Displaying 12661 - 12720 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1982 | Koopman |
Koopman, K. F. 1982. Biogeography of the bats of South America. Pp. 273-302 in Mares MA and Genoways HH eds. Mammalian Biology in South America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, Special Publication Series, Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology. |
A82KOO0100LA |
1982 | Verbeek |
Verbeek, N. A. M. 1982. Egg predation by northern crows: its association with human and bald eagle activity. AUK 99(2):347-352. |
1982 | Beissinger Osborne |
Beissinger, S. R. and D. R. Osborne. 1982. Effects of urbanization on avian community organization. Condor 84:75-83. |
1982 | Locke et al. |
Locke, L. M., S. M. Kerr, and D. Zoromski. 1982. Lead poisoning in common loons (GAVIA IMMER). Avian Diseases 26:392-6. |
1982 | Collins et al. |
Collins, S. L., F. C. James, and P. G. Risser. 1982. Habitat relationships of wood warblers (Parulidae) in north central Minnesota. Oikos 39:50-8. |
1982 | Behnke, R.J. |
Behnke, R.J. (1982) Evaluation of 1982 Collections of Cutthroat Trout From New Mexico. Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 16 p. |
1982 | Cuthbert and Wiens |
Cuthbert, F. J., and T. Wiens. 1982. Status and breeding biology of the piping plover in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota. Report submitted to Non-Game Program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 18 pp. |
1982 | Kessler and Bosch |
Kessler, W. B., and R. P. Bosch. 1982. Sharp-tailed grouse and range management practices in western rangelands. Pages 133-146 in J. M. Peek and P. D. Dalke, editors. Proc. Wildlife-Livestock Relationships Symp. Proc 10. Univ. of Idaho, Forest, Wildlife a |
1982 | Spencer and Cameron |
Spencer, S.R. and G.N. Cameron. 1982. Reithrodontomys fulvescens. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 174. 7 pp. |
1982 | Hill |
Hill, E. P. 1982a. Beaver. Pages 256-281 in J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhamer, editors. Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and economics. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 1147 pp. |
1982 | Holden and Wick |
Holden, P. B., and E. J. Wick. 1982. Life history and prospects for recovery of Colorado squawfish. Pages 98-108 in W.H. Miller, editor. Fishes of the Upper Colorado River System: present and future. American Fisheries Society |
1982 | Wilson |
Wilson, D. E. 1982. Wolverine Gulo gulo. Pages 644-652 in J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhamer, editors. Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and economics. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore. 1147 pp. |
1982 | Honacki et al. |
Honacki, J. H., et al., eds. 1982. Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographical Reference. Allen Press, Inc. and The Association of Systematics Collections, Lawrence, Kansas. 694 pp. |
1982 | Knight, P |
Knight, P. 1982. Investigation into the flora of several BLM wilderness study areas in the Albuquerque district. |
1982 | Dwyer and Storm |
Dwyer, T. J., and G. L. Storm, technical coordinators. 1982. Woodcock ecology and management. USFWS, Wildl Res. Rep. 14:1-191. |
1982 | Burch J. B |
Burch J. B. 1982. North American freshwater snails: Identification keys, Generic Synonymy, Supplemental Notes, Glossary, References, and Index. . 217-365 p. |
1982 | Knight, P. |
Knight, P. (1982) Unpublished report on Coryphantha sneedii var. sneedii, Guadalupe RD, Lincoln NF, USFS. 1 p. |
1982 | Hamel et al. |
Hamel, P. B., H. E. LeGrand Jr., M. R. Lennartz, and S. A. Gauthreaux, Jr. 1982. Bird-habitat relationships on southeastern forest lands. U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report SE-22. |
