Displaying 12241 - 12300 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1983 | Mikkola |
Mikkola, H. 1983. Owls of Europe. Buteo Books, Vermillion, South Dakota. 400 pp. |
1983 | Hafner and Geluso |
Hafner, D. J., and K. N. Geluso. 1983. Systematic relationships and historical zoogeography of the desert pocket gopher, GEOMYS ARENARIUS. J. Mamm. 64:405-413. |
1983 | Miller |
Miller, E. H. 1983. Habitat and breeding cycle of the least sandpiper (CALIDRIS MINUTILLA) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Can. J. Zool. 61:2880-2898. |
1983 | Tankersley and Gasaway |
Tankersley, N. G., and W. C. Gasaway. 1983. Mineral lick use by moose in Alaska. Can. J. Zool. 61:2242-2249. |
1983 | LeFranc and Clark |
LeFranc, M. N., Jr., and W. S. Clark. 1983. Working bibliography of the golden eagle and the genus AQUILA. National Wildife Federation Scientific & Technical Series No. 7, Washington, D.C. xxx + 222 + 12 appendix pp. |
1983 | Litwin |
Litwin, S. 1983. Long Island least tern and piping plover survey. Seatuck Research Program, Cornell Univ. and New York Dept. Environ. Conservation. 35 pp. |
1983 | Fischer |
Fischer, D. H. 1983. Growth, development, and food habits of nestling mimids in south Texas. Wilson Bulletin 95:97-105. |
1983 | Klimkiewicz et al. |
Klimkiewicz, M. K., R. B. Clapp, and A. G. Futcher. 1983. Longevity records of North American birds. Journal of Field Ornithology 54:287-294. |
1983 | Reid and Patrick |
Reid, W. H., and G. R. Patrick. 1983. Gemsbock (ORYX GAZELLA) in White Sands National Monument. Southwestern Naturalist 28:97-99. |
1983 | Woodward |
Woodward, P. W. 1983. Behavioral ecology of fledgling brown-headed cowbirds and their hosts. Condor 85:151-163. |
1983 | Armstrong and Euler |
Armstrong, E., and D. Euler. 1983. Habitat usage of two woodland BUTEO species in central Ontario. Can. Field-Nat. 97:200-207. |
1983 | Ehrlich |
Ehrlich, P. R. 1983. Summer Butterflies in Dinosaur National Monument. Journal of the Lepidoperists' Society 37:91-92. |
1983 | Mindell |
Mindell, D. P. 1983. Harlan's hawk (BUTEO JAMAICENSIS HARLANI): a valid subspecies. Auk 100:161-169. |
1983 | Zappalorti et al. |
Zappalorti, R. T., E. W. Johnson, and Z. Leszczynski. 1983. The ecology of the northern pine snake, Pituophis melanoleucus (Daudin) (Reptilia, Serpentes, Colubridae) in southern New Jersey, with special notes on habitat and nesting behavior. Bulletin of t |
1983 | Salata |
Salata, L.R. 1983. Status of the Least Bell's Vireo on Camp Pendleton, California: research done in 1983. Final Rep., U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Service, Laguna Niguel. |
1983 | Clark et al. |
Clark, K., D. Euler, and E. Armstrong. 1983. Habitat associations of breeding birds in cottage and natural areas in central Ontario. Wilson Bulletin 95:77-96. |
1983 | Gill and Mewaldt |
Gill, R. E., Jr., and L. R. Mewaldt. 1983. Pacific coast Caspian terns: dynamics of an expanding population. Auk 100:369-381. |
1983 | Meffe et al. |
Meffe, G. K., D. A. Hendrickson, W. L. Minckley and J. N. Rinne. 1983. Factors resulting in decline of the endangered Sonoran topminnow (Atheriniformes: Poeciliidae) in the United States. Biological Conservation 25:135-59. |
1983 | Wallace and Temple |
Wallace, M. P., and S. A. Temple. 1983. An evaluation of techniques for releasing hand-reared vultures to the wild. Pp. 400-423 in Wilbur, S. R., and J. A. Jackson, eds. Vulture biology and management. Univ. California Press. |
1983 | DeGraaf and Rudis |
