Displaying 12421 - 12480 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1983 | Long and Killingley |
Long, C. A., and C. A. Killingley. 1983. The badgers of the world. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois. xxiv + 404 pp. |
1983 | Greeley and MacGregor |
Greeley, M. S., Jr., and R. MacGregor, III. 1983. Annual and semilunar reproductive cycles of the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, on the Alabama Gulf Coast. Copeia 1983: 711-718. |
1983 | Stromberg et al. |
Stromberg, M. R., R. L. Rayburn, and T. W. Clark. 1983. Black-footed ferret prey requirements: an energy balance estimate. J. Wildlife Management 47:67-73. |
1983 | Sivinski, R. |
S83SIVSBNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located. |
1983 | Finck |
Finck, E.J. 1983. Male behavior, territory quality and female choice in the Dickcissel (SPIZA AMERICANA). Ph.D. dissertation. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. 79 pp. |
1982 | Harris |
Harris, R. D. 1982. The nesting ecology of the pileated woodpecker in California. University of California, Berkeley, California. M.S. thesis. |
1982 | Cairns |
Cairns, W.E. 1982. Biology and Behavior of Piping Plovers. Wilson Bull. 94(4):531-545. |
1982 | Lawson and Johnson |
Lawson, B., and R. Johnson. 1982. Mountain sheep. Pages 1036-1055 in Chapman, J. A., and G. A. Feldhamer, eds. Wild mammals of North America. Biology, management, and economics. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore. |
1982 | Young and Jones |
Young, C.J. and J.K. Jones, Jr. 1982. Spermophilus mexicanus. Mammalian Species 164:1-4. |
1982 | Bohlin and Zimmerman |
Bohlin, R. G., and E. G. Zimmerman. 1982. Genic differentiation of two chromosome races of the GEOMYS BURSARIUS complex. J. Mamm. 63:218-228. |
1982 | Monagan |
Monagan, D. 1982. Horse of a different culture: when horses return to the wild, does their ancient nature reappear? Science 82 3(4):46-53. |
1982 | Dwyer et al. |
Dwyer, T. J., E. L. Derleth and D. G. McAuley. 1982a. Woodcock brood ecology in Maine. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Research Reports 14: 63-70. |
1982 | Kunz |
Kunz, T.H. 1982. Lasionycteris noctivagans. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 172. 6 pp. |
1982 | Tate and Tate |
Tate, J., and D. J. Tate. 1982. The blue list for 1982. Am. Birds 36:126-135. |
1982 | Houseal et al. |
Houseal, T. W., J. W. Bickham, and M. D. Springer. 1982. Geographic variation in the yellow mud turtle, Kinosternon flavescens. Copeia 1982:567-580. |
1982 | Frederickson and Taylor |
Frederickson, L. H., and T. S. Taylor. 1982. Management of seasonally flooded impoundments for wildlife. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Resource Publ. 148. 29 pp. |
1982 | Smith |
Smith, D. R. 1982. The bighorn sheep of Idaho: its status, life history and management. Idaho Dept. Fish Game, Wildl. Bull. 1. 154 pp. |
1982 | Williams |
Williams, E. S. 1982a. Canine distemper. Pp. 10-3 in E. T. Thorne, N. Kingston, W. R. Jolley, and R. C. Bergstrom (eds.). Diseases of Wildlife in Wyoming (second edition). Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyanne, WY. |
1982 | Houston |
Houston, D. 1982. The North Yellowstone elk: ecology and management. McMillan. 474 pp. |
1982 | McIntosh, L. 1982. Unpublished letter to Reggie Fletcher 28 Jan. 1982. Reporting records of Astragalus accumbens. From USDA - Forest Service sensitive species files. 2 pp. |
U82MCI01NMUS | |
1982 | Gentry |
Gentry, H.S. 1982. Agaves of continental North America. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. |
1982 | Wahl, R. 1982. Site (preserve) summary, Jornada Bat Cave. 17 August 1982. |
U82WAH01NMUS | |
1982 | New Mexico Department of Game and Fish |
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 1982. The status of NOTROPIS SIMUS PECOSENSIS in the Pecos River of New Mexico. Office of Endangered Species, Albuquerque. |
1982 | Lynch and Whigham |
Lynch, J. F., and D. L. Whigham. 1982. Configuration of forest patches necessary to maintain bird and plant communities. Maryland Power Plant Siting Program Research Paper, Annapolis, Maryland. PPRP-59. |
1982 | Castrale |
Castrale, J.S. 1982. Effects of two sagebrush control methods on nongame birds. Journal of Wildlife Management 46:945-952. |
1982 | Luckenbach |
Luckenbach, R. A. 1982. Ecology and management of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in California. Pages 1-37 in Bury. R. B. (editor). 1982. North American Tortoise Conservation and Ecology. Wildlife Res. Rep. 12. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wa |
1982 | Brown, D.E.,D.E. Brown |
Brown, D.E. and D.E. Brown. 1982. Chihuahuan desertscrub. Desert Plants. 4(1-4):169-179. |
1982 | Nadler et al. |
Nadler, C. F., et al. 1982. Evolution in ground squirrels.II. Biochemical comparisons in Holarctic populations of SPERMOPHILUS. Z. Sauget. 47:198-215. |
1982 | Otis and Weber |
Otis, K. J. and J. J. Weber. 1982. Movement of carp in the Lake Winnebago system determined by radio telemetry. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Technical Bulletin, No. 134. 16 pp. |
1982 | Ferris et al. |
Ferris, S. D., D. G. Buth, and G. S. Whitt. 1982. Substantial genetic differentiation among populations of Catostomus plebeius. Copeia 1982:444-449. |
1982 | Lindzey |