1982 | Buech |
Buech, R. R. 1982. Nesting ecology and cowbird parasitism of Clay-colored, Chipping and Field Sparrows in a Christmas tree plantation. Journal of Field Ornithology 53:363-369. |
1982 | Kunz and Martin |
Kunz, T.H. and R.A. Martin. 1982. Plecotus townsendii. American Society Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 175. 6 pp. |
1982 | Warner |
Warner, R. M. 1982. Myotis auriculus. Mammalian Species 191:1-3. |
1982 | Best and Petersen |
Best, L.B., and K.L. Petersen. 1982. Effects of state of the breeding cycle on sage sparrow detectability. Auk 99:788-791. |
1982 | Marlow and Tollestrup |
Marlow, R. W. and K. Tollestrup. 1982. Mining and exploitation of natural mineral deposits by the desert tortoise. GOPHERUS AGASSIZII. Animal Behavior. 30(2):475-8. |
1982 | Ducey |
Ducey, J. 1982. The 1982 least tern and piping plover breeding season on the lower Platte River, Nebraska. Nebraska Bird Rev. 50:68-72. |
1982 | Clevenger, A.P. |
Clevenger, A.P. (1982) The Breeding Biology of a Pair of Peregrine Falcons in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. Retrieved from Regional Office. 60 p. |
1982 | Dodd |
Dodd, C. K., Jr. 1982. A controversy surrounding an endangered species listing: the case of the Illinois mud turtle. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service, No. 55. 22 pp. |
1982 | Kroodsma |
Kroodsma, R. L. 1982. Edge effect on breeding forest birds along a power-line corridor. Journal of Applied Ecology 19:361-70. |
1982 | Strickland et al. |
Strickland, M. A., et al. 1982. Marten (Martes americana).Pages 599-612 in Chapman, J. A., and G. A. Feldhamer, eds. Wild mammals of North America. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore. |
1982 | Honeycut and Williams |
Honeycut, R. L., and S. L. Williams. 1982. Genic differentiation in pocket gophers of the genus PAPPOGEOMYS, with comments on intergeneric relationships in the subfamily Geomyidae. J. Mamm. 63:208-217. |
1982 | Smith |
Smith, D. R. 1982. The bighorn sheep of Idaho: its status, life history and management. Idaho Dept. Fish Game, Wildl. Bull. 1. 154 pp. |
1982 | Williams |
Williams, E. S. 1982a. Canine distemper. Pp. 10-3 in E. T. Thorne, N. Kingston, W. R. Jolley, and R. C. Bergstrom (eds.). Diseases of Wildlife in Wyoming (second edition). Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyanne, WY. |
1982 | Houston |
Houston, D. 1982. The North Yellowstone elk: ecology and management. McMillan. 474 pp. |
1982 | McIntosh, L. 1982. Unpublished letter to Reggie Fletcher 28 Jan. 1982. Reporting records of Astragalus accumbens. From USDA - Forest Service sensitive species files. 2 pp. |
U82MCI01NMUS | |
1982 | Gentry |
Gentry, H.S. 1982. Agaves of continental North America. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. |
1982 | Bury |
Bury, R. Bruce. 1982. North American tortoises: Conservation and ecology. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Report 12. Washington, D.C. 126 pp. |
1982 | New Mexico Department of Game and Fish |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 1982. The status of NOTROPIS SIMUS PECOSENSIS in the Pecos River of New Mexico. Office of Endangered Species, Albuquerque. |
1982 | Harris |
Harris, R. D. 1982. The nesting ecology of the pileated woodpecker in California. University of California, Berkeley, California. M.S. thesis. |
1982 | Cairns |
Cairns, W.E. 1982. Biology and Behavior of Piping Plovers. Wilson Bull. 94(4):531-545. |
1982 | Lawson and Johnson |
Lawson, B., and R. Johnson. 1982. Mountain sheep. Pages 1036-1055 in Chapman, J. A., and G. A. Feldhamer, eds. Wild mammals of North America. Biology, management, and economics. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore. |
