use; Fish Community Structure in Relation to Reservoir Operations. 1995 Annual Report. Submitted to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. |
1997 | C.L. Springer,Pittenger, J.S. |
Pittenger, J.S. and C.L. Springer. 1997. Native range and conservation of the White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) - draft submitted to Southwest. Nat. Includes two attached letters. |
1997 | Carter |
Carter, J. 1997a. NMRPTC status summary: Apacheria chiricahuensis C.T. Mason (Crossosomataceae). New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council; Reports on little-known plants. Online. Available: http://biology.unm.edu/chelo/98reports/carter.htm#apachi Accessed |
1997 | Texas Natural History Collections |
Texas Natural History Collections [University of Texas at Austin]. 1997. February 7-last update. Texas Freshwater Fishes Index (Images, Maps and Information). Online. Available: http://www.fw.vt.edu/fishex/nm.html. Accessed 1997, April 14. |