DeGraaf, R. M., and D. D. Rudis. 1983a. Amphibians and reptiles of New England. Habitats and natural history. Univ. Massachusetts Press. vii + 83 pp. |
1983 | Pfanmuller |
Pfanmuller, L. A. 1983. Non Game Wildlife Research Supervisor. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota |
1983 | Miller |
Miller, J. E. 1983. Beavers. Prevention and control of wildlife damage. Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Agricultural and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. |
1983 | Hall |
Hall, G.A. 1983. West Virginia birds. Carnegie Museum of Natural History Special Publlication 7: 180 pp. |
1983 | Apple |
Apple, L. L. 1983. The use of beavers in riparian/aquatic habitat restoration in a cold desert, gully-cut stream system: a case history. Proceeding of the 18th Annual Meeting Amercian Fisheries Society, Laramie, Wyoming, pages 29-35. |
1983 | Burr and Cashner |
Burr, B. M., and R. C. Cashner. 1983. Campostoma pauciradii, a new cyprinid fish from southeastern United States, with a review of related forms. Copeia 1983:101-116. |
1983 | Fitch |
Fitch, H. S. 1983. Thamnophis elegans. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 320.1-320.4. |
1983 | New Mexico Natural Heritage Plant Protection Advisory Committee |
New Mexico Natural Heritage Plant Protection Advisory Committee. 1983. A handbook of rare and endmic plants of New Mexico. Univ. of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. |
1983 | Halvorsen and Anderson |
Halvorsen, H. H., and R. K. Anderson. 1983. Evaluation of grassland management for wildlife in central Wisconsin. Pages 267-279 in C. L. Kucera, editor. Proceedings of the Seventh North American Prairie Conference. Southwest Missouri State University, Spr |
1983 | Murray |
Murray, B.G., Jr. 1983. Notes on the breeding biology of Wilson's Phalarope. Wilson Bulletin 95:472-475. |
1983 | Tanner |
Tanner, W.W. 1983. Lampropeltis pyromelana. Cat. Am. Amph. Rep. 342.1-342.2. |
1983 | Melquist and Hornocker |
Melquist, W. E., and M. G. Hornocker. 1983. Ecology of river otters in west central Idaho. Wildlife Monographs No. 83. 60 pp. |
1983 | Overbay, J. |
Overbay, James. C. 1983. Proposal for Cirsium vinaceum as threatened species. United States Forest Service (USFS) Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM. p. 2. |
1983 | Fraser et al. |
Fraser, J. D., et al. 1983. Scheduling bald eagle reproductive surveys. Wildlife Society Bull. 11:13-16. |
1983 | Krapu et al. |
Krapu, G. L., A. L. Klett, and D. G. Jorde. 1983. The effect of variable spring water conditions on mallard reproduction. Auk 100:689-698. |
1983 | Sabo and Holmes |
Sabo, S. R. and R. T. Holmes. 1983. Foraging niches and the structure of forest bird communities in contrasting montane habitats. Condor 85:121-138. |
1983 | Baptista et al. |
Baptista, L. F., W. I. Boardman, and P. Kandianidis. 1983. Behavior and taxonomic status of Grayson's dove. Auk 100: 907-919. |
1983 | Etheridge et al. |
Etheridge, K., L. C. Wit, and J. C. Sellers. 1983. Hibernation in the lizard Cnemidophorus sexlineatus (Lacertilia: Teiidae). Copeia 1983:206-214. |
1983 | Nelson |
Nelson, J. S. 1983. The tropical fish fauna in Cave and Basin Hotsprings drainage, Banff National Park, Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 97:255-261. |
1983 | Connors |
Connors, P. G. 1983. Taxonomy, distribution, and evolution of golden plovers (PLUVIALIS DOMINICA and PLUVIALIS FULVA). Auk 100:607-620. |
1983 | Miller and Nero |
Miller, R. S. and R. W. Nero. 1983. Hummingbird-sapsucker associations in northern climates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61:1540-1546. |