1982 | Young and Jones |
Young, C.J. and J.K. Jones, Jr. 1982. Spermophilus mexicanus. Mammalian Species 164:1-4. |
1982 | Bohlin and Zimmerman |
Bohlin, R. G., and E. G. Zimmerman. 1982. Genic differentiation of two chromosome races of the GEOMYS BURSARIUS complex. J. Mamm. 63:218-228. |
1982 | Monagan |
Monagan, D. 1982. Horse of a different culture: when horses return to the wild, does their ancient nature reappear? Science 82 3(4):46-53. |
1982 | Dwyer et al. |
Dwyer, T. J., E. L. Derleth and D. G. McAuley. 1982a. Woodcock brood ecology in Maine. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Research Reports 14: 63-70. |
1982 | Knight, P.J |
Knight, P.J. 1982. Rare, threatened and endangered plant species in select portions of the Lincoln National Forest, Guadalupe Mountains District - Guadalupe Ridge. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 4 p. |
1982 | Kunz |
Kunz, T.H. 1982. Lasionycteris noctivagans. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 172. 6 pp. |
1982 | Tate and Tate |
Tate, J., and D. J. Tate. 1982. The blue list for 1982. Am. Birds 36:126-135. |
1982 | Houseal et al. |
Houseal, T. W., J. W. Bickham, and M. D. Springer. 1982. Geographic variation in the yellow mud turtle, Kinosternon flavescens. Copeia 1982:567-580. |
1981 | Isely |
Isely, D. 1981. Leguminosae of the United States. III. Subfamily Papilionoidae: Tribes Sophoreae, Podalyrieae, Loteae. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 25(3): 1-264. |
1981 | Knight |
Knight, P.J. 1981. Status report - Astragalus humillimus. New Mexico State Heritage Program. |
1981 | Craig |
Craig, R. J. 1981. Comparative ecology of the Louisiana and Northern Waterthrushes. Phd. Diss., Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs. |
1981 | Dunham |
Dunham, A. E. 1981. Populations in a fluctuating environment: the comparative population ecology of the iguanid lizards Sceloporus merriami and Urosaurus ornatus. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Miscellaneous Publications (158): 1-62. |
1981 | Pearce and Garrity |
Pearce, P. A. and N. R. Garrity. 1981. Impact of aminocarb (Matacil) spraying on forest songbirds in northern New Brunswick. Canadian Wildlife Service, Progress Notes 121. |
1981 | Forbes |
Forbes, G. S. 1981. Description and taxonomic implications of an unusual Arizona population of APODEMIA MORMO (Riodinidae). Jounal of the REsearch on the Lepidoptera 18:201-207. |
1981 | Reynolds |
Reynolds, T.D. 1981. Nesting of the Sage Thrasher, Sage Sparrow, and Brewer's Sparrow in southeastern Idaho. Condor 83:61-64. |
1981 | Kopppinger, D.G. |
Koppinger, D.G. 1981. Occurence map of Psoralea pentophylla. Arizona Natural Heritage Program. USFS. |
1981 | Fitch et al. |
Fitch, J.H., K.A. Shump, Jr., and A.U. Shump. 1981. Myotis velifer. Mammalian species 149:1-5. |
1981 | O'Meara et al. |
O'Meara, T., J. Haufler, L. Stelter, and J. Nagy. 1981. Nongame wildlife responses to chaining of Pinyon-Juniper woodlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 45(2):381-389. |
1981 | Facey and Labar |
Facey, D.E. and G. Labar. 1981. Biology of American eels in Lake Champlain, Vermont. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110(3): 396-402. |
1981 | King |
King, B. 1981. The field identification of North American pipits. American Birds 35:778-88. |
1981 | Williams and Wilde |
Williams, J. E., and G. R. Wilde. 1981. Taxonomic status and morphology of isolated populations of the White River springfish, Crenichthys baileyi (Cyprinodontidae). Southwestern Naturalist 25(4):485-503. |