Lindzey, F. G. 1982. Badger, Taxidea taxus. Pp. 653-663 in Wild mammals of North America - biology, management, and economics. (J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhammer, editors). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. |
1982 | Valdez and Clemmer |
Valdez, R. A., and G. H. Clemmer. 1982. Life history and prospects for recovery of the humpback and bonytail chub. Pages 109-119 in Miller, W. H., ed. Fishes of the Upper Colorado River System: present and future. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Mar |
1982 | Hulse |
Hulse, A. C. 1982. Reproduction and population structure in the turtle, Kinosternon sonoriense. Southwest. Nat. 27:447-456. |
1982 | Clutton-Brock et al. |
Clutton-Brock, T. H., F. E. Guinness, and S. D. Albon. 1982. Red deer. Behavior and ecology of two sexes. University of Chicago Press, xxii + 378 pp. |
1982 | Goodyear et al. |
Goodyear, C. D., T. A. Edsall, D. M. Ormsby Dempsey, G. D. Moss, and P. E. Polanski. 1982. Atlas of the spawning and nursery areas of Great Lakes fishes. Vol. XIII. Reproductive characteristics of Great Lakes fishes. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OB |
1982 | Short |
Short, L. L. 1982. Woodpeckers of the World. Museum of Natural History [Greenville, Delaware], Monograph Series xviii + 676 pp. |
1982 | Miller et al. |
Miller, D.J., A.M. Powell, and G.J. Seiler. 1982. Status report [on Helianthus paradoxus]. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
1982 | Hammerson |
Hammerson, G. A. 1982b. Amphibians and reptiles in Colorado. Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver. vii + 131 pp. |
1982 | McNall, W.J. |
McNall, W.J. (1982) Rio Grande Cutthroat Status and 1983 Programs Retrieved from Regional Office, USFS. 22 p. |
1982 | Norris |
Norris, D. J. 1982. Habitat ecology of the Painted Bunting on the Ozark Plateau. M.S. thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia. |
1982 | Mossman and Lange |
Mossman, M.J., and K.I. Lange. 1982. Breeding birds of the Baraboo Hills, Wisconsin: Their history, distribution and ecology. Department of Natural Resources and Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, Madison, WI. |
1982 | Chernoff and Miller |
Chernoff, B., and R. R. Miller. 1982. Notropis bocagrande, a new cyprinid fisd from Chihuahua, Mexico, with comments on Notropis formosus. Copeia 1982:514-522. |
1982 | Maugh |
Maugh, T. H. 1982. Leprosy vaccine trials to begin soon. Science 215:1083-1086. |
1982 | Clark et al. |
Clark, T. W., T. M. Campbell III, D. G. Socha and D. E. Casey. 1982. Prairie dog colony attributes and associated vertebrate species. Great Basin Naturalist 1982:? |
1982 | Nagano |
Nagano, C.D. 1982. Population status of the tiger beetles of the genus Cicindela (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) inhabiting the marine shoreline of Southern California. Atala 8(2):32-42. |
1982 | Peterson |
Peterson, S.J. 1982. Threatened and endangered plants of Colorado. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. 35 pp. |
1982 | Frakes and Johnson |
Frakes, R. A. and R. E. Johnson. 1982. Niche convergence in Empidonax flycatchers. Condor (84):286-291. |
1982 | Lindsay |
Lindsay, S. L. 1982. Systematic relationship of parapatric tree squirrel species (Tamiasciurus) in the Pacific Northwest. Can. J. Zool. 60:2149-2156. |
1982 | Vassallo and Rice |
Vassallo, M. I., and J. C. Rice. 1982. Ecological release and ecological flexibility in habitat use and foraging of an insular avifauna. Wilson Bulletin 94:139-1-55. |
1982 | Janik and Moser |
Janik, C. A., and J. A. Moser. 1982. Breeding biology of raptors in the central Appalachians. Raptor Res. 16:18-24. |
1982 | Collins |
Collins, J. T. 1982. Amphibians and reptiles in Kansas. Second edition. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist., Pub. Ed. Ser. 8. xiii + 356 pp. |
1982 | Griffin et al. |
Griffin, C. R., T. S. Baskett, and R. D. Sparrowe. 1982. Ecology of bald eagles wintering near a waterfowl concentration. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Science Report - Wildlife No. 247:1-12. |
1982 | Smith |
Smith, J. J. 1982. Fishes of the Pajaro River system. University of California Publications in Zoology 115:83-170. |
1982 | Fletcher, R. |
Fletcher R. 1982. Proposed Bluewater Old Growth Ponderosa Pine RNA. US Forest Service, 6 p. |
1982 | Scott, N.J.(ed.) 1982. Herpetological Communities: A symposium of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and the Herpetologists League, August 1977. Found at USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. |
U82SCO01NMUS | |
1982 | Phillips et al. |
Phillips, G. L., W. D. Schmid and J. C. Underhill. 1982. Fishes of the Minnesota Region. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN. 248 pp. |
1982 | Phillips, A |
Phillips, A. Phillips, B. Brian, N. 1982. Status Report on Phlox cluteana A. Nels. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona. USFS |
1982 | Norris and Elder |
Norris, D. J., and W. H. Elder. 1982. Distribution and habitat characteristics of the Painted Bunting in Missouri. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science 16:77-83. |
1982 | Dixon |
Dixon, K. R. 1982. Mountain lion. Pages 711-727 in Chapman, J. A., and G. A. Feldhammer, editors. Wild mammalsof North America. Biology, management, and economics. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore. |
1982 | McCallum, D.A. 1982. A new breeding population of savannah sparrows with a first nest for New Mexico. NMOS bulletin 10(1):6-8. |