1983 | Wasserman |
Wasserman, F. E. 1983. Territories of Rufous-sided Towhees contain more than minimal food resources. Wilson Bulletin 95:664-667. |
1983 | Fitzpatrick |
Fitzpatrick, J.F., Jr. 1983. How to Know the Freshwater Crustacea. Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers. Dubuque, Iowa. 277 pp. |
1983 | Nielsen and Johnson |
Nielsen, L. A. and D. L. Johnson (eds.). 1983. Fisheries Techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 468 pp. |
1983 | Johnsgard |
Johnsgard, P. A. 1983a. Cranes of the world. Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington. xiii + 258 pp. |
1983 | Appleton |
Appleton, A. 1983. Further observations of Bolson tortoises (GOPHERUS FLAVOMARGINATUS) at the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch. Pp. 108-14 in Hashagen, K. A. (ed.). Proceedings of the 1983 Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council; 1983 March 26-28; Desert |
1983 | Caccamise et al. |
Caccamise, D. F., L. A. Lyon, and J. Fischl. 1983. Seasonal patterns in roosting flocks of starlings and common grackles. Condor 85:474-481. |
1983 | Gaddis |
Gaddis, P. K. 1983. Composition and behavior of mixed-species flocks of forest birds in north-central Florida. Florida Field Nat. 11:25-44. |
1983 | Nussbaum et al. |
Nussbaum, R.A., E.D. Brodie, Jr., and R.M. Storm. 1983. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Pacific Northwest. University Press of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. 332 pp. |
1983 | Hart |
Hart, D. R. 1983. Dietary and habitat shift with size of red-eared turtles (Pseudemys scripta) in a southern Louisiana population. Herpetologica 39:285-290. |
1983 | Nichols et al. |
Nichols, J. D., K. J. Reinecke, and J. E. Hines. 1983. Factors affecting the distribution of mallards wintering in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Auk 100:932-946. |
1983 | Turner |
Turner, B.L. 1983. New taxa of Tradescantia from northcentral Mexico. Phytologia 52(6): 369-372. |
1983 | National Geographic Society (NGS) |
National Geographic Society (NGS). 1983. Field guide to the birds of North America. National Geographic Society, Washington, DC. |
1983 | Olson, H. |
Olson, H. 1983. Letter to Mr. Jim Perry, Forest Supervisor including Assessment of 1982 Collections. Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. |
1983 | Penak |
Penak, B.L. 1983. Status report on the Cooper's Hawk ACCIPITER COOPERII. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 69 pp. |
1983 | Bick |
Bick, G.H. 1983. Odonata at risk in conterminous United States and Canada. Odonatologica 12(3):209-226. |
1983 | Frost |
Frost, D. 1983. Past occurrence of ACRIS CREPITANS (Hylidae) in Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 28:105. |
1983 | Krekorian |
Krekorian, C. O'Neil. 1983. Population density of the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Reptilia: Iguanidae), in southern California. Copeia 1983:268-271. |
1983 | Safina and Burger |
Safina, C., and J. Burger. 1983. Effects of human disturbance on reproductive success in the black skimmer. Condor 85:164-171. |
1983 | Barber and Minckley |
Barber, W.E., and W.L. Minckley. 1983. Feeding ecology of a southwestern cyprinid fish, the spikedace, Meda fulgida Girard. Southwestern Naturalist 28:33-40. |
1983 | Faanes |
Faanes, C. A. 1983. Aspects of the nesting ecology of least terns and piping plovers in central Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 15:145-154. |